Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Women earning more than €35k annually are most at risk for babies having fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Women earning more than €35,000 annually are most at risk for babies having fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, a leading public health consultant has warned.
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Clare FM (Ireland) - FASD Ireland
Celebrates First Birthday
FASD Ireland, a support service, based in Ennis, people living in Ireland
with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder recently celebrated its first birthday.
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News-Medical - Even moderate alcohol use by
pregnant patients may affect babies' prenatal development
University of New Mexico researchers have found that even low to moderate
alcohol use by pregnant patients may contribute to subtle changes in their
babies' prenatal development, including lower birth length and a shorter
duration of gestation.
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The Oxford Scientist - More than a
diagnosis: recognising FASD
Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is widely under-recognised within
society. Caused when a person is exposed to alcohol before birth, FASD is
characterised by features such as birth defects, neurodevelopmental issues, and
cognitive impairment.
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FASD United (formerly NOFAS) - FASD United March 2024 Policy Forum
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Alaska Public Media - Talk of Alaska:
Raising Awareness about FASD
Babies who were exposed to alcohol during pregnancy can develop lifelong
developmental disabilities known collectively as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder or FASD.
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CanFASD - Towards Healthy Outcomes 2.0:
Framework Updates and Policy Implementations
In this webinar recording, viewers will hear about the updates to the
Towards Healthy Outcomes framework and how it may be implemented from a policy
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UCLA Tarjan Center - UCLA Tarjan
Distinguished Lecture: Not Just A Pretty Face: FASD Prevalent &
UCLA Tarjan Center Distinguished Lecture Series
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - FASD
Service Dogs, with Donnie Winokur & Jodee Kulp
In this heartwarming and educational episode of Living with FASD, host
Patti Kasper is joined by two remarkable guests, Jodee Kulp and Donnie Winokur,
to explore the transformative impact of FASD service dogs.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - From
Misunderstood to Mentor with RJ Formanek
Join us on a profound journey in this episode of Living with FASD, where
host Patti Kasper sits down with the remarkable Mr. R.J. Formanek, a cherished
figure in the FASD community. R.J., a man who has walked the path of
self-discovery and triumph, opens up about his late diagnosis at age 47 and how
it reshaped his understanding of his past struggles and behaviors.
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Thriving Adoptees - Thriving With FASD -
Robbie Seale, FASD Educator & Parent
Robbie has 5 kids including 4 by adoption who came from very difficult
beginnings. Her dream is for them to thrive despite this and FASD. A great
episode full of her learnings on the way.
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CanFASD - 2024 Version of the FASD Common
Messaging Guide Released
Since 2017, we have been publishing an FASD Common Messages Guide, a
resource focused on respectful ways of writing and talking about FASD. Each
spring, we review the guide and update it with new research and conversations
that emerge in the FASD community.
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Girls, Women, Alcohol, and Pregnancy - Substance
use and pregnancy: Updated info sheets for service providers
When addressing alcohol use during pregnancy and the prevention of FASD,
it’s important to remember that alcohol use does not occur in isolation.
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Journey to Wellness & Beyond - EPISODE
Have you come across the term FASD? It’s called “Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder” As the name suggests, they’re a group of conditions that can occur in
a person whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy.
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Nature - Low to moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and neurodevelopment in a
prospective cohort of early school aged children
Evidence is strong for adverse fetal effects of high level or chronic
prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), but many pregnant women continue to drink at
lower levels.
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Pediatric Reports - The Impact of Prenatal
Alcohol Exposure on the Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiovascular System in
Rats in a Sex-Specific Manner
The study investigates the effect of PAE on the autonomic system, including
sex differences that may aid in early FASD diagnosis, which is essential for
effective interventions.
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Oxidative
Effects in Early Stages of Embryo Development Due to Alcohol Consumption
This review focuses on its impact during fetal development, when it leads
to a spectrum of disorders collectively termed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Prevention
of alcohol exposed pregnancies in Europe: the FAR SEAS guidelines
The FAR SEAS guidelines are a tool to support policy-makers and service
managers in implementing effective programmes to reduce prenatal alcohol
exposure among general and at-risk population groups.
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Plos one - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
diagnostic clinic capacity in Canadian Provinces and territories
This study investigated the diagnostic capacity for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD) in multidisciplinary clinics across several provincial and one
territorial jurisdictions of Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba,
Ontario and Northwest Territories.
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medRxiv - Genetic admixture predictors of
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the South African Cape Coloured
Our findings indicate that the SACC population may be a valuable asset to
identify novel disease-associated genetic loci for FASD and other diseases.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - A
multi-year, multi-site study of the prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome in
South Africa in a multi-year, multi-site study
As with previous studies, we found a concerningly high prevalence of FASD
in South Africa. Given the scope of the problem it should be a high priority
for health and welfare services to address.
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medRxiv - Establishing a national linked
database for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in the UK: multi-method
public and professional involvement to determine acceptability and feasibility
Multi-method and multidisciplinary public and professional involvement
activities demonstrated the feasibility and acceptability of establishing a
national linked database for FASD in the UK.
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Digital Health - Larger-scale feasibility
trial of the families moving forward (FMF) connect mobile health intervention
for caregivers raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Recruitment strategies proved sufficient with 171 caregivers screened and
105 deemed eligible. Analyses identified a few predictive demographic and
outcome variables related to attrition. Several study measures were sensitive
to change.
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Frontiers in Human Neuroscience - Sex and
age effects on gray matter volume trajectories in young children with prenatal
alcohol exposure
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) occurs in ~11% of North American
pregnancies and is the most common known cause of neurodevelopmental
disabilities such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD; ~2–5% prevalence).
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - A
dose–response analysis of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on cognitive
These findings suggest that linear models based on total AA/day are
appropriate for assessing whether PAE affects a given cognitive outcome.
However, examination of alcohol dose/occasion and drinking frequency is needed
to fully characterize the impact of different levels of alcohol intake on
cognitive impairment.
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Plos one - Unmet need for alcohol use
disorder treatment in reproductive-age females, with emphasis on pregnant and
parenting populations in the United States: Findings from NSDUH 2015–2021
This study describes the most recent patterns in the past year AUD
prevalence and treatment among reproductive-aged women, with a specific focus
on pregnant and parenting women, and barriers to treatment among those
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Applied Neuropsychology - A working memory
intervention for children with prenatal alcohol exposure: Pilot study
Preliminary findings indicate that computerized interventions may
positively impact WM and attention control and that these changes may be
maintained after a delay period.
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bioRxiv - Sexually dimorphic effects of
prenatal alcohol exposure on the murine skeleton
Evidence herein suggests for the first time that PAE exerts divergent sex
effects on the skeleton, possibly influenced by underlying sex specific
transcriptional mechanisms of osteoblasts.
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Ophthalmic Epidemiology - Ophthalmic
Findings in Aboriginal Children with High Rates of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: The Lililwan Project
Despite the small sample, some eye abnormalities were higher in children
with PAE and/or FASD. Access to eye services or assessment of vision and
structural eye anomalies is essential for Indigenous children, particularly
those with PAE or FASD to allow early effective treatment.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Characteristics
of sleep in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure
Despite similar 2-week average sleep outcomes, children with prenatal
alcohol exposure showed greater intraindividual sleep variability and parents
reported more sleep problems related to sleep behavior and snoring.
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Reduced
fetal cerebral blood flow predicts perinatal mortality in a mouse model of
prenatal alcohol and cannabinoid exposure
Fetal cerebrovasculature is significantly impaired by exposure to alcohol
or cannabinoids, and co-exposure confers additional risk for adverse birth
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Australian Midwifery News - Arranging
support to achieve or maintain an alcohol-free pregnancy
This article is the last of a 5-part series about alcohol and pregnancy,
the 5As Framework and its application to conversations on the topic.
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Maternal and Child Health Journal - A
Comparison of Two Statewide Datasets to Understand Population Prevalence of
Substance Use in Pregnancy: Findings and Considerations for Policy &
Mental health conditions including substance use disorder are the leading
cause of pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. Unfortunately, fears of child
protective services’ involvement interfere with maternal self-disclosure of
substance use in pregnancy.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - A
multi-year, multi-site study of the prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome in
South Africa in a multi-year, multi-site study
As with previous studies, we found a concerningly high prevalence of FASD in
South Africa. Given the scope of the problem it should be a high priority for
health and welfare services to address.
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PFLB (Germany) - Das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom als pädagogische Herausforderung
Dieses entsteht durch mütterlichen Konsum von Alkohol während der
Schwangerschaft und manifestiert sich in vielfältigen Störungen, Problemen und
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Powiatowa Stacja Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczna w
Rypinie (Poland) - Wielkimi krokami zbliża się Światowy Dzień Zdrowia.
Pamiętacie Hanię? Wielkimi krokami zbliża się Światowy Dzień Zdrowia. Pamiętacie
Hanię? Ta mała dziewczynka sama dotknięta #FASD razem ze swoją rodziną walczy o
zdrowie dla innych dzieci. Każde dziecko ma prawo do zdrowia, żadne nie musi
być dotknięte #FAS.
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Chaos im Kopf Podcast (Germany) - Dein FASD
Podcast - FASD-Meltdown: mit Verständnis und Empathie begleiten
In dieser Podcastfolge geht es um das Thema Meltdowns und FASD. Ein
Meltdown kann als eine Art Kontrollverlust beschrieben werden, in dem Emotionen
und Sinneseindrücke überwältigend werden.
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Afasaf Fasd (Spain) - Afasaf
ConNecta_Estigma y autoestigma en el TEAF con José Ignacio Díaz Carvajal
Sesión informativa sobre el estigma y cómo afectan las actitudes
estigmatizantes a la autopercepción de las personas con SAF/TEAF. Además se
abordó cuál es el papel de las familias frente al estigma y cómo podemos
acompañar a nuestro hijo o hija.
Read more (Finland) - FASD eri ikäkausina
Päihteille altistunut lapsi tarvitsee syntymänsä jälkeen erityisen turvallisen
ja tasapainoisen kasvuympäristön. Alkoholille altistunut lapsi saattaa
syntyessään kärsiä alkoholin aiheuttamista vieroitusoireista: vastasyntynyt
tärisee ja hänellä on kouristuksia.
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Katho (Germany) - Erstes Fachbuch zur
Schulbegleitung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit FASD erschienen
Ein bisher einzigartiges Fachbuch zur Unterstützung von Kindern und
Jugendlichen mit einer Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD) im Schulalltag ist
jetzt im Beltz-Verlag erschienen.
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Oslo universitetssykehus (Norway) - Gravide,
småbarnsforeldre og rusmiddelavhengighet
Hvordan skal vi møte blivende mødre og småbarnsfamilier med rusmiddelproblemer?
Hvilke tilbud finnes til denne målgruppen? Hva sier retningslinjene om LAR og
graviditet? Denne artikkelen samler informasjon og nyttige lenker.
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