
Friday, October 25, 2024

Alcohol News - 43/2024

MedCentral (USA) - As Alcohol Consumption Risks Rise, New Guidelines Loom
Updated every 5 years, the guidelines – which include everything from infant nutrition to adult sodium intake – are set by the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health and Human Services.
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Financial Times (UK) - Fewer than a quarter of UK workers want alcohol at social events, study finds
Only one in four UK employees want alcohol at workplace social events while little more than half attend after-hours events owing to travel time and family duties, according to research that signals the end of the boozy Christmas party.
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ScienceAlert - Alcohol Can Trigger Serious Cardiac Effects in Young People
Excessive alcohol intake can mess up the normal rhythm of the heart and bring on cardiac arrhythmias, a new study shows – adding to concerns about the negative health impacts of binge drinking.
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The Conversation - The effects of binge drinking on teenagers’ brain development
Alcohol is deeply rooted in our cultures and habits, and in most Western countries, its significant economic weight grants it a much more favourable legal status and social perception than other drugs.
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Kyiv Post (Ukraine) - Ukraine Reportedly Strikes 4 Alcohol Distilleries in Russia in Drone Attacks
Ukrainian drones struck two alcohol distilleries in the Tula region, one in the Tambov region, and an industrial facility in the Voronezh region in an overnight attack Oct. 21-22, Russian officials and media reported.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - Calls increase for tougher booze rules
Health experts are calling on councils to set tougher restrictions on alcohol sales to reduce potential harm, including cutting the hours that booze can be sold.
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IAS Blog - How can we improve public understanding that alcohol can cause cancer?
Understanding among the British public that alcohol can cause cancer is worryingly low. Surveys periodically show very low percentages of people recognising the danger of alcohol in relation to cancer, including breast and bowel cancer, despite well-established research showing this link clearly.
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Alcohol Action Ireland (Ireland) - Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol – an opportunity to save lives across the island of Ireland
Alcohol Action Ireland warmly welcomes reports that Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) looks set to be introduced in Northern Ireland. MUP is an evidence-based public health measure which provides a floor price beneath which alcohol cannot be sold. It was introduced in Ireland in January 2022 and is also in place in Scotland and Wales.
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The ASCO Post  - Raising Awareness of the Health Consequences of Alcohol Consumption During and After a Cancer Diagnosis
In 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that “no level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.” The warning came decades after the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, which is the highest risk group, and also includes asbestos, radiation, and tobacco.
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Women´s Health - The Lies We’ve Been Told About Alcohol
It took only seven years for cigarette sales to dip after the U.S. Public Health Service’s first public acknowledgment that smoking causes cancer. Drinking alcohol causes cancer, too, and we’ve known that for at least 37 years, since the World Health Organization (WHO) first published findings in 1987. Yet sales remain strong: In 2023, the alcohol market hit $37.7 billion.
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NordAN (Greenland) - Greenlandic MP urges retailers to stop alcohol advertising
According to a recent report by, Greenland MP Aaja Chemnitz is urging retailers to stop alcohol advertising, citing its connection to violent crime. Chemnitz’s comments come as Greenland is in the process of drafting a new alcohol policy, with discussions on potential restrictions and preventive measures to reduce alcohol-related harm in the country.
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Alcohol Awareness - Alcohol and Breast Cancer: What are the risks?
October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an important time to highlight the various factors contributing to breast cancer risk, including alcohol consumption.
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Sunday, October 20, 2024

FASD News - 42/2024

The Conversation - We shouldn’t lock up young offenders with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Here are the alternatives
Barely a month goes by without news of children and adolescents who are imprisoned and being mistreated in youth detention.
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Neuroscience News - Early Alcohol Exposure Leaves Molecular Signature in Fetal Placenta
A recent study shows that alcohol exposure in the earliest stages of pregnancy can lead to detectable molecular changes in the late-gestation placenta, even influencing gene expression through DNA methylation.
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News-Medical - Alcohol's effects on embryo development detected in late-gestation placenta
A new study led by Pr. Serge McGraw, researcher at CHU Sainte-Justine and professor at Université de Montréal, shows that the effects of alcohol exposure on an embryo prior to implantation in the uterus can be detected in the late-gestation placenta.
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FASD United - Addressing the Recommended Changes to FASD Diagnosis Published in The Lancet
An article by a group of developmental pediatricians in Canada published this fall in the pediatric journal The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health raises major concerns about the use of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) as a diagnostic term.
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CanFASD (Canada) - New Brunswick study improving the path to referral for a FASD diagnosis for youth
Concerns about the long and challenging road to a referral for an FASD diagnosis has inspired a New Brunswick research study.
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WKBN27 (USA) - FASD Is My Superpower: Helping Kids Understand the Strength of Their Diagnosis Sets to Break Barriers
Author Emily Hargrove opens a new chapter of empowerment with her latest book, FASD Is My Superpower, dedicated to all Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) superheroes.
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CHU Sainte-Justine - Effects of exposure to alcohol in early pregnancy can be detected in the placenta
A new study led by Pr. Serge McGraw, researcher at CHU Sainte-Justine and professor at Université de Montréal, shows that the effects of alcohol exposure on an embryo prior to implantation in the uterus can be detected in the late-gestation placenta.
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Angela Geddes | Integrative Support & Wellness - EPISODE #91: It’s Complicated; Stigma and FASD
In this podcast episode, Angela tackles a significant issue surrounding the term "FASD" (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) and whether the name itself contributes to the stigma faced by many who experience misdiagnosis and misunderstanding.
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Rogers tv Community Shorts - FASD Learning Strategies for Children
Kaitlyn Rebmann, FASD Instructional Coach presents "adjusting expectations when working with individuals with FASD."
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Rural FASD Support Network - Jessica Danielle, CDA of Wellington Kids
Jessica Danielle, CDA shares how why communication and AAC is so important for children living with FASD and the key is early intervention.
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Wisdom for health - Alcohol in Pregnancy Risks Explained
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NDARC UNSW - Maternal use of NRT during pregnancy unlikely to increase the risk of birth defects in babies
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), varenicline and bupropion are common quit smoking medicines; however, we do not know whether they are safe to use during pregnancy. This international study analysed health data from New Zealand, Australia (New South Wales), Norway, and Sweden to understand whether these medicines increased the risk of major birth defects in early pregnancy.
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International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and the criminal justice system: A guide for legal professionals
This article is intended to provide valuable information and best practices for professionals in the legal system, particularly judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, social workers/mitigation specialists, and psychologists, who are likely to encounter individuals living with FASD or suspected FASD early in the judicial process.
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BMC Medicine - Prenatal alcohol exposure and associations with physical size, dysmorphology and neurodevelopment: a systematic review and meta-analysis
This comprehensive review provides guidance on which components are most useful to consider in the diagnostic criteria for FASD.
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International Social Work - Using living experience and practitioner research to create unique programmes providing help for caregivers, professionals and students to increase support for children living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
In this article, I draw on my intersectional identities as a caregiver of a child with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, as a registered social worker with extensive experience in the justice sector, and as an employed educator and researcher at a tertiary institute, to explore how I have used these multiple identities to create new initiatives that support families where Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is an issue, and introduce critical disability training for professionals working in the field.
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Nutrients - Exploring Nutritional Status and Metabolic Imbalances in Children with FASD: A Cross-Sectional Study
These findings suggest that the principal issue among patients with FASD is an altered metabolism rather than nutritional deficiencies. Potential causes of these abnormalities could include oxidative stress and changes in body composition.
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Military Medicine - Mapping the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Continuum of Care Across the Military Health System
Findings suggest opportunities to raise awareness, educate providers, and improve guidelines, policies, and practices in the MHS.
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Journal of Public Child Welfare - Foster parents’ need for greater information sharing when caring for children with prenatal substance exposure within child welfare
This article presents information on how the child welfare (CW) system informs caregivers about prenatal substance exposure (PSE) and related concerns, and how those caregivers communicate back to CW about PSE issues.
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CNS drugs - The Safety of Alcohol Pharmacotherapies in Pregnancy: A Scoping Review of Human and Animal Research
There is insufficient research on the safety of alcohol pharmacotherapies in pregnancy. Despite this, given alcohol’s teratogenic effects, naltrexone could be considered to help maintain abstinence in pregnant individuals with AUD, particularly when psychosocial treatments have failed.
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Hogrefe eContent (Germany) - Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen – ein wichtiges Thema für die Suchtmedizin?
Im folgenden Artikel geben wir Ihnen einen Überblick über Pathophysiologie, Screening, Diagnose, Therapie und Prognose bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD).
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Hogrefe eContent (Germany) - Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen bei Erwachsenen
Mit einer geschätzten Prävalenz von 1 bis 2 pro 100 Personen sind Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders [FASD]) in Europa häufig und verbunden mit einer hohen Belastung für Menschen mit FASD, deren Angehörige sowie die Gesellschaft.
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WDR (Germany) - FASD-Syndrom: Wenn die Mutter in der Schwangerschaft Alkohol trinkt
Luise und Clara sind Zwillinge und haben beide das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom, auch FASD genannt. Ihre Mutter war Alkoholikerin. Beide kommen viel zu früh auf die Welt, wachsen bei Pflegeeltern auf. Lange Zeit ist nicht klar, ob sie einen normalen Lebens- oder Berufsweg einschlagen können.
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Welt (Germany) - Diagnose FASD – Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft und die Folgen
Studien gehen davon aus, dass etwa jede vierte Frau in Deutschland Alkohol trinkt, während sie schwanger ist. Ab welcher Menge schadet Alkohol dem Ungeborenen?
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Friday, October 18, 2024

Alcohol News - 42/2024

The Conversation (Australia) - Cheap grog, new drunkenness offence and mandatory rehab: why 9 experts think proposed NT alcohol reforms would be a disaster
The new Northern Territory government is planning a swathe of changes to alcohol policy. If implemented, these changes fly in the face of what evidence shows works to reduce alcohol-related harms. Some are also out of step with the rest of Australia.
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News-Medical - Research reveals misleading practices in alcohol industry apps
Alcohol industry-funded apps may use covert 'misinformation strategies', omit important public health information and could 'nudge' users towards drinking more alcohol, new research has found.
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BBC (Northern Ireland) - Minimum alcohol pricing looks set to be introduced in NI
Minimum pricing for alcohol looks set to be introduced in Northern Ireland. Health Minister Mike Nesbitt is seeking the backing of his executive colleagues to bring the legislation to the assembly.
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TVP World (Poland) - Polish e-commerce giant stops alcohol sale scheme, amid crackdown on ‘alco-tubes’
Poland’s e-commerce group Allegro has suspended its scheme for the online sale of alcohol, amid a crackdown on controversial alcohol products.
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RNZ (New Zealand) - Alcohol-related suicides higher risk for Māori and Pacific women – study
Researchers are calling for more kaupapa Māori targeted public health interventions, after a study found Māori and Pacific women are disproportionately affected by suicide involving heavy alcohol use.
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IAS Blog - How can genetics help assess the potential harms of moderate drinking?
Is drinking a moderate amount of alcohol bad for you? Answering questions about potential causal effects in humans is difficult. If you want to know what factors affect the lifespan of a lightbulb, your task is simple: get a few hundred lightbulbs, and start experimenting.
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Insight - Journal article - Zero alcohol products and adolescents: A tool for harm reduction or a trojan horse?
A recent Australian study is featured in the international journal Appetite exploring zero alcohol products (ZAPs). ZAPs may help reduce alcohol-related harm by offering an alternative to alcoholic drinks, but concerns exist that they could expose young people to alcohol-related stimuli, potentially normalising alcohol use and acting as a gateway to underage drinking.
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Alcohol Change (UK) - Continued decline in youth drinking no cause for complacency
NHS England has today (17 October 2024) published new data on smoking, drinking, and drug use among secondary school pupils in England for 2023.
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Royal Society Te Apārangi - Alcohol causes cancer: more awareness and action needed in Aotearoa – Report
A new factsheet 'Ka Hua Mai Te Mate Pukupuku I Te Inu Waipiro – Alcohol Causes Cancer' by Royal Society Te Apārangi compiles the evidence of alcohol causing cancer from an Aotearoa New Zealand perspective and is calling for greater awareness and action to address the issue.
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NordAN (Finland) - Changes to alcohol legislation increase the risk of illicit trade
In Finland, efforts to reduce alcohol-related harms have primarily focused on the retail monopoly on alcoholic beverages, a strict licensing system, and effective oversight by authorities.
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Alcohol Awareness (Denmark) - One more beer can’t hurt, right? Or can it…
A recent report by Kræftens Bekæmpelse (Danish Cancer Society) and TrygFonden highlights how Denmark’s youth alcohol culture can be exclusionary and damaging to social interactions.
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Alcohol and Cancer - Global efforts to highlight alcohol's role in cancer prevention
In recent years, the link between alcohol and cancer has gained more traction in global public health discussions. While this connection is not new, the work of several organizations has helped bring it into sharper focus.
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Friday, October 11, 2024

Alcohol News - 41/2024

RCP London (UK) - Confronting alcohol harm and tackling inequalities: guest blog post from the Alcohol Health Alliance
In this piece Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, chair of the AHA, explores the record rise in alcohol-related harm in the UK, highlighting health inequalities and calling for urgent, evidence-based policy action.
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Harvard Gazette - ‘Heartbreaking’ encounter inspired long view on alcohol
The woman came in crying. She was disheveled and pregnant, and appeared to be intoxicated. She had a 5-year-old girl in tow and was looking for help from the crisis center where Anna Shchetinina volunteered.
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Guardian (UK) - England urged to bring in minimum unit price on alcohol as deaths rise 10% a year
Ministers are facing pressure to ­introduce minimum unit pricing for alcohol after Lord Darzi’s investigation into the NHS highlighted the “alarming” death toll in England caused by cheap drink.
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The Conversation (Australia) - We shouldn’t lock up young offenders with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Here are the alternatives
Barely a month goes by without news of children and adolescents who are imprisoned and being mistreated in youth detention.
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Tax Foundation (Brazil) - Brazil Proposes Major Overhaul of Its Alcohol Tax System
The Brazilian government is poised to make the biggest change to its alcohol tax policy in recent history.
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CTV News (Canada) - 'Sober curious': Younger Canadians turning away from alcohol, data says
According to a survey on recent alcohol consumption, younger Canadians are more likely to have not had a drink in the past week.
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The New York Times - What, Exactly, Is ‘Moderate Drinking’?
While the specifics remain unsettled, there is one thing most experts have come to agree on. “Less is more; less is better,” Dr. Stockwell said. “Drink less; live longer.”
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Neuroscience News - Early Alcohol Exposure Leaves Molecular Signature in Fetal Placenta
A recent study shows that alcohol exposure in the earliest stages of pregnancy can lead to detectable molecular changes in the late-gestation placenta, even influencing gene expression through DNA methylation.
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BusinessTech (South Africa) - Big changes to drinking laws in South Africa still coming
Major stakeholders and government departments believe alcohol laws and the legal drinking age need to change in South Africa, and these amendments are still being considered under the Liquor Amendment Bill.
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IAS Blog (UK) - Alcohol trade groups mislead Prime Minister on duty ‘increase’, putting revenue – and lives – at risk
In numerous newspaper articles, interviews, and social media posts, both the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) and the Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) have claimed that the ‘increase’ in alcohol duty rates last August led to the Treasury losing revenue.
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WCRF - Alcohol causes cancer – so how can we galvanise governments to act?
How should sales of alcohol be regulated? How can we make more people aware of the risk of cancer from drinking alcohol? Kendra Chow, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, and Kate Oldridge-Turner, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, investigate.
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NordAN (Finland) - Finnish Government proposes allowing alcohol home delivery and online sales
The Finnish government has introduced a legislative proposal to amend the Alcohol Act, which would allow the delivery of alcoholic beverages directly to consumers. If passed, this change would enable the home delivery of alcohol and online sales, expanding options for purchasing alcohol in Finland.
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Yale School of Public Health (USA) - Report examines impact of alcohol, drug, and firearm deaths on life expectancy in the U.S.
A new report from the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Research and Action Institute, co-authored by Dr. Megan L. Ranney, dean of the Yale School of Public Health, examines how alcohol, drug, and firearm deaths have lowered life expectancy in the United States and contributed to a widening gap in life expectancy between the U.S. and other high-income countries.
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NordAN (Sweden/Latvia) - NordAN's contributions to EU TRIS notifications: balancing public health and EU regulations
NordAN has recently submitted two contributions to the EU's TRIS notification system regarding proposed amendments to alcohol legislation in Sweden and Latvia, highlighting critical concerns.
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Sweden Herald (Sweden) - Portugal opposes Swedish farm sales
Portugal has at the last minute submitted comments on the government's proposal to allow farm sales of alcohol. This means that it will take some time before the bill can get the green light from the EU.
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NordAN (Denmark) - Danish experts warn government: cuts to substance research will have devastating consequences
Nineteen leading figures in Denmark's social sector, including NordAN board member Morten Skov Mogensen, have issued a stark warning to the government over proposed budget cuts to the Center for Substance Research (CRF).
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Sunday, October 6, 2024

FASD News - 40/2024

The Conversation (Canada) - People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder face a heightened risk of homelessness
Canada is in the midst of a housing crisis. A systematic failure to provide decent and affordable housing means far too many people are ending up homeless. Rigid and unresponsive policies perpetuate adversity and fuel stigma that places blame on the individual.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - 1 in 10 Far North children could be affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
As many as one in 10 Far North children could be affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which can lead to lifelong learning and social difficulties.
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BBC (UK) - 'Art saved my life' - teen's joy at book of paintings
A teenage artist born with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) has published a book of his work to help others struggling with the condition.
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UofLNews (USA) - UofL researchers studying specific causes of fetal alcohol syndrome
University of Louisville researchers have secured $2.3 million from the National Institutes of Health to study how genetics may increase the risk of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in infants — and, what may help lower that risk.
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NZ Doctor (New Zealand) - Ministerial announcement on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
On 25th September the Minister for Health, Dr Shane Reti, announced new initiatives relating to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) at a symposium in Tāmaki-Makaurau.
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IOL (South Africa) - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): There is no 'safe time' to consume alcohol during pregnancy
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a serious condition caused by women drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
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University of Bristol (UK) - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - the quest for a new UK database
To time with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awaress Month a team of researchers at the University of Bristol have published a paper on Establishing a national linked database for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the UK: multi-method public and professional involvement to determine acceptability and feasibility.
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FARE Australia (Australia) - From Misdiagnosis to Understanding: Sharing our FASD story
As a mum of a kiddo with FASD, I have navigated the challenge of disclosing my story, getting an accurate diagnosis and advocating for the support my son needs.
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FASD ONE - Adopting: Do You Know About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum  Disorder (FASD)?
Research has shown that the majority (80%) of children with FASD are not raised by their biological parents, and are cared for by other family members or by child welfare agencies.
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Illuminate Colorado - The Key to FASD Prevention is Education and Empathy
While it sounds simple that FASD can be prevented by refraining from alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the challenge of actually preventing FASD remains complex.
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Kinsight - Breaking Stigma and Building Connections: Reflections on International FASD Day
On a grey September morning, as a cool breeze cast a somber backdrop, Mary and I set up our booth for an event marking International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day, September 9th,  at Hyack Square in New Westminster.
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The Scottish Parliament - Members' Business: Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Month - 26 September 2024
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City of Cape Town - Living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
A foster mom shares some insights into raising a teen with FASD.
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University of Bristol - Improving the clinical coding of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
A short video with guidance for diagnosing clinicians, general practitioners and primary care teams to ensure timely and accurate coding of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder using SNOMED CT systems.
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The Arc of Indiana - FASD Awareness & Interventions
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is one of the most prevalent developmental disabilities that no one has ever heard of. It is estimated to impact 1 in every 20 Americans.
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Alaska Center for FASD - 8 Keys for Adults with FASD
Seven adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders telling their stories, challenges, strengths, and strategies for success.
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National FASD - FASD Not Commissioned Briefing
On 16 September 2024 The National Organisation for FASD held a briefing on its new report, "Not Commissioned: Systemic Confusion in NHS Services for alcohol, pregnancy and FASD."
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FASD United (formerly NOFAS) - FASD United Red Shoes Gala 2024 – Highlights
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Health Nexus Santé - Towards Healthy Outcomes for individuals with FASD (1.0)
Webinar on the guide 'Towards Healthy Outcomes for Individuals with FASD'.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - Unmasking False Confessions in FASD Cases
In this episode of Living with FASD, we welcome back Dr. Jerrod Brown to discuss the critical issue of false confessions and their impact on individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
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Human Development Center at LSU HSC - FASD and Neurodiversity 101
With 1 in 20 children estimated to have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the United States, FASD isn't rare. It's everywhere.
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FASD Hub Scotland and FASD Hub UK - Wednesday Webinar with Harrison's Hope's Mary Byrnes
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Turning Point - Maternal Alcohol Reduction Interventions (MARI)
This presentation will give an overview of women’s alcohol use and harm across the life course, discussing how the role of alcohol changes during different life stages.
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Rural FASD Support Network - Shannon Butt, ALC Changemaker presents
In this tear-jerking presentation, Shannon blends FASD research with her own living experience to introduce her Anchors program.
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The Journal of Pediatrics - Clinical Features of Typically Developing Children With and Without Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Even when meeting developmental norms, children with PAE exhibited trends of poorer growth and cognitive/behavioral traits than children without PAE. These findings support the notion that abstinence during pregnancy is best.
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Quality in Sport - The Role of Physical Activity in the Rehabilitation of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Why It Should Be Considered a Vital Part of Treatment
This literature review examines the pivotal role of physical activity in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
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Social Sciences - The Invisible Struggle: Parents with FASD, the Courts and the Child Intervention System
Parents with FASD who are involved in child intervention may be required to participate in many programs simultaneously, potentially resulting in an overwhelming experience.
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Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability - Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among healthcare workers in New Zealand
Of the 96 participants, more than 90% self-reported a good or very good understanding of FASD, and around half had a patient with FASD. However, less than half felt prepared to support someone with FASD. Participants identified lack of professional training, services, and funding as barriers to support individuals with FASD.
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Substance Use & Addiction Journal - Multi-Level Approaches to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevention Education and Training for Health Professionals
FASD prevention education is wrought with a variety of challenges related to stigma, discomfort, and misinformation, which these programs encountered in a variety of ways.
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Alcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research - Exploring the intersection of polygenic risk scores and prenatal alcohol exposure: Unraveling the mental health equation
Our findings highlight the specific interaction between increased genetic risk for bipolar disorder and prenatal alcohol exposure in shaping offspring mental health outcomes.
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Journal of Affective Disorders - Properties of the prefrontal tracts and cingulum bundle in children with prenatal alcohol exposure
PAE may be weakly associated with restricted diffusion in the right parahippocampal cingulum and multiple intra-frontal tracts. However, diffusivity changes related to PAE might not be the primary contributor to emotional and behavioural challenges in children and adolescents with PAE.
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Substance Use & Addiction Journal - Using Planned and Unplanned Adaptation to Implement Universal Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention to Prevent Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies in Four Primary Care Health Systems
Unplanned adaptations were observed across the 4 cases and emphasized the importance of flexible, adaptive designs when implementing evidence-based practice in dynamic settings.
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Folia medica Cracoviensia - Effects of Chronic Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Nociceptive Responses to Mechanical and Thermal Stimuli in Rats
The results of this study highlight a critical aspect of the harmful systemic effects of alcohol, while also underscoring the need for further research to elucidate the underlying mechanisms, including the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the serotonergic system in modulating pain responses in individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol.
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BMC pediatrics - Neurodevelopmental outcome at two years of age and predictive value of General Movement Assessment in infants exposed to alcohol and/or drugs during pregnancy: a prospective cohort study
Neurodevelopmental outcome at two years of age was poorer in a group of children exposed to alcohol and/or drugs in pregnancy compared with a control group of healthy, unexposed children.
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Drug and Alcohol Review - Representations of ‘risky’ drinking during pregnancy on Mumsnet: A discourse analysis
Forum users demonstrated a desire to adhere to ‘responsible motherhood’, which did not equate to abstinence if consumption was perceived as acceptable and justified.
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Friday, October 4, 2024

Alcohol News - 40/2024

Alcohol Awareness (Sweden) - Sober October – How workplaces can prevent alcohol abuse
What kind of alcohol culture exists at your workplace? This is one of the questions highlighted during this year’s public health campaign, Sober October. Just like before, Sober October encourages you to embrace being ‘Sober Curious.’
Read more (Poland) - Poland plans to further tighten rules on alcohol sales for under 18s
Alcoholic drinks remain popular in the eastern European country despite the criticism. Poland ranked as Europe's third biggest beer producer in 2023, according to a Eurostat. survey, with the country also being a large exporter of vodka.
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BBC (Scotland) - Minimum price of alcohol in Scotland rises by 30%
The minimum price at which alcohol can be sold in Scotland has risen by 30% in an attempt to keep up with inflation over the past six years.
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ANSA Brasil (Brazil) - 'Teen alcohol use more frequent among girls' says Mantovano
Government Undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano on Tuesday said alcohol abuse had become more common in teen girls than boys and that alcohol was the most used psychoactive substance among minors, addressing the Parliamentary commission for infancy and adolescence.
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Verywell Health - Is It time to Add Cancer-Specific Warning Labels to Alcohol?
Could adding cancer-specific warning labels to alcoholic beverages help deter excessive alcohol consumption?
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South African Government News Agency (South Africa) - Call for no alcohol consumption this Social Development Month
With the country observing Social Development month, Social Development Minister Sisisi Tolashe is appealing all South Africans not to consume alcohol or sell alcohol to children during the month of October.
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Research Professional News (Australia) - Academics call for national drug and alcohol research plan
Academics in Australia are pushing for the introduction of a national plan for research into alcohol and other drugs to improve the country’s fight against harm caused by substance use.
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The Albertan (Canada) - Alberta government decides against allowing grocery, corner stores to sell alcohol
Albertans won't be able to buy alcohol from grocery and convenience stores after all. It's something the provincial government has been exploring since late last year, and the province says it has decided not to move forward in order to protect private retailers.
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WHO Europe - Redefine alcohol: WHO’s urgent call for Europe to rethink alcohol’s place in society
Alcohol accounts for nearly 1 in 11 deaths in the WHO European Region. The new campaign from the WHO Regional Office for Europe aims to change that.
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Statistics Canada - A snapshot of alcohol consumption levels in Canada: Half of Canadian adults reported not drinking any alcohol in the past seven days, 2023
In 2023, more than three-quarters (77%) of adults living in Canada's provinces reported drinking at least one alcoholic beverage in the past 12 months.
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IAS Blog - Alcohol’s hidden calories: a missed opportunity in obesity policy
There is now significant attention paid to the various ways in which alcohol impacts on public health, from the effects on individual drinkers’ physical and mental health to the consequences for those in their vicinity via road traffic accidents, intimate partner violence and, from a global health perspective, as a structural driver of HIV infection.
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The Conversation - The role alcohol plays in new cancer cases – landmark new report
A little bit of alcohol was once thought to be good for you. However, as scientific research advances, we’re gaining a clearer picture of alcohol’s effect on health – especially regarding cancer.
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NordAN (Sweden) - Alcohol romanticization is most common in teenagers' social media feeds
Seven out of ten young people are exposed to alcohol through popular culture, at least once a week. On social media, teenagers are most frequently exposed to trends related to drinking or drinking more alcohol.
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NordAN (Finland) - Finns believe alcohol home delivery will increase the workload of child welfare services
According to a survey conducted by several organizations, Finns do not trust that age limits and the ban on selling alcohol to intoxicated individuals can be effectively monitored during home deliveries of alcohol.
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NordAN (Latvia) - Latvia bans advertising of prices or discounts of alcoholic beverages in electronic media
In order to prohibit the advertising of prices and discounts for beer and wine on television and radio and thus reduce the overall consumption of alcoholic beverages and protect young people from the negative impact of advertising, the Saeima approved in the final reading amendments to the Electronic Media Law on Thursday, 26 September.
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