Daily Telegraph (Australia) - Judges to consider affect of ‘alcohol during pregnancy’ on young offenders’ behaviour
JUDGES are being taught about disabilities caused by mothers who drink while pregnant as part of a new push to give offenders with such disorders lighter sentences.
HuffPost UK (UK) - RIP Sir Noel The Christmas Dog - An FASD Love Story
Four years ago, our youngest son was struggling. He was in Year 5. At great cost to himself he gave everything he had at school, at home, in clubs. But he walked every day in world that didn’t understand him.
Newcastle Herald (Australia) - Booze the mother of all problems for unborn babies
WOMEN who drink should be using contraception to avoid having brain damaged babies, a Newcastle public health forum heard on Tuesday night.
Charity Today News (UK) - NOFAS-UK CEO speaks of her delight at being an official part of #UKCharityWeek 2017
The National Organisation for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome-UK (NOFAS-UK) has today spoke of its ‘honour’ to be a part an official part of#UKCharityWeek, 4-10 December 2017.
St. Albert Gazette (Canada) - ‘Dry 9’ campaign dedicated to alcohol-free pregnancies
A new campaign is helping women who are pregnant or who are trying to conceive stay away from liquor. Dry 9, created by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC), provides resources and information on alcohol and pregnancy.
Science Daily - Lithium chloride blunts brain damage linked to fetal alcohol syndrome
A single dose of lithium chloride, a drug used to treat bipolar disease and aggression, blocks the sleep disturbances, memory loss, and learning problems tied to fetal alcohol syndrome, new experiments in mice show.
My Eastern Shore (USA) - Researcher speaks about helping children affected by substance abuse
Local social workers, child care providers and educators attended a conference to learn about supporting caregivers of children affected by substance abuse, Friday, Dec. 1, at Chesapeake College.
Toronto Star (Canada) - After a girl committed 71 violent incidents in 10 months, children’s aid and this caregiver agreed the group home program wasn’t working
Her sometimes epic outbursts — fuelled by symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome — were described in reports sent to the children’s ministry whenever a serious incident occurs in Ontario involving a child in care.
Todays Parent - I said I wouldn’t adopt a child with FASD—and now I have four
It was a scorching day so I’d taken my children to a splash pad. I was watching my daughters dancing in the water, when out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of my nine-year-old son, Allan, dart into the parking lot. He ran right in front of a moving car, which had to swerve not to hit him. I bolted over and grabbed him by the arm.
Nutrition Research Institute - Why Iron Man’s mother didn’t drink alcohol during pregnancy
In the Marvel movie Iron Man, Tony Stark (Iron Man) is a genius inventor who creates a suit of armor, giving himself enhanced strength and the ability to fly.
EUFASD - European Conference on FASD 2018
The call for abstracts is now open. The deadline is Friday, March 16, 2018, at midnight, Berlin time.
Children in Scotland - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): Supporting children and young people (26/02/2018)
This workshop gives insight to the wide range of conditions encompassed by FASD and explores practical ways in which to support children and young people affected by them.
AGLC - Dry9 | Just a Sip
Are you expecting or planning to be? No amount of alcohol is proven safe to drink while pregnant so do a #Dry9 and encourage your friends and family to support you and do a Dry9 too.
AGLC - Dry9 | Previous Generation
AGLC - Dry9 | Co-Parent to Be
AGLC - Dry9 | Persistent Friend
Courthouse Libraries BC - Working with Clients with FASD - Webinar Recording
This webinar is aimed at legal advocates and poverty law lawyers. Effective communication with a client can be difficult to achieve under ideal circumstances, let alone if your client has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
University of Canterbury - The challenge of supporting children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Aotearoa New Zealand: A narrative literature review”
The drinking culture of ANZ has developed since colonisation. Alcohol consumption has cost not only the individual and their families, but communities and ANZ society as a whole although the MoH (2016) has released the FASD Action Plan 2016-2019 with a budget attached to implement the plan, gaps have been identified.
Toxics - Embryonic Ethanol Exposure Affects Early- and Late-Added Cardiac Precursors and Produces Long-Lasting Heart Chamber Defects in Zebrafish
Drinking mothers expose their fetuses to ethanol, which produces birth defects: craniofacial defects, cognitive impairment, sensorimotor disabilities and organ deformities, collectively termed as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Ohio State University - Neuroimmune mechanisms of learning and memory deficits in a rat model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) afflict up to 5% of American school-age children, many of whom experience pervasive impairments in behavior and cognition. While the impact of these impairments on quality of life may be severe, the underlying neurobiological mechanisms are not well understood.
Pediatrics - Computer-Aided Recognition of Facial Attributes for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
We found there was an increased diagnostic accuracy for ARND via our computer-aided method. As this category has been historically difficult to diagnose, we believe our experiment demonstrates that facial dysmorphology novel analysis technology can potentially improve ARND diagnosis by introducing a standardized metric for recognizing FASD-associated facial anomalies.
Journal of Mental Health and Addiction - Educational Services for Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Caregivers’ Perspectives
The purpose of this study was to identify services that caregivers of youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder believe would help youth with FASD succeed in school.
University of Alberta - Examining Practicing Teachers’ Cognitions and Emotions Towards Students with FASD Using Attribution Theory
The importance of teachers’ emotions has been well-established in educational research, particularly when confronted with challenging student behaviour.
University of Alberta - Evaluating an Attributional Retraining Intervention to Increase Pre-service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Working with Students with FASD: A Mixed Methods Study
Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) can experience complex social, emotional, behavioural, and academic needs at school that necessitate the support of prepared and efficacious teachers.
Neuropharmacology - Low doses of prenatal ethanol exposure and maternal separation alter HPA axis function and ethanol consumption in adult male rats
Adverse maternal behaviors during pregnancy and unfavorable postnatal experiences during development are associated with an increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders, as well as, a vulnerability to alcohol addiction in adulthood.
Alcoholism - Prenatal alcohol exposure increases histamine H3 receptor-mediated inhibition of glutamatergic neurotransmission in rat dentate gyrus
We have reported that prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE)-induced deficits in dentate gyrus (DG) long-term potentiation (LTP) and memory are ameliorated by the histamine H3 receptor inverse agonist ABT-239.
Supervision of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice - An Approach to Supervision Practice with Therapists Who Work with Pregnant Substance-Abusing Women in Voluntary and Compulsory Treatment Settings
This chapter is written for supervisors and psychotherapists who work with pregnant substance abusing women in the Specialist Health Service in Norway.
Neurology - Evaluation of the child with microcephaly and the Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome (FAS)
The AAN and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society made three statements regarding the evaluation of the child with microcephaly including: neuroimaging is useful in identifying structural causes; targeted genetic testing when clinical or imaging abnormalities suggest a specific diagnosis; and screening for coexistent conditions such as cerebral palsy or epilepsy.
Identifying cognitive deficits early in development in high-risk populations, such as infants with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), is crucial to developing effective early interventions.
Brain Sciences - Long Term Depression in Rat Hippocampus and the Effect of Ethanol during Fetal Life
Alcohol (ethanol) disturbs cognitive functions including learning and memory in humans, non-human primates, and laboratory animals such as rodents.
halloherne (Germany) - Alkoholschädigung bei Pflegekindern
Westfalen. Die Landschaftsverbände Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) und Rheinland (LVR) haben eine Arbeitshilfe für Fachleute und Pflegeeltern herausgegeben, die Kinder mit vorgeburtlichen Schäden durch Alkohol betreuen.
Der Neue Wiesentbote (Germany) - Interaktive, erlebnisorientierte Ausstellung „ZERO“ zum Thema „Alkohol und Schwangerschaft“ in Forchheim
Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft schadet dem ungeborenen Kind. Das ist allgemein bekannt. Dennoch werden in Deutschland jedes Jahr über 10.000 Kinder mit FASD, der Fetalen Alkohol Spektrums-Störung (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), geboren.
Gość Opolski (Poland) - Gdy dziecko rodzi się z FAS
To problem, który nie dotyczy tylko kobiet alkoholiczek, ale dotyczy całych społeczeństw, w których używa się alkoholu - tłumaczy psycholog Teresa Jadczak-Szumiło.
ondanews (Italy) - Farmacia 3.0 – alcol in gravidanza, gravi rischi per feto e discendenza
Stando ai dati forniti dall’ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) più del 50% delle donne in gravidanza mantiene il medesimo consumo di bevande alcoliche che teneva prima di rimanere incinta, superando tranquillamente due bicchieri di vino o birra al giorno.