
Friday, July 5, 2024

Alcohol News - 27/2024

WHO - Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders
The Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders presents a comprehensive overview of alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm and policy responses as well as treatment capacities for alcohol and drug use disorders worldwide.
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Time Magazine (Thailand) - Thailand, in Bid to Boost Tourism, Considers Ending Its Ban on Afternoon Alcohol Sales
Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin may end a 52-year-old ban on afternoon alcohol sales after appeals from the tourism industry, which is struggling with rising costs and weak consumer spending.
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SWI (Switzerland) - Addiction experts warn too many young people buy alcohol illegally in Switzerland
Too many young people in Switzerland are still able to obtain alcohol illegally. According to Addiction Switzerland, more than a quarter of all sales of beer, wine and spirits are illegal. Online purchases are particularly problematic.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Govt reveals new mental health targets, hints at alcohol law reform in health roadmap
Five new mental health and addiction targets and a nod towards possible alcohol law reform are among the revelations in the Government’s “challenging” three-year plan for the public health system.
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NL Times (Netherlands) - Binge drinking among Dutch school students back to pre-pandemic levels
The number of school students who drink many glasses of alcohol in a row has returned to pre-coronavirus levels. At the time of the survey (in 2023), 18 percent of students had consumed at least five alcoholic drinks in one evening in the past month.
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PsyPost - Mixing energy drinks with alcohol impairs neural functioning in rats, study finds
A study on rats found that binge-like drinking of alcohol mixed with energy drinks during adolescence produced changes in the hippocampus region of the brain that were still detectable when the rats reached adulthood.
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The Independent - The hidden ways alcohol impacts your health
Alcohol may be a big part of how many people socialise and celebrate, but it can have a negative impact on our lives in a range of ways, as Alcohol Awareness Week (July 1-7), coordinated by Alcohol Change UK, highlights.
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Express Medical (UK) - Understanding alcohol harm in the workplace
The consumption of alcohol is a socially accepted norm in our culture, associated with relaxation, celebration and socialising. However, when alcohol consumption extends beyond moderation or into the workplace, it can affect professional performance and cause significant harm. It costs the UK economy more than £7 billion annually in lost productivity due to alcohol. An estimated 167,000 working years are lost to alcohol misuse annually.
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IAS Blog - Is Youth Drinking Decline a Global Phenomenon? We Need More Evidence Beyond the Global North
Heavy and other hazardous drinking practices have significantly decreased among youth in many Western countries. A growing number of studies have also provided possible drivers of such drinking behaviours. However, there is insufficient evidence on this beyond North America and Europe.
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University of Michigan - Not drinking today? Study reveals why young adult drinkers choose alcohol-free days
Understanding the reasons why young adults choose not to drink on certain days may inform prevention and intervention programs aimed at reducing the harms associated with alcohol consequences.
Read more - New study shows alcohol rehabilitation and abstinence reduce the risk of alcohol-associated cancers
A new study conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Bordeaux University Hospital, France, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has found that individuals with alcohol dependence who undergo rehabilitation or maintain abstinence experience significantly lower risks of developing alcohol-associated cancers.
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NordAN (Denmark) - DENMARK: More than one-third of shops sold illegally to minors
The Danish Safety Technology Authority used young mystery shoppers for the first time on July 1 as part of its supervision of age control in physical stores. 34 percent of shops selling alcohol, nicotine, or tobacco products violated age restrictions.
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NordAN (Sweden) - IOGT-NTO comments on government's alcohol tax reduction: "Let alcohol policy fulfill its purpose – to protect our public health"
The Swedish government announced its intention to reduce alcohol taxes for economic reasons. IOGT-NTO is strongly critical of this proposal.
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