Voxy (New Zealand) - Spotlight on parenting a child with FASD
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) will be in the spotlight again this week when international expert Jeff Noble gives insight and hope to New Zealand parents, caregivers and professionals dealing with fetal alcohol and its effects daily.
CBC.ca (Canada) - N.W.T. MLAs call for formal fetal alcohol spectrum disorder strategy, health minister says no need
The Yellowknife Association for Community Living began its fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) awareness campaign on Friday, as some MLAs called on the government to implement a formal strategy to combat the spectrum of disorders in the territory.
The West Australian (Australia) - WA govt wants alcohol pregnancy warning
Alcohol sold in Australia should be labelled with mandatory health warnings for pregnant and breastfeeding women, the West Australian government says.
Minneapolis Star Tribune (USA) - Minnesota scientists deploy high-tech tools to map damage from fetal alcohol
Prenatal alcohol exposure affects about 7,000 newborns in Minnesota each year, and its effects remain deeply misunderstood.
The Ohio State University News (USA) - Ibuprofen may block damage from fetal-alcohol exposure
An anti-inflammatory drug may have the potential to stall the damaging effects of alcohol on the fetal brain, a new study suggests.
The Press West Coast (New Zealand) - Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder – 'it can only take one drink'
It can only take one or two drinks to damage an unborn baby's brain. That's the message CAPS Hauraki wants to get across to young women in an effort to reduce the high rates of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder [FASD] in children.
TVNZ (New Zealand) - Fetal alcohol syndrome misunderstood and under-diagnosed, says expert
"Millions and millions of people around the world" live with fetal alcohol syndrome, and an international expert says the disorder is often misunderstood.
Devon Live - Lee had no idea why he was a criminal with a life out of control - until he discovered what his mother had done
A Devon man who spent years feeling his life was out of control, living as a criminal and attempting suicide more than once, had no idea why until he was diagnosed with a condition contracted in the womb.
YUKON Government (Canada) - Final report of the FASD prevalence study of corrections population released
The final report of a three-year research study into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevalence in Yukon’s corrections population was released today.
Telethon Kids (Australia) - Call for mandatory pregnancy health warning labelling on alcoholic beverages
Perth’s Telethon Kids Institute has welcomed the McGowan Government’s call today for the immediate implementation of mandatory pregnancy health warning labelling on all alcoholic beverages sold in Australia.
Münstermann (Germany) - FAS(D) perfekt!
Der kleine Mo hat FAS(D). Er wohnt in einer Pflegefamilie, die gut auf ihn aufpasst. Sie hilft ihm bei den alltäglichen Dingen, z.B. wenn er bei Schnee und Eis ohne Jacke nach draußen geht oder wenn er viele Dinge schnell wieder vergisst.
Kati Morton - What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
NOFAS-UK FASD Support & Awareness - FASD Wellbeing Workshop Dr Cassie Jackson & Andy Jackson
On 28 October 2017, the first NOFAS-UK FASD Wellbeing Workshop, 'Living in the Here and Now,' featured Dr Cassie Jackson, Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist, and Andy Jackson, member National FASD Advisory Committee. The workshop featured these presentations, followed by Q&A
MOFAS - What is FASD?
MOFAS - What does FASD have to do with equity?
Telethon Kids Institute - Sharyn/Make FASD History
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is caused when a Fetus is exposed to alcohol during pregnancy, resulting in lifelong damage. This silent epidemic affects thousands right across Australia. This is their story.
Susan Wendel - FASD and Diasnosis
Metabolic Brain Disease - Hippocampal neurogenesis in the C57BL/6J mice at early adulthood following prenatal alcohol exposure
We examined the effect of chronic prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on the process of adult neurogenesis in C57BL/6J mice at early adulthood (PND 56).
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice - A Unique Response to Offenders with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Perceptions of the Alexis FASD Justice Program
Despite our knowledge that individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are over-represented and vulnerable in the justice system, there is a critical paucity of research related to supporting offenders with FASD.
European Journal of Health Law - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Ethical and Legal Perspectives: An Overview on FASD for Professionals
Addictive Substances and Neurological Disease - Frontal Lobe Dysfunction After Developmental Alcohol Exposure: Implications From Animal Models
A leading cause of preventable neurological and physical impairment, prenatal exposure to alcohol is clinically diagnosable as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs).
Global Qualitative Nursing Research - Health Care Students’ Attitudes About Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy: Responses to Narrative Vignettes
This article explores medical, midwifery, and nurse practitioner students’ attitudes about women who may consume alcohol throughout their pregnancies.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - Ethical challenges in FASD prevention: Scientific uncertainty, stigma, and respect for women’s autonomy.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a leading form of neurodevelopmental delay in Canada, affecting an estimated 3000 babies per year. FASD involves a range of disabilities that entail significant costs to affected individuals, families, and society.
Addictive Substances and Neurological Disease - Antenatal Alcohol and Histological Brain Disturbances
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy induces specific disorders in offspring that are combined under the term fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which is a part of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs).
Journal of Midwifery and Women´s Health - Screening Women for At-Risk Alcohol Use: An Introduction to Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in Women's Health
A significant number of women engage in at-risk drinking behavior, or heavy alcohol use. Women are especially at risk for the negative impact of excessive alcohol consumption secondary to gender differences in body structure, chemistry, and alcohol absorption.
Journal of Drug Abuse - Commentary on How Could I Have Done This? Thoughts of Mothers of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Biological mothers who give birth to children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are an underserved and under-researched population.
Alcohol and Alcoholism - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Suspected Hearing Impairment Among Children: A Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study
This study aimed to examine the association between prenatal alcohol exposure and hearing impairment among Japanese children using early childhood health check-up data.
ADC Fetal and Neonatal - Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs during pregnancy and risk of neuroblastoma: systematic review
Smoking, alcohol or illicit drugs during pregnancy might play a role in the development of neuroblastoma. However, well-designed studies are needed to assess whether these exposures are causal and whether time period during pregnancy, dose or co-consumption of substances is critical.
POLICY DESIGN AND EVALUATION LAB - Computer Games to Improve Behavioral Regulation in FASD-affected Children
The research team developed a treatment for children with FASD-related impairments that was demonstrated to be effective for children in the age range of 5–10 years in a pilot study in the United States.
Rzeczpospolita (Poland) - Ciąża wolna od alkoholu - RPD pyta o podjęte działania ministrów rodziny, zdrowia i sprawiedliwości
Nie ma dawki alkoholu, którą kobieta może wypić w ciąży bez ryzyka, że nie wyrządzi to szkody jej dziecku – pisze Rzecznik Praw Dziecka Marek Michalak w kolejnym wystąpieniu do Minister Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej, Ministra Zdrowia i Ministra Sprawiedliwości. Pyta, czy coś robią, by chronić dzieci przed skutkami picia alkoholu przez matki.
Rynek Zdrowia (Poland) - Uszkodzenie alkoholowe płodu jest jedną z najcięższych wad rozwojowych
Do poradni zdrowia zgłaszają się matki, które urodziły nawet pięcioro dzieci z płodowym zespołem alkoholowym, bo nie podjęto żadnych kroków, aby po pierwszym dziecku z FASD sytuacja się nie powtórzyła; dzieci te nie mają też wystarczającego wsparcia - alarmowano na konferencji dotyczącej FASD.
t-online.de (Germany) - Baby kommt mit drei Promille im Blut auf die Welt
Eine 34-Jährige hat in Polen ein Baby mit drei Promille im Blut auf die Welt gebracht. Dem Jungen drohen Langzeitfolgen.
FOCUS Online (Germany) - Interaktive, erlebnisorientierte Ausstellung „ZERO“ zum Thema „Alkohol und Schwangerschaft“
Das ist allgemein bekannt. Dennoch werden in Deutschland jedes Jahr über 10.000 Kinder mit FASD, der Fetalen Alkohol Spektrums-Störung (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), geboren. Damit ist FASD die häufigste nicht genetisch bedingte körperliche, geistige und seelische Behinderung bei Neugeborenen.
Münstermann (Germany) - FAS(D) perfekt!
Der kleine Mo hat FAS(D). Er wohnt in einer Pflegefamilie, die gut auf ihn aufpasst. Sie hilft ihm bei den alltäglichen Dingen, z.B. wenn er bei Schnee und Eis ohne Jacke nach draußen geht oder wenn er viele Dinge schnell wieder vergisst.
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