Saltwire (Canada) -
GRANT FROST: Time for a task force on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
What condition affects one out of every 25 people in Nova Scotia? Which developmental disability has a higher incidence rate in our province than autism, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy combined?
Read moreUniversity of Bristol (UK) - UK’s hidden
disability: new codes to help thousands with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
People living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) — one of the most
common yet under-recorded neurodevelopmental conditions worldwide — can now
have the condition accurately recorded in their medical records thanks to new
clinical codes.
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MedicalNewsToday - Can doctors detect fetal
alcohol syndrome on ultrasound?
Despite fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) developing in fetuses, doctors cannot
reliably use ultrasound to diagnose the condition. Diagnosis only occurs after
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MedicalNewsToday - How do babies with fetal
alcohol syndrome cry?
Babies with fetal alcohol syndrome do not appear to cry in a specific way.
They can be irritable or jittery, but the most noticeable sign of the condition
will be the shape of the baby’s face.
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Todayville (Canada) - Red Deer RCMP
recognized for work with young offenders with FASD
Members of the Red Deer RCMP’s Community Policing unit were honoured with
the Central Alberta FASD Network’s 2021 FASD Champion Award last month.
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Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Become Adults?
When delving into the realm of
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), it is crucial to grasp the fundamental
aspects that define this condition, including its causes, risk factors, and
prevalence in children.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Stories of Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders – Diagnosis
A series of stories and recommendations from individuals and families about
their experience obtaining diagnoses of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Stories
of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – Support and Care
They also underscore the complexity of FASDs as lifelong conditions and
call for accommodations, empathy, education, respect, and partnership in
healthcare settings.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Lived
Experiences with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Rebecca
Rebecca struggled with health & academic issues due to fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), which is linked to exposure to alcohol
before birth. It wasn't until her mother read a pamphlet on FASDs that Rebecca
pursued a diagnosis, which she finally received at 34.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Stories
of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – Celebration and Resilience
Together, these stories highlight the importance of recognizing and
building upon individual strengths, offer encouragement, and underscore the
value of supportive communities.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Stories
of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – Stigma
They highlight the challenges of living with an "invisible
disability", the importance of compassionate care, and experiences of
internalized stigma.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Lived
Experiences with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Patima and Rachel
Patima and her mother, Rachel, share their challenges getting a diagnosis
of a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) for Patima due to lack of visible
symptoms and medical history.
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HNY Health and Care Partnership - Raising
awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FASD
As part of Baby Week, Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care
Partnership hosted a webinar to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD).
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - FASD
& Addictions: a Candid Conversation with Shannon Butt
My Candid Conversation this week is a replay of my talk with Shannon Butt,
one of the members of the Adult Leadership Collaborative (ALC) of the FASD
Changemakers. As a member of the ALC, Shannon shares her story in the hopes of
educating and encouraging others whose lives have been impacted by prenatal
exposure to alcohol.
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CAMH Professionals Videos - What we know
about FASD: Prevention, Treatment and Support
Nancy Poole, Prevention Lead, CANFASD network explains how to talk to
families about FASD and about FASD prevention.
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Health Nexus Santé - Red Shoes Rock Ottawa
- Health Nexus FASD Awareness Day 2024
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FASD Hub Scotland and FASD Hub UK - Young
People FASD conference
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Interwoven Connections - Siblings of young
people with FASD : What do siblings need?
In this video Dr. Maude Champagne discusses how we can better support the
siblings of children with FASD, within our home and the unique challenges faced
as a family, with practical techniques.
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Neurodivergence Wales - Prof. Raja
Mukherjee – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): An Overview
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FASD Hub Scotland and FASD Hub UK - Wednesday
Webinar with Jacquie Pei
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Alcohol Healthwatch - Anna Gundesen,
FASD-CAN Navigator | Developing our Voices: FASD-CAN Individuals Development
Presented at the FASD Symposium, 25th and 26th September 2024, in Auckland,
New Zealand
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Lakeland Centre for FASD - I've Hired
Someone with FASD, Now What
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Justice For Orphans - Ep. 453 - FASD &
Addictive Behaviors w/ Dr. Jerrod Brown
This week we welcome back returning guest, Dr. Jerrod Brown. Dr. Brown is a
professor, trainer, researcher, and consultant with multiple years of
experience teaching collegiate courses.
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Golden Oldie Shower Records - METH the
Musical: F.A.S.D
From the hit musical "METH". F.A.S.D is the breakout performance
of Cynthia Foogsworth. Cynthia is praised for her commitment to her role in the
musical, specifically giving birth live on stage during every performance.
"METH" was performed over 15 years, with only 10 shows total.
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Lisa Butcher - Let’s Start a Conversation -
Original Song by Lisa Butcher
This song was created to raise awareness of the lifelong disability Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Many young people in the justice system have
undiagnosed FASD and/or other neurodisabilities.
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Alcohol - Single essential oils and their binary mixtures protect against
ethanol-induced defects in a zebrafish fetal alcohol spectrum disorder model at
the same level as folic acid
This study evaluated protective effects of clove (SEO), thyme white (TEO),
oregano (OEO), and caraway (CEO) essential oils (EOs), and their binary
mixtures, in a zebrafish fetal alcohol spectrum disorder model.
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Pedagogy in Health Promotion - Delivering
Education Through a Podcast to Change Provider Practice: A Mixed Methods
Evaluation of a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Podcast
Education delivered through podcasts can be effective in improving provider
knowledge and self-efficacy and in promoting practice change. Podcasts offer
broad reach and accessibility providing an opportunity to educate on topics
including FASD.
Read more - Early environmental
effects on the placental epigenome and gene expression, and newborns’ phenotype
: Focusing on prenatal alcohol exposure and Assisted Reproductive Technology
To clarify the etiology of adverse health outcomes mediated by the prenatal
environment, this thesis focused on two prevalent and socially significant, but
rather distinct environmental factors, prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and
assisted reproductive technology (ART).
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Bratislavske lekarske listy - Risk factors
for self-reported alcohol consumption during pregnancy
In accordance with certain European data, the best means of protection
against alcohol consumption during pregnancy include complete abstinence prior
to conception, pregnancy planning, and high-quality education regarding the
negative effects of alcohol during pregnancy (Tab. 4, Ref. 19).
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Rivista do psichiatria - Italian Guidelines
for the diagnosis and treatment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: structural
Timely diagnosis and intervention are crucial as they can significantly
enhance outcomes through appropriate support and management strategies.
Increasing awareness among citizens about the detrimental effects of alcohol
use disorders on newborn health is of utmost importance.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prenatal
alcohol exposure and health at midlife: Self-reported health outcomes in two
Patients affected by alcohol may report greater frequency and range of
health adversity. That PAE was only uniquely associated with a limited set of
problems suggests that many health outcomes in midlife result from an initial
vulnerability potentiated by postnatal stress resulting from other associated
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IBRO Neuroscience Reports - Transgenerational
of Oxidative Damage Induced by Prenatal Ethanol Exposure on Spatial
Learning/Memory and BDNF in the of Male Rats
The findings underscore the role of OS in developmental and behavioral
issues in FASD rat models and suggest that lasting transgenerational effects in
the second generation may stem from alcohol-induced changes.
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PrePrints - What Do We Know About Alcohol
Consumption During Pregnancy and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Nigeria?
Despite limited empirical evidence, anecdotal reports suggest that alcohol
consumption during pregnancy is not uncommon in Nigeria, driven by factors such
as social norms, lack of awareness, and limited access to prenatal care and
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Alcohol, clinical & Experimental Research
- Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and child development: Role
of ADH1B and ALDH2 gene polymorphisms-The Yamanashi Adjunct Study of the Japan
Environment and Children's Study
Our results suggest that alcohol consumption by pregnant females carrying
the deficient variant ALDH2*2 genotype may increase the risk of developmental
delay in their offspring.
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Archives of Women's Mental Health - Severe
alcohol withdrawal during pregnancy or early postpartum: maternal and fetal
The findings highlight the severe implications of AWS during pregnancy,
impacting both maternal and fetal health. The severity of AWS requires
attentive clinical management and preventative interventions.
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Prenatal
Opioid and Alcohol Exposures: Association with Altered Placental Serotonin
Transporter Structure and/or Expression
Fetal exposures to many drugs of abuse, e.g., opioids and alcohol (EtOH),
are associated with adverse neurodevelopmental problems in early childhood,
including abnormalities in activity of the serotonin (5HT) transporter (SERT),
which transports 5HT across the placenta.
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Authorea - Prenatal alcohol use or smoking
and their effect on fetal growth, stratified by dose, timing and single or dual
use: a prospective cohort study.
Dual exposure to smoking and drinking (even low) reduces fetal growth.
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AIDS - Substance use during pregnancy and
postpartum among individuals with perinatally-acquired HIV in the United States
Use of cannabis and alcohol were common during pregnancy and the first year
postpartum among people with HIV in the United States (2007–2019), but there
were no major differences in substance use during pregnancy based on mode of
HIV acquisition.
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Miasto Kraków (Poland) - Mamo, nie ryzykuj! Kraków edukuje o FASD i stawia
na profilaktykę
Kraków zainaugurował kampanię społeczną skierowaną do kobiet w ciąży i osób
z ich najbliższego otoczenia. Jej adresatami są też uczennice i uczniowie
krakowskich szkół oraz studentki i studenci. Kampania ma uświadomić, że nie ma
bezpiecznej dawki alkoholu, którą może wypić kobieta w ciąży.
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Chaos im Kopf Podcast - Dein FASD Podcast (Germany)
- FASD Selbsthilfegruppe Porta Westfalica C75
In dieser Episode des Podcasts "Chaos im Kopf" spricht Wolfgang
mit Anne-Meike Südmeyer und Birte Schilling über die FASD Selbsthilfegruppe
Porta Westfalica.
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NeuronUp (France) - Consommation d’alcool pendant la grossesse : effets sur le
cerveau fœtal et risque de handicap intellectual
Rafael A. Salas Muriel, docteur en psychologie, expose dans cet article
comment la consommation d’alcool pendant la grossesse peut affecter le cerveau
fœtal en augmentant le risque de handicap intellectuel.
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(Finland) - FASD ja aikuisuus
Kehitysvammaliiton tuottama podcast-sarja käsittelee elämää FASDin kanssa
eri näkökulmista. Kuulemme elämän kompastuskivistä ja huippuhetkistä sekä
siitä, miten FASDin tuomia haasteita on taklattu.
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FAS Portalen (Sweden)
- Rekordstort intresse för Fokus FAS
Intresset för den tredje konferensen Fokus FAS om alkohol- och drogrelaterade
fosterskador var stort, med över 200 deltagare.
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