
Monday, August 4, 2008

Alcohol News - week 31/2008

The Boston Globe (Russia) - Alkermes alcohol drug gets Russian approval

A drug to treat alcoholism, manufactured by Alkermes Inc. has received marketing approval in Russia, the Cambridge-based company said today.

Science Daily - Epilepsy Drug May Help Alcoholics Recover From Dependence, Small Study Suggests

It's a Catch-22 of the highest order. People with alcohol problems often use alcohol to get to sleep -- but it actually keeps them from getting good-quality sleep all night long.

Irish Times (Ireland) - The sobering speed of legislation on alcohol

NEVER HAS a piece of legislation penetrated the daily lives of my loved ones with such terrifying speed. You know how it is with legislation: it's slow.

Financial Times (Sweden) - Entrepreneurs crack Swedish 'System' in effort to allow free flow of alcohol

Travel to a small town outside Stockholm and it is not unusual to see a discreetly parked van, back door open, offloading crates of beer and spirits to a throng of cash-paying customers.

U.S. News & World Report - Excessive Drinking Boosts Risk for Metabolic Syndrome

People who drink too much have increased odds of developing metabolic syndrome, a series of risk factors and conditions that are strongly related to cardiovascular disease, a new study says.

Medical News Today (Australia) - New Data Shows The Alcohol Industry Cannot Be Trusted, Australia

New data obtained by the Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) shows the alcohol industry has been deliberately misleading the public about the impact of the Federal Government's alcopop tax.

Media Newswire - Alcohol Binges Early in Pregnancy Increase Risk of Infant Oral Clefts

A new study by researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ( NIEHS ), part of the National Institutes of Health, shows that pregnant women who binge drink early in their pregnancy increase the likelihood that their babies will be born with oral clefts.

Times Online (UK) - Nation recognises that it has a problem with drinking but does not know the safe limits

Alcohol, rather than drugs, is recognised as the biggest social evil in Scotland, although many Scots remain ignorant of the officially recommended safe drinking limits, research revealed yesterday.
Most Scots think alcohol is worse than heroin

Sofia News Agency (Bulgaria) - Bulgaria Police Nabs Driver with Record 8.15 Promiles of Blood Alcohol

Bulgaria's police in the southern village of Nova Mahala arrested late Sunday a drunk driver with dazzling 8.15 promiles of blood alcohol.

Newsroom Finland (Finland) - Workplaces getting tougher on alcohol -Finnish unions

Employers in Finland are taking a stricter attitude towards employee alcohol use, the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) and the Finnish Confederation of Salaried Employees (STTK) said in a statement on Sunday. (UK) - Judge Graham Cottle advocates zero tolerance on drunken criminals

One of the country's most experienced judges has said he is taking a near "zero tolerance" approach to Britain's binge drinking culture, warning that he is locking up first offenders involved in drunken criminality.

Scotsman (UK) - Should we teach our children to drink?

David Cameron thinks so, championing the idea that children should try alcohol at home. Is it really that simple, asks Alice Wyllie
WHEN it comes to alcohol, there's one thing with which it can be very dangerous to mix: teenagers. It's up there with drugs, cigarettes and "the wrong crowd" on the list of things that keep parents awake at night, often with good reason.

Evening Mail (UK) - Wrong to send out message that alcohol is okay for kids

WAYS to encourage responsible drinking hit the headlines this week when David Cameron encouraged parents to introduce their children to alcohol at home in order to avoid it causing trouble when they are older.

NPR - Rx Meds, Alcohol/Drugs Make Deadly Combination

A study reveals that domestic fatalities caused by combining prescription medication with alcohol and/or street drugs increased by 3,196 percent between 1983 to 2004.

ABC Online (Australia) - Call to tax alcohol content

The Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is being urged to go beyond the controversial tax on "alcopop" or ready to drink products by overhauling tax on all alcohol.

MedIndia - Researchers Isolate Molecular Basis of Alcohol Tolerance

Researchers from UMass Medical School have identified a class of small molecules known as microRNA that may play a crucial role in the development of alcohol tolerance.

Oneindia - Alcohol Ups Perennial Allergic Rhinitis Risk

Experts at the National Institute of Public Health in Denmark say that alcohol consumption is linked with increased risk of perennial allergic rhinitis.

Reuters - Alcohol abuse may resume after critical surgery

Life-saving surgery to prevent repeated severe bleeding from ruptured veins in the esophagus or upper stomach may not induce some patients with alcoholic liver disease to stop drinking alcohol, researchers report.

The Statesman - Anbumani calls World to observe Oct 2 as 'No Alcohol Day'

An apostle of fighting against tobacco and liquor, the Union Health Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss sought the support for observing 2nd October every year as ‘World No Alcohol Day.’

Science Daily - Drug Use By Europe’s Young People Leads To Risky Sexual Behaviour

High levels of alcohol and drug consumption by young people in Europe is leading to an increase in unsafe sexual practices and a consequent rise in sexually-transmitted disease infections, according to a recently published study by the European Institute of Studies on Prevention (IREFREA).


Sheila said...

Excellent newsletter/comments superb !
The Science Daily comment IS somewhat correct. As a Recovering Alcoholic, that being 15 months, I can attest the the fact, that the Medication currently used to supress Grand-Mal Seizures, does work, if taken ONLY as directed. However, THAT ALONE, does not CURB ones longing for a 'drinky-poo' !!
What has curbed MINE, is the fact that this illness destroyed mine & my late husbands health, to the point where we couldn't work at the professions we had & loved, for 30 yrs! THINK ABOUT IT !
AND the side-effects of two of the most used medications, are enough to scare even SATAN & ALL of his MINIONS, which are probably responsible to begin with, for our passionate-love-affair with the MUCK!!!
We've got to somehow force our GOVERNMENTS, to pass legislation, forcing ALL Makers of liquor, to have LARGE HEALTH WARNING LABELS, gee, what reminds me of that ????
OH YA..........CIGARETTES !!!
I've smoked since I was 16, & now at the age of 52, last check on my lungs 9 mos ago, and they were CRYSTAL CLEAR.......but, ummmmm
oh ya, I don't have my beautiful husband anymore, don't have a job & therefore income is CPP which is barely enough to feed my TABBY Cats & pay for living expenses.........
SO, that pretty much sums up my say on this subject !!!

Anonymous said...

Heavy drinking by mothers-to-be during pregnancy has been associated with birth defects and problematic behavior in children since antiquity. But what does science tell us about the risks of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome now?
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