
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Alcohol news - 30/2014

Lifehacker - Drink Less Alcohol to Help Keep Mosquitoes Away
They buzz in your ear, give you relentlessly itchy bites, and they are the world's biggest killer. Mosquitoes may go down in history as the worst pest of all time, and a recent study suggests that having a cold one could draw them to you.
Daily Mail (UK) - Sharp fall in under-11s rushed to hospital for alcohol problems but parents are still worried about teen drinking
The number of admissions to accident and emergency departments for children and teenagers who have been drinking alcohol has fallen - but the level of visits for adults has risen according to new figures.
CBS Local (USA) - Feds To Ban Alcohol On Some Fire Island Beaches
Starting next month, alcohol will be banned on some federally-owned Fire Island beaches.
The Guardian (UK) - Alcohol abuse in pregnancy could become a crime, legal papers claim
An unprecedented court hearing to decide on the right of a child whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy to receive compensation could pave the way to the criminalisation of pregnant women's behaviour, according to legal papers lodged with the judge.
Seychelles News Agency (Seychelles) - Seychelles police and licensing body increase checks on islands’ sale of alcohol
A joint task force will be starting work this weekend to monitor whether or not retailers are respecting regulations pertaining to the sale of alcohol, according to a joint statement issued by the Seychelles Licensing Authority and the Seychelles Police.
Radio New Zealand (New Zealand) - More alcohol use before arrests – study
The police-funded study by Massey University looked at 848 people detained between April and July 2013 and compared the data with that with previous years. (USA) - Bill lets underage students taste alcohol
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law on Monday a bill that changes the drinking age…or at least, the tasting age.
CITY A.M (Wales) - Minimum alcohol pricing receives fresh backing from government panel
The Welsh government's Advisory Panel on Substance Misuse (APoSM) has voiced its support for plans to introduce a minimum price for alcohol to clamp down on substance misuse.
Staffing Industry Analysts (France) - France – Employers given powers to ban alcohol in the office
Certain occasions call for a celebratory drink in the workplace; a colleague departing, a deal gone well, or perhaps the end of a hard week. Yet from now on employees in France might have to rethink the way they mark such events, reports law firm Squire Patton Boggs.
Tuoitrenews (Vietnam) - Vietnam considers changes to controversial alcohol sale bill
As a result of public pressure, the Vietnamese Ministry of Health has considered making changes to a controversial draft law that prohibits beer and liquor sales between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am the following morning. (Canada) - New B.C. alcohol minimum pricing means cheaper beer and cider pitchers, pricier spirits
After the outcry over "unhappy hours" and new minimum pricing leading to some bars raising prices for beer, the B.C. government has revised its minimum before-tax pricing rules.
BBC News (Wales) - Minimum alcohol price would prevent harm, experts say
Plans to introduce a minimum price for alcohol in Wales have been backed by a panel advising ministers on substance misuse.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

FASD News - 29/2014

EUFASD - International Campaign to Raise Awareness of the Dangers of Drinking during Pregnancy
We think it is time to work together, sharing ideas and using the power of the internet and social media. This project will give evidence-based information and will empower individuals to make their own decisions.
Toronto Star (Canada) - Ontario must act quickly to help those with developmental disabilities: Editorial
That’s how an Ontario government report describes the state of some families with members who have developmental disabilities such as autism, fetal alcohol syndrome disorders (FASD), Down syndrome, cerebral palsy or epilepsy.
The Australian (Australia) - Anger at ‘sleeping monster’ of foetal alcohol disorders
THE re-jailing of a young Aboriginal woman with an intellectual impairment, just weeks after being released from prison where she was held for almost two years without charge, has cast doubts over ­arrangements for people with high needs in central Australia.
Birthrights (UK) - Birthrights applies to Court of Appeal to intervene in fetal alcohol case
A forthcoming court case on criminal injuries compensation for a child whose mother drank during pregnancy could pave the way to the criminalisation of pregnant women’s behaviour, Birthrights and the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (bpas) warned today.
SMART Speech Therapy - Why is FASD diagnosis so important?
Recently, I’ve participated in various on-line and in-person discussions with both school-based speech language pathologists (SLPs) as well as medical health professionals (e.g., neurologists, pediatricians, etc.) regarding their views on the need of formal diagnosis for school aged children with suspected alcohol related deficits.

HealthTAP - Short Term Effects Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Facial features include narrow small eyes with large epicanthal folds, small head, small upper jaw, smooth groove in upper lip, thin upper lip, & short nose.
BrightBlueCharity - FASD - Bright Blue Charity

Epilepsia - Seizures in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Evaluation of clinical, electroencephalographic, and neuroradiologic features in a pediatric case series
Seizures are observed with a frequency of 3–21% in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). However, clinical, neuroradiologic, and electroencephalography (EEG) features are poorly described. In this study, 13 patients with FASD and epilepsy or seizures were identified retrospectively from the databases of seven Italian pediatric neurology divisions.
Behavioural Brain Research - Effects of moderate prenatal ethanol exposure and age on social behavior, spatial response perseveration errors and motor behavior
Persistent deficits in social behavior are among the major negative consequences associated with exposure to ethanol during prenatal development. Prior work from our laboratory has linked deficits in social behavior following moderate prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) in the rat to functional alterations in the ventrolateral frontal cortex.
Behavioural Brain Research - Moderate prenatal alcohol exposure alters behavior and neuroglial parameters in adolescent rats
Alcohol consumption by women during gestation has become increasingly common. Although it is widely accepted that exposure to high doses of ethanol has long-lasting detrimental effects on brain development, the case for moderate doses is underappreciated, and benchmark studies have demonstrated structural and behavioral defects associated with moderate prenatal alcohol exposure in humans and animal models.
Placenta - The effect of maternal prenatal smoking and alcohol consumption on the placenta-to-birth weight ratio
The alteration of the in utero environment induced by smoking and alcohol consumption appears to affect placental and fetal growth in differing ways. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism.
The Journal of Physiology - Maternal alcohol consumption in pregnancy enhances arterial stiffness and alters vasodilator function that varies between vascular beds in fetal sheep
While the impact of alcohol consumption by pregnant women on fetal neurodevelopment has received much attention, the effects on the cardiovascular system are not well understood.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America - Prenatal and Postpartum Care of Women with Substance Use Disorders
The use of substances of abuse in pregnancy creates significant barriers to receiving high-quality prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care.
The Economic Journal - Alcohol Exposure In Utero and Child Academic Achievement
We examine the effect of prenatal alcohol exposure on child academic achievement. We use a genetic variant in the maternal alcohol-metabolism gene ADH1B to instrument for alcohol exposure, whilst controlling for the child's genotype on the same variant.

IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Germany) - Alkohol hat schlimme Folgen für das Baby
Frauen sollten während der Schwangerschaft komplett auf Alkohol verzichten. Schon ein Glas Wein kann dazu führen, dass das Ungeborene volltrunken ist und seine Gesundheit nachhaltig beeinträchtigt wird.
Nasz Dziennik (Poland) - Kochająca matka zawsze trzeźwa
Trwamy w dziękczynieniu za historyczną kanonizację Jana Pawła II, który uczył nas, że święci nie przemijają, lecz pragną naszej świętości. Podejmujemy osobisty i narodowy rachunek sumienia z wierności słowom naszego nowego Świętego.
Durante la gravidanza l’alcol deve essere assolutamente bandito, poiché mette a rischio la salute di mamma e figlio. Tra le donne che bevono quantità rilevanti di alcol in gravidanza, si stima che una percentuale tra il 4% – 40% partorisce bambini affetti da danni alcol correlati di vario grado.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Alcohol News - 29/2014

Newsweek - Energy Drinks Increase Urge to Drink Alcohol
Creators of Four Loko weren’t crazy when they came up with the marketing strategy for the sweet flavored alcohol-slash-energy drink. A new study conducted by the Center for Research on Aging, Health and Well-Being at the Australian National University in Canberra found that mixing energy drinks with booze results in intense cravings—for more alcohol.
Everyday Health - Research Shows Alcohol Increases Atrial Fibrillation Risk
In patients who binge drink or are heavy alcohol consumers, there is a significant risk of developing atrial fibrillation. The risk is not trivial; as I discussed in a prior column, it has been reported to be as high as 60 percent.
Colombia Reports (Colombia) - Colombia’s tobacco consumption down, alcohol use increases: UN Report
A United Nations (UN) study has shown that tobacco consumption was reduced in the last five years, though alcohol consumption did increase during the same time period, local news reported last week.
The Delta Discovery - Alcohol - people will do anything to have me
I come in a lot of names - Budweiser, vodka, wine and others. No matter what the name, as long as it has alcohol, I’m it. I’m found in liquor stores, bars and everywhere it’s legal, or illegal. (UK) - Supermarkets 'just giving away' alcohol, says peer
Supermarkets that offer low price alcohol in promotions were dubbed irresponsible in a debate at The House of Lords earlier this week relating to changes to be made to the mandatory licensing conditions.
Kyiv Post (Ukraine) - Government proposes equalling excise duties on alcohol with spirit content of 8.5 percent to vodka
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has proposed that dietary foods with spirit content of 8.5 percent and more be considered alcohol and set the excise duty for such products at the level of the excise duty for vodka.
Western Morning News (UK) - Tony Hogg: Reducing the victims of alcohol - in whatever way we can
With an estimated 10,000 violent incidents in Devon and Cornwall last year attributed to the effects of alcohol, calls for a minimum pricing policy should not be ignored, says Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg.
Wall Street Journal (Hungary) - Hungary Allows Drunk Cycling
In a country with zero tolerance for driving under the influence, a Hungarian government decree that allows cyclists to drink and ride on major roads came as a surprise over the weekend.
Manawatu Standard (New Zealand) - Fighting a losing battle with the bottle
Police and the MidCentral District Health Board are taking their fight against the harmful effects of alcohol to the shop floor of a Palmerston North supermarket, in a test case that could have implications for licence holders around the country.
Fair Lady - Alcohol kills women faster
The World Health Organisation released its 2014 global report on alcohol and health and it's bad news: Women are more vulnerable to alcohol related diseases than men.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Alcohol News - 28/2014

EurekAlert - Moderate alcohol use associated with increased risk for atrial fibrillation
Even in moderation, consumption of wine and hard liquor may be a risk factor for atrial fibrillation, an abnormally fast heartbeat that can lead to stroke, heart failure and dementia, according to new research published today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The research did not identify a similar risk for moderate consumption of beer.
WebMD - A Little Alcohol May Not Be Good for Your Heart
A new study challenges the widely held belief that light drinking of alcohol may be good for your heart. Researchers analyzed more than 50 studies that examined drinking habits and heart health in more than 260,000 people. - Any alcohol increases dementia risk, middle aged are warned
Middle-aged people should be told to cut out alcohol to reduce their risk of dementia as part of new health checks from the age of 40, under new NHS proposals.
New York Daily News (USA) - Alcohol ads linked to underage drinkers' favorite brands
People under 21 see a number of alcohol ads, despite standards that try to limit such ads to mature-audience magazines. ‘The more exposed they are the more likely that they are to start drinking or if already drinking, to drink more,’ senior author David Jernigan said. (Namibia) - MP Calls for Ban On Alcohol Adverts
An opposition MP has called for a ban on all alcohol-related advertisements to curb the escalating use of alcohol in the country. Republican Party MP Clara Gowases last Thursday in the National Assembly called for a ban on advertising alcoholic beverages when MPs discussed the Report on Alcohol Abuse in Namibia. (Switzerland) - One in four attempts to buy alcohol underage succeeds
Although it’s become more difficult for minors to buy alcoholic beverages in Switzerland, one in four underage clients still succeeds in buying wine, beer or hard alcohol, according to an official survey.
The Guardian (India) - India's new alcohol labelling laws leave importers needing a drink
The bootlegger, known to a select circle as the "wine wallah", unzips a dusty duffel bag and removes bottles wrapped in newspaper pages. "This is totally illegal," he admits, unveiling a low-end Chilean red wine, an Australian white and a French chardonnay. - Pinpointing the damage alcohol does to the brain
New research has identified, for the first time, the structural damage at a molecular level that excessive alcohol abuse causes to the brain.
Metro - Two questions is all it takes to determine if you have an alcohol problem, says study
Two questions are all it takes to establish whether a person has an alcohol problem or is at risk of developing one, according to a study for Gps. (UK) - Two under-11s hospitalised every WEEK because of alcohol problems
Figures discovered by the Labour party show that Britain's accident and emergency departments dealt with 102 alcohol-related admissions in children aged 11 and younger last year. (UK) - Thousands of women drinking too much during pregnancy, figures suggest
A significant number of women have admitted drinking more than the government recommended limit of four units a week – equivalent to two large glasses of wine.
EurActiv - DG Trade's ties to the alcohol industry are cause for concern
Instead of addressing the harm alcohol inflicts to public health, social fabric, economic productivity and even democracy abroad, EU Commissioner Karel De Gucht chooses to praise its trade benefits, writes Sven-Olov Carlsson.
Courier Mail (Australia) - ‘Preloading’ reaches epidemic levels among young adult alcohol drinkers
PRELOADING has hit epidemic levels as more than half of the nation’s drinkers “fire up” with booze before heading out on the town.
Hotelier Middle East (Bahrain) - Bahrain bans alcohol in three-star hotels
The Culture Ministry in Bahrain is introducing a ban on alcohol in the country’s three-star hotels in an attempt to improve tourism in the country, it has been reported.
Telegraph - Arrest on a plane: how drunken passengers can really delay a flight
Late-night flights to destinations such as Ibiza and Majorca are notoriously rowdy. Belinda Maude witnesses an arrest and finds out what is being done to deal with anti-social behaviour.
Irish Independent - Unhealthy living is creating ticking cancer timebomb
Shocking new cancer figures reveal how we are paying a massive price for our unhealthy lifestyle.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

FASD News - 27/2014

Perth Now (Australia) - Perth magistrate Catherine Crawford wants Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder offenders spared prison
YOUNG offenders whose mothers drank alcohol while they were in the womb would escape jail under a plan by a Perth magistrate to classify fetal alcohol spectrum disorder as a disability.
Scottsbluff Star Herald - Babies face lifelong harm from mothers' drinking
When a pregnant woman drinks, she’s drinking for two. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, including brain damage. “There are 40,000 children born with full FASD each year,” said Barbara Vancil, founder and CEO of Special Needs Advocates and Parents (SNAAP). “One in 100 will have it.”
ABC Online (Australia) - Healthcare provider estimates 375 undiagnosed Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder cases in Barkly
A Tennant Creek healthcare provider has put the number of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) cases in the Barkly region at 400, far beyond the 25 reported by official figures.
Connections - Culturally appropriate tools needed to tackle FASD
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) have only recently been recognised as a public health issue in Australia. Greater clarity is needed in the messages provided to communities about alcohol use in pregnancy.
NeuroDevNet - Trainee Angelina Paolozza receives prestigious merit award for contributions to FASD research
In her doctoral work, NeuroDevNet trainee Angelina Paolozza has strengthened historically elusive connections between behavioural and cognitive deficits in FASD, and structural and functional brain injuries caused by prenatal alcohol exposure.
Ken Wyatt MP (Australia) - Government funds national strategy to target Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The Australian Government will provide $9.2 million to the National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Action Plan to address the harmful impact of FASD on children and families, Ken Wyatt MP said today.
National Indigenous Radio Service (Australia) - Child health expert to oversee roll-out of FASD plan
The expert tasked ensuring the successful roll-out of the Federal Government's National Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Action Plan says community-developed solutions will be crucial.
The George Institute - Children's ability to play affected after mothers drinking while pregnant - new findings
Fox News, the Huffington Post, the Daily Mail and Australia's Daily Telegraph are among media to publish stories about the globally significant study that has uncovered new types of damage to children after mothers drink while pregnant.The study, a global review of other studies, found children's ability to play is affected.
The Courier Mail (Australia) - Campaign aims to educate women on dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy
A national campaign launched by the Federal Government aims to increase this number by giving health professionals better resources to educate mothers-to-be.

Only 2 more days to submit abstracts for Third European Conference on FASD 20-22 October, 2014, Rome
We invite contributions from researchers, public health organizations and NGOs, on any aspect of FASD, including clinical studies, animal studies, prevention programs, screening studies, epidemiology, public education campaigns, diagnosis of FASD, cognitive and behavioral aspects, caring for children and adults with FASD, political aspects, FASD in the justice system, etc. Parents of children with FASD and adults with FASD are welcome at a reduced admission fee.
Living Well – FASD and Mental Health (November 5-7, 2014)
The "Living Well: FASD and Mental Health" conference will delve into the interconnection between mental health and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder spanning the areas of prevention, intervention, support, evaluation and research.
The Arc - Modifying FASD Prevention Strategies for Individuals with an FASD (July 17, 2014)
This webinar will provide information on the provision of effective interventions for individuals with an FASD. Our focus will be on the importance of identifying individuals with a possible FASD to modify approaches in the home, educational, treatment, housing, and other settings to help reduce the incidence of alcohol exposed pregnancies.
WEBINAR: Detection, Discovery and Diagnosis
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)—via its Program to Enhance the Health and Development of Infants and Children—is offering a series of four 30-minute educational webinars focused on raising awareness of primary care clinicians regarding the diagnosis and treatment for children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs). The educational webinars will focus on identification, diagnosis, referral, and management of FASDs.
WEBINAR: Roles, Referrals and Reimbursement
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)—via its Program to Enhance the Health and Development of Infants and Children—is offering a series of four 30-minute educational webinars focused on raising awareness of primary care clinicians regarding the diagnosis and treatment for children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs).
The Arc - Presenting The Initial Findings of The Arc’s National FASD Project Health Professional Questionnaire
Join us for a webinar sharing findings from the FASD Project’s 2014 Health Professional Questionnaire. Ann Cameron Williams the Senior Executive Officer of Research and Innovations and Christopher Turner (CT) the MSW Intern at The Arc of The United States will present the findings specifically related to healthcare professionals.
26.-27. September 2014: FASD Fachtagung in Dresden
Veranstaltet unter Schirmherrschaft von Marlene Mortler, Bundesdrogenbeauftragte und Christine Clauß, sächsische Staatsministerin für Soziales und Verbraucherschutz.

The Frontier Group - The FASD PosterMaker app
The FASD PosterMaker is a free app that has been designed by The Frontier Group for the National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University to provide health professionals working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care settings with a tool to create their own locally relevant and culturally appropriate resources on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
SAMHSA - Saving Babies from Exposure to Alcohol
SAMHSA recently released a new publication in the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series, Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. The FASD TIP highlights the importance of preventing alcohol-exposed pregnancies and identifying the unique needs of individuals in treatment for mental and/or substance use disorders that may have been prenatally exposed to alcohol.
Gov of Saskatchewan - Planning for Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This document is intended to assist educators in meeting the needs of students who are affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. Across Saskatchewan, school personnel have been working to find the best approaches for meeting the needs of all students.
Women Want to Know: Discussing pregnancy and alcohol with women
In this video a Midwife initiates a conservation about pregnancy and alcohol with a woman who is pregnant for the first time. The woman had an episode of binge drinking before she was aware of the pregnancy and is concerned harm that may have been caused.
The Calgary John Howard Society - Living with FASD - The Calgary John Howard Society
A client focused video about living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the Extended FASD Support Program offered at The Calgary John Howard Society.
ArcticFASDRTC - Suicide and FASD - Arctic FASD Regional Training Center
Mr. Baldwin's lecture from the 2009 FASD Speaker Series in Anchorage, Alaska on the topic of Suicide and FASD. This presentation discussed the relationship between FASDs and suicide ideation, attempts, and completion. Information is presented from a clinical perspective based on the presenter's expertise and research data.

Elsevier - Dietary intake, nutrition, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the Western Cape Province of South Africa
In this study, we describe the nutritional status of women from a South African community with very high rates of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Nutrient intake (24-h recall) of mothers of children with FASD was compared to mothers of normal controls.
Pediatrics - Gross Motor Deficits in Children Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol: A Meta-analysis
The significant results suggest evaluation of GM proficiency should be a standard component of multidisciplinary FASD diagnostic services.
BMC Pediatrics - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: development of consensus referral criteria for specialist diagnostic assessment in Australia
Referral criteria recommended for use in Australia are similar to those recommended in North America. There is a need to develop resources to raise awareness of these criteria among health professionals and evaluate their feasibility, acceptability and capacity to improve the identification of FASD in Australia.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences - Gene–ethanol interactions underlying fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term that describes a diverse set of ethanol-induced defects. The phenotypic variation is generated by numerous factors, including timing and dosage of ethanol exposure as well as genetic background. - Front-line Police Perceptions of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in a Canadian Province
This paper reports findings from police interviews regarding understandings of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) including the challenges this presents at the front line. The project investigates police perceptions, as individuals with FASD can have disproportionate contact with justice systems.
Alcoholism - Chronic Binge Alcohol Exposure During Pregnancy Impairs Rat Maternal Uterine Vascular Function
Alcohol exposure during pregnancy results in an array of structural and functional abnormalities called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Alcohol dysregulates the exquisite coordination and regulation of gestational adaptations at the level of the uterine vasculature.
Read more
Alcoholism - Dysmorphogenic Effects of First Trimester-Equivalent Ethanol Exposure in Mice: A Magnetic Resonance Microscopy-Based Study
These results illustrate the teratogenic impact of maternal dietary EtOH intake occurring at time periods approximately equivalent to weeks 3 through 6 (GD 7 to 11 in mice) and weeks 7 through 12 (GD 12 to 16 in mice) of human gestation, further documenting EtOH's stage of exposure-dependent neuroteratogenic end points and highlighting the vulnerability of selected brain regions during the first trimester.
Pediatric Blood & Cancer - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and childhood cancer: A concise review of case reports and future research considerations
We reviewed the published literature on the relationship between childhood cancer and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). A Pub Med search identified 12 subjects with the co-occurrence of FASD and cancer.

Quotidiano Sanità (Italy) - Sindrome feto-alcolica. Ne soffrono 1,2 bambini ogni 1.000 nati vivi. Le raccomandazioni del ministero
L’incidenza salirebbe al 6% nel caso di espressioni parziali della sindrome. Le stime dal ministero della salute, che alla problematica il ministero della Salute dedica il suo ultimo dossier online. Tra il 4 e il 40% delle donne che bevono troppo in gravidanza partorisce bambini affetti da danni alcol correlati.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Alcohol news - 27/2014

New York Times (USA) - Alcohol Remains a Leading Killer
Excessive alcohol consumption, including binge drinking, is responsible for 10 percent of deaths among working-age adults in the United States, according to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Independent - The two questions that could determine if you have an alcohol problem
Two questions is all it could take to establish whether a person currently suffers from or is at risk of a drink problem, a study for GPs says.
Medical News Today - Alcohol ads in magazines 'target' the under-21s
Young people between 18 and 20 years of age are the group most heavily exposed to magazine advertising of alcohol brands known to be most popular with these youths, an analysis has concluded.
Wall Street Journal (USA) - Anatomy of American Alcohol Consumption
Americans are drinking less beer, but more wine and spirits, according to data from Euromonitor International.
Belfast Telegraph (Northern Ireland) - 'Alcohol link' to those arrested
Almost half of those arrested in Northern Ireland had recently consumed alcohol, it was disclosed.
ABC News (Egypt) - Egypt President Raises Cigarette, Alcohol Prices
Egypt's president decreed an increase in sales tax on cigarettes, beer and wine, the latest in a series of price hikes that aim to ease the country's staggering budget deficit.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - 10c hike in price of alcohol would net €110m
The Government has confirmed that a 10c hike in the price of alcohol in the next budget would net the State more than €110m if the public was to maintain current consumption levels.
Scotland Now (Scotland) - An independent Scotland could introduce total alcohol bans for new and professional drivers
IF there is a Yes vote, Scotland could follow the example of other European countries and reduce the limit for young and newly qualified motorists or taxi and HGV drivers.
Gastroenterology Update - Alcohol link to bowel cancer confirmed
The more a person drinks, the more prone they are to colorectal adenomas, according to a new meta-analysis that attempts to make sense of inconsistent findings in 25 different reports.
Helsinki Times (Finland) - Study: Most Finns suffer from other people's alcohol use
Those who work in preventive substance work are disappointed by the fact that government parties decided to suspend the alcohol legislation amendment recently. The main objective of the reform was to significantly reduce the adverse effects of alcohol, and it was set to come into effect by 2015.
The Slovak Spectator (Slovakia) - Bratislava to ban alcohol from some public spaces
THERE will be specially designated public areas in Bratislava where people won’t be able to drink alcohol as of mid-July, based on a general binding directive recently passed by Bratislava councillors.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Just one glass of wine at 14 can lead to alcohol problems
A major study of 14-year-olds in Ireland and three other European countries was able to predict, with a 70pc rate of accuracy, who would be binge drinking by the age of 16.
The (Spain) - Spain needs higher taxes on alcohol: doctors
Spain should follow France's lead and tax drinks more heavily to improve public health, a top public health agency said on Thursday.
Medical Daily - Alcohol's Effect On The Body: 5 Majors Organs That Are Being Destroyed By Your Alcohol Consumption
When consumed responsibly and in moderation, alcohol can be enjoyed without repercussions. Unfortunately, when drinking becomes a problem the effects can be disastrous for the health of the human body.
Irish Medical Times (Ireland) - Call for minimum unit pricing
Doctors have called for the urgent introduction of minimum unit pricing (MUP) in Budget 2015 to tackle harmful drinking, expressing disappointment the implementation of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill, which they say has the potential to save lives and to drive changes in attitudes, has been delayed.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Alcohol News - 26/2014

New York Times - When Airlines Serve Alcohol, and the Beverage Cart Requires a Bouncer
The International Air Transport Association is seeking stronger international laws to allow an unruly passenger to be charged in the country where the plane lands, but the measure still awaits ratification. Beyond that, the air transport association would like better monitoring of potentially drunk passengers before they board a plane. (USA) - 1 in 10 premature deaths in U.S. are linked to alcohol
Here’s a startling — and sobering — statistic: The excessive consumption of alcohol leads to nearly 1 in 10 premature deaths among working-age adults in the United States.
The Globe and Mail (Canada) - We need to talk (about our drinking)
Most Canadians know heavy boozing is unhealthy, but many don’t realize even moderate consumption is linked to disease. Here's the hard truth about our drinking. (Singapore) - Alcohol Blamed for Singapore's First Riot in Decades
A fatal bus accident and alcohol, not foreign workers' living conditions, were to blame for Singapore's first major riot in 40 years, according to the report of an inquiry into the incident released on Monday.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Alcohol levy call in suicide battle
A levy on all alcohol sold in supermarkets and off-licences should be imposed to raise €200m a year for suicide prevention services, Fianna Fáil Senator Marc Mac Sharry has urged.
ArchDaily (USA) - Alcohol and Urbanism, a Case Study: Breaking New York City’s Open Container Law
If there is one thing to be learned from the unsuccessful prohibition period of the 1920s, it is that we, the people, will go to great lengths to exercise our right to drink alcohol in the company of others.
Daily Mail - Babies whose mothers drink heavily during pregnancy are THREE times more likely to be born with impaired gross motor skills, Australian scientists discover
Children who are diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder because their mothers drink excessively during pregnancy are at higher risk of having impaired gross motor skills, Sydney researchers found.
The Local Austria (Austria) - Alcohol consumption in Austria high
Austria spends an above average amount on health care, according to statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - but Austrians consume more alcohol than nearly all other OECD countries.
ABC Online (Australia) - Healthcare provider estimates 375 undiagnosed Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder cases in Barkly
A Tennant Creek healthcare provider has put the number of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) cases in the Barkly region at 400, far beyond the 25 reported by official figures.
New Zealand Doctor Online (New Zealand) - Alcohol labelling decision a travesty of justice for unborn babies
At a meeting in Australia last week, trans-Tasman ministers responsible for food safety voted to allow the alcohol industry yet another two years to ‘voluntarily’ warn consumers of the risks of consuming alcohol during pregnancy.
FleetNews (EU) - EU backs future role for alcohol interlocks
Two new EU reports support measures to boost the use of alcohol interlocks in passenger and goods vehicles in the EU. The study by Italian consultancy TRT for the European Parliament (EP) goes as far as recommending legislation.
Sun News Network - Researchers say alcohol can cause 'fatty lung'
New research suggests heavy drinking can cause fat to develop on the lungs - similar to what happens to an alcoholic's liver - which could make the drinker more susceptible to illness.
EurActiv (EU) - Alcohol still the number one killer on Europe's roads
Alcohol remains the number one substance endangering lives on European roads. But use of drugs and medicines behind the wheel, also combined with alcohol, is likewise a major challenge for policymakers, says a new report by the EU's drug agency EMCDDA.
Science World Report - Homeless Alcoholics May Begin Drinking as Children: The Reasons Behind Alcohol-Dependency
Homeless alcoholics are often criticized and stigmatized by both the public and policymakers. But researchers may have found out why these men and women end up in the situations that they do. It turns out that one of the reasons that they are incapable of escaping their social circumstances is that most of them began drinking and became alcohol dependent while they were still children.
Times of India - 'First, man consumes alcohol; then, alcohol consumes man'
Dr S N Manjunath, associative professor at the department of antibiotic and community medicine, Mysore Medical College (MMC), said that youths, especially students, get addicted to narcotic drugs due to depression, failure in exams and frustration.
South Wales Argus (Wales) - New booze prices plan could ‘improve health’
THE introduction of a minimum unit price for alcohol would lead to significant improvements to the health of the population of Wales, public health experts claim.