
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Alcohol News - 35/2016

The Independent - The truth about pilots and alcohol: the risks and the rules
Plenty of professionals in stressful jobs enjoy a drink. Some will occasionally binge, and small proportion may become alcohol dependent.
Science Daily - People with alcohol dependency lack important enzyme
A research group has identified an enzyme whose production is turned off in nerve cells of the frontal lobe when alcohol dependence develops. The deficiency in this enzyme leads to continued use of alcohol despite adverse consequences.
Science Daily - Researchers identify neural factors that predict adolescent alcohol use
Researchers have identified 34 neural factors that predict adolescent alcohol consumption. The list, based upon complex algorithms analyzing data from neuropsychological testing and neuroimaging studies, was significantly more accurate -- approximately 74 percent -- than demographic information alone.
Forbes - Why Music Companies Are Cashing In On Alcohol
In a quest to disrupt the alcohol industry, a new brand of premium wine called Electric Sky is making the rounds at music festivals across the nation, including AFROPUNK, Governors Ball and Life is Beautiful.
Medscape - Hospitalizations for Alcohol Linked to Increased Stroke in Low-Risk Atrial Fibrillation
Hospitalization for alcohol-related conditions is associated with a significant increase in the risk for stroke among patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), even those deemed low risk for stroke, a new study suggests.
POLITICO Magazine (USA) - How Big Alcohol Is About to Get Rich Off California Weed
Moore than 20 years later, Hezekiah Allen remembers the Blackhawk helicopters hovering over his childhood home, the armed soldiers barricading the road to the family’s northern California pot farm, the neighbor who hang-glided to escape from the Feds.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Increase in women seeking help for alcohol addiction
In 2015, 93% of all women at the centre presented with an alcohol problem. In 2006, this figure was 74%.
Scotsman (Scotland) - Alcohol price plan ‘will harm biggest drinkers’
Plans to put a minimum price on alcohol could lead to an initial spike in hospital admissions among the heaviest drinkers, researchers claim.
BBC News (South Africa) - How drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm your child
Experts say that if a woman drinks alcohol at any time during pregnancy, she risks damaging her baby. South Africa is said to have the highest rate of a condition known as foetal alcohol syndrome. Louisa Bhengu is a doctor who specialises in the disease, and explains to Akwasi Sarpong how best to avoid it. (New Zealand) - Professors push for tougher control of alcohol
Professors Doug Sellman and Jennie Connor spoke in Richmond on Wednesday night about the "101 things the alcohol industry won't tell you about", particularly its link to chronic health issues such as cancer.
Business Insider Nordic (Norway) - Union threatens to block Norway's only source of alcohol with strike
The Norwegian union Handel og Kontor is taking Norway's national supply of alcohol hostage in ongoing negotiations concerning pension plans.
Malawi24 (Malawi) - Alcohol could be banned in Malawi: Govt urged to control beer consumption
With the way consumption of beer is becoming the order of the day for many Malawians, concerned organizations could be pushing government to ban alcohol, if their recent calls for government to adopt the Malawi National Alcohol Policy come incessantly and are anything to go by.
The Japan Times - Alcohol abstinence reduces recurrence of esophagus cancer: study
Alcohol abstinence halves the risk of esophagus cancer from recurring, Japanese researchers have found.
The Times (UK) - ‘No drink is safe’: health chiefs refuse to budge on stricter alcohol limits
Britons will still be warned that there is no such thing as safe drinking as the government shrugged off criticism of controversial alcohol guidance.
Psychiatry Advisor - Childhood ADHD and Adulthood Alcohol Problems: The Role of Emotional Impulsivity
According to CDC, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent developmental disorders, and approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD in 2011. - Tanzania: Grappling With Effects of Alcohol At Night Clubs
Violent behaviour in and around pubs, night clubs and Bars in Dar es Salaam presents a significant public health, criminal justice and urban management problem and in many of these incidents, alcohol has been consumed, according to a survey.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

FASD News - 34/2016

NOFAS - Support NOFAS - National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in sharing this message
Please join NOFAS to raise awareness of FASD! Sign up on Thunderclap through your Twitter or Facebook account to have this message posted on September 9th: "Today is FASD Awareness Day! No alcohol is safe during pregnancy." Sign up here:
The Scoop (New Zealand) - Families relieved Government Plan to address FASD
FASD-CAN, a charitable organisation set up to unite and support families living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is pleased the Government has launched a cross-ministry Action Plan, to address the neglected and pressing problems families living with FASD experience daily. (New Zealand) - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: the economic cost revealed
Alcohol Healthwatch says a new report revealing the hidden costs of FASD shows more needs doing to reduce alcohol consumption.
Medscape - Women With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Are an Invisible Obstetric Population
Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by varying degrees of limitation in cognitive and adaptive abilities, such as social skills and communication.[1] Although specific examples of IDDs include fetal alcohol syndrome, Down syndrome, and fragile X syndrome, most IDDs are mild disabilities of unknown etiology.
Two groundbreaking discoveries by NeuroDevNet-supported researchers could contribute to the development of a less expensive and faster screening tool to identify young children, and even infants, with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Nursing Standard - 1 in 100 babies: why we created a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder pathway
Many women are unaware that even low level alcohol consumption during pregnancy is associated with developmental disability in children. Alcohol specialist nurse Kerry Lyons reveals how she helped create an innovative pathway to identify drinking in pregnancy and inform women of the risks
The National Judicial College - Understanding the Impairments of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Victims
As a forensic psychological evaluator, the bread and butter of your practice traditionally revolves around evaluations of competency and risk assessments.
Government of Yukon (Canada) - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society of Yukon to benefit from Innovation Fund award
The Yukon government has awarded $121,000 to the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society of Yukon (FASSY) under the Mental Wellness Innovation Fund. The award was one of 12 grants totalling $620,000 made under the fund.

TEDx Talks - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder impacts you, but you don’t know it
As a foster mother to children with FASD, Nora Boesem has seen the effects of alcohol first hand. However, FASD often goes undiagnosed and is creating a burden on us all.
KUTV - Baby your Baby: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness
September 9th at 9:09 am is the International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day designed to remind women to avoid alcohol during the 9 months of pregnancy. FASDs are caused by alcohol use during pregnancy and are 100% preventable.
SoulCove Center for the Arts, Inc. - Believe In Love (Africa) - How one town uses music to fight Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and HIV/AIDS
Located in a region with one of the highest rates of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in the world, the Richmond Community Center provides educational resources and opportunities to empower youth to become better and stronger citizens. Partnering with SoulCove Center for the Arts has strengthened the center's’ ability to use music and the arts to teach the valuable life skills necessary to change the course of a struggling community.
Qerac Healthcare Communications – Baby Steps Ep 1 The Spirit Orb
This is part one of a series of videos about FASD (Feoetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder). Each episode tells the story of a young girl called Tameka who finds herself pregnant after a night of heavy partying.

NeuroDevNet - FASD study creates a blueprint for understanding the role of epigenetics in neurodevelopmental disorders
NeuroDevNet researchers have made the first steps towards identifying an epigenetic signature for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), drawing from the largest-ever study of children and youth exposed to alcohol before birth.
University of Oxford - Ultrasound segmentation tools and their application to assess fetal nutritional health
Poor fetal nutrition has been linked to the development of a set of conditions in later life, such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension, while restricted growth can result in hypogylcemia, hypocalcemia, hypothermia, polycythemia, hyperbilirubinemia and cerebral palsy. High alcohol consumption during pregnancy can result in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, a condition that can cause growth retardation, lowered intelligence and craniofacial defects.
Neuroscience Letters - Ethanol Exposure during Development Reduces GABAergic/Glycinergic Neuron Numbers and Lobule Volumes in the Mouse Cerebellar Vermis
Cerebellar alterations are a hallmark of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and are thought to be responsible for deficits in fine motor control, motor learning, balance, and higher cognitive functions.
Developmental Psychobiology - Neonatal experiences with ethanol intoxication modify respiratory and thermoregulatory plasticity and affect subsequent ethanol intake in rats
Different studies have focused on the deleterious consequences of binge-like or chronic exposure to ethanol during the brain growth spurt period (third human gestational trimester) that in the rat corresponds to postnatal days (PDs) 3–10.
American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing - Preconception Health Behaviors of Low-Income Women
Preconception behaviors have a significant impact on birth outcomes, particularly among low-income minority groups, and women with unplanned pregnancies. This study examined women's perceived health status and behaviors such as drinking, smoking, exercise, and use of multivitamins and folic acid.
The New Zealand Medical Journal - Productivity losses associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in New Zealand
One example of such harm is that caused by the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Prenatal alcohol exposure is an established cause of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
The University of Western Ontario - A Long-Term Neuroepigenomic Profile of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) represent the largest preventable cause of cognitive deficits in the western world. The mechanism(s) of how prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) results in FASD remain unknown.
Psychoneuroendocrinology - Short- and long-term effects of stress during adolescence on emotionality and HPA function of animals exposed to alcohol prenatally
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is associated with extremely high rates of psychopathologies, which may be mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) dysregulation observed in exposed individuals.
Read more
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews - “In utero alcohol effects on foetal, neonatal and childhood lung disease”
Foetal alcohol exposure adversely effects the lung. In contrast to the adult “alcoholic lung” phenotype, an inability to identify the newborn exposed to alcohol in utero has limited our understanding of its effect on adverse pulmonary outcomes.
University of British Columbia - Mindfulness-integrated, resilience, trauma-informed and social pedagogy (MIRTS) : a holistic treatment curriculum for professionals working with young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and substance use issues
Over the past ten years, the service needs of young people with FASD have been the subject of considerable interest. This interest has been triggered, in large part, by a growing recognition of the fact that addiction and mental health service do not adequately serve young people with FASD.

Puls Medycyny (Poland) - Będą nowe wytyczne dotyczące diagnostyki FASD
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) wraz z zespołem ekspertów zaproponowało nowe wytyczne, które mają pomóc w diagnozowaniu poalkoholowego spektrum zaburzeń rozwojowych (FASD).
ERR Uudised (Estonia) - Lauri Beekmann: soovin näha alkoholist tingitud sünnikahjustuste arvu kasvu
Lapsed, kelle emad on raseduse ajal alkoholi tarbinud, võivad kannatada nii enda kui ka spetsialistide teadmata tõsiste terviseprobleemide käes ning olla oma käitumishäirete tõttu samal ajal ühiskonnas äärmiselt vääritimõistetud.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Alcohol News - 34/2016

Wall Street Journal - With Moderate Drinking Under Fire, Alcohol Companies Go on Offensive
Public-health officials who long said light drinking was good for the heart are now warning of cancer risks, causing ripples through the alcohol industry.
SFGate (USA) - Stanford limits undergrads’ consumption of hard alcohol on campus
In a move to put an end to a burgeoning culture of boozing, Stanford University announced Monday that it is banning consumption of hard alcohol by undergraduates at campus parties.
iTechPost - 5 Benefits of Alcohol Refuted by World Health Agencies
Health officials around the world are standing by each other in questioning the validity of the so-called benefits when you drink aclohol. In the last decade, the aclohol industry claims they have invested time and effort to research the benefits of drinking alcohol only to be refuted by Health and Human Services from the U.S. and the U.K. Today.
Voice of America (USA) - US College Students Missing Meals to Drink More Alcohol
Popular culture often shows alcohol as a big part of the college experience in the United States. Television programs and movies about American college life have images of wild parties with young people either drinking alcohol or holding a drink.
Medical Daily - How Does Alcohol Affect Your Sleep?
A couple of drinks after a long hard day of work is just what the doctor ordered, right? Wrong. Alcohol may help you nod off quicker but can cause a lot of problems.
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - Ana Apatu: Alcohol-cancer link worrying
While our water crisis swirls around our community I attend a presentation on alcohol and its harmful effects by Professor Doug Sellman and Professor Jennie Connor.
STV News (Scotland) - Alcohol linked to half of all 999 call-outs, figures reveal
Alcohol has been linked to half of all 999 call-outs, with one in three emergency workers telling a staff survey they have been attacked while trying to do their job.
The Guardian (UK) - Half of UK parents allow children to drink alcohol at home, says survey
Half of parents with children under the age of 14 allow them to drink alcohol at home, research by Churchill home insurance has found.
CCTV-America (Indonesia) - Indonesia considers ban on alcoholic beverages in the country
Last year, Indonesia successfully banned the sales of alcoholic beverages in mini marts. But a new bill being considered in the parliament could ban alcohol in the entire country, affecting Indonesia’s billion dollar tourism and hospitality industries. - Tanzania: Rescuing the Country's Youth From the Grip of Alcohol
Risky behaviors can occur when youth drink alcohol. The behavior can have both short-term and long-term impacts, which is why it is important to change the community's attitude towards alcohol, and stop youth and underage drinking from becoming the norm.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Drink driving ‘creeping up’ as alcohol involved in third of fatal collisions
The Road Safety Authority chief executive, Moyagh Murdock, has said there is evidence that drink driving is “creeping up” again as latest figures show alcohol was involved in a third of fatal collisions.
Bangkok Post (Japan) - Alcohol to be exempt from liquor tax for tourists in Japan
The Japan Tourism Agency plans to exempt domestically produced alcoholic drinks such as sake from the liquor tax for foreign tourists as part of efforts to boost regional economies, agency officials said on Saturday.
Financial Times (Spain) - Spain calls time on alcohol-fuelled stag parties
That, in essence, is the message being sent by the coastal town in southern Spain as it battles to rein in the alcohol-fuelled excesses of pre-wedding stag trips, bachelor parties and hen weekends. - Alcohol after exercise ‘disrupts your body’s efforts to recover’
Drinking a few beers after exercise may be highly satisfying but, according to a new study, it also appears to disrupt the body’s recovery process.
Daily Mail (UK) - Drinking-limit health warnings are watered down
New health guidelines will clarify that adults are safe to drink alcohol - as long as it's in moderation.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Alcohol News - 33/2016

Newshub (New Zealand) - Government announces fetal alcohol plan
The Government has a plan to reduce the number of babies born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
The Canberra Times (Australia/ Sri Lanka) - Universal lessons: Canberra experts fight alcohol, domestic abuse in Sri Lanka
Dr Kamalini Lokuge​'s heart broke when she heard how a Sri Lankan preschool child told his teacher that "his dad always drinks and his mum runs around the house at night saying she's going to kill herself".
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - Alcohol advertising on Auckland bus
Advertisements promoting alcohol products have been spotted on Link Buses around Auckland. The advertisements for Brothers Beer, Corona and Selaks wines on the buses follow a revelation this month that Auckland Council holds investments in alcohol giants SABMiller and Pernod Ricard. (New Zealand) - Doug Sellman: An irresponsible alcohol industry is doing its best to confuse
University of Otago's Professor Jennie Connor has had two prestigious publications in the past month highlighting the fact that alcohol causes cancer in moderate drinkers in New Zealand.
Medical Daily - Low-Alcohol Beers May Reduce Drunk Driving, Drink-Related Injuries And Deaths Worldwide
Strong beers may be a thing of the past, according to a new body of research published in the Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. After studying alcohol’s effect on society, a team of Canadian researchers from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) found that cutting back on ethanol, which is the intoxicating ingredient in alcohol, could potentially lower a person’s total alcohol intake in the long run.
Irish Health (Ireland) - Alcohol warning ahead of Leaving Cert results
Parents of students due to receive their Leaving Cert results this week are being encouraged to talk to their children about the risks associated with alcohol use.
Economic Times - Need to cut down on drinking alcohol? Getting in a relationship might help
Being in a relationship could be wonderful in more ways than one. A new study indicates that people who are married, or cohabiting, generally tend to drink less - that's fewer drinks, and less frequently.
Daily Mail (UK) - Baby boomers are ‘drinking themselves into an early grave' because they're LONELY
The 'baby boomers', those born during the surge of births between 1946–1964, comprise around a quarter of the population in the UK.
Daily Mail - Boozing after exercising is WORSE than skipping a work-out altogether: Alcohol 'stunts muscle growth during exercise recovery period'
It seems logical: if you want a guilt-free hangover, best hit the gym before the bar. But according to new research, that is the worst thing you can do.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

FASD News - 32/2016

SPECIAL REMINDER - European Conference on FASD 2016 in just ONE MONTH
This conference brings together academics, educators, non-governmental organisations and charities, legislators and politicians, lawyers and individuals involved in the criminal justice system, birth and adoptive families alongside individuals who themselves have FASD; shared learning will help promote the understanding of this disorder in the UK, Europe and internationally.

NEWS and ARTICLES (Scotland) - Zika virus is not the birth defect risk Scotland should be most worried about
Alcohol, not the Zika virus, is the Olympian challenge for Scotland when it comes to the brain development of babies, according to prevention author Dr Jonathan Sher.
National Institutes of Health (USA) - NIH releases improved guidelines for diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
A group of experts on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), organized by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), has produced proposed clinical guidelines for diagnosing FASD, which can result when a mother drinks during pregnancy.
Monitor - Fetal alcohol syndrome focus of convicted murderer’s hearing
An Hidalgo County district judge is considering whether a man found guilty of decapitating three children should be taken off death row.
Post-Bulletin - Mother speaks out against drinking during pregnancy
Sometimes bystanders are curious when they see Tiffany Morgan's 8-year-old daughter have a meltdown at the playground.
Daily Mail (UK) - Revealed, exactly how drinking, smoking and illegal drugs can harm your unborn baby
It's widely known using tobacco, alcohol, cocaine and heroin while pregnant can be extremely harmful to the health of an unborn child. For example, drinking during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage or cerebral palsy.
Regina Leader-Post - A different approach: The struggle to deal with FASD in the justice system
A young Myles Himmelreich called on every ounce of self-control he possessed each time he walked past. And he succeeded — until that fateful day several other students dared him.
Courier Mail (Australia) - Opinion: We failed these children the moment they were arrested
AFTER video evidence of the abuse of children in custody in the Northern Territory was broadcast to a shocked nation, reports began surfacing about incidents in juvenile detention centres in Queensland.
Alaska Dispatch News - Who looks out for the babies of parents ruled by their demons?
A 22-year-old Anchorage woman was recently charged with killing her 4-month-old daughter. The mother was found, about three hours after the baby's body was found, drunk and having consensual sex in a park.

BMC Public Health - “Did you ever drink more?” A detailed description of pregnant women’s drinking patterns
This paper presents drinking patterns in a prospective study of a population-based cohort of 1570 pregnant women using a combination of dose and timing to give best estimates of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). Novel assessments include women’s special occasion drinking and alcohol use prior to pregnancy recognition.
Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse - Cortical Morphology in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Computational Neuroimaging
Prenatal alcohol exposure is a leading cause of neurodevelopmental disorders. Both brain growth and structural organization can be strongly affected (Guerri, Bazinet, & Riley, 2009), resulting in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Experimental Brain Research - Cortical miscommunication after prenatal exposure to alcohol
We report on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on resting-state brain activity as measured by magnetoencephalography (MEG). We studied 37 subjects diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in one of three categories: fetal alcohol syndrome, partial fetal alcohol syndrome, and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder.
The NADD Bulletin - The Road Ahead: New Developments in the Field of Substance Use in Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Substance use among individuals with intellectual disability (ID) has gained increasing attention
over the past decade.
Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention - High Rates of Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol among African Americans Driven by the Plethora of Liquor Stores in the Community
After nearly half a century of treating low-income, AfricanAmerican psychiatric patients for a variety of disorders, one single fact has repeatedly proven to be true –”risk factors are not predictive
factors because of protective factors”.
Neuropharmacology - Ethanol-induced changes in poly (ADP ribose) polymerase and neuronal developmental gene expression
Prenatal alcohol exposure has profound effects on neuronal growth and development. Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP) enzymes are perhaps unique in the field of epigenetics in that they directly participate in histone modifications, transcription factor modifications, DNA methylation/demethylation and are highly inducible by ethanol.
Sexual Offender Treatment - Perceptions of FASD by Civil Commitment Professionals: A Pilot Survey
The cognitive impairments characteristic of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) result in an increased likelihood of engaging in sexually inappropriate behavior and becoming involved in the criminal justice system.
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry - Alcohol consumption, smoking, and drug use in pregnancy: Prevalence and risk factors in Southern Thailand
In this study, we investigated the prevalence of substance use and associated factors in pregnant women receiving antenatal care in public hospitals in Thailand.
Psychiatr. Pol. - Validation of the Polish Version of the Washington 4-Digit Diagnostic Code for the Assessment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The aim of this paper is a quantitative assessment of FASD facial phenotype in the Polish population using the Polish version of the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code.
Behavioural Brain Research - Behavioral deficits induced by third-trimester equivalent alcohol exposure in male C57BL/6J mice are not associated with reduced adult hippocampal neurogenesis but are still rescued with voluntary exercise
Prenatal alcohol exposure can produce permanent alterations in brain structure and profound behavioral deficits. Mouse models can help discover mechanisms and identify potentially useful interventions.
OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY - Eating behavior in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A mixed methods study
Secondary to associated physical defects, global behavioral problems, and co-occurring diagnoses, studies suggest there are problems with nutrition and eating in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs); however, there is limited research on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on childhood eating behavior.

IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Germany) - Null Alkohol für Schwangere
WETZLAR Null Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft - das soll so selbstverständlich werden, so fest im gesellschaftlichen Bewusstsein verankert sein wie das Autofahren mit Gurt oder das morgendliche Zähneputzen.
RP ONLINE (Germany) - Benefizkonzert für Kinder mit fetalem Alkoholsyndrom
"Eintracht" Birgelen und "Wassenjazz" geben Konzert zugunsten der FASD. Der Vorverkauf hat begonnen.
Phụ nữ news (Vietnam) - 6 loại thức uống cực độc gây dị tật cho thai nhi mẹ không được uống dù chỉ 1 lần
Mẹ bầu có biết, có những loại nước uống gây dị tật thai nhi mà các mẹ vẫn thường dùng hằng ngày hay không? Nếu muỗn con chào đời khỏe mạnh, mẹ hãy dừng thói quen uống các loại nước sau đây! (Poland) - Pijana urodziła dziecko
Mieszkanka powiatu lwóweckiego będąca w ciąży trafiła do szpitala w Jeleniej Górze, gdzie będąc pod wpływem alkoholu urodziła dziecko. Noworodek w organizmie miał ponad pół promila alkoholu. Zgodnie z procedurą dyrekcja szpitala o całej sprawie powiadomiła policję i prokuraturę.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Alcohol News - 32/2016

Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) - Alcohol interlocks for more drivers
The number of drivers subject to alcohol interlocks in Dunedin may increase from a handful to several hundred, under the Government's proposed changes, Sober Check director Gavin Foster says.
The Independent - Student debt worries causing depression and alcohol dependency, new research finds
Students who experience financial difficulties and worry about debt have a higher chance of suffering from depression and alcohol dependency, new research has found.
The Guardian (UK) - Olympic sponsorship and alcohol don’t mix
As medical bodies and charities who support children and young people through sport, we are writing to express our concern that Strongbow is an official partner of Team GB at the 2016 Olympic Games. - Your lungs may be at risk when you drink too much alcohol
Researchers have discovered another reason to reduce alcohol consumption, finding that adults who drink excessively have less nitric oxide in their exhaled breath than adults who don’t drink.
Republica - Euro 2016 violence to influence Qatar World Cup alcohol plan
The hooliganism at the European Championship in France could affect the availability of alcohol at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. - to ban alcohol sales on all early morning flights
After last week’s warnings that UK airports are becoming a “wild west” thanks to round-the-clock availability of alcohol, one UK airline has announced its plans to ban the sale of on-board booze before 8am. - Uncovering the link between alcohol and cancer
New Zealand’s leading experts in public health and alcohol harm, Professor Jennie Connor and Professor Doug Sellman, will be in New Plymouth this month to present the evidence that alcohol directly causes cancer.
Irish Times (Ireland) - Irish women trapped in an abusive relationship with alcohol
Recent media reports of an emerging trend in younger women in their 30s and 40s developing liver failure due to increased alcohol consumption may have surprised many who read the headlines but to those of us who work in the field of addiction, there was no surprise.
The National (Nepal/UAE) - Alcohol takes grim toll on Nepalese in UAE
Young labourers have been warned about the perils of alcohol after figures showed a steep rise in the number of Nepalese workers in the UAE dying of drink-related illnesses.
Times of India (India) - Indians prone to cancer due to obesity, alcohol intake: Experts
Indians are more prone to oesophageal and other types of cancer due to obesity resulting from sedentary lifestyle and improper food habits as well as alcohol intake, according to medical experts.
RT (UK) - ‘Drunkorexia’: Brits skipping meals for guilt-free binge drinking
Britons are regularly skipping meals so they can binge on booze without gaining weight, a new study into the nation’s health has revealed.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Charity slams drinks industry call for tax cut
Last month, the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI) used its pre-budget submission to demand the reduction. It said a cut in alcohol excise was a “vital response to the new and immediate effect of the uncertainty caused by Brexit”.
Holyrood (Scotland) - Zika virus is not the birth defect risk Scotland should be most worried about
Alcohol, not the Zika virus, is the Olympian challenge for Scotland when it comes to the brain development of babies, according to prevention author Dr Jonathan Sher.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Alcohol News - 31/2016

EurActiv - Study: Alcohol advertising and adolescent drinking are linked
Adolescent drinking culture is linked to young people’s exposure to various types of alcohol advertising, a new study has found.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Surge in Irish women with liver disease caused by alcohol
Liver specialist Professor Frank Murray said young, working Irish women have shown the biggest increase in liver disease caused by an attitude of “recklessness” towards alcohol.
Medical Daily - How Alcohol Affects Your Lungs: Binge Drinking May Lead To Breathing Problems
Binge drinking may be the reason it's hard to catch your breath. Alcohol affects nearly every major organ in the human body, including the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and kidneys, but a team of researchers from Loyola University has found it can also make it harder for the lungs to breathe. (New Zealand) - Things the alcohol industry won’t tell you about alcohol
New Zealand’s leading experts in public health and alcohol harm, Professor Jennie Connor and Professor Doug Sellman, will be in Tauranga to present on behalf of the Alcohol Action NZ group the evidence that alcohol directly causes cancer.
New York Times - Tell Consumers How Many Calories There are in Alcohol
The average 12-ounce beer has 153 calories, slightly more than a can of Coca-Cola. But the typical beer drinker probably doesn’t know that, because regulators have long exempted alcohol producers from stamping their products with the kinds of nutritional labels that are required on other beverages and on food.
Business Standard - Sophomores with mental health issues may use alcohol
High school students or sophomores with mental health issues were more likely to use alcohol, tobacco and marijuana compared to those without symptoms, a study has revealed.
The Guardian (UK) - Minister wants to tackle excessive alcohol consumption at UK airports
A crackdown on the sale of alcohol at British airports is being considered by the new aviation minister amid a spate of incidents involving drunk passengers. - Tanzania: If You Are On Medication, Stay Away From Alcohol
One of the most frequent questions that I am asked concerns the dilemma of mixing alcohol and medication. Someone might ask if it is okay to have some beer in the evening after they took a certain type of medication in the morning.
Huffington Post UK - How Alcohol Affects Your Brain When You’re Drunk
When you drink alcohol, the ethanol is absorbed into your blood stream through your stomach lining or small intestine. Your liver is responsible for filtering out this ethanol and breaking it down, so your body can safely get rid of it.
The Hindu (India) - Incidence of Alcoholic Liver Disease is on the rise
There has been a great increase in the incidence of Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) in Coastal Andhra Pradesh, said city based gastroenterologist Nalini Prasad Ippela. Dr. Prasad who heads the Gastroenterology Department in the Ramesh Group of Hospitals, says 30 to 40 per cent of the liver ailment patients in the Coastal Districts were suffering from ALD.
WebMD - Alcohol, Obesity Could Up Esophageal Cancer Risk
Drinking plus being overweight may be a bad combo when it comes to risks for the two most common types of esophageal cancer, a new report warns.
ConsumerAffairs - Access to drugs and alcohol in adolescence leads to continued abuse
It’s no secret that children often form habits that they observe in their parents. Whether it’s a certain way of talking, how they express their emotions, or cleanliness habits, you can usually draw some parallels between generations.
Read more
Medscape - Updated Guidelines for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Updated clinical guidelines for diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, field-tested in evaluations of 10,000 children in the United States, South Africa, and Europe, provide more detail on learning and behavioral deficits and include a new flowchart and a photographic guide for lip and philtrum morphology.
South African Broadcasting Corporation (South Africa) - W Cape re-introduces breathalyser alcohol testing system
The breathalyzer alcohol testing system for motorists, previously known as the Drager, is on Monday expected to be re-introduced in the Western Cape.
FRANCE 24 (India) - Indian women on frontline of battle against alcohol
Alcohol consumption in India claims a life every 96 minutes. As alcohol-related violence also continues to rise, women are at the forefront of a war against alcohol in the country.
Ukraine Today (Ukraine) - Alcohol, narcotics and negligence kill Ukrainian soldiers no worse than Russian army
Ukrainian army lost three soldiers due to non-combat factors in the past 24 hours, country's military prosecutor Anatoly Matios said in an interview with 112 channel on July 29, 2016.