
Sunday, August 14, 2016

FASD News - 32/2016

SPECIAL REMINDER - European Conference on FASD 2016 in just ONE MONTH
This conference brings together academics, educators, non-governmental organisations and charities, legislators and politicians, lawyers and individuals involved in the criminal justice system, birth and adoptive families alongside individuals who themselves have FASD; shared learning will help promote the understanding of this disorder in the UK, Europe and internationally.

NEWS and ARTICLES (Scotland) - Zika virus is not the birth defect risk Scotland should be most worried about
Alcohol, not the Zika virus, is the Olympian challenge for Scotland when it comes to the brain development of babies, according to prevention author Dr Jonathan Sher.
National Institutes of Health (USA) - NIH releases improved guidelines for diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
A group of experts on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), organized by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), has produced proposed clinical guidelines for diagnosing FASD, which can result when a mother drinks during pregnancy.
Monitor - Fetal alcohol syndrome focus of convicted murderer’s hearing
An Hidalgo County district judge is considering whether a man found guilty of decapitating three children should be taken off death row.
Post-Bulletin - Mother speaks out against drinking during pregnancy
Sometimes bystanders are curious when they see Tiffany Morgan's 8-year-old daughter have a meltdown at the playground.
Daily Mail (UK) - Revealed, exactly how drinking, smoking and illegal drugs can harm your unborn baby
It's widely known using tobacco, alcohol, cocaine and heroin while pregnant can be extremely harmful to the health of an unborn child. For example, drinking during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage or cerebral palsy.
Regina Leader-Post - A different approach: The struggle to deal with FASD in the justice system
A young Myles Himmelreich called on every ounce of self-control he possessed each time he walked past. And he succeeded — until that fateful day several other students dared him.
Courier Mail (Australia) - Opinion: We failed these children the moment they were arrested
AFTER video evidence of the abuse of children in custody in the Northern Territory was broadcast to a shocked nation, reports began surfacing about incidents in juvenile detention centres in Queensland.
Alaska Dispatch News - Who looks out for the babies of parents ruled by their demons?
A 22-year-old Anchorage woman was recently charged with killing her 4-month-old daughter. The mother was found, about three hours after the baby's body was found, drunk and having consensual sex in a park.

BMC Public Health - “Did you ever drink more?” A detailed description of pregnant women’s drinking patterns
This paper presents drinking patterns in a prospective study of a population-based cohort of 1570 pregnant women using a combination of dose and timing to give best estimates of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). Novel assessments include women’s special occasion drinking and alcohol use prior to pregnancy recognition.
Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse - Cortical Morphology in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Computational Neuroimaging
Prenatal alcohol exposure is a leading cause of neurodevelopmental disorders. Both brain growth and structural organization can be strongly affected (Guerri, Bazinet, & Riley, 2009), resulting in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Experimental Brain Research - Cortical miscommunication after prenatal exposure to alcohol
We report on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on resting-state brain activity as measured by magnetoencephalography (MEG). We studied 37 subjects diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in one of three categories: fetal alcohol syndrome, partial fetal alcohol syndrome, and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder.
The NADD Bulletin - The Road Ahead: New Developments in the Field of Substance Use in Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Substance use among individuals with intellectual disability (ID) has gained increasing attention
over the past decade.
Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention - High Rates of Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol among African Americans Driven by the Plethora of Liquor Stores in the Community
After nearly half a century of treating low-income, AfricanAmerican psychiatric patients for a variety of disorders, one single fact has repeatedly proven to be true –”risk factors are not predictive
factors because of protective factors”.
Neuropharmacology - Ethanol-induced changes in poly (ADP ribose) polymerase and neuronal developmental gene expression
Prenatal alcohol exposure has profound effects on neuronal growth and development. Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP) enzymes are perhaps unique in the field of epigenetics in that they directly participate in histone modifications, transcription factor modifications, DNA methylation/demethylation and are highly inducible by ethanol.
Sexual Offender Treatment - Perceptions of FASD by Civil Commitment Professionals: A Pilot Survey
The cognitive impairments characteristic of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) result in an increased likelihood of engaging in sexually inappropriate behavior and becoming involved in the criminal justice system.
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry - Alcohol consumption, smoking, and drug use in pregnancy: Prevalence and risk factors in Southern Thailand
In this study, we investigated the prevalence of substance use and associated factors in pregnant women receiving antenatal care in public hospitals in Thailand.
Psychiatr. Pol. - Validation of the Polish Version of the Washington 4-Digit Diagnostic Code for the Assessment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The aim of this paper is a quantitative assessment of FASD facial phenotype in the Polish population using the Polish version of the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code.
Behavioural Brain Research - Behavioral deficits induced by third-trimester equivalent alcohol exposure in male C57BL/6J mice are not associated with reduced adult hippocampal neurogenesis but are still rescued with voluntary exercise
Prenatal alcohol exposure can produce permanent alterations in brain structure and profound behavioral deficits. Mouse models can help discover mechanisms and identify potentially useful interventions.
OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY - Eating behavior in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A mixed methods study
Secondary to associated physical defects, global behavioral problems, and co-occurring diagnoses, studies suggest there are problems with nutrition and eating in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs); however, there is limited research on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on childhood eating behavior.

IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Germany) - Null Alkohol für Schwangere
WETZLAR Null Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft - das soll so selbstverständlich werden, so fest im gesellschaftlichen Bewusstsein verankert sein wie das Autofahren mit Gurt oder das morgendliche Zähneputzen.
RP ONLINE (Germany) - Benefizkonzert für Kinder mit fetalem Alkoholsyndrom
"Eintracht" Birgelen und "Wassenjazz" geben Konzert zugunsten der FASD. Der Vorverkauf hat begonnen.
Phụ nữ news (Vietnam) - 6 loại thức uống cực độc gây dị tật cho thai nhi mẹ không được uống dù chỉ 1 lần
Mẹ bầu có biết, có những loại nước uống gây dị tật thai nhi mà các mẹ vẫn thường dùng hằng ngày hay không? Nếu muỗn con chào đời khỏe mạnh, mẹ hãy dừng thói quen uống các loại nước sau đây! (Poland) - Pijana urodziła dziecko
Mieszkanka powiatu lwóweckiego będąca w ciąży trafiła do szpitala w Jeleniej Górze, gdzie będąc pod wpływem alkoholu urodziła dziecko. Noworodek w organizmie miał ponad pół promila alkoholu. Zgodnie z procedurą dyrekcja szpitala o całej sprawie powiadomiła policję i prokuraturę.

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