
Sunday, April 14, 2019

FASD News - 15/2019

Manitoulin Expositor (Canada) - Editorial: Government must recognize the challenges of FASD
There is an inherent stigma that attaches to the medical condition known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) that must be solidly laid to rest if we are to build the political will that can force governments and their health agencies to put in place the supports needed to deal with one of the most insidious and pervasive, if largely invisible, health issues facing society.
NOFAS (USA) - An Alcohol-Free Pregnancy is the Best Choice for a Healthy Pregnancy
In observance of April's Alcohol Awareness Month, the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) is raising awareness about the risk of prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). (Canada) - No formal grades past Grade 6 for Hamilton teen with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Seventeen-year-old James Gowland does not have formal grades beyond Grade 6 and does not have any friends. His father says this is because the public education system has failed James, who has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
New Scientist - 3D facial analysis could help identify children with rare conditions
Children with rare conditions could be diagnosed quicker thanks to 3D facial analysis software.
So you know a little about me, my name is CJ and I am 35 years old. I was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome when I was a baby. I was in foster care and then adopted by my last foster family when I was five years old, along with my older brother and sister who both also have FASD.
ProofAlliance - What are the Differences Between FASD and Autism?
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a number of overlapping characteristics. They are both neurodevelopmental disabilities that can affect brain function, development, behavior, and social interaction.
CanFASD Blog - Genetic and Epigenetic Perspectives on the Role of Fathers in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Research evidence is clear that maternal prenatal alcohol exposure may lead to the child developing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). However, less research and discussion has focused on the potential contribution of paternal alcohol exposure on FASD.

British Columbia - Finding Purpose: Living with FASD (October 9, 2019 Vancouver Canada)
In his presentation Myles will share life experiences on what it is like to live with a disability that is so stigmatized and misunderstood. By giving personal examples of sensory issues, processing, and executive functioning Myles hopes to encourage and inspire audiences, and society as a whole, to change the way they see and understand FASD.
Maryelen And Paula Mcphail - FASD WORKSHOP (May 10, 2019 UK)
Workshops for professionals - social workers, teachers, GPs, adoption services - that work along side anyone with FASD or may think they have FASD.

University of British Columbia - PDFs and video recordings from the FASD Conference 2019
These materials are only posted with speakers’ consent. If the session you are looking for is not listed below, it means that the speaker did not allow for his/her presentation to be available online.
Mini Learning Module - FASD Explained
Taking 30 minutes or less to complete, our Mini Learning Modules capture everything you expect from Open Future and deliver it in a bite size format.
Kids Brain Health Network - FASD Through a Variety of Lenses – Dr. James Reynolds
Dr. Reynolds also spoke last week about FASD in the classroom with the British Columbia Provincial Outreach Program for FASD (POPFASD). In the podcast “FASD Through a Variety of Lenses,” Dr. Reynolds shares his knowledge, experience and ideas around how educators can best support students with FASD.
FASD Ontario - Your source of accurate, up-to-date FASD information for Ontario
Welcome to FASD Ontario, your source of accurate, up-to-date Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) information for Ontario. This website will help you find the closest available FASD services, learn about a variety of FASD topics, read the latest news and find training. We hope you visit the site often.

Dev Period Med. - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders - diagnostic difficulties in the neonatal period and new diagnostic approaches
Diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome is based on the appearance of growth deficiency, the presence of the three key features of facial dysmorphism (short palpebral fissures, thin upper lip, smooth or flattend philtrum) and/or disorders in the central nervous system (minimum 3) and prenatal exposure to alcohol (confirmed if possible).
Journal of Fetal Alcohol Risk and Prevention - Understanding Contraceptive Behaviour to Prevent Unintended Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies
Given the lifelong impacts that can be experienced for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), prevention of unintended alcohol-exposed pregnancies is an area that requires serious attention.
Reproductive Toxicology - Statistical sensitivity analysis for the estimation of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders prevalence
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are thought to be the leading cause of developmental disabilities worldwide. Accurate estimates of the prevalence of FASD have been lacking.
Physical and Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics - Sensory Processing in Young Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Sensory processing differences in young children with FASD are supported when compared to children with PAE who are “at risk” for future diagnoses.
VIU - Supporting students with FASD and trauma
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopemental disorder which is caused from prenatal consumption of alcohol.
The FASEB Journal - A zebrafish FASD model for congenital heart defects
Mothers who drink during pregnancy expose their developing babies to ethanol, and excessive drinking often produces devastating birth defects collectively termed fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Acta Neuropathologica Communications - Targeting the β2-integrin LFA-1, reduces adverse neuroimmune actions in neuropathic susceptibility caused by prenatal alcohol exposure
Recently, moderate prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) was shown to be a risk factor for peripheral neuropathy following minor nerve injury. This effect coincides with elevated spinal cord astrocyte activation and ex vivo immune cell reactivity assessed by proinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL) -1β protein expression.
University of Alberta Libraries - Short- and Long-Term Impacts of A Working Memory Intervention for Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
This dissertation consists of two studies designed to: (1) determine the neurobehavioural profile reflecting the strengths and limitations of children with Parental Alcohol Exposure (PAE) and (2) evaluate the short- and long-term impacts of a 25-session Cogmed© intervention on improving working memory and other cognitive, learning, and behavioural functioning in children with PAE.
Nursing Outlook - Pregnant and Parenting Women with a Substance Use Disorder: Actions and Policy for Enduring Therapeutic Practice
Journal of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Risk and Prevention - Predictors of Alcohol Use Disorders in Argentinean Pregnant Women
Urgent action is needed in the region to prevent prenatal drinking, and pregnant women with an AUD should be the focus of distinct efforts.
Repozytorium UR - The effect of alcohol on neuroglia in the developing brain and in adults
During puberty, the young body undergoes transformation not only within the reproductive and hormonal systems, but also significant changes in the central nervous system (CNS).
Dev Period Med. - Asymmetric neonatal spasms as an early sign of brain malformation potentially caused by regular light alcohol consumption during the first 22 weeks of pregnancy, a clinical case report
Spasms in the form of seizures are rarely reported in the neonatal period. Their recognition has to lead to urgent brain imaging study to look for the underlying cause and to implement timely, appropriate corrections in the treatment strategy.
Am Acad Pediatrics - Misalignment of Coronary Microvasculature Detected in a Model of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure using Optical Coherence Tomography
Congenital coronary anomalies can result in severe consequences such as arrhythmias and sudden death. Research has been dedicated to coronary development, but gaps exist in this area of study due to a lack of tools to visualize all the vessels.

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