
Sunday, August 9, 2015

FASD News - 31/2015

Alaska Public Radio Network - On Love, Adoption and Raising 3 Kids With FASD
Not many people wish to raise a child with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or FASD. Diane Lohrey is no different. But when she and her husband adopted three children, all later diagnosed with an FASD, they accepted the hardships and the rewards.
SYS-CON Media (Canada) - Government of Canada Announces Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Funding in Yukon
Today, the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health and Yukon Minister of Health and Social Services Mike Nixon, announced an investment to strengthen training and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Yukon. This investment will increase community awareness, focus on prevention and fund training for front-line staff.
Kelowna Capital News - New report looks at the health of homeless and street-involved youth across BC
McCreary Centre Society has today published the results of a survey looking at the health of 12 to 19 year olds who are homeless, precariously housed, or involved in a street lifestyle.
Medical Daily - Drinking At Conception May Be Just As Bad As Drinking While Pregnant
Many mothers-to-be are aware of the damage drinking can do to their baby. Because of this, most women take a break from alcohol while pregnant instead of putting their child at risk of developing fetal alcohol syndrome, a condition that often results in long-term brain damage and developmental issues. But can alcohol cause damaging effects at the moment of conception?
CBC News (Canada) - Pregnant aboriginal women find 'world of difference' in Edmonton inner-city program
It's not often a job description includes monitoring fetal heart rates and taking blood samples in the back of a car or in the bathroom of a fast food joint.

The success stories that you will read about on these next few pages are from Caregivers and families all over the world who share many of the same challenges and battles, but they also share all the amazing little A-Ha! moments and celebrations, but mostly importantly, these stories are from families just like yours.
The Arc - Pathways to Justice™: Get the Facts
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) are a spectrum of conditions that can occur to a fetus when a mother drinks alcohol while she is pregnant.
Telethon Kids Institute – Alcohol, Pregnancy and FASD
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can result in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) which can cause lifelong disabilities for a person. The damage to the brain can result in developmental delays; problems with learning, behaviour, memory, language and communication skills; and everyday living and socialising skills.
Pregnant Woman Drinking Alcohol | What Would You Do?
What would you do if a pregnant mom is thirsty for some booze?

International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health - Smoking and alcohol drinking during pregnancy as the risk factors for poor child neurodevelopment - a review of epidemiological studies
Maternal active and passive smoking and low or moderate alcohol drinking during pregnancy, taking into account the level of exposure and developmental or behavioral outcomes, are recognized as a significant issue from both a clinical and a public health perspective.
Neuroimage: Clinical - Parietal dysfunction during number processing in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Number processing deficits are frequently seen in children prenatally exposed to alcohol. Although the parietal lobe, which is known to mediate several key aspects of number processing, has been shown to be structurally impaired in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), effects on functional activity in this region during number processing have not previously been investigated.
Alcohol Research: Current Reviews - Prenatal alcohol exposure and the developing immune system
Evidence from research in humans and animals suggest that ingesting alcohol during pregnancy can disrupt the fetal immune system and result in an increased risk of infections and disease in newborns that may persist throughout life.
Child Psychiatry and Human Development - Neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE): proposed DSM-5 diagnosis
Over the past 40 years, a significant body of animal and human research has documented the teratogenic effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). Neurobehavioral Disorder associated with PAE is proposed as a new clarifying term, intended to encompass the neurodevelopmental and mental health symptoms associated with PAE.
Toxicology Letters - Prenatal ethanol exposure induces the osteoarthritis-like phenotype in female adult offspring rats with a post-weaning high-fat diet and its intrauterine programming mechanisms of cholesterol metabolism
Osteoarthritis (OA) development is associated with hypercholesterolemia in adults. Our previous study demonstrated that offspring with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) due to prenatal ethanol exposure (PEE) had a high risk of developing hypercholesterolemia and metabolic syndrome when fed a post-weaning high-fat diet (HFD).
European Psychologist - Prenatal maternal substance use and offspring outcomes: overview of recent findings and possible interventions
Evidence from both human and preclinical studies seems to indicate that maternal smoking, alcohol drinking, or other drug use during pregnancy can affect offspring outcomes.

FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) - Warum bin ich so anders?
Auf die Versorgung von Menschen, die im Mutterleib durch Alkohol geschädigt wurden, sind Medizin und Gesellschaft hierzulande nicht vorbereitet. Dabei sind Zehntausende davon betroffen. Über ein Leben, das nicht ins Schema passen will.
Freie Presse (Germany) - Mitleid verwandelt sich schon bald in Anerkennung
Judo hat für Anna alles verändert. Die Achtjährige, die mit dem Fetalen Alkoholsyndrom geboren wurde, feiert nicht nur sportliche, sondern auch Entwicklungserfolge.
Teatro Naturale (Italy) - Per combattere l'alcolismo occorre aumentare le accise. La ricetta dell'Ocse
Il consumo medio annuo nei Paesi dell'Ocse equivale a 9,1 litri di alcol puro pro capite ed è diminuito del 2,5% negli ultimi 20 anni. A rischio danni da alcol non solo i maschi meno agiati ma anche ledonne più istruite e con uno status socioeconomico più elevato. 
Delfi (Estonia) - Ma ei teadnud, et olen rase ja jõin alkoholi — mis nüüd juhtub?
On ju teada, et alkohol raseduse ajal mõjutab sinu loote arengut, isegi see klaasike veini või kerge suvine kokteil. Järgnevalt seletame lahti, mis täpsemalt lootega juhtub kui sa alkoholi jood.

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