Regina Leader-Post (Canada) - U of R
project supporting Indigenous people with FASD in justice system
For people with
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), navigating the court system
can be confusing and overwhelming as they try to understand their
charges, meet with their lawyer and keep track of their court
Canada NewsWire
(Canada) - Government of Canada announces funding to help create
awareness around Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the leading known cause of preventable
developmental disability in Canada. It affects the brain and body of
people prenatally exposed to alcohol. People living with FASD can
face life-long mental, physical, behavioural and learning
Otago Daily Times
(New Zealand) - Funding lacking for FASD families: expert
Better funding is
needed to help families struggling with foetal alcohol spectrum
disorder - and the emphasis needs to be put on identifying the
condition, a University of Otago specialist says. (New
Zealand) - Support and understanding of individuals with FASD
Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder (FASD) will be in the spotlight this weekend when
experts on FASD, parents, caregivers and professionals convene in
Wellington to discuss the consequences of a diagnosis of FASD and
approaches to assist those living with this lifelong disability.
Nunavut News
(Canada) - Resource centre launches photo project for FASD
awareness month
For the new
Piruqatigiit Resource Centre‘s first foray into International FASD
Awareness Month, it has planned a full slate of activities for
Iqalungmiut and a special territory-wide project.
HSC Newsbeat (USA)
- Reaching for a Cure
The National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has awarded the New Mexico
Alcohol Research Center (NMARC) a five-year renewal of its
Specialized Alcohol Research Center P50 grant. (New
Zealand) - Diagnosis key to improving quality of life for those
with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
For Nelson mum Cat
Ward, a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder changed the life
of her son for the better.
Stornoway Gazette
(UK) - Alcohol and Pregnancy – What’s the harm?
This year’s
International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day
falls on September 9th, where the Outer Hebrides Alcohol & Drug
Partnership (OHADP) and NHS Western Isles will be spreading the word
on how drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause harm to the unborn
(Scotland) - Help service for children affected by alcohol
A SUPPORT service
for adopted children with prenatal alcohol-related problems has been
extended after overwhelming need in its first three months.
ABC News
(Australia) - The lost battle to get help for a brain-damaged teen
before he rioted at Don Dale
Before the extra
years were added to his sentence and before the trouble that led to
them, authorities were warned that a teenage boy with severe
cognitive impairments was deteriorating in Darwin's Don Dale youth
detention centre and needed help.
Times of Malta
(Malta) - ‘Don’t drink in pregnancy’
Whatever you eat
or drink is shared with your baby. Foods and liquids pass from you to
your baby through the placenta. So a mother needs to ensure that she
is passing nutritious foods during pregnancy to her baby. -
‘Ongoing vigilance’ needed raising children with fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder
The Kitchener
woman listens to people talking about their children going off to
university and knows she needs to focus on different milestones for
Alexis and Austin.
Social Work Blog -
September Is FASD Awareness Month
Serious health
effects, a simple prevention message: no alcohol use during
pregnancy. Prenatal alcohol exposure is the most common preventable
cause of intellectual and developmental delays and disabilities in
the United States.
RCNi - Why it
is vital to diagnose fetal alcohol syndrome
The exposure of
children to alcohol is a growing problem, yet there is only one
specialist clinic for the syndrome in the UK
ADF (Australia) -
Beautiful Bumps for FASD Awareness Day
International FASD
Awareness Day is observed at 9:09 am on the 9th day of the 9th month
every year to highlight the importance of being alcohol-free for the
nine months of a pregnancy.
South African
Government (South Africa) - Deputy Minister Nomalungelo Gina
addresses International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness
day, 9 Sept
Deputy Minister
Gina and MEC Mosenogi to address the International Foetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day in Potchefstroom, North West
- Alcohol and Pregnancy: Let’s change the conversation
This video was
created to raise awareness about FASD prevention for FASD Awareness
- Mocktail Video Campaign!
You’re invited!
Calling all members of the FASD community! Submit your own short
video of yourself with your favorite mocktail! NOFAS will feature
your video in September for FASD Awareness Month!
Orchids Admin -
What is an FASD and Why Do I Need to Know This?
A 30-minute
introduction to FASD for educational and residential staff presented
by Jackie Wille at Shepherd College on September 19, 2017
Adoption UK
Scotland - FASD Hub Scotland
Francois Verster -
Colleen Adams on intellectual disability & FASD ROUGH
Bow Valley College
- Selected Films & Documentaries for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
podcast series that highlights research, personal stories,
strategies, and more related to education and FASD.
BMC Pregnancy and
Childbirth - The conversation matters: a qualitative study
exploring the implementation of alcohol screening and brief
interventions in antenatal care in Scotland
This is the first
study to explore implementation leaders’ experiences of antenatal
SBI delivery and identify possible changes in disclosure rates
arising from the approach taken.
neurobiology - Analysis of Drosophila Nervous System Development
Following an Early, Brief Exposure to Ethanol
Altogether, this
study establishes a new system to examine the effects of alcohol
exposure in embryos and the potential to conduct large scale genetics
screens to uncover novel factors that sensitize or protect neurons to
the effects of alcohol.
Europe PMC - Swazi
Pregnant Women's Knowledge on Consuming Alcoholic Beverages
Fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders (FASD) affect all nations harshly, however, very
little is known about the scope of FASD in Swaziland.
Research in
developmental disabilities - Caregiver and family quality of life
for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The results
demonstrate that there are multidimensional challenges for caregivers
and families. These findings have important implications for policy
and practice regarding the provision of supports and services for
children with FASD and their families.
Archives of
Clinical Neuropsychology - C-49 Externalizing Behavior Differences
Between FASD and ACC: 11-13 Year Olds
Treatment plans
for those with FAS and ACC differ greatly from the commonly provided
misdiagnoses of Autism, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder, which can
leave clients with FAS and ACC misunderstood and improperly treated.
Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health - Outcomes and needs of health and
education professionals following fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder‐specific training
This is the first
study to document training and practice experiences of Australian and
New Zealand professionals in relation to FASD.
Youth Justice -
‘He Has Problems; He Is Not the Problem . . .’ A Qualitative
Study of Non-Custodial Staff Providing Services for Young Offenders
Assessed for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in an Australian Youth
Detention Centre
Little is known
about the challenges non-custodial youth detention centre staff face
supporting young people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
University of
Calgary - Cumulative Risk and Mental Health Outcomes in Children
Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol
The purpose of
this study is to examine the relationship between cumulative risk
factors (both prenatally and postnatally) on mental health outcomes
of children exposed to alcohol prenatally.
University of
Guelph - Evaluating the Impact of Clinical Evidence about FASD on
Attributions and Decisions in a Criminal Justice Context
Recent calls for
legislative and policy reform to address the overrepresentation of
individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in the
criminal justice system are likely to increase the amount of
FASD-related evidence in Canadian courtrooms.
UTS Pharmacology -
A Look into Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy
It’s been known
that drinking has many negative effects on the unborn child. Is there
a safe amount that can be enjoyed? Exactly how much of the alcohol
consumed reaches the child? We’ll be answering these questions
today amongst other factors.
Current Opinion in
Toxicology - Toxicant and teratogenic effects of prenatal alcohol
Prenatal alcohol
exposure can result in growth, cognitive, and behavioral deficits due
to the toxicant and teratogenic effects of alcohol.
British Journal of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - British Journal of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery
Our aim was to
evaluate the possible correlation between maternal alcohol
consumption during the first trimester and the risk of having an
offspring with non-syndromic oral cleft.
Sexual &
Reproductive Healthcare - Alcohol, smoking, folic acid and
multivitamin use among women attending maternity care in London: A
cross-sectional study
This study
describes the patterns of change in health behaviours that pregnant
women adopt before and during pregnancy.
An International
Journal of Obstetrics and Guneacology - Alcohol in pregnancy: not
recommended at any gestational age
Though there are
multiple established risk factors for preterm birth (e.g., previous
preterm birth, short cervix), the association between maternal
alcohol consumption and prematurity is less clear, with risk ratios
ranging from 0.66.
Drug and alcohol
Review - Pregnancy as a transition: First‐time expectant
couples′ experience with alcohol consumption
This paper makes a
significant contribution by examining prenatal drinking change as a
transition. In this conceptualisation, the change of alcohol
consumption is a relational process that is shaped by multiple
changes and social norms.
Dziennik Bałtycki
Plus (Poland) - Najważniejsze
dla dziecka z FASD jest stabilny i dostępny opiekun
Właśnie mija 10
lat od stworzenia pierwszego w Polsce, finansowanego wyłącznie z
samorządowych pieniędzy, gdyńskiego programu wspierania dzieci z
tzw. Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych (FASD) oraz ich
rodzin. Co konkretnie robicie?
Suomessa syntyy
vuosittain 600-3000 äidin raskaudenaikaisen alkoholinkäytön
vaurioittamaa FASD-lasta. Heistä useimpien vaurioita ei tunnisteta
heti syntymän jälkeen, vaan ongelmat leikki- tai kouluiässä
tulevat yllätyksenä.
Nachrichten | Am Puls der Heimat (Germany) - Präventionswochen
FASD: „Schwanger ohne Alkohol“
Präventionsveranstaltungen klären über die Fetale
Alkoholspektrumstörung auf und informieren über Anzeichen,
Herausforderungen und Chancen für betroffene Kinder Oberbergischer
Koroške Novice
(Slovenia) - Na zdravje otroka ne vpliva samo materino pitje
alkohola pred otrokovim rojstvom, temveč tudi očetovo
Dan fetalnega
alkoholnega sindroma (FAS) vsako leto obeležujemo 9. septembra ob
9:09 (9 minut čez 9. uro 9. dne v 9. mesecu v letu), kar simbolizira
devet mesecev nosečnosti, ko alkohol ogroža razvoj in rast še
nerojenega otroka.
Stimme (Germany) - Die Risiken elterlichen Alkoholkonsums
Die Fachambulanz
für Suchterkrankungen der Diakonie Rosenheim informiert anlässlich
des „Tages des alkoholgeschädigten Kindes“ am kommenden Montag
über die so genannte „Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung” (FASD).
FASD Norge
(Norway) – Legeundersøkelsen
Barnelege Jon
Skranes undersøker barn som kommer til Sørlandet sykehus Arendal
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