
Sunday, July 28, 2024

FASD News - 30/2024

The EUFASD Alliance has the great pleasure to announce that Her Majesty the Queen Letizia of Spain will be the Honorary President of the Seventh European Conference on FASD in Madrid 22-25 September!
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EUFASD - The EUFASD Alliance welcomes FASD Ireland as our new member.
FASD Ireland aims to 'Get Ireland talking about FASD' and they want to work with all stakeholders to ensure that FASD is considered and respected in all walks of life.
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The Guardian (Australia) - What is FASD, and why do so many children with it end up in Australia’s justice system?
A 14-year-old girl with memory problems and below-average intellectual functioning – exacerbated by family violence and sexual abuse – has not been into the fresh air for several days.
Read more (Canada) - FASD Network showcases a year of growth in first open house
The Central Alberta FASD Network welcomed three new board members and celebrated a year of service growth at its Annual General Meeting and first open house in its one-year-old office space.
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Donegal News (Ireland) - FASD is under-recognised in Ireland – Pringle
Independent TD for Donegal, Thomas Pringle, said Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is under-recognised in Ireland and the national organisation FASD Ireland has still not received its 2024 allocation.
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980 CJME (Canada) - FASD Network of Sask. received increase in provincial funding
Expanded supports are coming to those impacted by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) after the province announced $135,000 in additional annual funding for the FASD Network of Saskatchewan.
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Medical News Today - Can male sperm cause fetal alcohol syndrome?
Fetal alcohol syndrome occurs when a baby comes into contact with alcohol before birth. While male sperm cannot cause fetal alcohol syndrome to occur, the health of sperm can make a child more at risk of developing fetal alcohol syndrome.
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CanFASD - Counting down to FASD Month 2024
The countdown is officially on for September 2024! FASD Awareness Day and FASD Awareness Month are just around the corner and CanFASD has all the resources you need to prepare.
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Health Nexus Santé - The 4 Levels of FASD Prevention
This webinar will discuss the four mutually reinforcing prevention approaches that have been identified as effective in FASD prevention efforts, inclusive of awareness raising, discussions around alcohol and related health and social issues, and holistic support during pregnancy and postpartum.
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FCSN - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
During this presentation, presenters will review a wide range of important topics around Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). This will include what it is, how it occurs, prevalence, symptoms & characteristics, an informed approach, and how we can help.
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FASD United (formerly NOFAS) -
FASD and Justice Panel 1: FASD-Informed Innovations in Court Practices
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FASD and Justice Panel 2: FASD-Informed Policing
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FASD and Justice Panel 3: Access to Justice for Individuals with FASD
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FASD and Justice Panel 4: Juvenile Court Challenges
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FASD and Justice Panel 5: Child Welfare and Family Courts
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CanFASD - Emerging Research in Action: CanFASD Trainee Webinar Series 2024 Part 2
Topics include FASD related knowledge of healthcare and justice professionals, professional competencies related to assessing and managing suicidality, the intersection of lived-experience advocacy and policy making, and the complex relationship between PAE and ACEs.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - Chris Troutt's Papillion Center: Transforming Lives through FASD Support
In this episode of Living with FASD, we are joined by Chris Trout, CEO and co-founder of the Papillion Center for FASD. Chris shares her inspiring journey of adopting a child with fetal alcohol syndrome and how it led her to dedicate her life to helping others understand and manage the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - From Adoption to Advocacy: Carl Young's Personal Fight in the FASD Arena
In this deeply insightful episode of Living with FASD, host Patti Kasper is joined by Mr. Carl Young, an advocate and parent from North Dakota, who brings a wealth of personal experience and passion to the conversation on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
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Justice For Orphans - The Adoption & Foster Care Journey - Ep. 436 - Lessons from FASD Parent & Consultant, Barb Clark
On this episode, host Sandra Flach, talks with Barb Clark. Barb is the Director of training at Families Rising and is a parent to five adult children.  She is passionate about learning from her many mistakes, and sharing them with others so they can avoid the same mistakes.
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Heliyon - Development Deficiency of Oligodendrocyte and Myelination in the Central Nervous System of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Mouse Model
Together, our data reveals the deficiency of oligodendrocyte development and myelination in the CNS of the FASD mouse model and the possible underlying mechanism, suggesting a potential therapy target for FASD.
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University of California - The Effects of Parental Ethanol Exposure on Offspring Development
We propose that the effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy or prior to conception may be more serious than previously thought as transgenerational effects were observed in the offspring even though they never consumed alcohol themselves.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Trends in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) research: A bibliometric review of original articles published between 2000 – 2023
FASD remains considerably under-researched. While there has been an increase in the number of original FASD research articles published annually over time, this is much lower than expected compared to publication trends for other neurodevelopmental conditions, and the wider scientific literature.
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Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics - Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in a Nigerian Infant: A Case Report
The syndrome is a leading cause of intellectual disability in the United States, but no such data is available in Nigeria. This is a report of a case of a term female neonate, delivered at approximately 38 weeks gestation through emergency Caesarean section.
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International Journal of Developmental Disabilities - The scope of supportive housing for adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a rapid review
Supportive housing programs for adults with FASD are sparse, and existing programs often fall short of addressing the holistic needs of these individuals. Future research prioritizing the lived and living experiences of adults accessing support, focusing on the effectiveness of specific support strategies, is warranted.
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Scientific Reports - Alcohol consumption during pregnancy differentially affects the fecal microbiota of dams and offspring
These findings illuminate the potential importance of the microbiota in the pathophysiology of FASD and support investigation into novel microbiota-based interventions.
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JMIR Mental Health - Technologies for Supporting Individuals and Caregivers Living With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Scoping Review
Technology could provide support for people affected by FASD; however, currently there is limited technology available, and the potential benefits are largely unexplored.
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Klinika Oczna/Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica - Organ of vision in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Among the various factors affecting a child’s postnatal condition, including the function of the visual system, changes caused by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are highly significant.
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Quality in Sport - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: a complex case of teratogenic effects of maternal alcohol consumption and clinical managment
This case report underscores the need for ongoing research and collaborative efforts to reduce the prevalence and impact of FASD on affected individuals and society.
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Tobacco Induced Diseases - Increased risk for alcohol- and other substance-exposed pregnancies among women who smoke tobacco: A secondary analysis of a primary care-based intervention
Women who drink and smoke may have the highest AEP, TEP, and other SEP risk. Primary care providers should screen for alcohol and tobacco co-use and provide brief intervention and/or treatment referral.
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JAMA pediatrics - Health Care Needs and Costs for Children Exposed to Prenatal Substance Use to Adulthood
Children who were exposed to substance use during pregnancy incurred more hospital costs than children who were not exposed up to 20 years of age, but this was reduced in association with any contact with out-of-home care.
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Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences - Knowledge of the sign prohibiting alcohol consumption during pregnancy among medical students in Poland – a survey study
The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge referred to the meaning of the sign prohibiting alcohol consumption during pregnancy among first-year medical students who do not have vast knowledge at present level in this field.
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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) - Programa integral de Tratamiento Cognitivo-Conductual para adolescentes de entre 12 y 16 años con Trastorno del Espectro Alcohólico Fetal en aras de evitar un futuro contacto con el sistema de justicia penal
Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, sempre i quan aquestes es distribueixin sota la mateixa llicència que regula l'obra original i es reconegui l'autoria.
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Institut für FASD (Germany) - FASD und erlebte frühkindliche traumatische Erfahrungen
In Fachkreisen wird bei FASD zwischen primären und sekundären Beeinträchtigungen unterschieden. Primäre Beeinträchtigungen sind die angeborenen Einschränkungen, wie die Störung des Zentralen Nervensystems, welche wiederum Komorbiditäten mit sich bringt.
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Riga Stradiņš University (Latvia) - Ar alkohola lietošanu asociētie faktori grūtniecības laikā Latvijā
Alkohola lietošana grūtniecības laikā ir kaitīga grūtnieces veselībai un augļa attīstība. Ņemot vērā alkohola lietošanas izplatību un nopietnās sekas, kas tiek radītas veselībai, ir svarīgi izvērtēt ar alkohola lietošanu asociētos sociāli demogrāfiskos, ekonomiskos, psihisko veselību raksturojošos, atkarību izraisošu vielu lietošanas un grūtnieču veselības uzvedības faktorus, lai izstrādātu atbilstošas profilakses stratēģijas un novērstu alkohola lietošanu grūtniecības laikā.
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Friday, July 26, 2024

Alcohol News - 30/2024

UN News (Europe) - Europe tops the charts for alcohol consumption. WHO calls for urgent action to curb the trend
It seems that Europeans don’t want to give up booze. A UN World Health Organization (WHO) report has found that nothing has changed in the continent’s drinking habits. Despite the health risks, Europeans consume an average of 9.2 litres of pure alcohol a year - making them the world’s biggest drinkers.
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DW (Germany) - Alcohol abuse: Will liberal Germany ban teenage drinking?
In Germany, 14- to 16-year-olds are allowed to drink beer and wine in their parents' presence. But German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach wants to amend the Youth Protection Act to make that illegal.
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New Scientist - Why many studies wrongly claim it’s healthy to drink a little alcohol
Drinking even small amounts of alcohol reduces your life expectancy, rigorous studies show. Only those with serious flaws suggest that moderate drinking is beneficial. That’s the conclusion of a review of 107 studies looking at how drinking alcohol affects people’s risk of dying from any cause at a particular age.
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Neuroscience News - Alcohol Use Linked to Increased Bipolar Disorder Symptoms
Research reveals that increased alcohol consumption in individuals with bipolar disorder can exacerbate their symptoms over time. Contrary to the belief that alcohol acts as self-medication, the study shows no increase in drinking due to heightened mood symptoms.
Read more (Ireland) - Alcohol treatment cases at highest level in over a decade – HRB
The number of cases treated for problem alcohol use last year was the highest in over a decade, according to the Health Research Board.
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Zero-alcohol beverages appeal to teens and could encourage alcohol use, Australian study finds
There are calls for better regulation of zero-alcohol beverages following new research suggesting they condition teenagers into a "harmful" drinking culture.
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Think Global Health - Alcohol Industry Panics as Healthier Habits Cut Sales
Something is rotten in the state of drink. In 2023, Americans consumed less beer than they had in a generation. Wine sales shrank for the third consecutive year. Spirits sales were flat.
Read more - Alcohol has a hidden impact on heart health
Alcohol has long been associated with social gatherings, celebrations, and moments of relaxation, but its impact on heart health is often overlooked and underestimated.
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PsyPost - Adolescent alcohol use linked to altered hippocampal structure in young adulthood
A recent study published in Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology has uncovered a surprising link between adolescent alcohol use and brain structure.
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British Psychological Society (UK) - A sobering wake-up call around alcohol marketing
Like readers before me (The Psychologist, 2017), I was shocked to find a £75 voucher for wine with my recent issue. I, like many others, have a complicated history with alcohol and have struggled with my own alcohol use.
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SHAAP Blog - Alcohol sponsorship – is it worth it???
In this blog, Alan Russell, the Chief Executive of Supporters Direct Scotland (SDS), reflects on the findings of SHAAP and SDS’ recent focus group, the need for democratic decision making in Scottish football, and his experience of the Euros 2024.
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NordAN (Denmark) - New survey: One in three Danes abstains from alcohol
Nearly 35 percent of Danes have consciously chosen to abstain from alcohol in the past year, with more considering the same. This is revealed in a new survey conducted by Voxmeter for Blue Cross Denmark.
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Alcohol Awareness (Australia) - Be Unapologetic
Increasing awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer risks for LGBTQ+ populations in NSW is the focus of a new campaign developed by ACON as part of a hugely successful and ongoing partnership with the Cancer Institute NSW.
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Friday, July 19, 2024

Alcohol News - 29/2024 (Germany) - Prost! Munich gets its first booze-free beer garden as alcohol consumption drops
Alcohol is slipping in popularity in Germany and new businesses are seeking to cash in. The southern German city of Munich will see its first alcohol-free beer garden open on Thursday, according to local officials.
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The Conversation (Canada) - Canada’s alcohol deficit: The public cost of alcohol outweighs government revenue
Alcohol has long held a hallowed place in the consciousness of Canadian society. A more socially acceptable drug than some others, it’s associated with relaxation, socializing and celebration.
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Washington Post - Not tonight: Study explores reasons young adults choose not to drink
Young adults pass up the opportunity to drink for a variety of reasons, including to avoid getting drunk, a recent analysis suggests.
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia) - New liquor rules, alcohol restrictions take effect in WA Kimberley towns to mixed community reactions
Police have been out in force as some of Western Australia's toughest-ever liquor restrictions begin to take effect in the state's far north.
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Hürriyet Daily News (Tyrkie) - Ministry deploys electronic alcohol tracking system
Agriculture and Forestry Minister İbrahim Yumaklı has announced the implementation of an electronic alcohol tracking system aimed at preventing deaths caused by the production of illicit and counterfeit alcoholic beverages.
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News-Medical - Alcohol use significantly associated with mental illness symptoms in college women
A recent Nutrients study conducted an online survey to investigate the association between lifestyle factors and mental illness (MI) in college-going women.
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Le (France) - Alcohol, a major but underestimated cause of everyday violence
The consumption of alcohol, and sometimes drugs, plays a central role in violence committed in France, particularly within the family circle. Across the country, judges, police officers and addiction specialists are observing the extent of this phenomenon.
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Harvard Health - All types of alcohol appear to raise blood pressure
The more alcohol people drink — whether they imbibe beer, wine, or hard liquor — the higher their blood pressure, according to a large Danish study. More than 104,000 adults underwent a physical exam and answered questions about their drinking habits.
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia) - Origin campaign labelled weak and a 'front' for liquor lobby by domestic, sexual and family violence charities
Advocates say the updated Always Respect, Always DrinkWise campaign is being used by alcohol companies as a "slimy tactic".
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Futurity (USA) - 1 in 5 US farmers binge drink alcohol to deal with stress
One in five US farmers report binge drinking alcohol when they experience high levels of stress, a new study shows.
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IAS Blog - How do economic crises impact levels of alcohol harm, and who is most affected?
The current cost-of-living crisis in the UK has hit many people hard, with households facing the biggest squeeze in living standards since the 1950s.
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Scottish Care (Scotland) - Hidden in plain sight – alcoholism amongst older people in Scotland and its impact on social care
It was Alcohol Awareness Week at the start of the month and during it I was reading some of the latest research and data on alcohol and older age in Scotland. It was both disturbing and yet sadly predictable.
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Polskie Radio (Poland) - Poland's tobacco and alcohol consumption crisis. Insights from a new report
According to a substance use report by the Institute of Health at the Academy of Polonia in Częstochowa, Poland consumes 50 billion cigarettes and approximately 100 billion electronic cigarettes each year, alongside a notable problem with strong alcohol.
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NordAN (Norway) - Nearly half of Oslo residents have witnessed intoxicated adults with children: Adults urged to speak up
47 percent of Oslo residents say they have seen intoxicated adults with children during summer vacations over the past two years. The alcohol awareness organization Av-og-til offers advice on what to do in such situations.
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Friday, July 12, 2024

Alcohol News - 28/2024

ERR (Estonia) - New alcohol limit  in force on e-scooter riders
From Tuesday new rules governing the use of e-scooters on public roads and thoroughfares came into effect, which include a maximum alcohol limit similar to that imposed on car drivers.
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The Conversation - Alcohol consumption among teenagers: Parents need to set rules and not just talk about it
When it comes to talking about alcohol consumption with their teenage children, many parents don’t know where to start. The official drinking age across Canada ranges from 18 to 19 years.
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News-Medical - Understanding alcohol advertising effects on risky drinkers during sports events
New Edith Cowan University (ECU) research shows exposure to alcohol advertisements during national sports broadcasts, particularly those that feature a preferred beverage, significantly increases cravings in people with risky drinking behaviors.
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STAT (USA) - Alcohol is driving a half-dozen types of cancer in the U.S., study finds
Alcohol has long been classified as a cancer-causing substance, but a study out Thursday gives a clearer sense of just how many cancer cases and deaths may be driven by drinking.
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UF Health - University of Florida Health - Growing Awareness Between Alcohol and Cancer Risk
While it’s common knowledge that smoking cigarettes increases cancer risk, somehow alcohol — also known to correlate with higher cancer risk — has escaped the rap.
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BBC (UK) - Public alcohol ban comes into force across borough
A borough-wide ban on drinking alcohol in public places is now in force. The public space protection order (PSPO) was introduced in Slough, Berkshire, on Friday.
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RNZ (New Zealand) - Auckland’s new alcohol rules step closer: ‘We don’t need bottle stores on every corner’
"For too long we haven't been able to have a voice," a South Auckland leader says of the control of booze sales in his area. Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board chairperson Apulu Reece Autagavaia is looking forward to Auckland Council's soon-to-be implemented Local Alcohol Policy (LAP) and what it could mean for communities wanting to curb the proliferation of cheap alcohol in their suburbs.
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Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) - Cannabis has not replaced alcohol
Young Swedes are drinking less alcohol, but – as Isabella Gripe’s doctoral thesis shows – this is not because they have moved onto smoking hash.
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Yle (Finland) - Changes to Finland's alcohol law hit Alko sales
A law reform that came into force on 10 June allows grocery stores and supermarkets to sell drinks with an alcohol content of up to eight percent.
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New Edith Cowan University (Australia) - Risky drinkers most at risk: Ads from sports broadcasts significantly increase alcohol urges
New Edith Cowan University (ECU) research shows exposure to alcohol advertisements during national sports broadcasts, particularly those that feature a preferred beverage, significantly increases cravings in people with risky drinking behaviours.
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IAS Blog - Alcohol and the heart: friend or foe?
For many of us, a beer after work is an enjoyable way to relax. And though drinking alcohol comes with known health risks, some data suggest that low to moderate drinking may actually decrease the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) – also called coronary heart disease – defined by reduced blood flow to the heart, typically due to narrowed coronary arteries.
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IAS Blog (UK) - Making the wine duty ‘easement’ permanent would negate the public health objective of the duty reform
The wine industry is lobbying hard – or “hell-bent” as the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) says – to retain a system where tax per unit of alcohol reduces as wine increases in strength.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - Council to draft new alcohol rules after legal hurdle removed
More than a decade after drafting a local alcohol policy, Marlborough’s council has agreed to have another crack at the rules around booze sales.
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Alcohol and cancer (USA) - Alcohol at oncology events: Dr. Noelle LoConte on cancer risks and ethics
Dr. Noelle LoConte, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Wisconsin and a leading expert in gastrointestinal oncology, sheds light on the complex relationship between alcohol consumption and cancer risk.
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Sunday, July 7, 2024

FASD News - 27/2024

EUFASD - 7th European Conference on FASD 2024
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Detroit Free Press (USA) - This hidden disorder could affect 1 in 20 US kids: Why diagnosis and support remain low
“When I train parents on parenting kids with FASD, I say throw your consequences out the window,” said Orr, who, in addition to focusing on FASD in her practice as a therapist, is a mother to five children, four of whom she adopted out of foster care. “Consequences mean absolutely nothing to these kids.”
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NZ Doctor (New Zealand) - First workforce qualification for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder meets urgent need for professional FASD-informed services in Aotearoa
Many professionals across social services, health, justice and education sectors in Aotearoa NZ feel they do not have the knowledge required to meet the needs of people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Highland Radio (Ireland) - ‘Government’s approach to FASD slack’ – Deputy Pringle
Donegal Deputy Thomas Pringle has highlighted the need for a foetal alcohol project to be undertaken with a multi-care sector approach to FASD, a condition he told the Dail that is unrecognised in Ireland.
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RNZ (New Zealand) - Fetal alcohol training for frontline workers 'groundbreaking' – advocate
An advocate for people affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is welcoming a new qualification for frontline professionals, but says financial support for training is critical.
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13WIBW (USA) - Car show to benefit ‘Dream Acres’ and its mission to help people with FASD
Cars, music and fireworks will combine for a great event to benefit an organization supporting those affected by fetal alcohol syndrome.
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Red Shoes Rock - Finding Joy in Small Moments with FASD
Navigating life with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can be challenging, but finding joy in small moments can significantly enhance your well-being.
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KNH Research - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
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AWHONN - AWHONN Insights: Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – The Nurse’s Role
Together, we learn more about neurodiversity, living with FASD, and implementing evidence-based care practices that reduce stigma and educate about the risks of substance and alcohol use while pregnant.
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Interwoven Connections - Snack & Chat: FASD and Mindset
Join us as we chat with Christine Bofenkamp, FASD Educator as we chat all about Mindset in those living with FASD and those raising them.
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Health Nexus Santé - Towards Healthy Outcomes for Individuals with FASD
Join Dr. Jacqueline Pei in this webinar where she will present the new version of Towards Healthy Outcomes for Individuals with FASD.
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FASD Awareness - Allegations with Andrew Fox - FASD Webinar #27
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Health Nexus Santé - Supporting Birth Parents Raising Children with FASD
This webinar is for those who want to learn more about how to support birth parents caring for their children with FASD.
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CFAR - Dr Joanna Chu on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Aotearoa New Zealand
In this video, Joanna tells us why we need more research into Fetal Alcohol Disorder (FASD) in Aotearoa NZ, as why she's personally motivated to help those affected by FASD and their whānau.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - FASD, U Salford, RASD research, FASD & Criminology, courts with compassion, living experience
In this episode of Living with FASD, we welcome Dr. David Gilbert, University Fellow at the University of Salford, in the UK. Dr. Gilbert shares his groundbreaking research on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and its implications within the justice system.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - Gullibility & FASD: the Untold Story of Social Challenges with Dr. Stephen Greenspan
In this special episode, host Patti Kasper engages in a candid conversation with Dr. Steven Greenspan, an emeritus professor of educational psychology at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Greenspan, a leading expert in social competence and intellectual disabilities, shares his insights on the importance of social intelligence in individuals with FASD.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - Unmasking FASD: Insights from Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones
In this enlightening episode of Living with FASD, we welcome Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones, a pioneering figure in the field of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
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Lisa Dion | Synergetic Play Therapy Institute - Natascha Lawrence: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Playroom
In this podcast, Lisa is joined by special guest Natascha Lawrence as they work to break down the confusion surrounding FASD while exploring the ways to most effectively support these amazing and misunderstood children.
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Scientific Reports - Serum levels of leptin, ghrelin putative peptide YY-3 in patients with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
The aim of this study was to examine the concentrations of hormones involved in appetite regulation—ghrelin, leptin, and putative peptide YY-3 (PYY)—in the serum of individuals with FASD. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between these hormone levels and clinical indicators.
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Kriminologija & socijalna integracija : časopis za kriminologiju, penologiju i poremećaje u ponašanju - Social risks and social problems related to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The aim of this review paper is to present, summarize and elaborate knowledge about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, risk factors for the development of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, difficulties, social risks, and social problems of persons with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, as well as different forms and programs of support for families of those who deal with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
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Biological Research - Exercise reduces physical alterations in a rat model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Our data suggests that individualized, scheduled, and supervised training of resistance is more beneficial than endurance or enriched environment exercise for adolescents FASD.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in foster care: A scoping review
This study examines two questions. Firstly, what is the prevalence of FASD among infants and children in foster care? Secondly, what is the likelihood of placement in foster care for infants and children with FASD?
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BMC genomics - Analysis of alcohol-metabolizing enzymes genetic variants and RAR/RXR expression in patients diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome: a case-control study
Understanding the mechanisms underlying alcohol metabolism and its regulation, including the effect of polymorphisms in alcohol-metabolizing enzymes, is crucial for research on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
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University of Saskatchewan - Fostering FASD-Informed Practice with Incarcerated Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Towards More Informed, Strengths-Based, Investigative and Connected Correctional Environments
The aim of this study was to critically consider how Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)-informed practice could be fostered within Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) facilities.
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Moderate Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Increases Toll-like Receptor Activity in Umbilical Cord Blood at Birth: A Pilot Study
The results of this pilot investigation support further work into the impact on TLR2 and TLR4 response following PAE to delineate if alterations in levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines have clinical significance that could be used in patient management and/or attention to follow-up.
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 Journal of Osteopathic Medicine - Association of prenatal substance exposure and the development of the amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampus
We found a significant association between prenatal tobacco exposure and smaller parahippocampal volume, which may have profound impacts on the livelihood of individuals including motor delays, poor cognitive and behavioral outcomes, and long-term health consequences.
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JMIR Infodemiology - Analyzing Questions About Alcohol in Pregnancy Using Web-Based Forum Topics: Qualitative Content Analysis
Web-based discussions within a UK parenting forum indicated that users were often unclear on guidance and risks associated with prenatal alcohol use and that they used this platform to seek information and reassurance from peers.
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JAACAP Open - Independent and Interactive Impacts of Prenatal Exposure to Legal Substances and Childhood Trauma on Emotion Processing in Pre-adolescents: Preliminary Findings From the ABCD Study
Children experiencing these “double hit” conditions may represent at-risk individuals who could benefit from early interventions to mitigate the onset of psychopathology.
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Reproductive BioMedicine Online - Periconceptional maternal and paternal alcohol consumption and embryonic and foetal development: the Rotterdam periconception cohort
Moderate maternal alcohol consumption is negatively associated with foetal growth parameters. Moreover, alcohol is proven a strong teratogen and the consumption before and during pregnancy should be discouraged in both women and men since it affects both several parameters of embryonic and foetal development.
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SDU - Substance use and abuse among pregnant women in Denmark
Our results did not uncover indications suggesting that the current antenatal care program overlooks pregnant women with substance use, but we identified several challenges within the program related to the self-reporting approach and the guidelines regarding preventive measures for substance use in pregnancy.
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Friday, July 5, 2024

Alcohol News - 27/2024

WHO - Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders
The Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders presents a comprehensive overview of alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm and policy responses as well as treatment capacities for alcohol and drug use disorders worldwide.
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Time Magazine (Thailand) - Thailand, in Bid to Boost Tourism, Considers Ending Its Ban on Afternoon Alcohol Sales
Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin may end a 52-year-old ban on afternoon alcohol sales after appeals from the tourism industry, which is struggling with rising costs and weak consumer spending.
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SWI (Switzerland) - Addiction experts warn too many young people buy alcohol illegally in Switzerland
Too many young people in Switzerland are still able to obtain alcohol illegally. According to Addiction Switzerland, more than a quarter of all sales of beer, wine and spirits are illegal. Online purchases are particularly problematic.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Govt reveals new mental health targets, hints at alcohol law reform in health roadmap
Five new mental health and addiction targets and a nod towards possible alcohol law reform are among the revelations in the Government’s “challenging” three-year plan for the public health system.
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NL Times (Netherlands) - Binge drinking among Dutch school students back to pre-pandemic levels
The number of school students who drink many glasses of alcohol in a row has returned to pre-coronavirus levels. At the time of the survey (in 2023), 18 percent of students had consumed at least five alcoholic drinks in one evening in the past month.
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PsyPost - Mixing energy drinks with alcohol impairs neural functioning in rats, study finds
A study on rats found that binge-like drinking of alcohol mixed with energy drinks during adolescence produced changes in the hippocampus region of the brain that were still detectable when the rats reached adulthood.
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The Independent - The hidden ways alcohol impacts your health
Alcohol may be a big part of how many people socialise and celebrate, but it can have a negative impact on our lives in a range of ways, as Alcohol Awareness Week (July 1-7), coordinated by Alcohol Change UK, highlights.
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Express Medical (UK) - Understanding alcohol harm in the workplace
The consumption of alcohol is a socially accepted norm in our culture, associated with relaxation, celebration and socialising. However, when alcohol consumption extends beyond moderation or into the workplace, it can affect professional performance and cause significant harm. It costs the UK economy more than £7 billion annually in lost productivity due to alcohol. An estimated 167,000 working years are lost to alcohol misuse annually.
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IAS Blog - Is Youth Drinking Decline a Global Phenomenon? We Need More Evidence Beyond the Global North
Heavy and other hazardous drinking practices have significantly decreased among youth in many Western countries. A growing number of studies have also provided possible drivers of such drinking behaviours. However, there is insufficient evidence on this beyond North America and Europe.
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University of Michigan - Not drinking today? Study reveals why young adult drinkers choose alcohol-free days
Understanding the reasons why young adults choose not to drink on certain days may inform prevention and intervention programs aimed at reducing the harms associated with alcohol consequences.
Read more - New study shows alcohol rehabilitation and abstinence reduce the risk of alcohol-associated cancers
A new study conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Bordeaux University Hospital, France, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has found that individuals with alcohol dependence who undergo rehabilitation or maintain abstinence experience significantly lower risks of developing alcohol-associated cancers.
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NordAN (Denmark) - DENMARK: More than one-third of shops sold illegally to minors
The Danish Safety Technology Authority used young mystery shoppers for the first time on July 1 as part of its supervision of age control in physical stores. 34 percent of shops selling alcohol, nicotine, or tobacco products violated age restrictions.
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NordAN (Sweden) - IOGT-NTO comments on government's alcohol tax reduction: "Let alcohol policy fulfill its purpose – to protect our public health"
The Swedish government announced its intention to reduce alcohol taxes for economic reasons. IOGT-NTO is strongly critical of this proposal.
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