
Sunday, November 6, 2016

FASD News - 44/2016 (Canada) - Yukon NDP promises better mental health care, support for FASD
Yukon's NDP is promising to slash wait times for mental health care in half, within two years of forming government. (Canada) - Team to develop first medication guidelines for FASD
A team of international experts at the University of Saskatchewan are meeting today to discuss developing medication guidelines for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
The Press (New Zealand) - West Coast schools struggle with the behaviour of children of P-addicted parents
Children born to P-addicted parents are turning up to school with behavioural problems and high-learning needs, stretching schools and social services, a report has found.
EurekAlert - Michael E. Charness honored for contributions to understanding alcohol's impact
Michael E. Charness, MD, professor of neurology and associate dean of veteran's affairs at Boston University School of Medicine, was recently awarded the 2016 Mark Keller Honorary Award from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
Bend Bulletin (USA) - New numbers prompt new warnings about drinking during pregnancy
Women’s health experts in Oregon say despite research that’s accumulated since the 1970s linking alcohol during pregnancy to birth defects, they’re still seeing evidence of the practice, and will continue their advocacy campaigns on the subject.
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Adoptive Families - "The Blank Spaces"
In this personal essay, one woman describes her fears for her toddler's future based on extensive prenatal alcohol exposure — but finds she can't be angry at his birth mom.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence - The continuum of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a community in South Africa: Prevalence and characteristics in a fifth sample.
Very high rates of FASD continue in this community where entrenched practices of regular binge drinking co-exist with challenging conditions for childbearing and child development in a significant portion of the population.
Am J Psychiatry - Perinatal Substance Abuse: At the Clinical Crossroads of Policy and Practice
University of Alberta - Mental Health Co-morbidity in Children and Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Children and adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) present with a
range of physical, mental, behavioral, and cognitive challenges which can result in poor longterm
eNeuro - Developmental ethanol exposure leads to long-term deficits in attention and its underlying prefrontal circuitry
Chronic prenatal exposure to ethanol can lead to a spectrum of teratogenic outcomes that are classified in humans as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). One of the most prevalent and persistent neurocognitive components of FASD is attention deficits, and it is now thought that these attention deficits differ from traditional Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in their quality and response to medication.
Current Developmental Disorders Reports - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): an Approach to Effective Prevention
The objective of the current contribution is to propose an evidence-based, six-step approach to develop effective programs for prevention of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study and Global Perspective on Foundations of Inter-professional and Clinical Education
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) may involve a combination of lifelong and complex behavioral effects, physical defects, and learning disabilities, in a person who was exposed to alcohol before birth.
Archive of Disease in Childhood - What can be done to lessen morbidity associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders?
Fetal alcohol syndrome and its wider spectrum of presentation fetal alcohol spectrum disorders represent a range of disorders that are sometimes difficult to recognise as they may present in a way that overlaps with other conditions.
Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health - Use of Alcohol during Pregnancy in France: Another French Paradox?
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy in human may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in the worst cases or Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) in the lightest cases. FAS inevitably induce growth retardation, craniofacial as well as congenital malformations and irreversible cognitive and behavioural deficits in the children whereas FAE lack malformations but are still accompanied by lifelong cognitive deficits.
The Clinical Neuropsychologist - Preschool self regulation predicts later mental health and educational achievement in very preterm and typically developing children
Early assessment of regulation in addition to behavioral screening may improve the early identification of preschool children at mental health risk.
Current Developmental Disorders Reports - The Detection of Fetal Alcohol Exposure by FAEEs Meconium Analysis
Fetal alcohol exposure can be assessed either retrospectively by directly asking mothers or reliable informants through structured interviews and screening questionnaires or actually by measuring biomarkers of alcohol consumption in pregnancy or in the perinatal phase.
Brain Science - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Affects Progenitor Cell Numbers in Olfactory Bulbs and Dentate Gyrus of Vervet Monkeys
Fetal alcohol exposure (FAE) alters hippocampal cell numbers in rodents and primates, and this may be due, in part, to a reduction in the number or migration of neuronal progenitor cells.
Genomics Data - Gene expression in the mouse brain following early pregnancy exposure to ethanol
Exposure to alcohol during early embryonic or fetal development has been linked with a variety of adverse outcomes, the most common of which are structural and functional abnormalities of the central nervous system.
The Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update - New diagnosis proposed for disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure
While fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a well-established diagnosis, children and adolescents who do not have the syndrome but have been affected by prenatal exposure to alcohol may have brain damage resulting in impairments of neurocognition, self-regulation, and adaptive functioning, according to experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Germany) - Ein kleiner Schluck macht doch nichts oder?!
Ein kleiner Schluck macht doch nichts, oder? Falsch. Jedes Jahr kommen allein in Deutschland rund 10 000 Kinder mit Schädigungen zur Welt, die auf den Alkoholkonsum der Mutter während der Schwangerschaft zurückzuführen sind.

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