
Sunday, September 6, 2015

FASD News - 35/2015

Voxy (New Zealand) - FASD Awareness Day on Wednesday
This Wednesday is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day, created to increase our recognition of the risks associated with drinking alcohol during pregnancy. There is no known type, or amount, of alcohol that is safe to drink at any time during pregnancy. Just one drink of alcohol during pregnancy places the baby at risk of FASD.
Medicine Hat News - Educate to prevent: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder month’s goal
Prevention and education is the goal of local events taking place for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder awareness month.
Health24 (South Africa) - Born drunk: Cape teen defies the evils of alcoholism
A mother opens up about how she watched her adoptive daughter shake violently and scream as she went through withdrawal after being born with foetal alcohol syndrome.
The Northern Echo (UK) - Warnings over condition linked to drinking while pregnant
MATERNITY staff at The James Cook University Hospital are holding a market place event to highlight the dangers of drinking during pregnancy.
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - Pregnant mums still drinking
About 20 per cent of women continue to drink alcohol after finding out they are pregnant - with some reporting having four or more drinks a week.
IOL News (South Africa) - Cape expanding use of baby simulators
Following a successful pilot project earlier this year, the City of Cape Town is expanding the use of baby simulators as part of its substance abuse prevention programme.
Coast Reporter - Four faces of FASD: an update
In 2012 four brave individuals living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) shared their stories with the Sunshine Coast by providing interviews to Coast TV so that a documentary could be produced.
The Sun (UK) - I drank 8 pints a day while I was pregnant
LINDA McFadden’s alcohol abuse left her daughter suffering from Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and now she's 14 years sober, she wants to rebuild her family.

CAPHC - Caregiving, FASD and Alcohol – Caring about FASD Prevention
Click here to register for the webinar on September 9th, 2015 from 11:00 Am to 12:30PM ET.

PreventionInstitute - What is the FASD Training Package for Post-Secondary Instructors?
This resource was created for post-secondary instructors and professors to use. The focus is on understanding and preventing FASD.
MyStudies - Parenting Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Strongest Families FASD - Research Helping Families
If you have a child (age 4-12) who has been diagnosed with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder you may be able to take part in a study for a parenting program designed to help you deal with your child's challenging behaviours. To find out more please continue. PLEASE NOTE: You must live in Canada to take part in this study.

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior - Third trimester-equivalent ethanol exposure increases anxiety-like behavior and glutamatergic transmission in the basolateral amygdala
Ethanol consumption during pregnancy produces a wide range of morphological and behavioral alterations known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Among the behavioral deficits associated with FASD is an increased probability of developing anxiety disorders.
HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition - Alcohol exposure in utero perturbs retinoid homeostasis in adult rats
Maternal alcohol exposure and adult alcohol intake have been shown to perturb the metabolism of various micro- and macro-nutrients, including vitamin A and its derivatives (retinoids).
International Journal of Epidemiology - Cohort profile: the EDEN mother-child cohort on the prenatal and early postnatal determinants of child health and development
Barker’s hypothesis suggests that health in adulthood can be influenced by events occurring during the developmental period.1 Studies from various parts of the world have shown associations between low birthweight with adult pathological conditions such as hypertension, insulin-resistance, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.
PLoS One - Impaired ILK function is associated with deficits in hippocampal based memory and synaptic plasticity in a FASD rat model
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of anatomical and behavioral problems in children who are exposed to alcohol during the prenatal period. There is no effective treatment for FASD, because of lack of complete characterization of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this condition.
MCN: the American Journal of Maternal-Child Nursing - Relational care for perinatal substance use: a systematic review
The purpose of this systematic review of the literature is to highlight published studies of perinatal substance use disorder that address relational aspects of various care delivery models to identify opportunities for future studies in this area.

(Germany) - Suchtgefährdete Erwachsene mit Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörungen
Fast jeder zweite Erwachsene mit einer Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD) entwickelt zusätzlich zur bestehenden Beeinträchtigung eine Suchtstörung.
(Sweden) - FAS (Fetalt alkoholsyndrom) kostar samhället 14,4 miljarder
Kvinnor som dricker alkohol under graviditeten riskerar att få barn med FAS (Fetalt alkoholsyndrom). Barn med FAS får ofta problem med skolan, och får senare i livet en nedsatt arbetsförmåga. De drabbas oftare än andra av psykiska sjukdomar, hamnar lätt i missbruk och har svårt att klara sig själva i det dagliga livet. I Sverige uppskattas att 0,2 procent av befolkningen har FAS och år 2014 kostade FAS samhället 14,4 miljarder.
(Netherlands) - Foetaal Alcohol Spectrum Stoornis - een overzicht van de huidige situatie
De ontwikkeling van het ongeboren kind kan ernstig in gevaar worden gebracht door alcoholgebruik tijdens de zwangerschap. Deze prenatale blootstelling aan alcohol kan leiden tot levenslange lichamelijke afwijkingen, gedragsstoornissen en cognitieve beperkingen. (Poland) - Nie pij za jego zdrowie
"Nie piję za jego zdrowie" - hasło reklamowe jednej z kampanii, promującej kilka lat temu abstynencję w czasie ciąży. Kampania dawno się skończyła, jednak jej przesłanie nadal jest aktualne. Niestety wiele matek nie zwróciło uwagi na wielkie bilbordy krzyczące na ulicach polskich miast.

1 comment:

Cranos said...

Awesome stuff i appreciate it.