
Monday, September 30, 2019

FASD News - 39/2019

STV News (Scotland) - I quit drinking when I learned about baby - but damage was done
Hellen Fernie stopped drinking as soon as she learned she was pregnant - but at 21 weeks the damage was already done.
University of Rochester - Alcohol during pregnancy—September is FASD awareness month
September marks fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) awareness month. Up to 80 percent of people affected by FASD don’t even know they have the disability. (Canada) - Kwanlin Dün partners in program to help people with FASD in justice system
Yukon's Kwanlin Dün First Nation is partnering in a new program aimed at helping Indigenous people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) navigate the justice system.
Smithers Interior News - Book seeks to de-stigmatize FASD
A new book by a former Quick resident is shining a more positive light on the trauma of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Gisborne Herald (New Zealand) - FASD ‘one of the great crises of our time’
History will judge us harshly on the under- diagnosis of children born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in New Zealand, predicts Children’s Commissioner Judge Andrew Becroft.
Newsroom (New Zealand) - Courts no place for fetal alcohol victims
People with fetal alcohol syndrome are still being punished by the criminal justice system, despite the Teina Pora case, writes Emma Espiner.
Irish Times (Ireland) - No amount of alcohol is safe for a baby at any stage of pregnancy, HSE warns
No amount of alcohol is safe for a baby at any stage of pregnancy, the Health Service Executive has warned.
If you eat Australian bread you can thank Carol and her team for the extra folate in your diet. In the early 1990’s, Carol’s research with the Telethon Kids Institute found a direct link between folate and the prevention of neural tube defects in babies.
Modern Ghana (Ghana) - It’s FASD Month: Is Alcohol Use A Public Health Concern In Ghana?
According to the New Zealand Health Promotion Agency, alcohol could basically be described as the ingredient found in beer, wine and spirits that causes drunkenness.
Parent24 (South Africa) - Why alcohol remains a big threat to unborn babies in South Africa
Alcohol consumption is socially acceptable for individuals of legal drinking age. However, drinking during pregnancy is harmful and can lead to irreversible foetal cognitive and developmental issues.
Healthcare Triage - Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy
Our approach to alcohol and pregnancy is full of good intentions, but may lead to more harm than good. Punitive policies can dissuade women from getting prenatal care, which runs counter to the overall goal of healthier mothers and infants.
ADF (Australia) - Victorian research leads in FASD prevention
The prevalence of FASD in Australia is not well understood, but is thought to be higher than previously estimated.3 There is some data to suggest that it affects between 3% to 5% of Australians and it occurs wherever alcohol is consumed, impacting people across socio-economic, racial and education boundaries.
The Conversation (UK) - Alcohol advice for pregnant women – a lost opportunity to communicate new guidelines
Pregnant women in the UK are now officially advised to consume no alcohol at all. These guidelines, from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), were issued in January 2016, and replaced a previous recommendation that women should limit themselves to one or two units of alcohol, once or twice per week, and not get drunk.
Scheffield News (UK) - Lindsey talks about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy
As part of International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) awareness day, Sheffield City Council is highlighting the effects of drinking alcohol whilst pregnant.
Nursing in Practice (UK) - 'Mixed messaging' around drinking alcohol while pregnant, says RCM
The Royal College of Midwives has warned of ‘mixed messaging’ after a study revealed that midwives are giving different advice around alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

FAS-Föreningen – One in a Hundred
Just in time for 9/9 -19 the Swedish FAS-föreningen launched the campaign (one in a hundred). The campaign targeted all child healthcare units (BVC) in Sweden.
IAS - Alcohol guidelines for pregnant women
Alcohol exposure during pregnancy can have negative maternal and infant outcomes. Due to a lack of clear evidence of a ‘safe’ threshold for alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) revised their guidance in 2016 to advise pregnant women to abstain completely from alcohol.
Michelle Ferreri - Brook Parcel's Story of Living With FASD: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Brook Parcels is 15 years old and shares her powerful story of how your decisions impact an unborn baby.
TheBrilliantEye - Reinier's 12 Minute Chat re: Being On The FASD Spectrum - for Sept 9th, 2019
Lots of talking here. But hopefully some good info and a healthy perspective from INSIDE the FASD bubble.
FASD Network of Saskatchewan - Community FASD Presentation
Here's a condensed version of the FASD Network's Community Presentation on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
KSNV News 3 Las Vegas - Renewed warning to pregnant women: Don't drink
According to UNLV’s School of Medicine, despite years of warnings about the risks associated with drinking while pregnant, doctors across Southern Nevada are still reporting high rates of FASD, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Bang Up Productions - 18th Annual FASD Walk for Awareness with MACSI
thedtiSouthAfrica - Deputy Minister Gina delivers Sobriety week Keynote Address
Deputy Minister Gina Calls on Liquor Industry to Enhance Awareness on Dangers of Consuming Alcohol While Pregnant and on Alcohol Abuse.
Adopt4LifeON - Adopt4Life Webinars: Raising Kids & Youth with FASD—Mental Health Matters
When you’re raising kids and youth with FASD, mental health matters. Young people with FASD frequently have experienced early developmental trauma, and often struggle with ongoing anxiety and depression.
RepMurt - Murt Remarks On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
State Rep. Tom Murt comments about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the dangers women present to their unborn children by drinking alcohol while pregnant, also stating that FASD is 100% preventable.
The Florida Center For Early Childhood - 3 Major Ways Alcohol Interferes with a Baby's Growth
FASD-related disorders last a lifetime. An estimated 40,000 babies are born each year with FASDs, which can result in birth defects, intellectual or learning disabilities, behavioral problems and trouble learning life skills.
AlcoholThinkAgain - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Television/Cinema Commercial
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the term used to describe the lifelong physical and/or neurodevelopmental impairments that can result from fetal alcohol exposure.

Journal of Vocational Rehabilitiation - Understanding employment success in adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) often face employment-related challenges due to cognitive, physical, and behavioural difficulties, however there are adults with FASD who have positive employment experiences.
Prenatal alcohol exposure is known to cause chronic behavioral impairment and neurocognitive deficits diagnosed as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). With a prevalence of one in every twenty children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure in the United States, FASD remains a serious public health concern.
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine - Effects of gestational thiamine-deprivation and/or exposure to ethanol on crucial offspring rat brain enzyme activities
Our findings provide a preliminary characterization of important neurochemical effects due to maternal exposure to EtOH and TDD during gestation that might affect the offspring rat neurodevelopment, and that characterization should be further explored in a brain region-specific manner level as well as through the parallel examination of changes in the offspring rat brain lipid composition.
BMC health Services Research - Protocol for the Yapatjarrathati project: a mixed-method implementation trial of a tiered assessment process for identifying fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a remote Australian community
Co-designed with the local community, integrated with cultural protocols, and based on implementation science theories, the assessment and training process from this project will have the potential to be scaled-up across other remote locations and trialed in urban settings.
Europe PMC - Asymmetry-index and orthodontic facial analysis of children with foetal alcohol syndrome using 3D-facial scans.
Children with FAS differ significantly from controls in vertical and sagittal facial measurements. Profile analysis and measurement of vertical proportions are easy to apply standard procedures in everyday orthodontic practice and could be time-saving and objective means for additional verification of FAS.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gyneacology - The association of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on the Cognitive Abilities and Behaviour Profiles of 4‐year‐old children: a prospective cohort study
Low to moderate PAE was not associated with cognitive processing or developmental problems. Women who had many binge drinking episodes during pregnancy were the most at risk for cognitive processing, neurocognitive and behaviour problems in their children at 4 years of age.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research - Obstetrical Nurses’ Perspectives of Pregnant Women Who Use Illicit Substances and Their Provision of Care: A Thematic Analysis
Obstetrical nurses highlighted a number of conflicting views about caring for pregnant women who use illicit substances. Key actions, such as establishing professional support when nurses experience ethical distress or when they are unable to provide meaningful care to patients, were suggested.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Alcohol's dysregulation of maternal‐fetal IL‐6 and p‐STAT3 is a function of maternal iron status
These findings suggest that alcohol‐driven stimulation of the IL‐6/JAK2/STAT3 pathway mediates the elevated hepcidin observed in the PAE dam and fetus.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews - The Effects of Developmental Alcohol Exposure on the Neurobiology of Spatial Processing
The consumption of alcohol during gestation is detrimental to the developing central nervous system.
European Psychiatry - Family history of alcohol use disorder is associated with brain structural and functional changes in healthy first-degree relatives
Family history of alcohol use disorder is linked to structural and functional variations including brain regions involved in reward processes.
Midwifery - Modifiable risk factors for stillbirth: a literature review
A stillbirth is defined as an infant born weighing 500grammes and/or more or at a gestational age of 24 weeks who shows no signs of life. Having a stillborn baby has a wide range of consequences that can affect parents, family and the healthcare professionals involved.
Journal of Substance Use - Lifestyle-related risk factors during pregnancy: even low-to-moderate drinking during pregnancy increases the risk for adolescent behavioral problems
Low-to-moderate PAE is clearly linked to an increased risk of behavioral problems in adolescent offspring.
BMC Pediatrics - Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, smoking in pregnancy, and alcohol intake in pregnancy in relation to pubertal timing in the children
As correlations between HD:SDS and the considered pubertal milestones were comparable to those reported in the literature between age a peak height velocity and the considered pubertal milestones, the validity of HD:SDS seems acceptable.
International journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Multi-Service Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Women with Substance Use Concerns: Women’s Perspectives on Why They Seek Help and Their Significant Changes
Findings demonstrated that vulnerable, marginalized pregnant and parenting women who are using substances will seek help when health and social care services are configured in such a way as to take into consideration and address their unique roles, responsibilities, and realities.
Deviant Behavior - Teen Pregnancy, Depression, and Substance Abuse: The Conditioning Effect of Deviant Peers
General Strain Theory (GST) suggests that individuals who experience strain are pressured into criminal and deviant behavior. Consistent with GST, the current study assesses the relationship between strain in the form of teenage pregnancy and substance use behavior, specifically alcohol problems and marijuana use.
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - High Rates of Biomarker-Confirmed Alcohol Use among Pregnant Women Living with HIV in South Africa and Uganda
Alcohol use was prevalent and under-reported among pregnant WLWH in South Africa and Uganda, similar to non-pregnant participants, and associated with depression.
Clinical Practice - Impacts of alcohol use in pregnancy
Alcohol is teratogenic and its ingestion during pregnancy can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, prematurity, birth defects, and problems of growth and development.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Alcohol use and binge drinking among U.S. men, pregnant and non-pregnant women ages 18-44: 2002 to 2017
Drinking during pregnancy dropped sharply in the U.S. in the 1980s. More recent time trends in adult drinking and binge drinking in men, non-pregnant and pregnant women have not been directly compared.

Svenska YLE (Sweden) - Hur gravida dricker är fortfarande en vit fläck i finländsk alkoholforskning
Det går att plocka fram grafer om hur mycket det dricks och vad som dricks i varje region i vårt land, men det existerar inte en kartläggning av hur gravida kvinnor dricker under de nio månaderna före barnet föds.
FAS Fundacja (Poland) - Międzynarodowa Konferencja Szkoleniowa „Trafna diagnostyka FASD?
W związku z obchodami 20-lecia Światowego Dnia FAS oraz Dnia Świadomości FASD w dniu 09.09.2019r. Fundacja Fascynujący Świat Dziecka zorganizowała Międzynarodową Konferencję Szkoleniową pt.
Trafna diagnostyka FASD? Jest na to sprawdzony sposób – Prawidłowo dostosowana terapia kluczem do sukcesu”.
Osservatorio Malattie Rare (Italy) - Sindrome feto-alcolica: oggi è il FASD Awareness Day
In Italia, l’associazione AIDEFAD è impegnata a promuovere una maggiore informazione sulla patologia, per agevolare prevenzione e diagnosi precoce
MDR (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Kurzer Rausch, langer Leidensweg: Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft. Etwa 13.000 Kinder werden jährlich mit dem fetalen Alkoholsyndrom (FAS) geboren. Doch eine Diagnose erhält nur jeder zehnte Betroffene – mit fatalen Folgen.
OX.PL - Portal Śląska Cieszyńskiego (Poland) - Rozpoczął się rok FAS/FASD w powiecie cieszyńskim
9 września obchodzony jest Światowy Dzień FAS. Ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi społeczeństwa na to, jak niebezpieczne dla rozwoju płodu jest spożywanie alkoholu przez kobiety w czasie ciąży.
Delo (Slovenia) - Ne alkoholu med nosečnostjo!
Mednarodni dan spektra fetalnih alkoholnih motenj ali kako v znamenju štirih devetic opozoriti na trajne posledice pitja za nerojenega otroka.
Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) – Elämän mittaiset jäljet
Annakaisa Koskisen äiti joi ollessaan raskaana. Se vaikuttaa Koskisen elämään edelleen.
Me Naiset (Finland) - Mikolla, 38, on kysymys äidilleen: ”Miksi joit raskauden aikana niin paljon?”
Ymmärrän, että en ymmärrä kaikkea, Mikko Haapanen sanoo. Juuri se tuntuu hänestä vaikeimmalta. Mikko syntyi kehitysvammaisena, koska hänen biologinen äitinsä käytti alkoholia raskausaikana.
B.T. (Denmark) - Gigi blev hjerneskadet i sin mors mave: Jeg bebrejder hende
»Jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at min mor elskede mig. Men jeg bebrejder hende for at have skadet mig.«
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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Alcohol News - 39/2019

The Sidney Morning Herald - Alcohol content of kombucha, kefir could put unsuspecting drinkers over the limit
Fermented "soft" drinks such as kombucha and kefir are beloved by health-conscious Australians for their lower sugar content and professed probiotic properties, but a recent study suggests they could pose a risk to unsuspecting drinkers who think they are consuming an alcohol-free product.
The BMJ (Scotland) - Minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland
As the seventh most important global risk factor for premature death and accounting for a wide range of acute and chronic morbidities, alcohol deservedly attracts the attention of public health policy makers.
ERR News (Estonia) - Tallinn mayor wants to stop alcohol being sold before 10 a.m.
Mayor of Tallinn, Mihhail Kõlvart, wants to change the law so that bars cannot sell alcohol until 10 a.m. putting them on an even footing with shops and supermarkets.
About 10 percent of Thais say they have experienced marital and family problems because of someone else’s drinking habit, according to a new study published Monday.
KUNM (New Mexico) - Alcohol Death Rate Rises In N.M.
New Mexico has had the country’s highest rate of alcohol-related deaths for more than 20 years. And last year it only got worse.
BBC News (UK) - Study assesses alcohol law's effect on homeless
Glasgow Caledonian University is to lead a study looking at the impact of alcohol minimum pricing on the homeless.
BBC News (UK) - Warning on alcohol risk at university initiations
Students starting university are being warned about the dangers of initiation events which involve drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
The Guardian (Canada) - A sobering look at alcohol-free living in Atlantic Canada
Shalyn Ward probably doesn’t even realize she’s a part of what seems to be a growing trend by choosing to never drink alcohol.
Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) - Smashing alcohol peer pressure
''Smashed'' show actors (from left) Kieran Milton as Jack, Troy Vandergoes as Caleb, and Carrisse Utai as Charlotte yesterday seized the attention of 80 year 9 pupils at the Kavanagh College gymnasium, with a presentation aimed at giving them the skills needed to counter peer pressure to drink alcohol.
HeraldScotland (Scotland) - One in four wealthy Scots drinking too much every week
AFFLUENT Scots are far more likely than any other group to have hazardous or harmful drinking patterns, according to the latest research on the nation’s health.
Mental Floss (Germany) - German Court Rules Hangovers Are a Legitimate Illness
The Takeout reports that the case involved an unnamed company touting its powder and liquid supplements as hangover cures.
The Brussels Times (Belgium) - Flemish parties call for alcohol ban as arrests surge in Brussels pedestrian zone
Two Flemish parties on Monday called for the introduction of an alcohol ban in downtown Brussels citing crime and safety concerns in the city’s pedestrian zone.
EurekAlert - Simple lifestyle modifications key to preventing large percentage of breast cancer cases
Expert reports estimate that one in three breast cancer cases could be prevented by lifestyle modifications. Those modifications include such basics as weight management, physical activity, nutrition, and alcohol consumption, among others.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alcohol News - 38/2019

ERR News (Estonia) - Tallinn wants tougher alcohol restrictions
Tallinn deems it necessary to lay down time of day restrictions for the sale of alcohol in entertainment establishments and boost mandatory distance between alcohol shops and child care institutions, Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart announced on Wednesday.
BBC News (Scotland) - Charity calls for alcohol minimum pricing to be extended across UK
A charity has called for Scotland's minimum unit pricing policy for alcohol (MUP) to be rolled out across the UK.
The Scotsman (Scotland) - Members of children’s parliament want alcohol to be made ‘less visible’
Members of Scotland’s Children’s Parliament have called for alcohol to be made less visible and for tougher measures to stop people drinking in public spaces.
YLE News (Finland) - Alcohol sales in Finland down this summer
Preliminary findings by market research firm Taloustutkimus revealed that alcohol sales in Finnish grocery stores fell between January and August this year. Sales in terms of litres decreased by two percent and in terms of pure alcohol by 1.8 percent. - Midwives need more support to deliver advice on alcohol consumption in pregnancy
A new study funded by the Institute of Alcohol Studies – ‘Alcohol guidelines for pregnant women: Barriers and enablers for midwives to deliver advice’ – highlights the inconsistency in official guidance that led to midwives giving different advice on alcohol consumption in pregnancy.
ABC News (Russia) - Russian priests spray holy water from plane to stop 'alcohol use' and 'fornication'
Russian Orthodox priests in the Central Russian city of Tver took to the skies in a small airplane to save citizens from "drunkenness and fornication," reported a Russian local media outlet.
Reuters (USA) - Alcohol taxes not close to covering cost of drinking harms in the U.S.
The sum total of taxes on alcohol doesn’t come close to paying the bills associated with excessive alcohol consumption in the U.S., researchers say.
TodayFM (Ireland) - New Laws Will Stop People Buying Alcohol With Loyalty Points
Shoppers will no longer be able to buy alcohol in supermarkets with their loyalty points. Health Minister Simon Harris said he has notified the European Commission of his plans to regulate promotions that "incentivise alcohol consumption."
The Local Sweden (Sweden) - Should Sweden's alcohol store Systembolaget stay open on Sundays?
Swedish conservative opposition leaders have sparked debate about the country's alcohol monopoly and tacos (bear with us) after calling for Systembolaget to be open on Sundays.
The Dallas Morning News (USA) - GAO survey: Alcohol, airline fees and long lines turn fliers into abusive customers
Airline customer-service agents say they often get verbal threats from passengers, and sometimes they turn into physical confrontations. The agents say alcohol, airline fees and long lines can anger passengers.
Korea Times (South Korea) - More women suffering from alcohol use disorder: data
More than 74,000 Koreans were treated for alcohol use disorder at rehab clinics last year, a government data showed. (Canada) - Thousands of young people hospitalized due to cannabis and other substance use, report reveals
About 65 young people in Canada per day land in hospital because of harm caused by cannabis, alcohol, opioids and other substances, according to a new report.
ITV News (Scotland) - Alcohol-related deaths ‘cut by more than 20% with minimum unit pricing’
Minimum unit pricing may have contributed to the number of alcohol-related deaths in Glasgow falling by more than a fifth, according to new research.
Alcohol Change UK (UK) - Addressing the needs of older drinkers
Address the needs of older alcohol drinkers by enforcing action against age inequalities in existing services and developing a range of specialist services to support older adults who drink.
Euractiv (EU) - Health expert: Cancer control plans must be implemented
Dr Albreht said the risk factors in the region, mainly tobacco and alcohol consumption, remain insufficiently dealt with. He said there is too much freedom of smoking as well as exposure to passive smoking for a large part of the population.
Stuff (New Zealand) - Parliament 'whisky vs gin' cancer fundraiser is 'disturbing' say health experts
A cancer fundraiser supported by the alcohol industry and hosted by an MP has been condemned by health experts.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

FASD News - 36/2019

Regina Leader-Post (Canada) - U of R project supporting Indigenous people with FASD in justice system
For people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), navigating the court system can be confusing and overwhelming as they try to understand their charges, meet with their lawyer and keep track of their court appearances.
Canada NewsWire (Canada) - Government of Canada announces funding to help create awareness around Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the leading known cause of preventable developmental disability in Canada. It affects the brain and body of people prenatally exposed to alcohol. People living with FASD can face life-long mental, physical, behavioural and learning disabilities.
Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) - Funding lacking for FASD families: expert
Better funding is needed to help families struggling with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder - and the emphasis needs to be put on identifying the condition, a University of Otago specialist says. (New Zealand) - Support and understanding of individuals with FASD
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) will be in the spotlight this weekend when experts on FASD, parents, caregivers and professionals convene in Wellington to discuss the consequences of a diagnosis of FASD and approaches to assist those living with this lifelong disability.
Nunavut News (Canada) - Resource centre launches photo project for FASD awareness month
For the new Piruqatigiit Resource Centre‘s first foray into International FASD Awareness Month, it has planned a full slate of activities for Iqalungmiut and a special territory-wide project.
HSC Newsbeat (USA) - Reaching for a Cure
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has awarded the New Mexico Alcohol Research Center (NMARC) a five-year renewal of its Specialized Alcohol Research Center P50 grant. (New Zealand) - Diagnosis key to improving quality of life for those with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
For Nelson mum Cat Ward, a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder changed the life of her son for the better.
Stornoway Gazette (UK) - Alcohol and Pregnancy – What’s the harm?
This year’s International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day falls on September 9th, where the Outer Hebrides Alcohol & Drug Partnership (OHADP) and NHS Western Isles will be spreading the word on how drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause harm to the unborn baby.
HeraldScotland (Scotland) - Help service for children affected by alcohol extended
A SUPPORT service for adopted children with prenatal alcohol-related problems has been extended after overwhelming need in its first three months.
ABC News (Australia) - The lost battle to get help for a brain-damaged teen before he rioted at Don Dale
Before the extra years were added to his sentence and before the trouble that led to them, authorities were warned that a teenage boy with severe cognitive impairments was deteriorating in Darwin's Don Dale youth detention centre and needed help.
Times of Malta (Malta) - ‘Don’t drink in pregnancy’
Whatever you eat or drink is shared with your baby. Foods and liquids pass from you to your baby through the placenta. So a mother needs to ensure that she is passing nutritious foods during pregnancy to her baby. - ‘Ongoing vigilance’ needed raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The Kitchener woman listens to people talking about their children going off to university and knows she needs to focus on different milestones for Alexis and Austin.
Social Work Blog - September Is FASD Awareness Month
Serious health effects, a simple prevention message: no alcohol use during pregnancy. Prenatal alcohol exposure is the most common preventable cause of intellectual and developmental delays and disabilities in the United States.
RCNi - Why it is vital to diagnose fetal alcohol syndrome
The exposure of children to alcohol is a growing problem, yet there is only one specialist clinic for the syndrome in the UK
ADF (Australia) - Beautiful Bumps for FASD Awareness Day
International FASD Awareness Day is observed at 9:09 am on the 9th day of the 9th month every year to highlight the importance of being alcohol-free for the nine months of a pregnancy.
South African Government (South Africa) - Deputy Minister Nomalungelo Gina addresses International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness day, 9 Sept
Deputy Minister Gina and MEC Mosenogi to address the International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day in Potchefstroom, North West

PreventionInstitute1 - Alcohol and Pregnancy: Let’s change the conversation
This video was created to raise awareness about FASD prevention for FASD Awareness Month.
AlcoholFreePregnancy - Mocktail Video Campaign!
You’re invited! Calling all members of the FASD community! Submit your own short video of yourself with your favorite mocktail! NOFAS will feature your video in September for FASD Awareness Month!
Orchids Admin - What is an FASD and Why Do I Need to Know This?
A 30-minute introduction to FASD for educational and residential staff presented by Jackie Wille at Shepherd College on September 19, 2017
Adoption UK Scotland - FASD Hub Scotland
Francois Verster - Colleen Adams on intellectual disability & FASD ROUGH
Bow Valley College - Selected Films & Documentaries for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A new POPFASD podcast series that highlights research, personal stories, strategies, and more related to education and FASD.

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - The conversation matters: a qualitative study exploring the implementation of alcohol screening and brief interventions in antenatal care in Scotland
This is the first study to explore implementation leaders’ experiences of antenatal SBI delivery and identify possible changes in disclosure rates arising from the approach taken.
Developmental neurobiology - Analysis of Drosophila Nervous System Development Following an Early, Brief Exposure to Ethanol
Altogether, this study establishes a new system to examine the effects of alcohol exposure in embryos and the potential to conduct large scale genetics screens to uncover novel factors that sensitize or protect neurons to the effects of alcohol.
Europe PMC - Swazi Pregnant Women's Knowledge on Consuming Alcoholic Beverages
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) affect all nations harshly, however, very little is known about the scope of FASD in Swaziland.
Research in developmental disabilities - Caregiver and family quality of life for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The results demonstrate that there are multidimensional challenges for caregivers and families. These findings have important implications for policy and practice regarding the provision of supports and services for children with FASD and their families.
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology - C-49 Externalizing Behavior Differences Between FASD and ACC: 11-13 Year Olds
Treatment plans for those with FAS and ACC differ greatly from the commonly provided misdiagnoses of Autism, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder, which can leave clients with FAS and ACC misunderstood and improperly treated.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health - Outcomes and needs of health and education professionals following fetal alcohol spectrum disorder‐specific training
This is the first study to document training and practice experiences of Australian and New Zealand professionals in relation to FASD.
Youth Justice - ‘He Has Problems; He Is Not the Problem . . .’ A Qualitative Study of Non-Custodial Staff Providing Services for Young Offenders Assessed for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in an Australian Youth Detention Centre
Little is known about the challenges non-custodial youth detention centre staff face supporting young people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
University of Calgary - Cumulative Risk and Mental Health Outcomes in Children Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between cumulative risk factors (both prenatally and postnatally) on mental health outcomes of children exposed to alcohol prenatally.
University of Guelph - Evaluating the Impact of Clinical Evidence about FASD on Attributions and Decisions in a Criminal Justice Context
Recent calls for legislative and policy reform to address the overrepresentation of individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in the criminal justice system are likely to increase the amount of FASD-related evidence in Canadian courtrooms.
UTS Pharmacology - A Look into Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy
It’s been known that drinking has many negative effects on the unborn child. Is there a safe amount that can be enjoyed? Exactly how much of the alcohol consumed reaches the child? We’ll be answering these questions today amongst other factors.
Current Opinion in Toxicology - Toxicant and teratogenic effects of prenatal alcohol
Prenatal alcohol exposure can result in growth, cognitive, and behavioral deficits due to the toxicant and teratogenic effects of alcohol.
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Our aim was to evaluate the possible correlation between maternal alcohol consumption during the first trimester and the risk of having an offspring with non-syndromic oral cleft.
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare - Alcohol, smoking, folic acid and multivitamin use among women attending maternity care in London: A cross-sectional study
This study describes the patterns of change in health behaviours that pregnant women adopt before and during pregnancy.
An International Journal of Obstetrics and Guneacology - Alcohol in pregnancy: not recommended at any gestational age
Though there are multiple established risk factors for preterm birth (e.g., previous preterm birth, short cervix), the association between maternal alcohol consumption and prematurity is less clear, with risk ratios ranging from 0.66.
Drug and alcohol Review - Pregnancy as a transition: First‐time expectant couples′ experience with alcohol consumption
This paper makes a significant contribution by examining prenatal drinking change as a transition. In this conceptualisation, the change of alcohol consumption is a relational process that is shaped by multiple changes and social norms.

Dziennik Bałtycki Plus (Poland) - Najważniejsze dla dziecka z FASD jest stabilny i dostępny opiekun
Właśnie mija 10 lat od stworzenia pierwszego w Polsce, finansowanego wyłącznie z samorządowych pieniędzy, gdyńskiego programu wspierania dzieci z tzw. Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych (FASD) oraz ich rodzin. Co konkretnie robicie?
Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - FASD-LASTEN KUNTOUTUS RETUPERÄLLÄ
Suomessa syntyy vuosittain 600-3000 äidin raskaudenaikaisen alkoholinkäytön vaurioittamaa FASD-lasta. Heistä useimpien vaurioita ei tunnisteta heti syntymän jälkeen, vaan ongelmat leikki- tai kouluiässä tulevat yllätyksenä.
Oberberg Nachrichten | Am Puls der Heimat (Germany) - Präventionswochen FASD: „Schwanger ohne Alkohol“
Die Präventionsveranstaltungen klären über die Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung auf und informieren über Anzeichen, Herausforderungen und Chancen für betroffene Kinder Oberbergischer Kreis.
Koroške Novice (Slovenia) - Na zdravje otroka ne vpliva samo materino pitje alkohola pred otrokovim rojstvom, temveč tudi očetovo
Dan fetalnega alkoholnega sindroma (FAS) vsako leto obeležujemo 9. septembra ob 9:09 (9 minut čez 9. uro 9. dne v 9. mesecu v letu), kar simbolizira devet mesecev nosečnosti, ko alkohol ogroža razvoj in rast še nerojenega otroka.
Wasserburger Stimme (Germany) - Die Risiken elterlichen Alkoholkonsums
Die Fachambulanz für Suchterkrankungen der Diakonie Rosenheim informiert anlässlich des „Tages des alkoholgeschädigten Kindes“ am kommenden Montag über die so genannte „Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung” (FASD).
FASD Norge (Norway) – Legeundersøkelsen
Barnelege Jon Skranes undersøker barn som kommer til Sørlandet sykehus Arendal

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Alcohol News - 36/2019

WHO Europe - In Europe, people continue to consume more alcohol than in any other place in the world
A recent WHO report shows that rates of harmful alcohol consumption in Europe have not dropped as expected, even though all countries have signed the European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol 2012–2020.
The Lancet - Implementing the European Action Plan on Alcohol
8 years after the adoption of the WHO European Action Plan on Alcohol (EAPA), the region has the highest prevalence of drinkers, heavy episodic drinking, alcohol consumption per capita, and the lowest proportion of abstainers, compared with other WHO region.
Healthline (USA) - Rising Number of E-Scooter Accidents Tied to Alcohol
Electric scooters — or e-scooters as they’re often called — have skyrocketed in popularity over the past couple of years.
Voice of America (USA) - Stressed-Out American Students Turn to Alcohol
Fifty-seven percent of full-time American college students had a drink in the last month, and about 38% of those students were binge drinking, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. What influences such heavy drinking on campuses? Sahar Majid has more in this report narrated by JimBertel. (USA) - Proposed regs on tasting rooms tighten tensions in alcohol industry
A new set of proposed regulations has split the state’s alcohol industry: breweries, wineries and distilleries that make it versus bars, hotels and restaurants that serve it.
The Scotsman (UK) - Most middle-aged drinkers not cutting back on alcohol, says new research
Fewer than half of middle-aged drinkers have tried to cut back on their alcohol intake, according to new research.
BBC News - Conversation boosts honesty over drinking in pregnancy, study finds
A "conversational approach" is the most successful way of encouraging honest disclosure of drinking habits by pregnant women, a new study says. (Canada) - Family doctors key to spotting alcohol abuse, researchers say
More than one million Canadians suffer from alcohol use disorder in any given year. But most never get the professional help they need, according to researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto.
Toronto Star (Canada) - How many calories in a drink? Researchers say alcohol labels should spell it out
A study suggests the average Canadian drinker receives more than one-tenth of their daily recommended calories from alcoholic beverages, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at the label.
IEG Policy (Ireland) - Ireland notifies EU of regulation to ban alcohol promotions
The Irish government wants to ban the use of bonus or loyalty card points which would allow people to buy alcoholic drinks at a reduced price or free of charge.
Personnel Today - A third ‘pressured’ to drink more alcohol at work social events
Co-workers are more influential than family members or partners when it comes to encouraging staff to have more alcohol than they had intended, research has indicated. (Estonia) - Poll: Estonians losing interest in buying alcohol in Latvia
The interest of Estonians in buying alcohol in neighbouring Latvia has decreased, as showed by the latest poll by Kantar Emor pollster, following the decisions of both Estonia and Latvia to cut their excise tax rates on alcohol.
Majorca Daily Bulletin (Balearic Islands) - Alcohol addiction affects 60,000 people
A study by alcohol and drug dependency charity Projecte Home reveals that almost 60,000 people in the Balearics are in effect addicted to alcohol. The consumption by 58,000 of the population is "problematic and intensive", as they are hooked on a legal substance which is tolerated and accepted by society.
The Good Men Project - How We Became the Heaviest Drinkers in a Century
Beyond the health risks and potential harm from drink-fuelled crime, there’s the more insidious aspect of Peak Booze: the mental baggage it has left us with.
NHS Borders - Alcohol and Pregnancy Don't Mix
Borders Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) are aiming to help Borderers understand that alcohol and pregnancy don’t mix as part of promoting International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day on 9 September.
ADF (Australia) - Alcohol and breast cancer: Australians need to know
One in five breast cancers are linked to alcohol consumption. However, only 19% of Australians, according to research conducted by the Cancer Council of Victoria’s Centre for Behavioural Research, were aware of the link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer – and this link is significant. (UK) - Revealed: Impact of cancers linked to drinking in West Sussex
The number of alcohol-related cancers diagnosed has risen in West Sussex, new data reveals.