
Sunday, September 14, 2014

FASD News - 36/2014

Derry Journal - ‘Too Young to Drink’ campaign launch
The Drink Think Project, based in Derry, launched their part of the European ‘Too Young To drink’ campaign at Guildhall Square on Tuesday.
National Institutes of Health (USA) - NIH statement on International FASD Awareness Day
International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day, recognized every year on Sept. 9th, is an important reminder that prenatal alcohol exposure is the leading preventable cause of birth defects and developmental disorders in the United States.
TIME - This Is Your Child’s Brain on Alcohol
Social scientists have calculated that detrimental effects of alcohol cost the U.S. some $223.5 billion a year. We’re talking health issues such as liver disease, impaired driving, lost work due to hangovers, and emergency room visits. Alcohol costs substantially more to Americans than the harmful effects of illicit drug use ($151.4 billion) or tobacco ($167.8 billion). (Canada) - Alcohol-related disabilities 'invisible' in Canada, advocates say
FASDay, a global awareness day for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), is held on the ninth day of the ninth month for a reason. That's to drive home the point that during the nine months of pregnancy no amount of alcohol is considered medically safe.
Medical Daily - International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day Aims To Help Save Babies From Birth Defects: Don't Drink While You're Pregnant
In the advent of International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day on Sept. 9, the National Institutes of Health emphasizes the importance of abstaining from alcohol consumption while pregnant.
Gant Daily - Binge drinking during pregnancy ups kids risk mental problems, poor school exam results
Binge drinking during pregnancy can increase the risk of hyperactivity and inattention in children aged 11 and can have a negative effect on their school examination results, according to a study by British and Australian researchers.
Albuquerque Journal (USA) - UNM opens new center to study FASD
The University of New Mexico has launched the nation’s only research center targeting fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, with support from an $8.1 million federal grant, the center’s director said.
Park Rapids Enterprise - Expecting moms need to remember 0-4-9
Every week in Minnesota, more than 100 babies are born with a greater risk of developing brain damage. All because their mothers decided to drink alcohol during their pregnancies. - Study urges women not to drink during full nine months of pregnancy
"When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol so does her baby," said Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD, chief of the Division of Dysmorphology and Teratology in the Department of Pediatrics at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. "So why take the risk?"
New Zealand Doctor Online (New Zealand) - Experts to thrash out action plan for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Experts on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are gathering in Auckland this Friday (5 September) to discuss an action plan for research, policy, prevention and care for those affected by the condition.
The Guardian - Prenatal alcohol consumption linked to mental health problems
Children of mothers who drink as little as four units of alcohol in a day even once while pregnant are at greater risk of developing mental health problems and doing less well at school, new research claims. (New Zealand) - Cut drinks before you conceive
New Zealand's binge-drinking culture is putting unborn babies at risk, a Taranaki health promoter says. Jill Nicholls, of the Taranaki District Health Board, said pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant should avoid all alcohol.

Launched on September 9th 2014, on the occasion of the International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Day, #TooYoungToDrink is a new communication campaign to raise awareness of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy conceived by #Fabrica for the European FASD Alliance.
TOO YOUNG TO DRINK – Backstage video
FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) is a range of problems caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol which can include birth defects, learning disorders, behavioral problems, and mental illness.
Expert calls for greater support, education to combat FASD
Australian Centre for Child Protection UniSA - Stewart McDougall, 'Interventions for children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders'
This study examined the existing literature on interviews for children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrom (FASD). Importantly to the child protection context, FASD is likely to be over-represented and can have important implications for family support.
FASD, "Breaking the Silence"
The FASD Trust - International FASD Day, 9th September 2014, Event with MPs in the Houses of Parliament - FASD is often called the Invisible Disability, unknown and not talked about. This video is called "Breaking the Silence; Let's Talk About FASD."

Third European Conference on FASD - 20 to 22 October 2014
Building on the success of the first European conference on FASD (Kerkrade, Netherlands, 2010) and the second European conference on FASD (Barcelona, Spain, 2012), we are pleased to announce the third European conference on FASD, to be held in Rome.
First Baltic Conference on FASD - 26th September 2014
Conference aims to raise awareness of health policy makers, medical doctors, public health professionals, social and educational workers about prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), provision of support and special education for children who have FASD.
Decoding FASD: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference - 14th October 2014
Decoding FASD: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference for health professional (GPs, health visitors, nurses), social workers, foster carers, teachers, parents and guardians.
Education Forum Roadshow - FASD: Implications for Education
Follow the link below to find out more about the Education Roadshow, the Education Professionals Forum and how we are building on the momentum in 2014 created by the success of its launch in 2013.

Developmental Psychobiology - Exposure to ethanol on prenatal days 19-20 increases ethanol intake and palatability in the infant rat: involvement of kappa and mu opioid receptors
Prenatal exposure to ethanol on gestation Days 19-20, but not 17-18, increases ethanol acceptance in infant rats. This effect seems to be a conditioned response acquired prenatally, mediated by the opioid system, which could be stimulated by ethanol's pharmacological properties (mu-opioid receptors) or by a component of the amniotic fluid from gestation-day 20 (kappa-inducing factor).
BMC Pediatrics - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: development of consensus referral criteria for specialist diagnostic assessment in Australia
Referral criteria recommended for use in Australia are similar to those recommended in North America. There is a need to develop resources to raise awareness of these criteria among health professionals and evaluate their feasibility, acceptability and capacity to improve the identification of FASD in Australia.
Developmental Neuroscience - Physiological correlates of neurobehavioral disinhibition that relate to drug use and risky sexual behavior in adolescents with prenatal substance exposure
Physiological correlates of behavioral and emotional problems, substance use onset and initiation of risky sexual behavior have not been studied in adolescents with prenatal drug exposure.
Alcohol - Chronic prenatal ethanol exposure alters expression of central and peripheral insulin signaling molecules in adult guinea pig offspring
Maternal ethanol consumption during pregnancy can produce a range of teratogenic outcomes in offspring. The mechanism of ethanol teratogenicity is multi-faceted, but may involve alterations in insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling pathways.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Rates of overweight/obesity are increased in children with partial FAS. In adolescents, rates are increased for any FASD diagnosis (particularly in females). Results are suggestive of possible metabolic/endocrine disruption in FASD—a hypothesis for which there is evidence from animal models.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology - Molecular and morphological changes in zebrafish following transient ethanol exposure during defined developmental stages
Alcohol is a teratogen that has diverse effects on brain and craniofacial development, leading to a constellation of developmental disorders referred to as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Adicciones - New informative and prevention programs in Europe to reduce the risks associated to alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the appearance of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
In the last 40 years a vast mass of clinical, epidemiological and experimental evidence has demonstrated that alcohol is a teratogenic agent and that its consumption during gestation can cause foetal death, malformations and cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions in the exposed fetus.
Developmental Psychobiology - Significant long-term, but not short-term, hippocampal-dependent memory impairment in adult rats exposed to alcohol in early postnatal life
In rodents, ethanol exposure in early postnatal life is known to induce structural and functional impairments throughout the brain, including the hippocampus. Herein, rat pups were administered one of three ethanol doses over postnatal days (PD) 4-9, a period of brain development comparable to the third trimester of human pregnancy.

IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Poland) - Dziś przypada Światowy Dzień FAS
Dziś przypada Światowy Dzień FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) - syndrom alkoholowego zespołu płodowego, który jest skutkiem działania alkoholu na płód w okresie prenatalnym. Jest chorobą nieuleczalną, przed którą chroni jedynie abstynencja matki w czasie ciąży. (Italy) - Feti in bottiglia per la campagna shock contro l'alcol in gravidanza
Il 9 settembre, in occasione della Giornata internazionale della sindrome feto-alcolica e disturbi correlati, la European FASD Alliance ha lanciato Too young to drink (troppo piccolo per bere), una campagna di comunicazione che ha lo scopo di aumentare la consapevolezza del rischio dei FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorders), una serie di possibili disordini causati dall’esposizione del feto all’alcol: malformazioni alla nascita, disturbi dell’apprendimento, del comportamento e disturbi mentali.
Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - FASD-päivä 9.9. muistuttaa raskaudenaikaisen alkoholinkäytön vaaroista
Tiistaina 9.9. vietetään kansainvälistä FASD-päivää. Lyhenne FASD tarkoittaa sikiöaikaisen alkoholialtistuksen aiheuttamien vaikutusten kirjoa.
Frauenzimmer (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: So schädlich ist der Konsum für die Kinder
In Deutschland kommen jährlich etwa 8.000 Kinder mit fetalem Alkoholsyndrom zur Welt – einer Krankheit, die durch den Alkoholkonsum der Mutter verursacht wird. Das Baby im Bauch trinkt immer mit, kann den Alkohol nicht abbauen. Trotzdem gehen viele Frauen zu leichtsinnig mit Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft um. (Belgium) - Internationale Foetaal Alcohol Syndroom Dag
Het foetaal alcohol syndroom (FAS) is een combinatie van aangeboren afwijkingen bij een baby die veroorzaakt zijn door alcoholgebruik van de moeder tijdens de zwangerschap. Afwijkingen variëren van mentale achterstand en gedragsafwijkingen tot manifeste misvormingen in het aangezicht.
RTV Slovenija (Slovenia) - Svarila pred uživanjem alkohola med nosečnostjo
Deveti september je posvečen mednarodnemu dnevu ozaveščanja o fetalnem alkoholnem sindromu (FASD), ki ga v Sloveniji prvič zaznamujemo, in sicer s kampanjo ozaveščanja o tveganjih zaradi pitja alkohola med nosečnostjo.

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