Family Law Week (UK) - FASD: The neurodevelopmental disorder frequently overlooked within Family Law
Dr Cassie Jackson is Chartered Clinical Psychologist based in Norwich at the Psychology Clinic of East Anglia (PCEA) and is due to begin a part-time role working with the Surrey FASD clinic alongside Dr Raja Mukherjee and colleagues.
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Mollie O’Brien, executive director of Proof Alliance Minnesota, says
prenatal alcohol exposure impacts one in 20 babies in the U.S. and can result
in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Nextgov - Dad's Drinking Tied to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
New research challenges existing dogma that links fetal alcohol syndrome
only to the mother’s drinking.
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The Conversation - Planning for a baby? Why both men and
women should consider quitting alcohol before and during pregnancy
When a couple is planning on having a baby, it’s often the woman who is
seen as responsible for the health of the unborn child.
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MJA Insight (Australia) - Complex neurodevelopmental
disorders: MBS changes
Changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule will benefit children and young
people with complex neurodevelopmental disorders, write Elizabeth Elliott,
Marcel Zimmet and Julie Flanagan.
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Times News Group (Australia) - Pittman talks up the
benefits of alcohol-free pregnancies
Olympian turned women’s health doctor Dr Jana Pittman wants to get
Australians talking about alcohol-free pregnancies, and safe breastfeeding
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Neuroscience News - Exposure to Alcohol Through
Breastmilk Affects Brain and Behavioral Development
Exposure to alcohol through a mother’s breastmilk can have serious and
lasting implications for brain and behavioral development in children.
Researchers found alcohol exposure via breastmilk resulted in smaller body and
brain growth and decreased cortical length in mouse models.
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RTE (Ireland) - Over a thousand babies born addicted to
drugs in past decade
More than a thousand babies have been diagnosed as being born addicted to
or affected by illegal and legal drugs in Ireland over the past decade.
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Dr. Gwen Empowered - Ep78. What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)?
Shannon Iacobacci comes onto the show to teach us about Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder (FASD), it's misconceptions and stigmas, and how we can help
individuals and families who are affected by FASD.
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Insight Queensland - 19 April 23: Dr Natasha Reid -
Prenatal alcohol exposure and FASD
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the potential impacts of
prenatal alcohol exposure can be addressed by increasing access to reproductive
health care and reducing alcohol use.
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JumpStartPsychology - FASD Levels of functioning
Explore how the concept of "levels of functioning" can be used to
explain the support needs of people with FASD.
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Womack AMC - ASAP Class
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We are asking people across Australia to share their experiences. Below are
a collection of the personal stories, reflections and quotes about alcohol,
pregnancy, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Guillaume is a young adult with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). He
is proud of the path he has taken despite the many obstacles and thanks to the
support of his loved ones. With his father, Marc-André, they share their daily
life with this disorder with an open heart and without taboos.
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CanFASD - Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing for
Individuals with FASD Across the Lifespan
This is a recording from a webinar with FASD Maine and CanFASD on March 28,
2023 on how to support mental health and wellbeing for people with FASD across
the lifespan.
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PreventFASD - Experts agree - Your choices matter
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition with
lifelong cognitive, emotional and behavioural challenges.
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FASD Awareness - Cindy Perkins - FASD Care Management
Plans (Webinar #15)
Cindy Perkins (Elucidate Training) discusses the FASD Care Management Plans – The Voice of
the lived Experience with host Andrew Keeping. (A review of the FASD UK Alliance
presentation at the FASD Conference in Salford March 2023).
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The Adoption and Fostering Podcast - Podcast Special with
Jeff Noble, speaker and host of the FASD Success Podcast
In a short episode Scott chats to Jeff Noble from the Canadian FASD Success
Podcast. Jeff is in the Ayr, Scotland to share to experience and insight to
FASD and Scott collared him for a quick natter.
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CanFASD Blog - Build a better foundation with our online
FASD Courses!
CanFASD has nine different online learning courses available to improve
professional and community understanding of FASD.
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NIH Gov - Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (ICCFASD) - April 2023
Public Meeting of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders (ICCFASD) (open to the public)
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GM FASD Network - Things I wish I'd Known About FASD
The GM FASD Network have put together a resource on "Things I wish I'd
Known About FASD" - for parents/carers, professionals, and anyone interested
in FASD!
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Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology: Case Reports - Homozygous
mutation in the ADH6 gene, involved in alcohol metabolism, associated with a
multisystem disorder, analogous to the fetal alcohol syndrome
We identified a novel variant in ADH6, involved in the metabolism of
alcohol, in a patient with a hereditary alcohol metabolism encephalopathy
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Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - Knowledge,
attitudes, and practices towards fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the New
Zealand social and community sector: An online survey
There is a need to improve training, professional development, and
workplace support for social and community workers in New Zealand to support
people with FASD.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- “Our Mothers Have Handed That to Us. Her Mother Has Handed That to Her”:
Urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Yarning about Community Wellbeing,
Healthy Pregnancies, and the Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
In Australia, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a largely hidden
disability that is currently under-recognized, under-resourced, and under- or
misdiagnosed. Unsurprisingly, efforts to prevent FASD in urban Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander communities are lacking.
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JMIR Public Health and Surveillance - Racial/Ethnic
Disparity in Association Between Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Alcohol Intake
During Pregnancy: Multisite Retrospective Cohort Study
The risk of delivering a baby with FAS was comparable among White, Black,
and AI/AN women at similar levels of drinking during pregnancy. Regardless of
race, a 1-gram increase in AAC resulted in increased odds of giving birth to a
baby with facial anomalies or deficient brain growth.
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Australian Social Work - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
and Social Work Practice in Australia: A Narrative Literature Review
We argue that research about FASD and social work practice can improve
social workers’ understanding of the BPSSC characteristics and management of
FASD across the life course and contribute to EBP development in these areas in
Australian social work.
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Alcohol Research: Current Reviews - Reducing Prenatal
Alcohol Exposure and the Incidence of FASD: Is the Past Prologue?
This narrative review summarizes and synthesizes the clinical trials and
randomized clinical trials that evaluated selected and targeted approaches to
reducing preconception and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and alcohol-exposed
pregnancy (AEP) since 2011.
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Differential
Early Mechanistic Frontal Lobe Responses to Choline Chloride and Soy
Isoflavones in an Experimental Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The findings suggest that dietary soy, with the benefits of providing
complete nutrition together with Choline, could be used to help optimize
neurodevelopment in humans at risk for FASD.
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Biology of Sex Differences - Sex differences in the
transcriptome of extracellular vesicles secreted by fetal neural stem cells and
effects of chronic alcohol exposure
The EV transcriptome is distinctly different from, and more sex-variant
than, the transcriptome of cell-of-origin NSCs. Ethanol, a common teratogen,
results in dose-dependent sorting of RNA transcripts from NSCs to EVs which may
reprogram the EV-mediated endocrine environment during neurogenesis.
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Plos one - Bioinformatic analysis predicts that ethanol
exposure during early development causes alternative splicing alterations of
genes involved in RNA post-transcriptional regulation
This bioinformatic analysis provides a reliable list of candidate genes
whose splicing is affected by ethanol during nervous system development.
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Ursinus College - Establishing a Method for Microglial
Morphology Analysis in Response to Binge Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in
Dopaminergic Pathways
This research shifts from the focus on axons to the surrounding microglia
that are responsible for axon guidance in developing embryos, especially in the
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Neurology International - Sensory Motor Function
Disturbances in Mice Prenatally Exposed to Low Dose of Ethanol: A
Neurobehavioral Study in Postnatal and Adult Stages
The current data demonstrate the powerful neurotoxic effect of prenatal
ethanol exposure on the sensory-motor and coordination functions, leading to
suppose possible structural and/or functional neuronal disturbances,
particularly the locomotor network.
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Preventing Chronic Disease - Screening and Brief
Interventions for Alcohol Use During Pregnancy: Practices Among US Primary Care
Clinicians, DocStyles 2019
Pregnancy presents a unique opportunity for clinicians to incorporate
screening into routine obstetric care and encourage behavior change among
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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health - Prenatal
alcohol exposure risk perception dimensions and influencing factors: A
systematic review and conceptual model
The novel PARP conceptual model developed from the current literature
provides a framework to guide understanding of risk perceptions, which includes
a wide range of potential influencing factors.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prenatal
alcohol exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder independently
predict greater substance use in young adulthood
the effects of PAE on alcohol and cannabis use in young adulthood is not
attributable to being reared in an environment that is socioeconomically
disadvantaged or in one in which there is extensive maternal drinking.
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Tobacco Prevention and Cessation - Interventions for
tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis cessation in pregnancy: considerations for
design and implementation
The key considerations identified regarding the preferences and
expectations of the participants on smoking, alcohol and cannabis interventions
should be taken into consideration whilst acknowledging that some of these
considerations might be context-dependent.
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Voices in Bioethics - Policies Affecting Pregnant Women
with Substance Use Disorder
This article highlights some misconceptions and underscores the challenges
they face as they navigate the justice and healthcare systems while also
providing possible solutions to address their underlying addiction.
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Obiter - Exploring the feasibility of criminalising
maternal substance abuse in South Africa
With alcohol abuse by pregnant women being a significant problem in South
Africa, particularly in the rural areas of the Western Cape province, the
country carries one of the world's heaviest burdens of foetal alcohol syndrome
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Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Polysubstance use during
pregnancy: The importance of screening, patient education, and integrating a
harm reduction perspective
One in five individuals who reported use of any substance during pregnancy
engaged in polysubstance use, highlighting the importance of comprehensive
screening and evidence-based interventions including harm reduction.
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LANGUAGES (Poland) - FAS i FASD, czyli żadna dawka alkoholu nie jest
bezpieczna w ciąży!
W sali obrad urzędu miasta w Radomsku podsumowano rozpoczętą 9 września
akcję dot. świadomości na temat alkoholowego zespołu płodowego i spektrum
płodowych zaburzeń alkoholowych (FAS/FASD).
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Il Fatto
Quotidiano (Italy) - La sposa furiosa con la damigella d’onore: “Mi ha
rubato la scena all’addio al nubilato parlando della sua malattia, la sindrome
alcolica fetale”
La sposa furiosa con la damigella d’onore. Il motivo? Sostiene che
l’amica le abbia rubato la scena durante l’addio al nubilato e la cosa proprio
non le va giù. Durante la serata, la damigella d’onore ha infatti raccontato di
aver ricevuto una diagnosi di sindrome alcolica fetale.
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Wochenblatt Reporter (Germany) - Verleihung des
Verdienstkreuzes am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland an
Katrin Lepke
Für ihre besonderen Verdienste bei der Aufklärung über die Auswirkungen von
Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft wurde Katrin Lepke aus Mutterstadt das
Bundesverdienstkreuz verliehen.
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Landratsamt Schweinfurt (Germany) - „Kein Alkohol in der
Schwangerschaft“ – Präventionsprogramm des Gesundheitsamts Schweinfurt
Stadt und Landkreis Schweinfurt. Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene
frühzeitig über die Gefahren von Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft und
Stillzeit informieren – Das ist das erklärte Ziel des neuen
Präventionsprogramms des Gesundheitsamts Schweinfurt.
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State of Mind (Italy) - Alcool in gravidanza: gli effetti
sui bambini
Differenti studi dimostrano che il Disturbo da deficit di
attenzione/iperattività (ADHD) è uno dei disturbi che più si presenta in
comorbilità con la sindrome feto alcolica (FASD).
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Britt - DER TALK (Germany) - FASD - Luise erzählt von
ihrem Syndrom | 1/3 | Britt
Alkohol ist eine immense Gefahr für das Kind im Mutterleib und kann zu
Entwicklungsschäden führen. In der Sendung klären Experten über das Thema auf
und Betroffene sprechen darüber, wie die Folgen sie noch heute im Alltag
begleiten und einschränken.
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Afasaf Fasd (Spain) - Afasaf ConNecta_ Lo que hemos
aprendido del SAF/TEAF: La Perspectiva de las familias. Nuria Beltrán
Se aborda la información que AFASAF ha difundido en charlas a centros de
atención primaria, cuerpos de Seguridad, escuela judicial del Consejo General
del Poder Judicial y/o centros ocupacionales desde el punto de vista de las
familias que llevan años de experiencia educando y cuidando a sus hijos e hijas
afectados por SAF / TEAF.
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