
Sunday, September 20, 2015

FASD News - 37/2015

Sioux Falls Argus Leader - Fetal alcohol disorders shows no economic boundaries
The financial demand of taking care of children and adults with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is steep, but there is much more to the problem, an expert said.
Ottawa Citizen (Canada) - FASD: The often invisible brain injury suffered by kids whose mothers drank while pregnant
Before Isaiah Boylan emerged from his mother’s womb he was damaged for life. His mother drank a lot and didn’t think or know what the alcohol might do to the developing brain of the baby she was carrying.
Medical Xpress - Stigma against fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Stigma against fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), a leading cause of developmental delay in North America, can lead to prejudice and discrimination or impact self-esteem for individuals with FASD and their families. A recent study by IRCM neuroethics experts, published in the journal Public Health Ethics, suggests that public health practices or policies may inadvertently increase the stigma experienced by those affected by FASD.
Alberta Daily Herald Tribune (Canada) - Awareness Day sheds light on FASD
About 100 people came out to Muskoseepi Park Wednesday to help spread the message of awareness and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Lethbridge Herald - Women help guide FASD clients in judicial system
Hudson isn’t your average hound. While he’s fluffy, playful and slobbery, he also provides a valuable service for those affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) while going through the judicial system. (New Zealand) - Alcohol harms unborn babies, health experts warn
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is completely preventable - just don't consume alcohol while pregnant. That's the message health providers wanted to get across this month.
Mackay Daily Mercury (Australia) - Less booze, more healthy babies: AMA
CHANGING our drinking culture could improve the lives of thousands of babies, the Australian Medical Association says.
Derry Journal - Drink Think alcohol during pregnancy awareness day
Derry based alcohol awareness project Drink Think will be supporting the EUFASD Alliance again this year, in their ‘Too Young To Drink’ alcohol during pregnancy campaign, with an event taking place tomorrow in the city.
The Australian (Australia) - Foetal alcohol syndrome behind surge in disabled students
Babies left brain-damaged by their mothers’ heavy drinking during pregnancy are behind a growing number of ­disabled school students, a Senate inquiry has heard.

Alcohol-Free Pregnancy - NOFAS Webinar: When Someone with an FASD is Arrested: What You Need to Know
Though not everyone with an FASD gets in trouble with the law, research shows that these incidents occur far too frequently. This webinar will discuss research on how commonly troubles with the law occurs for people with FASD, and how many of the cognitive difficulties that occur in FASD can lead to problems when interacting with police, attorneys, and judges.
News24 - Mothers of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome babies are often forced to drink by abusive partners
FAScinujúce deti - FASD Awareness Day
9.9. is International FASD Awareness Day. Each year thousands of children are born with life-long disabilities because they were exposed to alcohol prenatally.

DIE WELT (Germany) - Wie Schwangere ihr Kind lebenslang schädigen
Mütter, die in der Schwangerschaft Alkohol trinken, können ihrem Kind schwerste körperliche und geistige Behinderungen zufügen. Der Fall einer jungen Frau zeigt, wie Betroffene darunter leiden.
Meteo Web (Italy) - Salute: la “FASD” la più grave disabilità del feto
“La sindrome feto-alcolica (FetalAlcohol Syndrome-FAS) e’ la piu’ grave disabilita’ permanente che si manifesta nel feto, durante la vita intrauterina, a causa dell’esposizione all’alcol consumato dalla madre durante la gravidanza”.
Ärzte Zeitung (germany) - Neurologe Spohr erhält Auszeichnung
Für seine Arbeit erhielt der 75-jährige Arzt aus Berlin das Verdienstkreuz am Bande. Anfang der 1970er Jahre stieß er als Kinderneurologe an der Kinderklinik im Westend auf das Thema Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, kurz FASD: "Ich hatte immer wieder damit zu tun, es ist zu meiner Passion geworden."
Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland) - W Krakowie rusza kampania na temat szkodliwości picia alkoholu w ciąży
Każdego roku w Polsce nie mniej niż 20 dzieci na 1 tys., które przychodzą na świat ma Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych - wynika z danych Państwowej Agencji Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych. W Krakowie rusza kampania społeczna na temat szkodliwości picia alkoholu w ciąży.
Verkko-Karjainen (Finland) - Suomessa syntyy jopa 3 000 alkoholinkäytön vaurioittamaa lasta vuodessa
9. syyskuuta vietetään jälleen kansainvälistä FASD-päivää, jolloin muistutetaan maailmanlaajuisesti alkoholin vaaroista raskausaikana.
Demokracija (Slovenia) - S kampanjo do nič alkohola med nosečnostjo
Letošnji mednarodni dan osveščanja o fetalnem alkoholnem sindromu (FAS) je namenjena predvsem mladim oziroma bodočim staršem o tveganjih zaradi pitja alkohola v nosečnosti. S kampanjo Za najboljši začetek - ne pijem za dva strokovnjaki opozarjajo, da je vsakršno pitje alkohola med nosečnostjo in dojenjem nevarno za otroka.
Svenska YLE (Sweden) - Nio nyktra månader firades
På onsdag, den 9 september, ordnades den internationella FASD-dagen för att påminna om nykterhet under graviditeten.
IM Médico Hospitalario (Spain) - Consumir alcohol en el embarazo daña irreversiblemente al bebé
Beber alcohol durante el embarazo puede causar daño cerebral, lo que lleva a una serie de problemas de desarrollo, cognitivos y conductuales que pueden aparecer en cualquier momento durante la infancia y que se muestran gravemente en el bebé. Sin embargo, Francisco Pascual, vicepresidente de la sociedad científica SOCIDROGALCOHOL, ha señalado que “una investigación publicada recientemente en la revista Adicciones ha puesto de manifiesto que aún existen elevados porcentajes de consumo de alcohol por las gestantes”, aun cuando la recomendación es consumo cero.

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