
Sunday, October 30, 2011

FASD News - 43/2011

Irish Times (Ireland) - Experts differ on effects of alcohol in pregnancy
MOTHERS CAN ensure the best start in life for their children by abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy, said the HSE’s national director of family and childcare services.
Parkersburg News (USA) - FAS rates on the rise in West Virginia
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome rates are on the rise in West Virginia. A 2009 study by the West Virginia Perinatal Partners found one out of five West Virginia babies are exposed to drugs or alcohol before they are born.
AngolaPress (Angola) - Specialist advises pregnant women to abstain from alcohol
The specialist of Benguela General Hospital (HGB) maternity, Augusta Borges, urged Wednesday in this city pregnant women to abstain from excessive use of alcohol for better protection of babies during pregnancy.
IEWY News (EU) - John DALLI Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy Commissioner John Dalli urges action on tackling alcohol abuse 9th plenary meeting of the European alcohol and health forum Brussels
Some Member States are using alcoholic beverage labels to provide information about the risks of alcohol during pregnancy, and some alcohol producers have taken up this good practice on a voluntary basis. I believe that such labelling schemes are a powerful and direct way of influencing behaviour, by giving people the information they need to take a decision. I would very much like to see them implemented right across the European Union.
Winnipeg Sun (Canada) - FASD often an 'invisible impairment'
Often when we think of those who are homeless, we think of the mentally ill, the addicted and perhaps the physically impaired.
MarketWatch - Percussion Software Announces CDC Web Site on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Deploys Percussion's CM System to Drive Engagement and Streamline Web Site Infrastructure
Percussion Software, a leading provider of Web Content Management (WCM) software, today announced the web site supporting a key Center for Disease Control & Prevention initiative focused on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) has deployed Percussion's advanced CM System WCM solution.
BCLocalNews - Screen for FASD to prevent crime
I was pleased to read Phil Melnychuk’s report about the federal crime bill. The concerns expressed by lawyers Gordon Kehler and Rob Gunnell echo my own and I was pleased that your paper was able to provide the opinions of some local experts on this legislation.
Chilliwack Times - UFV prof to speak on new approaches to helping children with FASD
Where some people tend to focus on weaknesses, Chilliwack's Dr. Chris Bertram prefers to focus on strengths. The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) kinesiologist has been working with a research team for five years, trying to find ways to help children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder live up their full potential.
Wayne State University - Wayne State University receives $655,500 grant from NIH to develop a computer-delivered intervention for alcohol use among pregnant women
A team of researchers at Wayne State University's Parent Health Lab in the School of Medicine have received a three-year grant to develop a computer-delivered intervention for pregnant women at risk for alcohol use, which can lead to lifelong negative effects on the fetus.

NOFAS - Dr. Philip May on FASD Prevalence Rates
The National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) is the leading voice and resource of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) community. Founded in 1990, NOFAS is the only international non-profit organization committed solely to FASD primary prevention, advocacy and support.
Newly completed FASD Cookbook and DVD Set
West Coast Alternate is a school designed to work with students with FASD. The inspiration for this cookbook came from a cooking class. When one of the students wondered if they would remember all the recipes from the classes, the group thought it would be a great idea to put a cookbook together with images to help. This is a look and cook cookbook.
The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research - Call For Papers: Special Issue on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research (IJADR), invites the submission of papers on biomedical, psychological, and sociological aspects related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), to be featured in this special issue to be published in December, 2012. Accepted papers will be published online prior to their inclusion in this special issue in order to make the research available more quickly.

Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet - Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service’s fetal alcohol spectrum disorders program: Big steps, solid outcome
Over the past four decades the international community has sought to clarify the risks associated with maternal alcohol use and the associated disability of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Until recently, Australia has done little to raise awareness of FASD, study prevalence or assist individuals born with these disorders.
Alcohol and alcoholism - Universal Prevention is Associated with Lower Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Northern Cape, South Africa: A Multicentre Before–After Study
Prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) is remarkably high in several provinces of South Africa; yet population-level knowledge of the harms of maternal drinking remains low.
ACB - Modulation by the GABAB receptor siRNA of ethanol-mediated PKA-α, CaMKII, and p-CREB intracellular signaling in prenatal rat hippocampal neurons
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a developmental neuropathology resulting from in utero exposure to ethanol; many of ethanol's effects are likely to be mediated by the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
Alcoholism - A Review of Social Skills Deficits in Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Profiles, Mechanisms, and Interventions
Future investigations should strive to reconcile the relationship between social skills deficits in FASD and variables such as gender, age, cognitive profile, and structural and functional brain impairments to enable better characterization of the deficits observed in this population, which will enhance diagnosis and improve remediation.
Alcoholism - Children with Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Exhibit Deficits when Regulating Isometric Force
Production of isometric (i.e., constant) force is an essential component of performing everyday functional tasks, yet no studies have investigated how this type of force is regulated in children with confirmed histories of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology - Characteristics and behaviors of mothers who have a child with fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a leading cause of birth defects and developmental disabilities. The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics and behaviors of mothers of children with FAS in the United States using population-based data from the FAS Surveillance Network (FASSNet).

EUFASD Conference 2012
Don't miss the 2nd European Conference on FASD 21 to 25 October 2012 Barcelona
FASD Learning Series via Live Webcast - Safety Planning for the Service Provider
The FASD Learning Series offers free education opportunities tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals affected by FASD and their family members/caregivers, support service providers, healthcare providers, educators, legal and justice services, and professionals in the research and evaluation field.

Lietuvos rytas (Lithuania) - Nuo fizinio ir dvasinio negalavimo kenčia ne vien alkoholikių vaikai
Vokietijos gydytojas Hansas Ludwigas Spohras - specialistas neįgaliųjų vaikų, kurių motinos, būdamos nėščios, vartojo alkoholį. Duodamas interviu šalies žurnalui „Der Spiegel“ profesorius perspėjo, kad nėščiosioms pavojinga vartoti alkoholį.

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