
Sunday, October 4, 2015

FASD News - 39/2015

Alaska Dispatch News (USA) - Proposal may ease access to education services for FASD
A proposed change to statewide regulations may ease the path toward special education services for Alaska students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders by expanding the range of professionals who can diagnose the condition, according to medical and special education professionals. (USA) - One in 10 Pregnant Women Admit They Drink Sometimes
One in 10 pregnant women in the U.S. admit to drinking alcohol at least every now and then, and a third of the drinkers admit to binge drinking, federal researchers said Thursday.
The Australian (Australia) - Test kids before courts for fetal alcohol syndrome: magistrate
A Perth Children’s Court magistrate says every child charged with a criminal offence should be promptly screened for fetal alco­hol spectrum disorder.
Ottawa Citizen (Canada) - Public largely ignorant of damage alcohol can cause unborn babies, says report
The public needs educating about the effects of alcohol on unborn children in an effort to stem the growing number of babies born with brain damage, says a new, groundbreaking provincial report.
Press Examiner (USA) - Pregnant Women Are Frequent Binge Drinkers
According to the findings of a new study, pregnant women are binge drinking more than those who are not in their pregnancies. This has medical professionals worried, as binge drinking could have harmful effects on pregnancy. It can even cause birth defects.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Test babies to check if pregnant mums had been drinking: doctor
The extent to which babies are being harmed because their mothers are drinking alcohol during pregnancy needs to be publicly acknowledged, a specialist warned yesterday.

AlcoholFreePregnancy - Nicholas Speaks About Living with FASD
AGLCdotCA - FASD - Kelly and Patricia Morgan
In this one-minute video, Kelly Morgan, an adult living with FASD and her adoptive mother, Patricia Morgan, discuss some of the challenges of living with FASD.
AlcoholFreePregnancy - Dr. William Kennedy Smith - NOFAS Excellence Award
This video is from the 2015 NOFAS International Gala at the Embassy of France in Washington, DC.
POPFASD - Research: Assessment of a Professional Development Program
Would increasing teachers' understanding of FASD and then providing ongoing mentor support throughout a school year improve outcomes for students with FASD?
POPFASD - Dan Dubovsky - Rewards and Consequences
Dan Dubovsky speaks about why rewards and consequences may not work well for our students living with FASD.
POPFASD - School Experiences
Youth with FASD and a parent speak about their school experiences and what worked well.
Their stories clearly support the importance of understanding the learner and providing appropriate accommodations.
maraetv - Child Youth and Family Caregivers
The New Zealand Government wants more voluntary caregivers to help them look after children in state care. But is the Government doing enough to help caregivers now?

NCBI - Prevalence and characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome and partial fetal alcohol syndrome in a Rocky Mountain Region City
This active case ascertainment study in a Rocky Mountain Region City assessed the prevalence and traits of children with FAS and PFAS and linked them to maternal risk factors. Diagnoses made by expert clinical dysmorphologists in multidisciplinary case conferences utilized all components of the study: dysmorphology and physical growth, neurobehavior, and maternal risk interviews.
Current Developmental Disorders Reports - Improving recognition of children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure: detection of exposure in pediatric care
Early identification of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) is important for providing services and preventing secondary disabilities. Recent studies indicate that many FASDs are undiagnosed, partly because there is a need to improve detection of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
Current Developmental Disorders Reports - Neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE): review of evidence and guidelines for assessment
The effects of prenatal alcohol use have been well documented. In this review, we discuss the inclusion of Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAE) as a condition for further study in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (DSM-5).
Current Developmental Disorders Reports - Advancing recognition of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: the proposed DSM-5 diagnosis of 'Neurobehavioral Disorder associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAE)'
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are a surprisingly common, yet under-identified set of lifelong neurodevelopmental disabilities with substantial economic and social costs—and high rates of debilitating secondary conditions.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine - Fetal exposure to ethanol: relationship between ethyl glucuronide in maternal hair during pregnancy and ethyl glucuronide in neonatal meconium
In recent years, fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) and ethyl glucuronide (EtG) in meconium emerged as reliable, direct biological markers for establishing gestational ethanol exposure. We investigated whether EtG in maternal hair measured during the three trimesters of pregnancy correlated with EtG and FAEEs in neonatal meconium.
Journal of Neuroinflammation - Exposure of neonatal rats to alcohol has differential effects on neuroinflammation and neuronal survival in the cerebellum and hippocampus
Fetal alcohol exposure is a leading cause of preventable birth defects, yet drinking during pregnancy remains prevalent worldwide. Studies suggest that activation of the neuroimmune system plays a role in the effects of alcohol exposure during the rodent equivalent to the third trimester of human pregnancy (i.e., first week of neonatal life), particularly by contributing to neuronal loss.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: clinical phenotype among a high-risk group of children and adolescents in Korea
Little is known about the prevalence and phenotype of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) or spectrum disorders (FASD) in Korea. This study was performed to describe the distribution of alcohol-related physical features in a genetically homogeneous sample of children and adolescents in institutional settings in Korea.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Overexpression of serum response factor in neurons restores ocular dominance plasticity in a model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Deficits in neuronal plasticity underlie many neurobehavioral and cognitive problems presented in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Our laboratory has developed a ferret model showing that early alcohol exposure leads to a persistent disruption in ocular dominance plasticity (ODP).
Current Developmental Disorders Reports - Educational needs and care of children with FASD
The effects from prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can cause a range of neurobehavioral deficits that impact learning and functioning in school. As a result, children affected by PAE have diverse learning needs and may experience problems in school.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Maternal iron deficiency worsens the associative learning deficits and hippocampal and cerebellar losses in a rat model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Gestational alcohol exposure causes lifelong physical and neurocognitive deficits collectively referred to as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Micronutrient deficiencies are common in pregnancies of alcohol-abusing women.

Miejska Platforma internetowa Magiczny Kraków (Poland) - Ciąża bez alkoholu
Gmina Miejska Kraków, Województwo Małopolskie i Państwowa Agencja Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych będą współpracować w zakresie upowszechniania wiedzy o negatywnych konsekwencjach spożywania napojów alkoholowych przez kobiety w ciąży.
YLE (Finland) - Alkoholi vahingoittaa vuodessa jopa tuhansia sikiöitä – "Ainoa kehitysvammaisuutta aiheuttava syy, joka olisi täysin ehkäistävissä"
Suomessa syntyy vuosittain arviolta 600–3000 lasta, joille äidin raskaudenaikainen alkoholinkäyttö on aiheuttanut eriasteisia vaurioita. He voivat tarvita eriasteista tukea päivähoidosta työelämään saakka. Vaikeinta aikaa on kehitysvammaliiton FASD-koordinaattorin mukaan nuori aikuisuus, jolloin oireet viimeistään tulevat esiin.
DocCheck News (Germany) - Schwangerschaft: In anderen Umtrünken
Wenn Anziehen und Zähneputzen zum unüberwindlichen Hindernis werden: Bundesweit kommen pro Jahr 10.000 Kinder mit fetalen Alkoholspektrum-Störungen (FASD) auf die Welt. Bei mehr als 2.000 diagnostizieren Pädiater ein voll ausgeprägtes fetales Alkoholsyndrom (FAS).

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