
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Alcohol News - 12/2015

Daily Mail - Just three drinks a day could lead to liver cancer: Risk increases by 4% for every 10g of alcohol consumed
Just three drinks a day can be enough to cause liver cancer, according to an extensive review of global research. The increase in risk per 10g of alcohol consumed – around one alcoholic drink – is about 4 per cent, says the World Cancer Research Fund.
Economic Times - Link between genetic variation, alcohol dependence found
Researchers have identified genetic variations that explain why some drinkers develop a dependence on alcohol while others do not.
Washington Post (China) - China drinks a surprising amount of alcohol
Many countries have scaled back on their alcohol intake over the past few decades, as evidenced by the chart above. The graph, which comes from a new study published in The Lancet, shows how much people in France, Italy, Germany, and the United States have eased up on booze since the 1970s. It also depicts the ascent of drinking in Asia, where developing countries are quickly developing a taste for spirits, wine, and other adult beverages.
Michigan Radio (USA) - Alcohol sensors in all cars could save thousands of lives
What if every new car came equipped with a device that would not let a drunk or impaired driver start it? That's the question researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute asked in a new study.
MedicalXpress (UK) - Interim report on UK alcohol industry's 'billion units pledge' is flawed, say researchers
The Department of Health's interim evaluation of an alcohol industry pledge to remove one billion alcohol units from the market is flawed, argue researchers in The BMJ this week.
Medscape - Links Between Alcohol Consumption and Breast Cancer
Alcohol consumption by adult women is consistently associated with risk of breast cancer. Several questions regarding alcohol and breast cancer need to be addressed.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - 30% drop in alcohol-related admissions to Dublin hospital
One of the country’s busiest hospitals has seen a 30% drop in the number of alcohol-related admissions to its intensive care unit.
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Alcohol to be promoted more to children under proposed TV code loophole
Children are being exposed to alcohol advertisements through a loophole that allows television stations to air them during sports broadcasts, with up to one in five viewers of major sporting events aged under 18.
New Zealand Doctor Online (New Zealand) - Collecting data on drunken presentations to ED first step to reducing alcohol-related harm
South Island hospital emergency departments will look at their recording processes for presentations by drunken youths as part of a project aiming to reduce the harm caused by alcohol.
The Conversation UK - Call time on soft approach to Big Alcohol
Ten years ago the World Health Organisation’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) came into force. It was not the first international health treaty negotiated by the WHO, but in many ways it was the most remarkable.
MBL (Iceland) - Mount­ing op­po­si­tion to new al­co­hol rules
The Ice­landic As­so­ci­a­tion of Doc­tors is strongly op­posed to the par­lia­men­tary bill call­ing for the au­tho­ri­sa­tion of al­co­hol in re­tail out­lets. Ac­cord­ing to the As­so­ci­a­tion, all rel­e­vant re­search shows that eas­ier ac­cess to al­co­hol leads to greater al­co­hol con­sump­tion and re­lated prob­lems.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

FASD News - 11/2015

U-T San Diego (South Africa) - SAfrica report on sick baby triggers media, politics debate
"Baby Thomas never had a chance," begins a South African newspaper report about the toll of fetal alcohol syndrome. The baby's alcoholic mother was a grape harvester who was paid in bottles of wine, it said.
Medscape (USA) - Extreme Rate of Prenatal Alcohol Disorders in Poor
The prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE) is extreme in low-income patients, new research suggests.
Health Aim (Australia) - Pregnant Woman Denied A Glass Of Wine
A woman, who was 36.5 weeks pregnant, was astonished when she was refused of a single glass of sparkling wine to celebrate her wedding anniversary last March 17. This happened at Mac’s Brewbar at the Nuffield Street Trading Company in Auckland, Australia.
Digital Journal - Announcing a Unique Holistic Approach to Rehab for Pregnant Women at New Directions for Women
Though the dangers of combining pregnancy with chemical dependency are well known, the all-too-common nature of the problems this deadly combination causes has spurred the womens-only rehab facility New Directions for Women to take a unique female- and family-oriented approach.
The Age (Australia) - Baird pledges $2.3 million to fight fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, new centre
NSW will open the first Australian centre dedicated to diagnosing and treating children damaged by their mother's drinking during pregnancy, under an election commitment from the Liberal government. (Canada) - Whitehorse lawyer to talk to federal committee about FASD bill
A Whitehorse member of the Canadian Bar Association will address the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights about amendments to Bill C-583 today via video link. The private member's bill, first introduced by Yukon MP Ryan Leef, would help recognize Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder as a brain disease.
The Daily Telegraph - Don’t kid yourself, drinking while pregnant isn’t harmless warns Kerry Parnell
How many times have you heard that statement from a pregnant woman as she confidently quaffs a glass of wine? - South Africa: SA Today - We Cannot Be Sidetracked in the Fight Against Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
It is unforgivable that the most common cause of mental disability in the world is 100% preventable.
Anishinabek News (Canada) - ‘No Shame, No Blame’ FASD conference aims to bring awareness
The North Shore Tribal Council (NSTC) held its fifth annual Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference at the Serpent River First Nation Lifestyles Centre in Cutler on March 3.

Free Training Event on the Impact of FASD in Child-Serving Systems - April 23
This free training explores the impact of FASD in the child welfare and court systems and would benefit professionals that work with these child-serving systems i.e. CPS employees, CASA volunteers, legal professionals, foster and adoptive parents, Recovery Coaches, Home Visitors, Juvenile Justice professionals, Policy Advocates, and Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities professionals.

VIDEOS and MATERIALS - The Body-Behaviour Connection: A first hand perspective about FASD
Liz Lawryk, Chief Clinical Examiner and Executive Director of the FASD Foundation, Canada. Myles Himmelreich, living with FASD he provides a multidimentional, educational perspective.
Educalcool (Canada) - ALCOHOL AND WOMEN
Women are more vulnerable than men to the effects of alcohol because of differences in their weight and body composition, and the way they metabolize alcohol. However, social norms, not biology, are the primary reason why women who drink too much are more vulnerable to physical and sexual violence. These are the main conclusions of the latest publication in the Alcohol and Health series from Éduc’alcool, which is being released in time for International Women’s Day.
Conference Presentations - 6th International FASD Conference presentations
Alcohol-Free Pregnancy - NOFAS Webinar: Treating FASD with Nutritional Interventions
Dr. Wozniak will present background information on brain imaging studies (his own and others) examining the impact of prenatal alcohol use on child brain development. In addition, he will describe a recently completed set of clinical trials that tested a non-drug, nutritional intervention for brain development in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

PLoS One - Moderate prenatal alcohol exposure enhances GluN2B containing NMDA receptor binding and ifenprodil sensitivity in rat agranular insular cortex
Prenatal exposure to alcohol affects the expression and function of glutamatergic neurotransmitter receptors in diverse brain regions. The present study was undertaken to fill a current gap in knowledge regarding the regional specificity of ethanol-related alterations in glutamatergic receptors in the frontal cortex.
Amino Acids - Maternal L-glutamine supplementation prevents prenatal alcohol exposure-induced fetal growth restriction in an ovine model
Prenatal alcohol exposure is known to cause fetal growth restriction and disturbances in amino acid bioavailability. Alterations in these parameters can persist into adulthood and low birth weight can lead to altered fetal programming.
Behavioural Brain Research - Docosahexaenoic acid partially ameliorates deficits in social behavior and ultrasonic vocalizations caused by prenatal ethanol exposure
Prenatal ethanol exposure disrupts social behavior in humans and rodents. One system particularly important for social behavior is the somatosensory system. Prenatal ethanol exposure alters the structure and function of this area.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - The impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on hippocampal-dependent outcome measures is influenced by prenatal and early-life rearing conditions
The clinical course of individuals exposed to alcohol in utero is influenced by multiple factors, including the social environments of the gravid female and offspring. In the present studies we focused on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and the prenatal and early-life social environments on the hippocampal formation, as impaired development and functioning of this brain region have been implicated in several of the adverse cognitive outcomes associated with PAE.
Neuroimage: Clinical - Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the development of white matter volume and change in executive function
Prenatal alcohol exposure can cause a wide range of deficits in executive function that persist throughout life, but little is known about how changes in brain structure relate to cognition in affected individuals.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine - The effect of prenatal alcohol co-exposure on neonatal abstinence syndrome in infants born to mothers in opioid maintenance treatment
This study examined the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on the incidence and severity of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).
Neuroimage: Clinical - A tensor-based morphometry analysis of regional differences in brain volume in relation to prenatal alcohol exposure
Reductions in brain volumes represent a neurobiological signature of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Less clear is how regional brain tissue reductions differ after normalizing for brain size differences linked with FASD and whether these profiles can predict the degree of prenatal exposure to alcohol.
Neuropsychopharmacology - Excitatory synaptic function and plasticity is persistently altered in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons after prenatal ethanol exposure
Prenatal ethanol exposure (PE) is one of the developmental factors leading to increased addiction propensity (risk). However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying this effect remain unknown.
Placenta - Dose effect of gestational ethanol exposure on placentation and fetal growth
Prenatal ethanol exposure compromises fetal growth by impairing placentation. Invasive trophoblastic cells, which mediate placentation, express the insulin-IGF regulated gene, aspartyl-asparaginyl β-hydroxylase (ASPH), which has a critical role in cell motility and invasion.
Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology - Methods for surveillance of fetal alcohol syndrome: the fetal alcohol syndrome surveillance network II (FASSNetII) - Arizona, Colorado, New York, 2009 – 2014
Surveillance of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is important for monitoring the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and describing the public health burden of this preventable disorder. Building on the infrastructure of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Surveillance Network (FASSNet, 1997–2002), in 2009 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded 5-year cooperative agreements to three states, Arizona, Colorado, and New York, to conduct population-based surveillance of FAS.
FASEB Journal - Maternal alcohol intake around the time of conception causes glucose intolerance and insulin insensitivity in rat offspring, which is exacerbated by a postnatal high-fat diet
Alcohol consumption throughout pregnancy can cause metabolic dysregulation, including glucose intolerance in progeny. This study determined if periconceptional (PC) alcohol (12% v/v in a liquid diet) (PC:EtOH) consumed exclusively around conception results in similar outcomes in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics - Do pediatricians recognize fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in children with developmental and behavioral problems?
Limited studies have examined pediatricians' knowledge, attitudes, and practice about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), and none have examined alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disabilities (ARND).
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders - Visual search for feature conjunctions: an fMRI study comparing alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) to ADHD
Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) falls under the umbrella of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Diagnosis of ARND is difficult because individuals do not demonstrate the characteristic facial features associated with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Poland) - Lekarz: Ciężarne pijaczki z Polski upijają się w ukryciu
Alkoholowy Zespół Płodowy (w skrócie FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) to nieuleczalna choroba, która powstaje, gdy matka piła alkohol w czasie ciąży.
SPIEGEL ONLINE (Germany) - Tausende betroffene Kinder: Wie Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft schadet
Aggressionen, fehlende Orientierung, Hilflosigkeit: Wer im Mutterleib Alkohol ausgesetzt ist, startet oft in ein kompliziertes Leben. Viele Schwangere unterschätzen die Risiken des Trinkens, warnen Experten. (Slovakia) - Strašiak menom FAS
Ak sa budúca matka rozhodne vypiť kedykoľvek počas tehotenstva alkoholický nápoj, riskuje tým trvalé poškodenie svojho nenarodeného dieťaťa, ktoré môže trpieť syndrómom FAS.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Alcohol News - 11/2015

PolitiFact (USA) - Teen alcohol abuse in Florida has dropped by double digits, advocate says
As the Legislature considers changing rules for Florida’s burgeoning craft beer industry, one advocacy group is saying it’s important to maintain the state’s downward trend in teen alcohol abuse.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Alcohol giants are part of the problem - not the solution
Stop Out-Of-Control Drinking' is not just a well-intentioned aim, it is the name of a public health campaign group. So far, so good. Except it is part-funded by Diageo and, oddly enough for an organisation touchily insisting on its independence, a director of the drinks giant sits on its board. (USA) - National push to curb alcohol/sex assault connection
College campuses across the country are doing more to combat the undeniable link between alcohol and sexual assault.
TVNZ (New Zealand) - 'No such thing as safe amount of alcohol for a pregnant woman' - expert weighs in
Pregnant women should abstain from alcohol completely because there is no clear information indicating a safe amount for consumption, an expert says.
Yahoo News (USA) - US Secret Service has alcohol problem: director
The US Secret Service director admitted to Congress on Tuesday that his agents often drink, even as he sought funding to build a life-size mock-up of the White House to improve training.
Medical Daily - Alcohol Use Linked To Both Lower Socioeconomic Status And Genetic Vulnerability
What factors influence how much alcohol you drink? A new study finds that a genetic disposition or environment does not exert the exact same effects on everyone. Instead, these influences may be stronger or weaker, depending on social context.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Varadkar urged to make his position clear on alcohol awareness campaign
Health Minister Leo Varadkar should "unequivocally" say whether he supports a drinks industry-funded alcohol awareness campaign after claims the initiative is a "smokescreen" to take the political focus away from wider legal reforms. (Australia) - Alcohol the elephant in room: academics
ACADEMICS are calling for a national conversation on restricted club trading hours, saying it has strong potential to curb Australia's culture of alcohol misuse.
NPR (USA) - Federal Government, States Battle Over Safety Of Powdered Alcohol
The federal government has given its blessing — for now — to powdered alcohol. But even before the product goes to market, some states have banned it.
County 10 (USA) - Proposed U.S. Healthy Dietary guidelines recommend increase in alcohol consumption
This week it was the U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance that expressed concern that the proposed guidelines effectively increases the approved amount of alcohol consumption, by tripling the amount of alcohol recommended for women and doubling the amount for men.
Irish Times (Ireland) - Unit of alcohol should cost €1 – the same as litre of milk, says liver disease expert
The minimum price of a unit of alcohol should be the same as a litre of milk at €1, a liver specialist at Beaumont Hospital has recommended.
The Independent (UK) - British Medical Association under fire for offering doctors cheap alcohol
The British Medical Association (BMA) is facing allegations of hypocrisy after the magazine distributed to its 153,000 members contained cut-price drinks deals.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Alcohol News - 10/2015

WebMD - FDA Warns of Seizure, Alcohol Risks With Chantix
The FDA has changed the labeling on the quit-smoking drug Chantix to reflect concerns that it may lower your tolerance to alcohol and is linked to a rare risk of seizures.
The liquor board may grant or deny a license if alcohol is sold within 500m from a school or place of worship.
National Institutes of Health - NIH-funded scientists identify brain site for stress role in binge alcohol drinking
New research supported by the National Institutes of Health shows how elements of the brain’s stress and reward pathways can interact to suppress binge alcohol drinking. The finding, now online in the journal Nature Neuroscience, suggests potential strategies for treating and preventing alcohol use problems. - Insomnia symptoms affect suicide risk among people who drink alcohol
Insomnia symptoms affect the risk of suicide among people who drink alcohol, according to a groundbreaking study led by the director of Mississippi State University's Sleep, Suicide and Aging Laboratory.
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - NSW state election: Government pulls out of alcohol forum
The NSW government pulled out of a state election forum on alcohol policy, raising concerns about its continued commitment to the battle against alcohol-fuelled violence.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Former tobacco lobby group hired by Diageo anti-alcohol campaign
The group opposed to the drinks industry-funded anti-alcohol campaign has raised concerns that a public relations group previously involved with the tobacco industry is now the secretariat for the campaign.
EurActiv (EU) - Lords press Commission to act on alcohol
While the EU must act to combat alcohol-related harm, any new initiative by the European Commission should focus on measures within its powers, such as taxation and labelling, the UK's House of Lords has said in a report published Friday (6 March).
The New Indian Express (India) - Alcohol Taking Heavy Toll on Lower, Middle Income Groups
Rising alcoholism is taking a heavy toll on the population, particularly among the middle socio-economic class and lower income groups in the State. (Nigeria) - Alcohol Intake Enhances Cancer Risks
Dr Okezie Emenike, an Abuja based Medical practitioner, has warned that excessive intake of alcohol could lead to cancer related diseases and several health disorders.
Irish Times (Ireland) - Varadkar says stance on alcohol sponsorship ban is consistent
Former minister for tourism and sport Leo Varadkar argued there was “no evidence” that a ban on sports sponsorship by drinks companies would help tackle excessive drinking among young people, new records show. (UK) - Drink-drive limit should be cut by almost half, fire brigade says
The drink-drive limit should be cut by almost half to save hundreds of lives and millions of pounds of public money, fire brigades say.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sunday, March 8, 2015

FASD News - 9/2015

Healthline - Is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome a Valid Criminal Defense?
Defendants with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders have used their conditions to argue for more lenient sentences, but some high-profile trials raise questions about the validity of this type of defense.
Alaska Dispatch News (USA) - State-funded pregnancy test dispensers debut in Anchorage
Inside the women’s bathroom at the Peanut Farm Bar and Grill, a dispenser hangs on the wall with a sign that reads: “Remember the last time you had sex?” The text below: “Take a pregnancy test before you drink tonight.”
Namibian (Namibia) - Alcohol syndrome orphans appeal for assistance
TWO children were born with deformities that can be blamed on their mother's drinking problem during pregnancy and now they have to live the rest of their lives with a condition known as alcohol syndrome.
Irish Medical Times (Ireland) - Even one is one too many — Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
With levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy suggesting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is significantly underdiagnosed in Ireland, Dr Irwin Gill and Prof Farhana Sharif examine the diagnosis and management of the condition ahead of a national survey of paediatricians.
Indianapolis Recorder - 'Golden' special needs runner inspires others
Peterson shared his moving story of how he went from a baby born with brain damage and a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) to becoming a three-time gold medalist in the Special Olympics.
Post-Bulletin (USA) - Bill seeks to expand help for moms struggling with addiction
In 2012, she got her third drunken driving conviction and spent a month in jail. Then she got pregnant. The Rochester mom-to-be enrolled in the Olmsted County's CRAFT program to get help staying sober while she was expecting.
Marketwired - Experts Spread Message About 'Preventable Birth Defects' on First-Ever World Birth Defects Day
"Many potentially devastating birth defects can be prevented," that's the message leading researchers in the field want the public to know as the world prepares for the inaugural "World Birth Defects Day," which will take place on Tuesday, March 3. The commemorative day is being spearheaded by international maternal and infant health advocates.
Growing Your Baby - Study: Even a Little Alcohol during Pregnancy Could Stop Some Growing Babies from Breathing
While most countries urge that pregnant women refrain from drinking any alcohol during pregnancy, there are still women that do. And, in the UK, women are actually told that they can continue drinking during pregnancy, as long as it’s not more than one or two units a week. But a new study, conducted by Professor Peter Hepper from Queen’s University Belfast, says that this simply isn’t okay, and that even half a glass of wine could cause a fetus to stop breathing and moving for as long as two hours.
Canada NewsWire (Canada) - A new Éduc'alcool publication in time for International Women's Day: Women under more pressure than men and more vulnerable to the effects of excessive drinking
Women are more vulnerable than men to the effects of alcohol because of differences in their weight and body composition, and the way they metabolize alcohol. However, social norms, not biology, are the primary reason why women who drink too much are more vulnerable to physical and sexual violence. These are the main conclusions of the latest publication in the Alcohol and Health series from Éduc'alcool, which is being released in time for International Women's Day.
ITV News - When Pregnant Women Drink: The families living with FASD
An ITV documentary investigating the impact of drinking alcohol in pregnancy exposes the challenges families face when a child develops Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
ChronicleLive (UK) - North East expectant mums should be warned against drinking any alcohol during pregnancy
Health bosses from across the North East today called on the Government to warn expectant mothers against drinking any alcohol during pregnancy.
Sowetan Live (South Africa) - More black moms-to-be boozing
ECONOMICALLY marginalised black women have been identified as a new risk group for drinking during pregnancy.
The Inquisitr (UK) - Pregnant? Half A Glass Of Wine Really Could Damage Your Baby, Experts Conclude
Pregnant women are routinely told that drinking a glass of wine a couple of times a week is perfectly safe for their developing child, but is this accurate? New research indicates that the safe level of alcohol (which includes wine) is zero.
Behavioral Health - Up to 5 Percent of Children Affected by Mothers’ Drinking, Study Finds
Nearly 5 percent of children in the U.S. may be affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), a new study finds, a figure much higher than previously thought.
Government of Western Australia - Efforts to overcome fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Researchers at Telethon Kids Institute are working with Aboriginal community leaders in the Fitzroy Valley to eradicate fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

UPCOMING – Prevention Matters Conference 2015, Sept 30 – Oct 2

Daily Mail - Paediatrican claims alcohol worse than heroin for pregnancy
Close the Gap | James Fitzpatrick | TEDxPerth
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. James Fitzpatrick is a consultant paediatrician, researcher and entrepreneur. He established Patches Paediatrics to harness the creativity of private enterprise and the precision of science to address seemingly intractable health problems in Aboriginal communities.

CAMH - The Burden and Economic Impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Canada
The current study aimed to estimate the overall burden and cost associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in Canada in 2013. FASD is a group of disorders caused by prenatal alcohol exposure.
Acta Paediatrica - Children adopted from Poland display a high risk of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders and some may go undiagnosed
Children adopted from Central and Eastern Europe have often had negative early experiences, including prenatal exposure to alcohol. We examined a group of Polish children, adopted by Dutch parents, to see how many were diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and to what extent features of FASD were present.
Psychiatry Research - The effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol and environmental tobacco smoke on risk for ADHD: a large population-based study
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is caused by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).
Physiology and Behavior - Prenatal exposure to vanilla or alcohol induces crawling after these odors in the neonate rat: the role of mu and kappa opioid receptor systems
Rat fetuses can perceive chemosensory stimuli derived from their mother's diet, and they may learn about those stimuli. In previous studies we have observed that prenatal exposure to alcohol during the last days of gestation increases the acceptance and liking of an alcohol flavor in infant and adolescent rats.
Physiology and Behavior - Neonatal sensitization to ethanol-induced breathing disruptions as a function of late prenatal exposure to the drug in the rat: modulatory effects of ethanol's chemosensory cues
Preclinical and clinical studies have systematically demonstrated abrupt changes in fetal respiratory patterns when the unborn organism is exposed to the effects of maternal ethanol intoxication. In subprimates, chronic exposure to this drug during gestation and infancy results in marked alterations of the plasticity of the respiratory network.
Physiology and Behavior - Prenatal alcohol exposure selectively enhances young adult perceived pleasantness of alcohol odors
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can lead to life-long neurobehavioral and social problems that can include a greater likelihood of early use and/or abuse of alcohol compared to older teens and young adults without PAE.
Physiology and Behavior - Objective assessment of ADHD core symptoms in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure
Attention deficits are often observed in children with prenatal alcohol exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is commonly diagnosed in this population.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Dissecting FASD through the global transcriptome
Clinical Chemistry - Clinical sensitivity and specificity of meconium fatty acid ethyl ester, ethyl glucuronide, and ethyl sulfate for detecting maternal drinking during pregnancy
We investigated agreement between self-reported prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and objective meconium alcohol markers to determine the optimal meconium marker and threshold for identifying PAE.
Human Brain Mapping - Volume changes and brain-behavior relationships in white matter and subcortical gray matter in children with prenatal alcohol exposure
Children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) may have cognitive, behavioral and brain abnormalities. Here, we compare rates of white matter and subcortical gray matter volume change in PAE and control children, and examine relationships between annual volume change and arithmetic ability, behavior, and executive function.
Physiology and Behavior - Endogenous opioids as substrates for ethanol intake in the neonatal rat: the impact of prenatal ethanol exposure on the opioid family in the early postnatal period
Despite considerable knowledge that prenatal ethanol exposure can lead to devastating effects on the developing fetus, alcohol consumption by pregnant women remains strikingly prevalent.
Physiology and Behavior - Prenatal alcohol exposure and adolescent stress increase sensitivity to stress and gonadal hormone influences on cognition in adult female rats
Abnormal activity of stress hormone (hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal [HPA]), and gonadal hormone (hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal [HPG]) systems is reported following prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine - Effect of boric acid on oxidative stress in rats with fetal alcohol syndrome
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study concerning the effect of boric acid (BA) administration on fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Belgium) - Het foetaal alcohol syndroom
Het foetaal alcohol syndroom (FAS) is een combinatie van aangeboren afwijkingen bij een baby die veroorzaakt zijn door alcoholgebruik van de moeder tijdens de zwangerschap.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Alcohol News - 9/2015 (Netherlands) - Alcohol lock is punishment enough: high court
Drunk drivers with an alcohol lock fitted to their cars should not be prosecuted in court as well, the high court said on Tuesday.
The Daily Telegraph (Australia) - Alcohol consumption and related problems are way over the limit and it’s time to say no
TONIGHT at a forum in Sydney, representatives from our major parties will announce their policies for the upcoming state election to reduce alcohol-related harm and ­violence.
ITV News (Wales) - '34,000 alcohol-related hospital admissions'
Deputy Minister Health Minister Vaughan Gething says figures show more then 4 out of 10 adults in Wales report drinking more than the recommended guideline amount of alcohol at least once in the last week. (Canada) - Alcohol-abuse risks need more attention in Canada, researchers say
Do you drink beer, wine, coolers or other alcoholic beverages? That's a question Canadians could hear more often as doctors try to get us to think about the risks of drinking.
Budapest Business Journal (Hungary) - Alcohol consumption in Hungary jumps 25%
Alcohol consumption in Hungary increased by 25% last year, Hungarian economic daily Napi Gazdaság said yesterday citing data from the Tax and Customs Authority (NAV).
Irish Medical Times (Ireland) - Even one is one too many — Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
With levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy suggesting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is significantly underdiagnosed in Ireland, Dr Irwin Gill and Prof Farhana Sharif examine the diagnosis and management of the condition ahead of a national survey of paediatricians.
Liverpool Echo - ITV documentary looks into impact of drinking while pregnant on babies and their families
An ITV documentary will take a look at the impact of drinking alcohol in pregnancy as one in 100 babies are born in Britain each year brain-damaged with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Longevity LIVE - New study expounds the link between drug and alcohol use on weight change
Obesity is a major public health problem and notoriously difficult to treat. Although the web is infested with insightful information on various ways to combat obesity and avoiding several diseases associated with it – there still is however, a worrying absence of material on the relationship between weight, alcohol and other drugs.
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - New research shows adult alcohol consumption puts kids in harm's way
Parents who think their drinking doesn't have an impact on their children are probably fooling themselves. According to experts, every family, regardless of social class, should take a long, hard look at their drinking habits.
Sunderland Echo (UK) - ‘Cutting the price of booze will harm our health,’ says campaign group
A NORTH East health campaign group is urging the Government to ignore calls to cut the cost of booze.
Deadline News (Scotland) - Scots health board admits a drinker “every four hours”
A SCOTTISH health board has revealed it admits one patient every four hours on average with an alcohol-related problem.
The Baltic Course (Estonia) - Sunday alcohol sales ban in Tallinn postponed
The plan of the Tallinn city government to ban the retail sales of alcohol on Sundays will be postponed because two alcohol retail companies have disputed the city government's decree in court and seek legal protection, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.