CBC (Canada)
- Manitoba launches FASD pilot program to help young adults get diagnosed
Manitoba is launching a pilot program to help young adults get access to
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder assessment and diagnoses, starting with those
who have been involved in the criminal justice system but unable to access
special supports that require a diagnosis.
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Kitchener Today (Canada) - Fewer services for fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder amid COVID-19
Canadians with disabilities have drawn attention to their exclusion from
COVID-19 messaging, as well to program cancellations and experiences of social
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Deadline News (Scotland) - Vulnerable children in
Scotland face crisis due to missed opportunities for support, report finds
The lives of some of the UK‘s most vulnerable children are being devastated
by a string of missed opportunities to provide them with timely and adequate
support, a new report has revealed.
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Metro (UK) - After we adopted we discovered our kids had
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Routine is the key to calmness. Even something tiny – like cutting our
breakfast toast into rectangles instead of triangles, or leaving the crusts on
– could cause a meltdown.
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Minneapolis Star Tribune (USA) - Minnesota's Proof
Alliance leader wants all pregnancies to be alcohol-free
Research has shown since 1974 that alcohol during pregnancy harms a
developing fetus, but she learned most people "did not have the
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The Independent (UK) - Improve recording of alcohol
consumption in pregnant women to reduce foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, says
adoption charity
The UK should develop strategies to reduce prenatal exposure to alcohol and
improve recording of alcohol consumption in pregnant women to tackle foetal
alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), Adoption UK has said.
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The Scotsman - 'This is permanent brain damage' -
Scottish mother who adopted child warns about effect of alcohol on unborn
A Scottish mother has warned parents about the perilous effects drinking
during pregnancy can have on a baby after her adopted daughter was diagnosed
with permanent brain damage.
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The Lawyer´s Daily (Canada) - Manitoba increases
eligibility age for fetal alcohol justice program
Praise is being given to Manitoba’s government for expanding a specialized
justice program to include young adult offenders with fetal alcohol disorders.
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Forbes - Drinking A Small Amount Of Alcohol During
Pregnancy Can Impact A Child’s Brain Development, Says Study
The first few weeks after you find out you’re pregnant can be exciting but
stressful. Making changes to your lifestyle with your child in mind can be
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Fox 35 Orlando (USA) - Couple raising awareness of fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder
Lindsey and Spencer Munns are parents to four little ones, ages one to six,
and you'd never know it from looking at the children, but two of their four --
twins adopted at birth -- have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Haven't
heard of it? Neither have a lot of people.
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Mirage News - Cross-national collaboration shows negative
effects of low levels of alcohol in pregnancy
Even low levels of alcohol use during early pregnancy are associated with
greater risks of anxiety, depression and behavior problems in children.
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Daily Hawker - The Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Of
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
With a baby on the way, expectant mothers are required to make several
changes to their lifestyle to prepare for the baby. Other than keeping to a
healthy diet, going for prenatal care, and spending time planning for the
arrival of the baby, it’s widely known that pregnant women have to give up
drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
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SHAAP - Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD): everybody's business
This presentation covered the cultural context of alcohol use in pregnancy
in Scotland, the variety of effects that FASD can have for individuals and the
implications of FASD in an everyday context, as well as the difficulties of
making a diagnosis and the absence of adult pathways for this diagnosis.
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Parents Helping Parents - FASD: Things to Know about
Living or Working with an Affected Individual
Parents Helping Parents and the Inclusion Collaborative created this
webinar for parents, families, and professionals who live and/or work with an
individual who has a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and a history of
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CanFASD - Refreshing our Conversations About Alcohol as a
Key Component of FASD Prevention
n this presentation, Dr. Nancy Poole and Lindsay Wolfson of the Centre of
Excellence for Women’s Health discuss the importance of reframing how we talk
about alcohol and substance use with women and girls to improve fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder (FASD) prevention efforts.
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Bogin Munns & Munns, P.A. - Chasing Hope - FASD
Attorney Spencer Munns speaks about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder and how
it impacts so many families.
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Nudge Education - Nudge Education Presents: A spotlight
on FASD - #5
Check Out Our Website www.nudgeeducation.co.uk
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Visual TEAF - Video FASD English
So better no drinks at all during 9 months. FASD prevention
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FASD Hub - FASD Virtual Seminar - September 2020
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SSM - Population Health - Prenatal substance exposure, adverse childhood
experiences and diagnosed mental and behavioral disorders – A longitudinal
register-based matched cohort study in Finland
This longitudinal register-based cohort study 1) compared the nature and extent
of diagnosed mental and behavioral disorders among youth with PSE and matched
unexposed controls, and 2) investigated the influence of PSE, health in infancy
and ACEs (maternal risk factors and out-of-home care, OHC) on diagnoses of
mental and behavioral disorders.
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International - The
Significance of Tetrogenic Effect of Alcohol on the Fetus within the
Educational Programs of Physicians and Its Practical Application
The result of the study showed that most doctors were not sufficiently
informed about the teratogenic effects of alcohol on the developing fetus, and
in particular, its relation to FAS / FASD.
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Neuroscience - Covariation Between Brain Function (MEG)
and Structure (DTI) Differentiates Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder from Typically Developing Controls
The behavioral, cognitive, and sensory difficulties experienced by
individuals exposed to alcohol prenatally currently fail to provide early
identification for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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International Journal of Population Data Science - Community
Priority setting for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research in Australia
A diverse range of priorities was identified within key areas of
prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. On request from participants, separate
priority lists were developed by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal participants.
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Taylor and Francis Group - Decolonising Justice for
Aboriginal youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
This book reflects multidisciplinary and cross-jurisdictional analysis of
issues surrounding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and the criminal
justice system, and the impact on Aboriginal children, young people and their
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The University of British Columbia - Health, health
related quality of life and executive functioning in young adults diagnosed
with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a disorder caused by prenatal alcohol
exposure which leads to neurobehavioral, psychological, and adaptive
functioning impairments. It has been well established that executive
functioning in this population is significantly impaired.
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International - Social
and Economic Effect of Comprehensive Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Children: A Review
There is a need for additional economic calculations to scale up a
comprehensive prevention program throughout the country. It is also important
to note that the implementation of preventive measures does not eliminate the
need for organizing assistance programs for families raising children with
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Developmental Psychobiology - The association between
prenatal alcohol consumption and preschool child stress system disturbance
The present study showed both the biological association of intrauterine
alcohol exposure with the cortisol stress system, partly dose‐dependent, and
the functional association with emotional and behavioral symptoms.
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Nutrients - GC-TOF-MS-Based Metabolomic Analysis and
Evaluation of the Effects of HX106, a Nutraceutical, on ADHD-Like Symptoms in
Prenatal Alcohol Exposed Mice
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can disrupt fetal neuronal development and
cause an ADHD-like hyperactive behavior in the offspring. In this study, we
hypothesized that metabolic disturbance would involve in ADHD neuropathology
and aimed to investigate the changes in metabolite profile in PAE-induced
ADHD-like model and the effects of HX106, a nutraceutical, on ADHD-like
pathophysiology and metabolite changes.
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American Journal of Psychiatry - Association of Prenatal
Alcohol Exposure With Psychological, Behavioral, and Neurodevelopmental
Outcomes in Children From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study
Any alcohol use during pregnancy is associated with subtle yet significant
psychological and behavioral effects in children. Women should continue to be
advised to abstain from alcohol consumption from conception throughout
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Psychoneuroendocrinology - Periconceptional ethanol
exposure alters hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, signalling
elements and associated behaviours in a rodent model
This study suggests that alcohol exposure, even when limited to a short
period around conception, can program mental illness-like phenotypes, and this
was associated with alterations in HPA responsiveness. This study further
highlights that consumption of alcohol even prior to implantation may impact
the long-term health of offspring.
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ournal of Pharmaceutical Research International - Metabolic
Changes in Newborns and Women Who Consumed Small Doses of Alcohol in the
Prenatal Period
Analyzing the data, in distant perspective the negative role of even small
doses of low alcohol (beer, champagne and wine) on pregnant women and their
newborns metabolism was established.
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Detektor (Germany) - Steht Kindern Entschädigung zu?
Trinken Frauen in der Schwangerschaft Alkohol, kann das für das Kind
schwere Folgen haben. Das Bundessozialgericht hat nun entschieden, dass den
Betroffenen grundsätzlich eine Entschädigung zustehen kann – schränkt den
Zugang aber auch direkt strikt ein.
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eLuban (Poland) - Ciąża to czas, kiedy bezwzględnie
trzeba odstawić alkohol
Picie alkoholu przez kobiety w ciąży nadal nie jest problemem marginalnym –
mówi Katarzyna Łukowska kierująca Państwową Agencją Rozwiązywania Problemów
Alkoholowych. W efekcie rodzą się dzieci z FASD - wrodzonymi zaburzeniami
rozwojowymi będącymi pokłosiem toksycznego wpływu etanolu na płód.
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Contilnet Noticias (Brazil) - Casal relata drama familiar
e pede aprovação da lei da síndrome alcoólica fetal
Na manhã de terça-feira (6), o deputado federal Alan Rick (DEM) recebeu em
seu gabinete, em Brasília, a visita do casal de administradores Cleiver Lima e
Cleísa Brasil, que foram ao local em busca de ajuda para realizar uma campanha
de conscientização da Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal, a SAF, doença que acomete
crianças cuja gestante ingere bebida alcoólica durante os nove meses de
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Gravidanza Online (Italy) - Sindrome alcolica fetale:
bere in gravidanza fa male
La cosiddetta sindrome alcolica fetale è la conferma medico-scientifica che
bere bevande alcoliche in gravidanza fa male. Sempre. Con conseguenze molto
gravi per il bambino.
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RAMPA (Poland) - Jak postępować z dzieckiem z FASD?
Katarzyna Kałamajska-Liszcz i Katarzyna Liszcz
Umówiłyśmy się z Kasią, że po moim wystąpieniu zostawimy czas na pytania,
tak aby ona z perspektywy osoby, która przeszła rehabilitację oraz kolejne
etapy nauczania, mogła powiedzieć Państwu, co jest dla niej najważniejsze z
tych doświadczeń i które okoliczności były dla niej wspierające, a które wręcz
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