Nordic Welfare Center - How to strengthen the focus on
children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to help them lead a good life?
The primary focus of this report is the post-pregnancy period and the
support and follow-up for children born with prenatal alcohol exposure, and
their families.
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Government of Northwest Territories (Canada) - September is FASD Awareness Month:
Building Strengths and Abilities
September is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) awareness month. This
time is dedicated to creating conversation about FASD, improving prevention of
FASD, and supporting those living with FASD. The theme for this year’s FASD
awareness month is Building Strength and Abilities.
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Stuff (New
Zealand) - Calls for more support on FASD Awareness Day
When *Reuben thinks about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder he imagines
barriers. He thinks about the struggles of relationships, addiction and drug
abuse, recalling the challenges he faced in school.
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CBC (Canada) - Opening
the door to my identity: How an FASD diagnosis shaped my life during the
COVID-19 pandemic
I was at home watching YouTube in March 2020 when I first learned about
COVID-19 getting serious. I saw a video that said the virus was spreading
around China and getting to other parts of the world. After that, we were told
to stay home.
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CapeTalk (South
Africa) - SA's high rate of FASD largely due to ignorance - FARR SA
Africa Melane is joined by Dr Leana Olivier, CEO at Foundation For Alcohol
Related Research to talk about how consuming alcohol affects unborn babies.
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CQ Today
(Australia) - ‘Silent’ epidemic is preventable
Held on Friday, 9 September, International FASD Awareness Day is about
“giving a voice for the unborn”.
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Saltwire - GRANT
FROST: Don't let brief spotlight on fetal alcohol fade into inaction
If you happen to be strolling past Halifax’s City Hall on Friday night, you
may notice something odd. The entire building will be bathed in a glow of red
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The Irish Times
(Ireland) - Why does Ireland have so many cases of foetal alcohol syndrome?
Ireland is estimated to have the third-highest prevalence of FAS in the world,
with about 600 babies born here each year with the syndrome
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EWN (South
Refiloe Mpakanyane was in conversation with Dr Fundile Nyati - the CEO of
Proactive Health Solutions as the world marked Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day
(FASD) on Friday.
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The George
Institute - ‘Glass baby’ makes future parents think before they drink
A hard-hitting awareness campaign on the dangers of drinking during
pregnancy successfully increased concerns about unborn babies’ exposure to
alcohol and discouraged women from drinking while pregnant.
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Blada (France) - SAFTHON
On September 9, on the occasion of the international day for the fight
against Fetal Alcohol Disorder (FASD) and throughout the month of September,
many actions will be deployed in France, overseas and worldwide, as part of
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Metro (UK) - I
just thought I was a bit stupid – but my mum’s pregnancy drinking gave me brain
My bedroom is full of novels, but most of them are left unfinished. I love
reading, but I can never get beyond the first chapter.
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FASD Hope - 151
- FASD at 50 - A Conversation with Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones and Andrea Torzon
Episode 151 is airing on September 9th - International FASD Awareness Day
titled "FASD at 50" with Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones and Andrea
"Andy" Torzon, LMFT of the University of California San Diego School
of Medicine's Institute for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Discovery.
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CanFASD (Canada)
- National FASD Strategy
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the leading cause of
neurodevelopmental disability in Canada, affecting 4% of the population. The
prevalence of FASD is greater than Autism, Down Syndrome, and Cerebral Palsy
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NOFASD Australia
In my first blog a year ago, I talked about the challenge of getting a FASD
diagnosis for our son, despite many years of assessments looking for answers.
We didn’t give up and eventually a diagnosis was given.
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RNAO Communications - International FASD Awareness Day, featuring Dr Brenda
On #FASDDAY, @RNAO will continue to support awareness on this disorder, with
calls to the government on the issue, passing resolutions on FASD prevention,
holding a symposium, publishing stories, engaging with the media and
collaborating with other organizations.
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SABC News - International
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day
Today marks International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day.
According to the World Health Organisation, South Africa has the highest
reported FASD prevalence rate in the world.
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WCDSBTube - Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Presentation
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Spotlight on FASD
- Season 5 Episode 1 - Celebrating The Launch Of The NICE Quality Standards
Season 5 launches with a wonderful celebration for the FASD community in
England. We celebrate in this episode with Prof Raja Mukherjee and Sandy
Butcher about the creation and launch of our very first NICE Quality standards
for FASD.
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Alcohol Forum
Ireland - ‘FASD : The need for a compassionate approach’
ENDpae & Alcohol Forum are delighted to share with you our videos
raising voices of those with lived experience and asking you to get involved in
the conversation.
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Southern New
Jersey Perinatal Cooperative - Public Service Announcement: September is
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month
No amount of alcohol is safe when you’re pregnant -- at any time during
your pregnancy. If you started drinking, it’s never too late to stop. If you
need assistance, help is available.
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HSE Health and
Wellbeing - Pregnant woman and midwife alcohol brief intervention
In this video we will look at an example of a brief intervention between a
midwife and a young student mother attending her first antenatal appointment.
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Pregnant woman and GP alcohol brief intervention
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Pregnant woman and social worker alcohol brief intervention
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Pregnant woman and obstetrician alcohol brief intervention
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Jeff Noble - What
I Want People To Know About FASD
Happy International FASD Awareness Day! I asked some of our caregivers and
their loved ones “What is one thing people should know about FASD? and this is
what they said.
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Me and My FASD - The
“The FASD Song” was written and performed by TB for September FASD
Awareness Month 2022.
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FASD Awareness - FASD
Case Study #2 - The Revolving Door
Here is one of our case study films showing how important early diagnosis,
a correct assessment and obtaining the right level of support is, and the
potential impacts if these are not put in place.
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FASD Case Study #1 - Steven's Story
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Cureus - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in a Newborn
Our objective was to evaluate a three-day-old male infant born at 37 weeks
gestation via vaginal delivery to a mother with admitted excessive alcohol
intake for FASD. On physical appearance, the newborn had evidence of smooth
philtrum and thin vermillion border, which are two of the three cardinal facial
characteristics for dysmorphology.
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Clinical and Experimental Research - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and
access to Regional Center Services in San Diego County
The 6.9% prevalence estimate among Regional Center clients was higher than
the prevalence estimate of 2.3% in the same community among 5–7-year-old
children in the general population.
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African Journal
of Reproductive Health - Barriers and facilitators of alcohol abstinence
during pregnancy
There is a limited understanding of why pregnant women drink in the South
African context, particularly in rural settings, where the prevalence of FASD
is highest.
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City University of
Seattle - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Examining How School
Counsellors Can Support Students Diagnosed with FASD Through Life Skills and
Social-Emotional Learning
The research question I will addressed in this capstone is: How can school
counsellors support students diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
through life skills and social-emotional learning?
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SSRN - Maternal
Alcoholism Affects Cell Lineage in Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis
These results suggest that pathways implicated in cell determination were
affected by PEE and remained affect in adulthood.
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Laurier - “The
system is not set up for individuals with FASD”: Lived and Caregiver
Perspectives Regarding Current and Ideal Housing Supports for Canadian Adults
with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This study offers insight into the perspectives of adults with FASD
regarding their daily living support, which is critical to inform future
supported housing and support self-determination.
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Strengths and Positive Influences of Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
This study is the first to examine strengths and positive influences of
young children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Drug and Alcohol
Review - Evaluation outcomes of an alcohol and pregnancy campaign targeting
multiple audiences
Results indicate the campaign was well received by respondents, increased
concern about drinking alcohol during pregnancy and positively influenced
women's intentions to refrain from drinking while pregnant.
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Biomedicines - Sex-Related
Differences in Voluntary Alcohol Intake and mRNA Coding for Synucleins in the
Brain of Adult Rats Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol
These findings indicate that the impact of PAE on transcriptional
regulation of synucleins may be sex-dependent, and in males’ disruption in
α-synuclein mRNA expression may contribute to increased vulnerability to
alcohol-associated behavior.
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Substance Abuse
Treatment, Prevention, and Policy - Effectiveness of a practice change
intervention in reducing alcohol consumption in pregnant women attending public
maternity services
Special occasion drinking was reduced following implementation of
guideline-recommended care. Failure to change other patterns of alcohol use in
pregnancy may reflect barriers to implementing the model of care in antenatal
care settings and the need to address other social determinants of alcohol use.
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Child Psychiatry
& Human Development - Characteristics of the Symptoms of the Proposed
ND-PAE Disorder in First Grade Children in a Community Sample
The proposed symptoms for Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal
Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAE) were evaluated in children who participated in the
Collaboration on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevalence study.
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Dialogues in
Health - Prevention of alcohol related harm though preconception care: A
scoping review of barriers and enablers
Investment in alcohol education and skills training for healthcare
professionals is required to ensure a coherent message is communicated across
services, and that shared decision making about healthcare between service
users and health professionals is facilitated.
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Journal of
Karnali Academy of Health Sciences - Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy
and its association with Fetal Outcome in a Mountainous District of Nepal
The prevalence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy was seen in one out
of three mothers. Mothers were at the highest risk of delivering low birth
weight babies if they had a binge alcohol consumption pattern.
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Frontiers - How
the alcohol industry fought against pregnancy warning labels in France. A press
coverage analysis spanning 20 years
This study fills a gap in the Anglosphere research on lobbying against
alcohol warnings by analyzing lobbyists' arguments over a 20-year period
covering both failed and successful industry lobbying.
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Health Research - Researching Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy.
Opportunities and Challenges With Two Methods of Data Acquisition
These results have implications for research about female substance use.
Knowledge of the issues will bestow a valuable contribution to researchers
working in the field of substance use to help develop appropriate research
approaches, as they engage in research into this highly stigmatized and
controversial area.
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EHYT (Finland) - Alkoholinkäyttö raskausaikana suuri, mutta näkymätön
Suomalaisten alkoholinkäyttö on arkipäiväistynyt ja hedelmällisyysiässä
olevista naisista lähes 90 % käyttää alkoholia. Alkoholi ei kuitenkaan kuulu
raskauteen ja sikiön kehityksen kannalta päihteistä alkoholi aiheuttaa eniten sikiövaurioita.
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Societa Italiana
di Pediatria (Italy) - Giornata mondiale della sindrome feto-alcolica (FASD)
Il 9 settembre è la Giornata mondiale della sindrome feto alcolica e
disturbi correlati, un appuntamento che dal 1999 viene celebrato simbolicamente
il nono giorno del nono mese dell’anno per sensibilizzare su come l’uso di
alcol in gravidanza possa essere dannoso per lo sviluppo fisiologico e sulla
vita futura del nascituro.
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MTV Uutiset
(Finland) - Näistä liikkeistä et saa perjantaina alkoholia vielä yhdeksältä
– "Tämä pieni teko on tärkeä viesti"
FASD-päivän kampanjassa muistutetaan, etteivät alkoholi ja raskaus sovi
yhteen. Tämän vuoksi alkoholinmyynti aloitetaan useassa paikassa hieman
tavallista myöhemmin perjantaina 9. syyskuuta.
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RMF24 (Poland) - Uszkadza
mózg dziecka, powoduje trudności w szkole. Czym jest FASD?
Problem dotyczy 2 proc. polskich dzieci. Objawia się trudnościami w uczeniu
i problemami rozwojowymi. Czasem widać go nawet w rysach twarzy.
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Ihan tähän alkuun haluan sanoo kiitos Kehitysvammaliitolle, että sain
julkaista blogin Elämäni Käännekohdat 1994-2022. Nyt mä käännän uuden sivun
elämässä, eli täst lähtee HELMIS OSA 2! Tästä syksystä eteenpäin mä otan sut
mukaan mun arkeen, joka tulee varmasti sisältämään paljon seikkailuja ja uusia
kokemuksia, mutta toivon myös tutustuvani uusiin ihmisiin!
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Zeitung (Germany) - FASD bei Kindern: Der Schaden ist vermeidbar
Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft sollte Tabu sein – Denn viel zu viele
Neugeborene leiden unter dem fetalen Alkoholsyndrom, was das Leben stark
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(Sweden) - Fetalt alkoholsyndrom kan förebyggas – Inför varningstext
Missbruk och användande av olika slags droger orsakar stort lidande för den
drabbade och anhöriga, men det orsakar också stora kostnader för samhället [1].
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ERR (Estonia) - Lauri
Beekmann: üheksanda kuu üheksanda päeva sümboolne tähendus
September on ülemaailmne alkoholi põhjustatud sünnikahjustuste
teadlikustamise kuu ja selle üheksanda kuu üheksas päev on selle kuu kõrghetk.
Kuigi fetaalse alkoholisündroomi avastamisest möödub tuleval aastal 50 aastat,
on inimeste teadlikkus siiski lubamatult madal, kirjutab Lauri Beekmann.
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FASD Deutschland
e.V. (Germany) - FASD Deutschland e.V. Schwanger - nur alkoholfrei
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behinderter Pflegekinder e.V. (Germany) - FASD Part 1 - (die Mutter) von
Aang Patchacuteq in Kooperation mit dem BbP e.V.
Zu Beginn möchten wir deutlich machen, dass der Text Menschen mit FASD
betrifft und auf diese emotional einwirken kann. Ebenso auf die direkten
Mitmenschen, in diesem Fall besonders auf die Mütter!
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FASD Part 2 - (das Kind) von Aang Patchacuteq in Kooperation mit dem BbP
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CISA - Centro de
Informações sobre Saúde e Álcool (Brazil) - [9/9] Dia Mundial da Prevenção
da SAF #GravidezSemAlcool
Você sabia que consumir qualquer quantidade de bebidas alcoólicas durante a
gravidez e a lactação podem prejudicar o desenvolvimento do bebê?
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fasd de (Germany)
- FASD DEUTSCHLAND - Offizieller Trailer
Erfahre jetzt mehr auf:
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