
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Alcohol News - 8/2023

New York Times - Big Soda’s Alcohol Drinks Worry Health Experts
PepsiCo and Coca-Cola enter hard soda markets, causing concerns among regulators and researchers.
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University of Sterling - New study raises concern over relationship between major alcohol research funder and alcohol Industry
A new study has uncovered extensive interactions between one of the world’s leading funders of alcohol research and alcohol industry groups, sparking concern about the industry’s influence on science and public health policy.
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ScienceAlert - Even a Small Amount of Alcohol During Pregnancy Linked to Changes in a Child's Face
Just one glass of wine a week during pregnancy has been linked to permanent changes in a child's facial features – and possibly their cognitive abilities too.
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WHIO TV - The BORG: New alcoholic cocktail sends students to emergency rooms, doctor says
Doctors are warning young adults, particularly college students, against a new, dangerous alcoholic concoction trending on social media.
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Global News (Canada) - Alcohol taxes in Canada are going up
On April 1, a new 6.3 per cent federal alcohol tax hike will go into effect. Mark von Schellwitz of Restaurants Canada explains how the price hike will impact restaurants already struggling with food inflation.
Read more (Ireland) - Talking to teenagers about alcohol: ‘We must communicate openly and practise what we preach about drinking’
Alcohol use among teenagers appears to be waning, but with health risks high, it is still important that parents do everything possible to delay the age at which their children start drinking
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Katie Couric Media - Katie Asks Her Nutritionist for the Lowdown on Cancer and Alcohol
After being diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2022, I was stunned, of course. But then I did what comes naturally to me as a reporter: I tried to find out everything I could. I talked to a host of experts to understand what was going on in my body and make sure I was being proactive about staying healthy.
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Department of Health and Aged Care (Australia) - 'Strong Born' a new campaign supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to yarn about FASD
Today, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) supported by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), will launch the Strong Born campaign aimed at raising awareness of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy, and safe breastfeeding practices.
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PerthNow (Australia) - Fast food, alcohol and political advertising to be banned under City of Canning ‘moral police’ rules
A furore has erupted over a plan to ban hamburgers, faces of wannabe politicians and anything that might be deemed offensive from being advertised at suburban bus shelters throughout the City of Canning.
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Mirage News - Facebook Ads Target Young People with Alcohol, Gambling and Unhealthy Food
Facebook and Instagram are bombarding young people with targeted ads for alcohol, gambling and unhealthy food, new data shows, prompting calls for reform to protect young people from harmful digital marketing.
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Health Policy Watch - WHO’s Updated Guidance for NCDs Is a Great Start, But Must Steer Clear of Corporate Interference
While WHO’s recent Executive Board meeting saw a considerable amount of sound and fury over the proposed pandemic treaty, an obscurely titled but vital appendix of updated “best buys” to combat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) was also briefly on stage.
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JUTA Medical Brief - Political action key to addressing alcohol-linked cancer
After tobacco, alcohol is the second biggest cause of cancer – before other risk factors like infections, physical inactivity, or sunlight. Worldwide, around 740 000 people get cancer due to alcohol, annually. However, more can be done to prevent it – but only with political will.
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University of Helsinki (Finland) - When alcohol becomes cheaper, abortions and adverse birth outcomes increase, new research shows
When Finnish policymakers cut taxes on alcohol and made importing alcohol easier, rates of abortion, pre-term birth, and low birthweight all rose, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Addiction.
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Sunday, February 19, 2023

FASD News 7/2023

EAMHID 2023 - 14th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability – “Best Practices – Better Life” (Helsinki, Finland | 21 – 23 September 2023)
We are pleased to invite you to the 14th EAMHID Congress in Helsinki, Finland. The congress will be organized by KTO and FAIDD, both organisations working for better life for the persons with learning difficulties. Our congress’ theme is “Best Practices – Better Life”, and as before the congress will provide numerous possibilities both scientists, practitioners, and persons with disabilities with their families to encounter and discuss.
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Squamish Chief (Canada) - FASD respite funding will help B.C. families in need of relief
Families with children experiencing the effects of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can now apply for grant funding to help with respite or relief needs.

Midlothian View (UK) - Adoption UK calls for faster FASD diagnoosis
Adoption UK says the current NHS crisis could lead to even longer delays for hundreds of families awaiting an FASD diagnosis across the UK.
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The Conversation (Australia) - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is tragic but not new. How should fresh funding tackle it in the NT?
In recent weeks, the Australian and Northern Territory governments announced new funding to address the longstanding, much-publicised challenges facing Central Australia.
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News Medical - Prenatal alcohol exposure associated with the facial shape of children
Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technology to find a link between alterations in the shape of children's faces and the amount of alcohol their mothers drank, both before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy.
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Edinburgh Live (Scotland) - West Lothian mum on adopted son's struggles after birth mother drank while pregnant
Karen and her husband John noticed their son was struggling with his emotions and behaviour as he started to grow older. After a six-year wait, they were finally told he has FASD after his birth mother drank heavily.
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Science Alert - Even a Small Amount of Alcohol During Pregnancy Linked to Changes in a Child's Face
Just one glass of wine a week during pregnancy has been linked to permanent changes in a child's facial features – and possibly their cognitive abilities too.
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STAT - Pregnant people with substance use disorders need treatment, not criminalization
Though it may be hard for many to fathom, even pregnant people and new parents can have active substance use disorders. They need support, not criminalization.
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Indiana Alliance - Love is in the Air! Dating Somone with FASD: What you Need to Know
The dating scene nowadays is like the wild west. If for no other reason neither the dating scene nor the wild west is as glamorous as it is perceived to be in the movies. Real life is messy, and in relationships we all bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table.
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Indiana Alliance - Adulting with FASD: Personal Space… It’s not Just Physical
I don’t know many people that enjoy others encroaching on their personal space. It feels weird, and it is just creepy. Even if it is a family member or a close friend. I noticed that I struggle with other people’s personal space, their EMOTIONAL, Personal Space.
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UW - Department of Family Medicine and Community Health - "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevention" - Cresta Jones & Julene Zizza
Presented via Webex on June 1st, 2022 as part of the UW DFMCH Addiction Medicine Grand Rounds
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APSAD - Peeling Back the Layers: Psychiatric Perspectives on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
FASD from a behavioural and psychiatric context- Presentation & overlap with trauma- Medical mimics: differential diagnostic considerations- Approaches to co-morbidities and management
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FASDHub Scotland - Wednesday Webinar: David Junior Gilbert "FASD and Suggestibility during Police Interviews"
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HSJCC - FASD & the Law - David Boulding - Webinar - 2023-02-15
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is one of the most common causes of developmental disability in Canada. It is an incurable and lifelong disability that is poorly understood.
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OSF - Teachers’ needs for an FASD-informed resource: a qualitative interview needs assessment based on the ADAPT-ITT framework
Teachers need an evidence-based FASD-informed intervention that is easy to use, concise, and responsive to varying needs and levels of experience. Results will inform the adaptation process of the FMF Program.
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Nudge Education - Nudge Education Presents: A spotlight on - #2 (TRAILER)
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Fasd Success Show - #132 The End of a Chapter: Navigating Life After Loss
In this episode, I delve into the complicated and emotional process of moving forward after the loss of my sister.  As we navigate the loss of my sister's passing, I reflect on the ups and downs of grieving and how it has changed me. Join me as I share my experiences and the eulogy I never got to say.
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NIAAA - Short Takes With NIAAA: What Are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Learn about the range of physical and neurodevelopmental effects that can result from alcohol exposure before birth.
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CanFASD - New Issue Paper: Diagnostic Assessment of Preschoolers
Diagnostic assessment of preschoolers (aged 0-5) with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can be an early opportunity to identify behaviour and learning challenges and provide appropriate early intervention.
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Cells - Choline Supplementation Alters Hippocampal Cytokine Levels in Adolescence and Adulthood in an Animal Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Alcohol (ethanol) exposure during pregnancy can adversely affect development, with long-lasting consequences that include neuroimmune, cognitive, and behavioral dysfunction.
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The Journal of Physiology - The role of maternal choline, folate and one-carbon metabolism in mediating the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on placental and fetal development
Prenatal alcohol consumption (PAE) may be associated with a broad spectrum of impacts, ranging from no overt effects, to miscarriage, fetal growth restriction and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
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Alcohol - Combined exposure to alcohol and cannabis during development: mechanisms and outcomes
The present review focuses on interactions between alcohol and cannabis exposure and the potential consequences of these interactions.
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The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse - Global intellectual ability and adaptive functioning in children with FASD with and without sentinel facial features
The present study founds poorer cognitive outcomes in children who have FASD with sentinel facial features. In children without SFF, stronger executive functioning is also related to significantly stronger reported conceptual, social, and practical adaptive behaviors.
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Maternal and Child Health Journal - Systematic Review: Polysubstance Prevalence Estimates Reported during Pregnancy, US, 2009–2020
Polysubstance use during pregnancy is common, especially with alcohol, marijuana, and/or tobacco/nicotine.
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Women's Health - Supporting pregnant and parenting women who use alcohol during pregnancy: A scoping review of trauma-informed approaches
Alcohol is legalized and used for a variety of reasons, including socially or as self-medication for trauma in the absence of accessible and safe supports.
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Stroke - Abstract TP215: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Impairs Long-term Behavioral Recovery Following Ischemic Stroke In Sprague Dawley Rats
The present findings support the hypothesis that PAE modifies long-term cognitive changes after stroke, and further show that different cognitive domains are affected by PAE in males and females.
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Frontiers in Psychology - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Risk-Need-Responsivity Model: A guide for criminal justice and forensic mental health professionals
As the prevalence of FASD becomes better understood and recognized, evidence-based approaches to addressing this specific sub-population are necessary to effect change and reduce recidivism and ongoing involvement in the criminal justice system.
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Johanniter (Germany) - Neu in Hannover: FASD-Beratungsstelle bietet Selbsthilfegruppe an
Das Angebot richtet sich an Pflege- und Adoptiveltern von Kindern mit Beeinträchtigungen, entstanden durch den Alkoholkonsum der Mütter während der Schwangerschaft
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Iltalehti (Finland) - ”Olen antanut äidille anteeksi”
Kim söi 20 vuotta mielialalääkkeitä ilman mitään hyötyä. Yhtenä päivänä hän tajusi seisovansa aivan liian liki junanraiteita. Sitten hän esitti äidille yhden raskaan kysymyksen.
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Saarnews (Germany) - Aktion „FASD – 100% vermeidbar“ an der Martin-Luther-King-Schule Saarlouis-Fraulautern
Die Fetale Alkohol-Spektrum-Disorder (FASD) stand kürzlich im Zentrum einer Infoveranstaltung an der Martin-Luther-King Schule in Saarlouis-Fraulautern.
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Rynek Zdrowia (Poland) - Alkohol pity przez przyszłe matki przed zajściem w ciążę może zmieniać twarze dzieci
Już niewielkie ilości alkoholu spożywane przez przyszłe matki ma wpływ na twarz dziecka - pokazało pionierskie badanie z zastosowaniem sztucznej inteligencji. Tymczasem kształt twarzy odzwierciedla stan zdrowia.
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ČT24 (Czech Republic) - Stačí sklenka vína týdně. Pití alkoholu v těhotenství se ve tvářích dětí propisuje i po letech
Vědci pomocí umělé inteligence a technologie hlubokého učení zjistili souvislost mezi změnami tvaru dětských tváří a množstvím alkoholu, které jejich matky vypily před otěhotněním i během něj.
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Jurnalul (Romania) - Mamele beau, copiii se schimbă la față
Efectele negative ale consumului de alcool în timpul sarcinii asupra dezvoltării mentale și fizice a bebelușilor sunt deja bine cunoscute medicilor, însă un nou studiu, dat publicității ieri, a relevat că și o cantitate mică de alcool băut de mamă, atât în timpul sarcinii, cât și înainte de a rămâne însărcinată, produce modificări faciale la copii.
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Revista Planeta (Brazil) - Consumo de álcool por mães antes e durante a gravidez pode mudar rosto das crianças
Pesquisadores usaram inteligência artificial (IA) e tecnologia de aprendizado profundo para encontrar uma ligação entre as alterações no formato do rosto das crianças e a quantidade de álcool que suas mães bebiam, tanto antes de engravidar quanto durante a gravidez.
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Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie (Netherlands) - Patiënte met foetale alcoholspectrumstoornis
De foetale alcoholspectrumstoornis (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder; FASD), is een aandoening die vermoedelijk vaak wordt gemist.
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Theseus (Finland) - Raskaana olevien päihdeäitien palvelupolut
Päihteet aiheuttavat sekä raskaana olevalle että kehittyvälle sikiölle terveydellisiä haittoja, osa ohimeneviä ja toiset pidempikestoisia.
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SE12 (Spain) - "A veces el efecto es tan minúsculo que no se percibe, pero ese daño cerebral no les permite organizar las decisiones de sus comportamientos"
Rosa Caballero, presidenta de ASAFE, explica en qué consiste el síndrome alcohólico fetal, un trastorno que no es notable a simple vista y que afecta, según sus datos, a 2 de cada mil personas en Euskadi, la mayoría personas adoptadas
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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Alcohol News - 7/2023

NordAN (Denmark) - Six out of 10 Danes want to raise the age limit for selling alcohol
Young people must be 18 to buy alcohol in Denmark, says a majority of the population. In a new poll, 60% of Danes say the age limit for alcohol sales should be raised to 18 for all types of alcohol.
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Ottawa Citizen (Canada) - Alcohol, smoking cause tens of thousands of deaths, emergency room visits and hospitalizations annually in Ontario: report
More than 1,000 Ottawa residents are estimated to die from smoking-related causes every year, while an average of 264 local people die as a result of alcohol consumption, according to a new report from Public Health Ontario and Ontario Health.
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The New York Times - Binge Drinking May Be Curbed With a Pill
A recent study suggested the use of a decades-old medicine taken before imbibing could reduce the amount of alcohol consumed.
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The Conversation (Australia) - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is tragic but not new. How should fresh funding tackle it in the NT?
In recent weeks, the Australian and Northern Territory governments announced new funding to address the longstanding, much-publicised challenges facing Central Australia.
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Mirage News - Cheaper Alcohol Linked to Higher Abortions, Birth Complications
When Finnish policymakers cut taxes on alcohol and made importing alcohol easier, rates of abortion, pre-term birth, and low birthweight all rose, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Addiction.
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Yale School of Medicine - Excess Medications and Alcohol Misuse by People With HIV Increase Delirium Risk
Delirium is a transient but serious condition that complicates as many as one in five hospitalizations, and those living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are especially at risk.
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The Tartan (Ireland) - Irish health warning labels on alcoholic beverages: a needed cultural change?
Even if it is hard because people can be so accustomed to it, drinking less alcohol can be beneficial to one’s health. Translating this personal change into a cultural one can be valuable for societies at large.
Read more (UK) - £421 million to boost drug and alcohol treatment across England
Local authorities across England to receive funding to combat drug and alcohol misuse, with areas of highest need prioritised.
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BU School of Public Health (USA) - ‘Alcohol Taxes Save Lives’
With alcohol accounting for 1 in 20 deaths in Massachusetts and linked to a steady toll of adverse health outcomes, School of Public Health researchers recommend the state adopt policies to limit alcohol availability, reduce the amount of alcohol advertising, and increase alcohol prices through raised taxes.
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ATCA (Ghana) - Put hefty taxes on alcohol, cigarettes to generate funds to fight cancer
Breast Care International (BCI), a member of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), has urged the government to impose high levies on cigarettes, and alcohol to support cancer fight.
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ABC News (Australia) - Alcohol bans are returning to the NT, and some Indigenous leaders see them as a 'second chance'
Nearly a year ago, against the spectre of alcohol bans lifting in his community, Palmerston Indigenous Village leader Phillip Goodman offered his prediction of what would come next.
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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Alcohol News - 6/2023

The Social Market Foundation (Scotland) - Getting in the spirit? Alcohol and the Scottish economy
The Scottish economy’s global reputation for producing alcohol has come with historically high levels of drinking and harm. The Scottish Government is currently consulting on a range of regulations on alcohol marketing.
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The Lancet (Ireland) - Distilling the message: Irish plans for alcohol warning labels
Ireland's laws on alcohol could be about to change—if the Oireachtas have the stomach for it. In June of last year, Ireland informed the European Commission of its intention to introduce health warning labels on alcoholic products sold in the country, a provision allowed under Ireland's draft Public Health Regulations 2022.
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Global News (Canada) - Study highlights risks of alcohol consumption in wake of new guidelines
Researchers at the University of Calgary (UCalgary) have discovered a troubling link between the COVID-19 pandemic and the spike in alcohol-related liver disease.
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Swissinfo (Switzerland) - Anti-addiction group calls for night-time sale ban on alcohol
A leading Swiss anti-addiction group has relaunched a proposal to introduce a ban on selling alcohol late at night.
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Medical Xpress - Alcohol brief intervention can improve health outcomes in hypertension
An alcohol brief intervention (BI) in primary care can improve health outcomes for adults with hypertension, according to a study published online Jan. 19 in BMJ Open.
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Feinberg News Center - Longtime Alcohol Consumption Speeds Up Biological Aging
Consuming certain types of alcohol over long periods of time as well as binge drinking both speed up biological aging, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the journal Aging.
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EFA News (Ireland) - Ireland insists on anti-alcohol labels, Rome holds back
Ireland is going its own way with regards to the idea of integrating health indications on possible harm into alcohol labels, and Italy is preparing for a battle on all possible fronts in order to limit the damage.
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Sunderland Echo (UK) - Alcohol causing 'complete destruction of families' in Sunderland, meeting on new plan hears
Councillors have hailed the development of a new plan looking to tackle alcohol abuse in Sunderland after warning it can cause the “complete destruction of families”.
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The Crime Report (USA) - New York Lawmakers Look To Lower DWI Blood-Alcohol Threshold
How drunk is too drunk to drive? A top New York City transportation official, Ydanis Rodriguez, is encouraging New York lawmakers to pass a bill that would reduce the state’s blood-alcohol concentration limit for driving under the influence (DWI) from .08 to .05 grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood, Jon Campbell reports for the Gothamist.
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News Medical - Study finds distinct differences in how the brain releases dopamine in patients with alcohol use disorder
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that's made in the brain and acts as a chemical messenger, communicating between nerve cells in the brain and the rest of the body. Dopamine can impact how people think and feel.
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GMA Network (Philippines) - Stricter regulation of alcohol sale, task force sought to address teen pregnancies
Stricter regulations on alcohol sale and the creation of a task force to implement the government's national action plan are among the suggestions that senators discussed Tuesday to address teenage pregnancies in the country.
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iNews - New study on rape and alcohol consumption welcomed by CPS raises hopes for more prosecutions
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has welcomed research showing women still accurately remember details about their sexual assault, even if they have been drinking alcohol.
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PopNAD (Baltics) - From highs to lows: Alcohol policies in the Baltic Region
The Nordic and Baltic region has been a fascinating hub for alcohol research, and anyone interested in alcohol policy. The Nordic countries boast a rich history of successful implementation of alcohol policies as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), leading to some of the lowest alcohol consumption and harm rates in Europe.
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Mirage (Australia) - This World Cancer Day, it is time we all act on alcohol and cancer
World Cancer Day on February 4 offers an opportunity to raise awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer, educate, and encourage personal, community and government action.
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UICC - Commercial interests drive millions of cancer deaths
Marking World Cancer Day on 4 February, UICC calls on governments around the world to prioritise four policy actions to reduce preventable cancers caused by tobacco use and the consumption of alcohol and ultra-processed foods.
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NordAN (Sweden) - Sweden: One in ten affected by other people's drinking
More than one in ten have been negatively affected by someone in their life who has drunk too much alcohol in the past year.
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Sunday, February 5, 2023

FASD News - 5/2023

The Courier (Scotland) - Fife mum on raising awareness of FASD – the ‘hidden’ condition more common than autism and ADHD
As a new report says Scotland needs a long-term plan for helping health professionals identify foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), Michael Alexander speaks to a Fife mother who has first-hand experience of the “carnage” it can cause.
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ABC (Australia) - Experts say earlier FASD diagnosis a key step in tackling Alice Springs youth crime wave
For Warlpiri man Lachlan Sharpe, the Alice Springs youth crime crisis is much more than children causing chaos on the streets.
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News24 (South Africa) - Understanding FASD
In preparation for the holiday season Reality Learning SA, based in Strand and managed by Bernadette Duddy and her team, donated their time and knowledge to educate some of the Sir Lowry’s Pass residents on the lifelong effects of alcohol on an unborn child.
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Undark Magazine - For Children With Fetal Alcohol Exposure, A Gap in Support
WHEN SANDY BAGWELL began fostering a three-week-old baby in 2019, she knew there was a chance he might have been exposed to drugs or alcohol in the womb. His birth mother, Bagwell said, had struggled with substance use disorders for years.
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Medium - FASD Is the Remains When Alcohol Roils a Pregnancy
Children bear the brunt of unwise actions as they lie helpless in the womb, bombarded by a poison that will mark them for life.
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CDC - Alcohol Use, Screening, and Brief Intervention Among Pregnant Persons — 24 U.S. Jurisdictions, 2017 and 2019
In 2017 and 2019, during their most recent health care visit, 80% of pregnant persons reported being asked about their alcohol use; only 16% of those with past 30-day alcohol consumption were advised by a health care provider to quit or reduce their alcohol use.
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The SalfordFASD team based in the School of Health and Society at the University of Salford has been ranked as the research group with the most expertise on foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the UK.
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CanFASD Blog (Canada) - New Resource: Plain Language Guide for the UNCRPD
Human Rights are a universal standard to make sure all people have the opportunity to live with dignity and freedom from fear of harassment and discrimination.
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Dalgarno Institute (USA) - Most Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Are Prescribed Psychotropic Medications
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are characterized by problems within 3 domains: self-regulation, neurocognition, and adaptive skills. In the US, it is estimated that 1–5% of children meet criteria for FASD.
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A.FASD - A.FASD Conference (April 6-7, 2023)
A.FASD invites you to a unique conference on Madagascar between professionals from Africa to discuss addiction and alcohol during pregnancy.
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University of Salford (UK) - FASD in the UK: Building on 20 years of progress (30th March 2023)
The University of Salford, in association with NHS GM and National Organisation for FASD, will be hosting a one-day conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), to celebrate the progress made in knowledge and understanding of the condition in the UK in over the past twenty years and to highlight the current priorities.
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FASportalen – FOKUS FAS (February 9-10, 2023)
Välkommen till två lärorika dagar om alkoholrelaterade fosterskador, FAS/FASD, och de livslånga konsekvenserna för dem som drabbas. Uppskattningsvis föds årligen 1000 barn med FASD i Sverige.
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National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Short Takes With NIAAA: What Are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Learn about the range of physical and neurodevelopmental effects that can result from alcohol exposure before birth. For more information, visit
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Central Jersey Family Health Consortium - FASD Lunch and Learn Recording
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Educational Psychology Reach-Out - FASD: The Parent Perspective & Role of Educational Psychologists with Dr Rebecca Griffiths
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La Trobe Living with Disability Research Centre - Little and often
This video explains the fourth essential of Active Support – Little and often. Active Support is a way of assisting people with intellectual disabilities to engage in meaningful activities and social interactions.
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FASD United - Yes You Can! Welcome to 2023…
A new year with a great core message. People with FASD are capable and resilient, and so we want to introduce a new campaign inspired by the word cloud created by Dr. Christie Petrenko, researcher and advocate, describing the positive attributes of people with FASD. Welcome to 2023 and welcome to “Yes I Can!”
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The Lancet Public Health - Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure and obstetric and birth outcomes: a Danish nationwide cohort study from 1996 to 2018
Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with adverse obstetric and birth outcomes and high proportions of maternal low educational level, psychiatric disease, and lifestyle risk behaviours. These findings highlight a need for holistic public health programmes and policy attention on improving pre-conceptional care and antenatal care.
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The Lancet Public Health - Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure and overall morbidities: a Danish nationwide cohort study from 1996 to 2018
Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with an overall increased risk of child morbidities and previously unrecognised alcohol-related health problems. Prenatal alcohol exposure is a key public health issue with a potential negative impact on child and adolescent health.
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The Lancet Public Health - Effect of alcohol during pregnancy: a public health issue
Alcohol is a known teratogen and associated with a range of adverse outcomes for pregnant women and children exposed in utero. The most prominent of these is known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
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Alcohol Use: Assessment, Withdrawal Management, Treatment and Therapy - Alcohol Use During Pregnancy and Its Impacts on a Child’s Life
This chapter provides further background on FASD and then outlines the diagnostic process and why it is so challenging.
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Women's Health - Supportive alcohol policy as a key element of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention
In Canada, a Four-Part Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Prevention has been developed that describes a continuum of multi-sectoral efforts, including broad awareness campaigns, safe and respectful conversations around pregnancy and alcohol use, and holistic and wraparound support services for pregnant and postpartum women with alcohol, and other health and social concerns.
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Children - Evaluating the Difference in Neuropsychological Profiles of Individuals with FASD Based on the Number of Sentinel Facial Features: A Service Evaluation of the FASD UK National Clinic Database
It might be implied that those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) with fewer sentinel facial features have a “milder” neuropsychological presentation, or present with fewer impairments than those with more sentinel facial features.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - The Changes in the Level of Knowledge about the Effects of Alcohol Use during Pregnancy among Three Last Generations of Women in Poland
Since 1973, when the term Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) was introduced, a major impact has been put on raising awareness about the negative effects of prenatal alcohol exposure.
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Cells - Synaptic Plasticity Abnormalities in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The brain’s ability to strengthen or weaken synaptic connections is often termed synaptic plasticity. It has been shown to function in brain remodeling following different types of brain damage (e.g., drugs of abuse, alcohol use disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammatory conditions).
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Pediatric Research - Fetal anemia and elevated hepcidin in a mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
These data confirm and extend prior observations that PAE disrupts maternal and fetal iron metabolism and impairs the fetus’s ability to regulate iron status.
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Children - Development and Evaluation of a Virtual Model for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Assessment and Diagnosis in Children: A Pilot Study
The diagnostic process for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) involves a multi-disciplinary team and includes neurodevelopmental, physical, and facial assessments and evidence of prenatal alcohol exposure during the index pregnancy.
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The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse - Folate administration ameliorates neurobehavioral effects of prenatal ethanol exposure
Folate administration should be considered as a preventive or acute treatment to attenuate the neurobehavioral effects of PEE.
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Acta Neuropsychiatrica - Associations between community-level patterns of prenatal alcohol and tobacco exposure on brain structure in a non-clinical sample of 6-year-old children: a South African pilot study
The current small study utilized prospective data collection of patterns of prenatal alcohol and tobacco exposure (PAE and PTE) to examine associations with structural brain outcomes in 6-year-olds, and served as a pilot to determine the value of prospective data describing community-level patterns of PAE and PTE in a non-clinical sample of children.
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Journal of EMDR Practice - The Effects of EMDR Therapy on Pregnant Clients With Substance Use Disorders: A Narrative, Scoping Literature Review
This narrative scoping literature review explores a significant clinical population, pregnant women with co-occurring substance misuse, through the lens of adaptive information processing and the potential for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy intervention.
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Antioxidants - Impact of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on the Development and Myocardium of Adult Mice: Morphometric Changes, Transcriptional Modulation of Genes Related to Cardiac Dysfunction, and Antioxidant Cardioprotection
In summary, PAE animals presented morphometric changes, transcription of cardiac dysfunction-related genes, and increased antioxidant protection in the myocardium.
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MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - Alcohol Use, Screening, and Brief Intervention Among Pregnant Persons — 24 U.S. Jurisdictions, 2017 and 2019
In 2017 and 2019, during their most recent health care visit, 80% of pregnant persons reported being asked about their alcohol use; only 16% of those with past 30-day alcohol consumption were advised by a health care provider to quit or reduce their alcohol use.
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Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Germany) - Folgen von Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft
Schon als Kind ist Tim auffällig, ihm fällt das Lernen schwer. Auch später hat er Probleme, sein Leben zu organisieren, muss ins Gefängnis. Erst mit Anfang 30 bekommt er die für sich wohl rettende Diagnose: Er hat das fetale Alkoholsyndrom (FASD).
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Gıda Hattı (Tyrkie) - Fetal alkol sendromu hakkında temel bilgiler
Fetal alkol spektrum bozuklukları (FASD'ler), doğumdan önce alkole maruz kalan bir kişide meydana gelebilecek bir grup klinik durum olarak tanımlanıyor.
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Kinderaerzte-im-Netz (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft verändert die Gehirnstruktur des Babys
Eine aktuelle Studie konnte mittels Magnetresonanztomografie zeigen, dass Alkoholkonsum während der Schwangerschaft selbst in geringen bis mäßigen Mengen die Gehirnstruktur des Babys verändern und die Gehirnentwicklung verzögern kann.
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EIX Diari (Spain) - Trastorn de l’Espectre Alcohòlic Fetal
Quan parlem dels trastorns de l’espectre de l’alcoholisme fetal (TEAF, en anglès FASD) ho fem del conjunt de problemes que pateix una persona si la seva mare ha begut alcohol durant l’embaràs
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Thursday, February 2, 2023

Alcohol News - 5/2023

Public Broadcasting of Latvia (Latvia) - Latvia number one in Europe for household booze spending
While it's sometimes nice to be number one in Europe, this may not be one of those times. Fresh statistics published February 1 by Eurostat are likely to lead to a hangover.
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National Indigenous Times (Australia) - Report recommends return to blanket alcohol bans in and around Alice Springs
A return to strict alcohol bans in Alice Springs and surrounding areas is expected to be considered following the handing-down of review of restrictions in the town.
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NICE (UK) - NICE urges professionals to correctly gather information on people’s alcohol drinking habits to ensure those who need help are not missed
To help address this NICE is recommending that people being asked about how much and how often they drink alcohol should have the information added to a validated questionnaire to identify if they need help, NICE has said.
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The Toronto Star (Canada) - Alcohol-related health care visits spiked during pandemic in Ontario: study
A new Ontario study suggests there was a spike in health-care visits related to alcohol during the pandemic, both among people with a history of problems with alcohol as well as those confronting drinking issues for the first time.
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SAMHSA - Cancer Prevention and Heart Health — What Role Does Alcohol Play?
February is Cancer Prevention Month and Heart Health Month. Many people are aware of risks (such as tobacco, unhealthy foods and beverages, and lack of exercise) for cancer and heart disease. Do you also know about the risks posed by alcohol?
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The Germany Eye (Germany) - Offenbach considers ban on alcohol in public places
Already in the past year, the city of Offenbach has received repeated complaints from residents and passers-by because a group of people has regularly gathered on the area Geleitstraße, corner Herrnstraße, for sometimes noisy meetings.
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EU NEIGHBOURS east (Ukraine) - EU and Ukraine restart cooperation on drug and alcohol monitooring
A new phase of cooperation between the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and Ukraine launched in January.
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Cancer Health - Abstaining From Alcohol Improves Outcomes in People With Cirrhosis
Alcohol abstinence was linked to fewer complications and longer survival irrespective of disease stage in people with alcohol-related cirrhosis, according to study findings published in Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology.
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The Munich Eye (Germany) - More youth protection for alcohol and Tobacco
The Federal Commissioner for Drugs, Burkhard Blienert, is urging greater protection, especially for children and young people, against damage to health caused by alcohol and smoking.
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New Mexico In Depth (Mexico) - Proposed Office of Alcohol Prevention steps up ambition, but is short on vision
The New Mexico Department of Health has asked the legislature for $5 million to build an Office of Alcohol Prevention, which would expand the staff focused on reducing excess drinking from a single epidemiologist to a team of 13.
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RNZ (New Zealand) - Māori leaders on alcohol policy: 'We should stop pretending this isn't about money'
"We should stop pretending that this isn't about money. I know there are commercial international trade laws that will be really pissed off if you start curtailing the power of the alcohol industry so it really comes down to what is the value of life."
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LCP (UK) - Urgent action is needed to tackle the sharp rise in alcohol-related deaths
Deaths caused directly by alcohol are rising sharply in the UK, and other conditions exacerbated by alcohol use are projected to increase.
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IAS Blog (UK) - What happened with UK alcohol consumption and harm in 2022?
In January 2022, I wrote that there were no signs of the ‘return to normal’ in drinking patterns that was hoped for in the wake of the pandemic.
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BBC (Scotland) - Minimum alcohol pricing impact on drinks sector 'minimal'
Minimum unit pricing (MUP) has had little economic impact on Scotland's drinks industry, a report has found.
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Breaking News (Ireland) - Longer drinking hours would harm public health, committee is warned
An extension of drinking hours in Ireland would be harmful to public health and safety, TDs have been told.
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Deutsche Welle (Germany) - German drugs czar wants alcohol, tobacco ads restricted
Berlin's anti-drug czar says no other country is as liberal as Germany when it comes to alcohol. He says "a real paradigm shift" is needed to tackle issues such as addiction.
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The First News (Poland) - Poles tend to reach for stronger spirits report shows
Poles' alcohol consumption pattern is changing towards more frequent use of strong spirits, according to the latest report.
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Mayo Clinic Press - Alcohol is not your breast’s friend: Busting myths about drinking and breast cancer
Most women are not aware that alcohol is a cause of breast cancer, though the link between alcohol and breast cancer has been known since the 1980s. The statistics are sobering: Alcohol alone is responsible for an estimated 14,000 to 23,000 cases of breast cancer yearly.
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