The Independent - Drinking alcohol
early in pregnancy, even in small amounts, increases chances of
harming your baby, study finds
Women who drink
less than the officially recommended intake of alcohol during the
first weeks of pregnancy may still be at higher risk of having
smaller babies or of giving birth prematurely compared to women who
do not drink alcohol at all, a study has found.
ABC Local (Australia) - Research to
look at FASD rates among young offenders
New research is
set to provide a better picture of those affected by Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the WA prison system.
The West
Australian (Australia) - Help for alcohol birth defects
The Federal
Government plans to make foetal alcohol spectrum disorder a
registered disability, which will enable potentially thousands of WA
children to get support and treatment they cannot get.
The Guardian
(Australia) - ‘Lack of action’ on harmful use of alcohol in
Indigenous communities
State and federal
governments have failed to take on multiple recommendations to curb
the harm alcohol does in Indigenous communities, the Kimberley
Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (Kalacc) has said in a submission
to the government’s latest inquiry.
Daily Mail (UK) -
Alcohol link to premature birth: Just three drinks a week in early
pregnancy can double the chance
Just three drinks
a week in early pregnancy can double the chances of having a
premature or unexpectedly small baby - with middle class mothers most
at risk, warn researchers.
BBC News (UK) -
Pregnancy drinking examined as possible crime in landmark case
A long-running
court case set to be heard in the Court of Appeal has reignited the
debate over drinking while pregnant - and whether doing so to excess
should be considered a crime. -
Middle-class mothers’ alcohol risk to babies
mothers are at greater risk of having premature and smaller babies as
they drink too much in pregnancy, a study has found.
Prescribing Reference - Research Supports Alcohol Abstinence
Advice Pre-Conception
Women who consume
alcohol before pregnancy and during the first two trimesters are at
increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes, according to research
published online March 10 in the Journal of Epidemiology and
Community Health.
Irish Examiner
(Ireland) - Two units of alcohol a week risks foetus
Just two alcoholic
drinks a week in early pregnancy may increase the risk of having a
premature or small baby, and it is middle-class women who are most
likely to drink more than this.
(Canada) - How 'One-Stop' Care Lifts New Moms from Addiction
Sun streams into
the bright room painted in vibrant hues of green and blue. In a messy
circle of soft sofas, baby strollers and rockers, six women sit
watching infants crawl at their feet and toddlers play with scattered
The Independent
(UK) - Offering financial incentives an effective way to encourage
healthier lifestyles, researchers claim
One recent study
found that smokers in deprived areas who were offered £12.50 per
week to quit smoking had a three-month quit rate of more than 30 per
cent - more than double the national average.
Webinar: What Nurses Need to Know
About FASD
Nurses play a key
role in preventing prenatal exposure to alcohol and in empowering
individuals and families affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
(FASDs). This webinar will provide a broad overview of both FASD
prevention and intervention in the context of nursing. It is geared
to nurses from all fields and levels. Professionals, providers,
families and caregivers will also find the information useful.
30MommasTips - Ten
Ways to Help a Child with FASD and a $100 Babies R US Gift Card
#Giveaway #PreventFASD
For the first five
years of Ainsley's life we spent countless resources trying to figure
out ways to help manage her disability. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder is incredibly tricky to diagnose, and then to manage on an
average day.
Anchorage Daily
News - Alcohol & Me: Deb Evensen
Deb Evensen has
been educating school districts and other organizations about Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders for more than 30 years in Alaska and
beyond. She shares a few things she wants every Alaskan to know about
TheFarleyCenter -
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
CAPHC Presents -
Moment to Moment: Growing Up with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The following
training video on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is produced by the
Washington State Department of Social Services and is part of the
Foster Parent Web.
CAPTA Citizen Review Panel Project -
Oregon Courts
A presentation by
one of the leading authorities on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Diane
V. Malbin, M.S.W., Founder of FASCETS, will explain what FAS is, how.
Alcohol and
Alcoholism - Adolescents' Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Illicit
Drugs in Relation to Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Modifications by
Gender and Ethnicity
The study aimed to
investigate (a) the association between low to moderate prenatal
alcohol exposure (PAE) and the use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit
drugs in adolescence and (b) whether the associations are modified by
gender and ethnicity.
(Netherlands) - Alcohol verhoogt risisco vroeggeboorte
Dat alcohol niet
goed is tijdens de zwangerschap weten we natuurlijk allang, echter
wie aan het begin van haar zwangerschap drie glazen alcohol per week
nuttigt, loopt een dubbel risico op een vroeggeboorte.
Nationale Zorggids
Aanstaande moeders
die in het begin van een zwangerschap drie glazen alcohol per week
nuttigen lopen een dubbel risico op een vroeggeboorte. Drinken in de
maand voor de conceptie kan daarnaast de grootte van de baby
beïnvloeden. Dit meldt de Telegraaf.
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