
Sunday, January 24, 2016

FASD News - 3/2016 - As Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Story Trends, Public Warned Of Spectrum Disorders From Even Light Maternal Drinking
Wednesday, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) was trending on Facebook after a profound article was featured by the Washington Post that told the tragic story of a woman named Kathy Mitchell, who caused her own daughter’s disability. Kathy later learned her daughter, Karli, suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which was caused by her own alcohol consumption while she was pregnant.
UNM Newsroom - May leads research on preventing fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in the United States has long been estimated at no more than three children per 1,000. A new study published in the journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence reports that the prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is between 3 and 8 per 1,000 and when combined with partial FAS (PFAS) the prevalence of both actually ranges between 11 to 25 children per 1,000. - Mother warns of consequences of drinking alcohol while pregnant
Kathy Mitchell wants to share something with you. She's not proud of it, and it's not a behavior she hopes you'll emulate. It's just the truth: As a teen, Kathy drank alcohol while pregnant with her daughter, Karli. It was a perilous if unwitting mistake that has defined both of their lives.
The News Journal - Newborn addictions rise, triggering new hospital rules
Following an increase in babies born with drug or alcohol dependencies in Delaware, statewide hospital discharge forms for "high-risk" cases will be amended to ensure that the baby will go home to the safest environment and mom will have the necessary support system in place.

The 7th National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
This interactive 2016 conference will provide an opportunity to be at the forefront of addressing these issues. We will leverage the experience of the diverse group of professionals, researchers, students, families and individuals with FASD who attend to stimulate the discussion of research, evidence for practice, models, and ideas to expand our knowledge of how we can sustain and enhance the lives of those with FASD.

Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres - Understanding Stigma to Improve the Lives of Families Affected by FASD
In recent years, legal and social challenges in different parts of the world have exposed some of the stigmatized reactions towards women who drink during pregnancy and their children who may suffer from FASD.

Front Integr Neurosci - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Overview from the Glia Perspective.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can produce a variety of central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities in the offspring resulting in a broad spectrum of cognitive and behavioral impairments that constitute the most severe and long-lasting effects observed in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Developmental Biology - The chick embryo as a model for the effects of Prenatal exposure to alcohol on craniofacial development.
Prenatal exposure to ethanol results in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), a syndrome characterised by a broad range of clinical manifestations including craniofacial dysmorphologies and neurological defects.
Behavioural Brain Research - Using Swiss Webster mice to model Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) collectively describes the constellation of effects resulting from human alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Child's Nervous System - The investigation of the prenatal and postnatal alcohol exposure-induced neurodegeneration in rat brain: protection by betaine and/or omega-3
We aim to study the effect of neurodegeneration on the brain of rat pups caused by prenatal and postnatal ethanol exposure with modified liquid diet to elucidate protective effects of betaine and omega-3 supplementation. When ethanol is consumed during prenatal and postnatal periods, it may result in fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in the offspring.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences - Drinking During Pregnancy and the Developing Brain: Is Any Amount Safe?
Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure can have lifelong, disabling effects on brain and cognition. Unlike animal studies, research on light-to-moderate drinking in humans demonstrates less consistent impact. - Improving health promotion related to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), the need for a framework
Alcohol use during pregnancy is one of the leading preventable causes of intellectual or developmental disability. This situation clearly warrants intervention. The complexity of intervention development concerning FASD is overlooked in health promotion. Evidence-based health promotion intervention aimed at the field of FASD is a complex process.
SMGroup - Role of Fetal Alcohol Exposure on Molecular and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Autism
It is well established that during prenatal and early postnatal period brain development is very susceptible to injury caused by environmental factors. Although a number of definitions and improvements have been made in Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), the etiological aspects remain unclear.

Berliner Woche (Germany) - Spende für FASD-Kinder: Traditioneller Tannenverkauf brachte 750 Euro
Spandau. Mit einer Spende ist jetzt das Kinderheim Sonnenhof bedacht worden. Das Geld kam beim Weihnachtsbaumverkauf zusammen.
Het Laatste Nieuws (Netherlands) - Moeder dronk tijdens zwangerschap: dit is haar dochter
Op haar achttiende beviel de Amerikaanse Kathy Mitchell van haar dochter Karli, maar haar alcoholgebruik tijdens de zwangerschap had grote gevolgen voor haar leven en vooral dat van haar dochter.
Iltalehti (Finland) - Alkoholistiäidin ikuinen suru: Olen syyllinen tyttäreni kehitysvammaan
Raitistunut alkoholistiäiti kertoo avoimesti tarinansa, jotta muut lapset välttyisivät hänen tyttärensä kohtalolta.
El Mercurio de Tamaulipas (Mexico) - Al conocer esto... nunca querrás beber alcohol durante el embarazo
Siempre se recomienda evitar las bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo para reducir el riesgo de malformaciones, pero al leer la siguiente historia no querrás tomar ni siquiera una copa de rompope.

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