Penticton Herald (Canada) - Lakeland Centre for FASD open house empowers and supports
The Lakeland Centre for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) open house drew attention as it provided a platform for education, awareness, and support for individuals and families navigating the challenges of this complex condition.
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EurekAlert! - Researcher says men should
abstain from drinking at least three months prior to conceiving
Researchers at Texas A&M University have already shown that paternal
drinking habits prior to conception can have a negative effect on fetal
development — with semen from men who regularly consume alcohol impacting
placenta development, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)-associated brain and facial
defects, and even IVF outcomes.
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Mamamia - During her pregnancy, Sophie
drank occasionally. At 14, her son received a diagnosis.
From the moment Sophie found out she was pregnant, she was excited for the
future that lay ahead. She was 30, and this was going to be her first child.
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Birmingham Live - 'My mother drank too much
before she had me - now it feels like I have dementia at 21'
In her spare time, she volunteers at her local hospital, picks litter off
the street and keeps her neighbourhood safe - but for years Chloe Lambert has
been unable to land a job because of her disability. The disability campaigner
from Wolverhampton lives with a little-known disability which she says is like
having ‘dementia’ at the age of 21.
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The Australian (Australia) - How glass baby campaign hit home for mums-to-be
A study published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public
Health has revealed new data on the efficacy of an advertising campaign
designed to support alcohol-free pregnancies.
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FARE Australia
(Australia) - Every Moment Matters campaign celebrates two year milestone
Every Moment Matters is a groundbreaking national health campaign about
alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The campaign has been developed by the
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and is funded by the
Australian Government from July 2020 to September 2024.
Read more - Government
of Canada announces partnership with the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences to
assess fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Canada
Today, the Honourable Ya'ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions
and Associate Minister of Health announced close to $950,000 for the Canadian
Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) to undertake a comprehensive scientific
assessment on FASD.
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FASD Ireland (Ireland)
- Parliamentary Questions
Below you will find all PQ's submitted since 2017 related to Foetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder along with the responses from Ministers and the HSE.
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FASD United - FASD
in the Criminal Justice Space: Interview with Captain Brian Holloman
Research highlights the connection between FASD and interactions with law
enforcement and the criminal justice system. While these statistics may spark
concern, they emphasize an important point.
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Research in Practice -
Supporting people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
For the first 26 years of my professional career, I had no knowledge at all
about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), and only found out about it
'accidentally' in 2008 when I came across it in my personal life.
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FASD United - Prevention-Based
Messaging and Perspectives From Those with FASDs
In the FASD space, prevention messaging undoubtedly plays a crucial role,
but focusing solely on prevention can sometimes inadvertently cast a shadow
over those living with this disability.
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FASD Hub Australia - Building blocks for success: Understanding &
supporting children with FASD in the school environment
In this short webinar hosted by FASD Hub Australia and Learning With FASD,
our experts in paediatrics, occupational therapy, and education provide an
overview of the common challenges that children with FASD may face in the
classroom, as well as strategies to set them up for success.
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FASD Awareness - Our
FASD Strategies & Coping Mechanisms -FASD Webinar #22
In this December webinar we have listened to many of the requests coming
into FASD Awareness and we have arranged some of the world’s leading advocates
of FASD to discuss their methods, techniques, and strategies around the day to
day coping mechanism that they use to thrive.
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Northwest ATTC - Tailoring
Treatment for Clients with PAE/FASD
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term that refers to a
wide range of life-long physical, cognitive, and behavioral effects that can
occur as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
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FASD United (formerly
NOFAS) - FASD United Policy Forum - November 2023
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The Matilda Centre - Learning
with FASD: Building blocks for success: Understanding and supporting children
with FASD
This webinar is aimed at primary school teaching and support staff looking
to learn more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and how to support
children with FASD to thrive at school.
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Program Lead
CAPCCPNPNetwork - FASD Webinar: A Complicated and Beautiful Brain
This presentation will help the participants to recognize that FASD is a
part of all of our job descriptions. We will discuss the urgent need for us on
the front line to understand that drinking during pregnancy is actually on the
rise despite what we know.
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United States Drug
Testing Laboratories (USDTL) - Toxtime: Identifying & Helping Newborns
Affected by Alcohol & Other Drug Misuse
In preparation of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month in
September, join Guida Brown of Guided by Guida at USDTL’s next ToxTime on
“Identifying & Helping Newborns Affected by Alcohol & Other Drug
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Al Coates - Episode
5 of FASD - What’s da Craic? Foster Carer Frank
In this episode Scott had a chat with foster carer and parent Frank. Frank
and his wife adopted in the early 90’s in the UK and since then have returned
to Ireland to live. Franks shares his families story of living with FASD, how
they became aware of it, how they were supported, as well as how it impacted
everyone in the longer term with the sad passing of his son 4 years ago from
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CanFASD - About
FASD Prevention
Canadian prevention specialists have identified four mutually reinforcing
prevention approaches as effective in delivering FASD prevention, linked to
overall policy strategies. The four levels span general and specific practices
that assist women to improve their health and the health of their children,
with support from family, support networks, services and community.
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Able to Care Podcast -
Understanding Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Able To Care Podcast
This months podcast explores Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and how we can
help those living with it.
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Frontiers in Cellular Neurosci. Sec. Cellular Neurophysiology - Expression
of placental CD146 is dysregulated by prenatal alcohol exposure and contributes
in cortical vasculature development and positioning of vessel-associated
Recent data showed that prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) impairs the
"placenta-brain" axis controlling foetal brain angiogenesis in human
and preclinical models.
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Revue de l'infirmiere
- Alcohol and pregnancy: talking about it without taboos to prevent
From the earliest stages of adolescence, the question of alcohol
consumption should be addressed by health professionals (GPs, midwives,
gynecologists, pediatricians, nurses) working in the field of perinatal care or
public health. All alcohol consumption is prohibited during pregnancy.
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Alcohol Clin Exp Res -
Pregnancy characteristics and outcomes among birthing individuals with a
diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome
These findings highlight the need for improved recognition of FAS among
birthing people. The results suggest that individuals with FAS would benefit
from early and sustained medical care prior to pregnancy to optimize perinatal
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Archives of Public
Health - The role of general practitioners in Reunion in detecting alcohol
use in pregnant women and identifying fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a
qualitative study
GPs reported barriers to the identification of FASD: challenges in
overcoming social taboos and paradoxical injunctions, the influence of limited
knowledge and experience, non-specific and highly variable symptoms, ambiguous
classification and method of diagnosis involving the mobilization of a
multidisciplinary team and lengthy consultations.
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The Journal of
Pediatrics - Normative MRI Data Increase the Sensitivity to Brain Volume
Abnormalities in the Classification of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Age- and sex-adjusted brain volumes based on a large normative dataset may
be useful predictors of functional outcomes and may identify a greater number
of individuals with FASD than the currently used criterion of OFC.
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Frontiers in
Neuroscience - Editorial: Perspectives and recent advances in Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders research
This Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Topic entitled “Perspectives and
recent advances in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders research” was launched
shortly after the 45th Annual Research Society on Alcohol Scientific Meeting
held in Orlando, Florida from June 25–29, 2022.
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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - Polymorphisms
in the choline transporter SLC44A1 are associated with reduced cognitive
performance in normotypic but not prenatal alcohol-exposed children
Two functional alleles that increase vulnerability to choline deficiency,
rs3199966(G) (Ser644Ala) and rs2771040(G) (3′ untranslated region), are
associated with worsened cognition in otherwise normotypic children.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Predicting
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in preschool-aged children from early life
As early identification and treatment optimize outcomes of children with
FASD, classifier models from early life characteristics show promise in
predicting FASD.
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JAMA Network - Brain Volume in Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Over a 20-Year Span
These findings suggest that a sustained spectrum of brain volume deficits
endured from adolescence into early middle age based on the original severity
of dysmorphia and a diagnostic distinction between fetal alcohol syndrome and
alcohol-related neurodevelopment disorder.
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Forensic Science International: Mind and Law -
‘I inevitably get in trouble … in one way or another’: Qualitative
exploration of the vulnerabilities and experiences of justice system
encountered individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Individuals with FASD are highly vulnerable to, and within, encounters with
the CJS. Procedural justice will benefit by employing alternative methods in
dealing with situations where individuals with FASD may be involved, and in
obtaining information via interviews from the FASD population.
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Journal of Public Health - Identifying the
motives for and against drinking during pregnancy and motherhood, and factors
associated with increased maternal alcohol use
Stress reduction motives may be a risk factor for heavier maternal
drinking, while motives for not drinking seem to be focused on child welfare
and maternal well-being.
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Dentonet (Poland) - Zdrowie jamy ustnej i jakość życia osób z FASD
Zdrowie jamy ustnej może znacząco wpłynąć na ogólny stan zdrowia i jakość
życia. Tym bardziej dotyczy to osób z niepełnosprawnością rozwojową, taką jak
spektrum poalkoholowych zaburzeń rozwojowych (ang. foetal alcohol spectrum
disorder; FASD).
Read more (Germany) - Alkohol in der
Schwangerschaft: Viele Kinder in der Pfalz leiden unter den Folgen
Hirnschäden, die Kinder im Mutterleib durch Alkohol erleiden, sind keine
Seltenheit. Pfälzer Pflegefamilien berichten: Das Alkoholsyndrom beeinträchtigt
das ganze Leben.
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Società Italiana di Pediatria (Italy) - Allattamento,
sindrome feto-alcolica e sviluppo neurologico del bambino
Molti studi si sono occupati di valutare se i bambini allattati al seno
presentano un migliore neurosviluppo rispetto a bambini che vengono alimentati
con una formula. I dati finora disponibili sono in parte contrastanti ma,
eliminati fattori confondenti, è stata riscontrata un’associazione
statisticamente significativa a favore degli allattati al seno.
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Krajowe Centrum Przeciwdziałania Uzależnieniom
(Poland) - FASD powszechna ale wciąż mało znana choroba
Read more (Finland) - Näkymätön
Raskausaikana äitinsä päihteidenkäytölle altistuneista nuorista noin
puolella on mielenterveyden ja käyttäytymisen häiriöitä 15–24 vuoden iässä.
Mielenterveyden ongelmilla puolestaan on yhteys muun muassa muita nuoria
huonompaan koulumenestykseen ja taloudellisiin vaikeuksiin.
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