
Friday, March 7, 2025

Alcohol News - 10/2025

Alcohol and Society - When less is more – REPORT
Alcohol causes significant health and social harm in Sweden and globally. While debates on low-level consumption persist, research shows its benefits are minimal compared to the risks. The impact of alcohol depends on the amount, drinking patterns, and duration of use.
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Medical Xpress (Canada) - 18-year study shows a rapid rise in alcohol-related organ damage in young Canadian population
Kingston Health Sciences Center and Queen's University researchers analyzed trends in alcohol-related organ damage among adolescents and young adults, identifying a significant rise in cases over the past two decades.
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Massey University of New Zealand - Research shows authentic communication reduces risky teen drinking
The research team includes Dr Alexandra Hess and Dr Sarah Dodds from Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University, Dr David Jaud from Adelaide University and Dr Claire Garnier and Professor Olivier Gergaud from Kedge Business School in France.
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Medical Xpress - Alcohol use leads to earlier brain aging and impaired behavioral flexibility, even in early adulthood
Alcohol use leads to earlier brain aging and impaired behavioral flexibility, with those effects detectable even among adults in their 20s and 30s, according to an innovative study.
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - 'The 0.0 makes 0.0 difference': Protest calls for action on zero-alcohol advertising at sports events
The Government has been urged to “close the loophole” allowing the advertising of zero-alcohol drinks at the likes of Ireland rugby games, when the law prohibits promotion of full-strength alcohol at such events.
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UNM Newsroom - Wanna bet? New research showcases correlation between sports gambling & drinking
March Madness, the Stanley Cup Playoffs, the Super Bowl—these iconic events have one thing in common beyond the thrill of the game: Americans can now bet on virtually every aspect of the action.
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Rappler - Socialized burden, privatized profits: The real cost of alcohol and Tobacco
The true cost of alcohol and tobacco goes far beyond what’s on the price tag. A P55 can of beer or a P150 pack of cigarettes seems inexpensive, but society pays the real price — lives lost to disease, a strained healthcare system, and economic losses from workers who die too soon or are too sick to work.
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Movendi - Why Alcohol Use Grows Among Women
The reasons for growing alcohol consumption among women vary based on multiple sociological and demographic factors. For example, certain reasons for alcohol use differ between middle-class women and working-class women.
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FARE Australia (Australia) - There’s a proposal to extend alcohol ads on TV – how did it come about and where is it at?
We’ve spent months engaging with communities and meeting with health and children’s organisations to hear how concerned they are with the proposed changes to the Commercial TV Industry Code of Practice.
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The Conversation (Australia) - Alcohol and gambling firms donate to political parties multiple times. And new rules won’t stop them
Good quality information about when and how alcohol and gambling industries try to influence government decision making should be easily accessible. But in Australia, it’s not.
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BBC (UK) - Alcohol fuels more than half of city centre crimes
More than half of violent crimes reported in York city centre are fuelled by alcohol, according to a police report. Councillors will be told that 1,005 violent crimes were recorded in the area between April 2023 and March 2024.
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LSM (Latvia) - Latvia to consider raising legal drinking age again
On Thursday, March 6, the Saeima handed over the citizens' initiative "Alcohol from the age of 21" to the Government for consideration. It should be noted that similar amendments did not find support in the Saeima recently.
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NordAN (Finland) - Intoxicated drivers cause over one-third of fatal road traffic accidents in Finland
Between 2014 and 2023, nearly 1,500 fatal motor vehicle accidents occurred in road traffic. Of these accidents, 37 percent were caused by intoxicated drivers. Two-thirds of the drivers responsible for fatal crashes showed signs of substance dependence.
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NordAN (Denmark) - Alkohol & Samfund: Danes believe we drink too much
Alcohol consumption in Denmark is too high, according to three out of four people. Excessive drinking is particularly common in nightlife settings, where the availability of alcohol-free options is also low, a new population survey by Alkohol & Samfund reveals.
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Sunday, March 2, 2025

FASD News - 9/2025

FASD United - Supporting a Pregnant Loved One Who May be Using Alcohol
At FASD United, we are often approached about what to do when a person’s family member or loved one is pregnant and may be using alcohol.  We appreciate the instinct to help, and we empathize with the complex emotions that arise out of this situation.
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia) - FASD diagnoses are rare. But with the right support, kids can thrive
He was about five when his parents explained he had fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or FASD. His biological mum drank alcohol when she was pregnant.
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Texas A&M Today - Parental Alcohol Use Linked To Increased Cancer Risk In Children, Texas A&M Researchers Find
New research from the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences has discovered that parents who chronically abuse alcohol can pass along adverse effects that increase their children’s susceptibility to cancer — especially in the liver.
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Clare Echo (Ireland) - Clare councillors want HSE to officially recognise FASD
ONE OF Clare’s newest councillors is leading the campaign to have Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD) officially recognised by the HSE.
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SunLive (New Zealand) - Fetal Alcohol births petition given to Parliament
A petition aiming to reduce the number of babies born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder has been presented to Parliament.
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Medical Xpress - Even low levels of alcohol use during pregnancy are linked to changes in unborn babies
New research shows that occasional exposure to alcohol may influence facial shape and brain development.
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia) - VIDEO: Growing concerns youth behind bars are living with undiagnosed FASD
There are growing concerns that many young Australians in jail are living with undiagnosed fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
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The Irish Independent (Ireland) - 'A hidden disability' – high numbers of newborns exposed to drugs and alcohol
Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Wexford, Kerry and Louth are among the counties that have collectively identified several ­hundred newborns who were exposed to alcohol or drugs in the womb, although the real figure could be much higher.
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Beyond 6 Seconds - Late FASD Diagnosis
In my latest episode, Jessica talks about how getting her Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) diagnosis gave her "hope for a different future."
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Beyond 6 Seconds - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) – with Jessica Birch
Jessica Birch is a national advocate and speaker living on the South East Coast of Australia. Since her late diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) at the age of 33, she has turned her attention to awareness building and education to create a better understanding of the prevalence and consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure in Australia.
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Saskatchewan Prevention Institute - Working Towards FASD Prevention Within Pregnant Populations Facing Multiple Barriers to Health
Identify evidence-based resources to share with clients and patients to help decrease or prevent alcohol use during pregnancy.
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CanFASD - An Introduction to the Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation and Implications for FASD
In Canada, there are ongoing efforts to evaluate the uptake of evidence-based alcohol policies at the provincial, territorial, and federal level.
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CanFASD - 'What is Your Superpower?: Growing and Glowing with FASD' Book Reading
Hannah Denberg gives a live reading of her beloved children’s book, ‘What is Your Superpower?: Growing and Glowing with FASD’.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - The FASD Meliorists: Legacy Work Authors Making a Difference
In the exciting season opener of Living with FASD, host Patti Kasper returns after a four-month hiatus, eager to reconnect with her audience and share candid conversations about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
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CanFASD - Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Knowledge Mobilization and Uptake Two-Years Later
In 2023, Canada’s new Guidance on Alcohol and Health was introduced, offering evidence-based advice on alcohol to support people in making informed decisions about their alcohol use and their health.
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Brant FASD Support Group - Dan Dubovsky - The Brain-Behavior Connection in FASD: Informing Ways to Reach Optimal Potential
Dan Dubovsky joins Contact Brant to provide training and insight into the complex world of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Angela Geddes | Integrative Support & Wellness - EPISODE #98: Understanding and Supporting Students with FASD
Our latest podcast episode explores "Understanding and Supporting Students with FASD: A Practical Guide for Educators," offering real-world strategies to foster emotional regulation, reduce stigma, and create classroom environments where students feel safe, understood, and empowered.
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Real Parents - Being Real Parents - Foetal alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) with Karena Findlay
Anna and Kate are joined by Karena Findlay from Succeed Differently. They talk about all things Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - how it occurs, what to look for and what we can do as parents and teachers to support tamariki affected by FASD.
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James Trail | Trauma Informed Care Resources - FASD & Trauma: Understanding the Root of Big Behaviors
Parenting kids who have experienced trauma or live with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) comes with unique challenges. In this episode, Meredith sits down with Barb Clark, Director of Training at Families Rising, to discuss parenting strategies that work, the power of connection, and how understanding brain-based differences can transform the way we support kids.
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DIGITAL HEALTH - Design of a mobile application for universal screening for women of child-bearing age engaged in comprehensive addiction and recovery environments (WE-CARE) for substance use and women from the general population
Results from the formative research studies were used to inform the design and development of the WE-CARE app prototype.
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Current Psychiatry Reports - Modifying the Use of Alcohol and Cigarettes in the Antepartum
Prenatal alcohol and cigarette smoking are common in the US and pending effective intervention strategies that may be informed by international research.
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Disrupts CXCL16 Expression in Rat Hippocampus: Temporal and Sex Differences
These findings shed light on the role of chemokines in hippocampal neuroplasticity and may pave the way for better treatment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Archives de Pédiatrie - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and health professionals’ awareness of the syndrome: A comparison of practitioners’ knowledge in two french regions
This study points out the heterogeneity of healthcare professionals' knowledge of FASD within each region. It highlights the challenge of informing, training and orienting mothers and their children in an appropriate manner.
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International Journal of Law and Psychiatry  - An updated systematic review of the literature on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and the criminal legal system
The purpose of this article was to update a 2018 systematic review of literature on this intersection of FASD and the CLS. We searched ten academic databases for studies with people with FASD involved in the CLS, as well as caregivers and service providers who support them.
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Scientific Reports - Substance use during pregnancy and childhood dental caries: a Brazilian cohort study
This study aimed to evaluate the association between substance use during pregnancy (SUDP) and dental caries considering the Tooth Development Hypothesis and the Behavioral Hypothesis.
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Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse - Resilience moderates the association between discrimination distress on substance use expectancies among Latinx adolescents
The results showed that resilience plays an important protective role against positive substance use expectancies for early Latinx adolescents who experience discrimination distress.
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PloS one - Effect of prenatal alcohol consumption on dental enamel formation in offspring—An animal study protocol
The etiology of developmental defects of enamel (DDE) remains incompletely understood. Prenatal alcohol exposure has been proposed as a potential risk factor for DDE.
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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - Choline enhances elicited imitation memory performance in preschool children with prenatal alcohol exposure: a cumulative report of 3 randomized controlled trials
The results support choline as a neurodevelopmental intervention for improvement of memory in young children exposed to alcohol prenatally.
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Neurochemistry International - Dysregulation of immune system markers, gut microbiota and short-chain fatty acid production following prenatal alcohol exposure: A developmental perspective
This study takes an ontogenetic approach to evaluate PAE-induced alterations to brain and serum cytokine levels and both the composition and metabolic output of the gut microbiota.
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JCI insight - Prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with altered feto-placental blood flow and sex-specific placental changes
PAE around conception is associated with reduced CPR and altered placental growth measures, particularly in males, with potential implications for future health.
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JAMA Pediatrics - Low to Moderate Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Facial Shape of Children at Age 6 to 8 Years
Low to moderate prenatal alcohol exposure was associated with subtle facial shape variations, but a linear dose-response association was not supported by the findings.
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International Health - Effect of prenatal alcohol consumption on maternal anemia among pregnant women in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia: a retrospective cohort study
This study revealed that anemia during pregnancy continues to be a public health concern. Regardless of timing, there is a clear association between prenatal alcohol consumption and anemia during pregnancy that suggests a need for targeted prenatal alcohol use screening, and ongoing intervention for alcoholic pregnant women.
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Neuropediatrics - First evidence-based guideline for interventions in FASD
The aim of the German guideline version 2024 is to provide validated and evidence-based recommendations on interventions for children and adolescents with FASD.
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Venezolana de Televisión (Venezuela) - Actitud Saludable | Trastorno del espectro alcohólico fetal (FASD)
Para este nueva emisión de Actitud Saludable su conductora Anabell Estrada, les tiene preparado un programa en el cual estará tratando junto al pediatra, Johnny Marante, el tema del trastorno del espectro alcohólico fetal (FASD), que es un conjunto de discapacidades físicas, mentales y conductuales que se producen cuando el bebé está expuesto al alcohol durante el embarazo y pueden durar toda la vida.
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Anja Cantzler (Germany) - Folge 65: Verständnisvoll begleiten - Kinder mit FASD in der Kita
In der heutigen Folge der Kita Talks bin ich mit Ulrike Altmann im Gespräch. Ulrike ist Sozialpädagogin und systemischer Elterncoach. Gemeinsam haben wir über das Thema: Verständnisvoll begleiten - Umgang mit Kindern mit FASD in der Kita gesprochen.
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FH Münster (Germany) - Hochschulzertifikatskurs „FASD-Fachkraft“
Alkoholkonsum der Mutter in der Schwangerschaft kann für die betroffenen Kinder lebenslange Folgen haben. Da die Symptome sehr variabel ausgeprägt sein können, wird heute der Terminus Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) verwendet.
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Chaos im Kopf Podcast - Dein FASD Podcast (Germany) - FASD in der Pflegefamilie - Einblicke von Geschwistern (C79)
In dieser Episode von Chaos im Kopf spreche ich mit zwei jungen Frauen, die als leibliche Kinder in einer Pflegefamilie aufgewachsen sind, in der Pflegekinder mit FASD aufgenommen wurden.
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Friday, February 28, 2025

Alcohol News - 9/2025

Futurity: Research News - Parental alcohol abuse can raise cancer risk for kids
New research has discovered that parents who chronically abuse alcohol can pass along adverse effects that increase their children’s susceptibility to cancer—especially in the liver.
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Links between alcohol and cancer have given me pause when reaching for a drink
There's no colder gaze than that of an oncologist who is ensuring that you have really understood what she has said. A leading proponent of taking tobacco out of public life — sponsorship, investment portfolios, advertising — this clinician had been calmly taking her audience through her mission, outlining in exacting detail the effects of tobacco use that she saw in her patients.
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Dermatology Times - Alcohol Consumption and Other Lifestyle Factors May Contribute to Melasma
A new study addresses gaps in what novel pathogenic factors can be linked to melasma, specifically with diet, living environments, and other lifestyle factors.
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BBC (Northern Ireland) - Alcohol sale rules in NI 'risk stifling innovation'
The rules for licensing the sale of alcohol in Northern Ireland are allowing established businesses to restrict competition and risk stifling innovation, a major independent review has concluded.
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Sunnybrook Hospital (Canada) - Study shows link between alcohol sales and alcohol-related hospital admissions during COVID-19 pandemic
When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared five years ago, social distancing, restrictions on gathering and uncertainty abounded. So did stockpiling purchases like canned food, toilet paper and, as a new study from researchers at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and University of Toronto shows, alcohol.
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Ajuntament de Barcelona (Spain) - Organised alcohol tours banned in L’Eixample
As of 1st June 2025, and lasting for two years, the promotion and organisation of alcohol tours between public establishments in L’Eixample’s public spaces will be banned.
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IAS Blog - ‘Dark Apps’ uncovered: popular alcohol tracking apps backed by the alcohol industry mislead users
Have you ever downloaded an app to improve your health? Millions of people seek help online to be a little more mindful of their drinking habits, and to stick with health goals as “Dry January” stretches further away.
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Movendi - From 2018 to 2025 and Beyond: Why the Upcoming High-Level Meeting on NCDs Matters So Much For Alcohol Policy Progress
The 2018 Political Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) failed to deliver ambitious and evidence-based commitments on alcohol policy, leaving critical gaps that hindered progress in NCDs prevention and control.
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Fortune Well - The dangers of drinking: Experts explain the 4 ways alcohol can cause cancer
If you were among the majority of Americans who were unaware that alcohol consumption increases their risk of cancer—60%, per a survey last fall by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania—hopefully you aren’t now.
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Recovery Research Institute - The dangers of drinking games in teens: Can online alcohol interventions help?
Adolescents who use alcohol commonly participate in so called “drinking games,” which substantially increase risk for negative consequences, as dangerous amounts of alcohol can be consumed.
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NordAN (Sweden) - More drunk drivers stopped by Swedish Customs
Last year, Swedish Customs stopped a large number of drunk drivers at the country’s border crossings. A total of 760 drivers were found to be intoxicated to the extent that it led to a criminal investigation—an increase of 24 percent compared to 2023.
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Alcohol Awareness (Sweden) - Farm sales of alcohol – a Trojan horse threatening Sweden’s alcohol monopoly
he Swedish organizations IOGT-NTO, UNF, and Junis have launched a campaign warning against the government’s proposal for farm sales of alcohol.
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Friday, February 21, 2025

Alcohol News - 8/2025

The Conversation (Wales) - Minimum alcohol pricing: what we found in Wales after five years
Almost five years ago, a new law came into force in Wales making it illegal to sell alcohol for less than 50p per unit.
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Science Norway - Do strict alcohol policies really work?
Governments in the Nordic countries employ several strategies: high excise taxes, monopolies to control availability, advertising restrictions, drunk driving limits, and age limits. Despite these efforts, cross-border alcohol trade, cultural drinking norms, and changing economic conditions continue to complicate policy effectiveness.
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LRT (Lithuania) - Lithuania is a unique case in cutting alcohol consumption – experts
Lithuania has managed to cut alcohol consumption significantly in record time after implementing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations, foreign and local experts have said.
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Medscape - Excessive Drinking Raises Heart Disease Risk
A weekly alcohol intake exceeding the limits recommended by US guidelines was associated with an increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) among young and middle-aged men and women.
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Vero News (USA) - Experts identify troubling increase in drinking among seniors
The NIH’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has released some troubling news. Alcohol misuse and alcohol-related harms are increasing among older Americans and at a faster rate for women than men.
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Fresh Balance (UK) - Balance voices support for people to cut down on alcohol
A breast cancer nurse and breast cancer patient are joining Balance in encouraging people to cut down on alcohol this February as a way to reduce cancer risk.
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NordAN (Finland) - Organizations: Substance abuse is a significant problem for municipalities and wellbeing services counties – see how much alcohol costs your local healthcare system
Questions related to the health and wellbeing of Finns will be decided in the regional and municipal elections on April 13. Substance abuse and gambling cause significant costs to municipalities and wellbeing services counties and increase human suffering.
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Alcohol Change (UK) - New report highlights the value of everyday conversations, including those about alcohol, in improving public health and wellbeing
A report published today by the Royal Society for Public Health suggests that the public want those working in public facing roles to be trained to have conversations about physical and mental health.
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Texas A&M - Parental Alcohol Use Linked To Increased Cancer Risk In Children, Texas A&M Researchers Find
New research from the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences has discovered that parents who chronically abuse alcohol can pass along adverse effects that increase their children’s susceptibility to cancer — especially in the liver.
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AJMC - What Recent Evidence Is Telling Us About Alcohol and Cancer
The US Surgeon General’s report calling for warning labels linking alcohol with cancer risk may have generated headlines, but for researchers who study these mechanisms, this was hardly news.
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Alcohol Awareness (Sweden) - New teaching material on alcohol and other drugs launched in Sweden
The teaching material ANDTS på schemat (ANDTS on the schedule) has been relaunched. It is designed to support teachers in educating students about alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco, and gambling. The launch takes place during a meeting for student health staff in Norrköping.
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Friday, February 14, 2025

Alcohol News - 7/2025

NordAN (Norway) - Norwegian band Ballinciaga faces penalty notice for serious violations of the Alcohol Act
The Norwegian Directorate of Health has determined that the music group Ballinciaga has illegally advertised alcoholic beverages. The group has now received a notice to rectify multiple violations and faces a potential penalty of approximately 2.4 million NOK.
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WHO Europe - Alcohol labels should warn of cancer risk, says new WHO/Europe report
Prominent health warning labels on alcoholic beverages are essential for raising awareness that consuming alcohol can lead to cancer. This simple and inexpensive measure can empower consumers to make informed choices that can help reduce alcohol-related harms.
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LBC (Saudi Arabia) - No alcohol at all will be allowed at 2034 World Cup, Saudi ambassador tells LBC
No alcohol at all will be allowed at the 2034 World Cup, the Saudi ambassador to the UK has said.
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Eunews (EU) - EU has long planned an alcohol tax review as part of the plan to fight cancer. It could cover its social costs
A European Commission working document has rekindled fears in the Italian and European wine sectors. “Work is underway to revise the directive on minimum rates of excise duty to apply to alcoholic beverages,” reads the report, which takes stock of the implementation of the EU Plan to Combat Cancer (BECA) launched in 2021.
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The Guardian (UK) - Calls for UK government to tackle alcohol-related deaths in older people
Health experts are demanding tough action to tackle the record number of older people dying because of heavy drinking, amid a historic shift away from alcohol by younger generations.
Read more (Netherlands) - More than 80% would back bringing back alcohol locks for cars
More than four out of five people would support the reintroduction of ignition interlocks in cars for people who have been convicted more than once of driving under the alcohol.
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NIT (Australia) - Australian Medical Association condemns NT government abandoning alcohol floor price
The Australian Medical Association (NT) has expressed alarm at the Northern Territory government decision to scrap minimum unit pricing for alcohol, which it called "a crucial measure to reduce alcohol-related harm in the Territory".
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Medical Xpress - Even low levels of alcohol use during pregnancy are linked to changes in unborn babies
New research shows that occasional exposure to alcohol may influence facial shape and brain development.
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The Lancet - Alcohol and cancer risk: bridging the awareness gap
Each year in the USA, alcohol use contributes to nearly 100
000 new cancer cases and 20000 deaths from cancer, according to an advisory on alcohol and cancer risk issued by the US Surgeon General on Jan 3. Indeed, alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of cancer in the USA, behind tobacco and obesity.
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NordAN - Alcohol and cancer: insights from the EU Country Cancer Profiles Synthesis Report 2025
The EU Country Cancer Profiles Synthesis Report 2025, published by the OECD and the European Commission, provides a comprehensive overview of cancer trends, risk factors, and prevention efforts across the European Union, Iceland, and Norway. Among its many findings, the report reinforces the role of preventable risk factors, including alcohol consumption, in contributing to the cancer burden.
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NordAN (Sweden) - NordAN Open Day in Stockholm: Examining alcohol availability and Nordic cooperation
On February 6, 2025, NordAN member organizations and partners gathered in Stockholm for the NordAN Open Day, a discussion on the growing challenges of alcohol availability in the Nordic region.
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IAS Blog - New film: The Impact of Alcohol on our Healthcare Services: Explained
Alcohol-related deaths in England are at record highs, with the NHS under increasing strain from preventable alcohol-related conditions. Our new short film, The Impact of Alcohol on our Healthcare Services: Explained, explores why urgent action is needed to improve the way our health services respond.
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Sunday, February 9, 2025

FASD News - 6/2025

9th International Research Conference on FASD in March 2025: Program & Registration now available!

March 20 – 23, 2025
The Hyatt Regency, Seattle, WA

This advanced-level conference/meeting (previously held in Vancouver*) continues to bring together global experts from multiple disciplines to share international research. From pure science, to prevention, diagnosis, and intervention across the lifespan, the conference will address the implications of this research and promote scientific/community collaboration. It provides an opportunity to enhance understanding of the relationships between knowledge and research and critical actions related to FASD. First held in 1987, the conference brings together people passionate about this work in a stimulating environment where they can learn and forge new partnerships. 

This isn’t just a conference—it is a chance to connect with global leaders, gain cutting-edge insights, and collaborate with professionals dedicated to advancing FASD research. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a passionate advocate, this conference is designed to inspire and enhance your impact.



FARE Australia - National campaign about alcohol, pregnancy, and breastfeeding delivers $236m benefit to Australians
A groundbreaking campaign to support alcohol-free pregnancies and safe breastfeeding practices has reduced the cost of alcohol harms in Australia by $236 million, according to a new report.
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Scoop - New Zealand News - People With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Dismayed At Government’s Response To The Rights Of Disabled People
The organisation supporting people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and their families is shocked at the government’s response to the recommendations of the review on the rights of disabled people in Aotearoa announced yesterday.
Read more (USA) - New Legislation Will Increase Awareness and Deliver Support to Individuals with FASD: The FASD Respect Act of 2025
U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), along with five other original cosponsors, have introduced legislation that will advance comprehensive Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) support services, public health prevention, and research programs across agencies within the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services.
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News-Medical - New research sheds light on brain damage caused by fetal alcohol exposure
In a new study in JNeurosci led by Amy Griffin at the University of Delaware, researchers used rats to find brain circuits that may contribute to the cognitive issues that FASD patients experience, with the end goal of informing treatment strategies.
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EurekAlert - How prenatal alcohol exposure affects behavior into adulthood

Rodent study identifies a brain circuit that is disrupted by alcohol exposure during prenatal development and contributes to poor decision-making in adulthood
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Synapse - Changing outcomes for people with FASD
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has a profound impact on individuals from birth and as they age. Understanding FASD as a brain injury is instrumental in achieving better outcomes for people.
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Chidren in Scotland - Dispelling the myths of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Estimated to impact 3-5% of the entire population and 20% of children and young people in the care experienced community, the importance of increasing awareness and education on the symptoms and impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is plain to see.
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FARE Australia - ‘My FASD diagnosis illuminated the deep fog of misunderstanding and misdiagnosis’
March 2025 will mark six years since I received my Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) diagnosis — a life-changing confirmation that my mother and I spent four very difficult years seeking — desperate for the acknowledgment and support of healthcare professionals, for what we had come to realise was true: That my brain and body had been irrevocably damaged by alcohol exposure in the first trimester of my mother’s pregnancy.
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UK Government and Parliament (UK) - Fund improved care and support for individuals with FASD
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a disability affecting both children and adults, but there is a lack of awareness among healthcare professionals and the public.
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Lisa Dion | Synergetic Play Therapy Institute - Unveiling Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) Through a Play Therapy Lens
n this episode, Lisa reconnects with Natascha Lawrence, a Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor, EMDR Practitioner, and founder of the FASD Institute, for an essential conversation about supporting children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) through play therapy.
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NENC Child Health and Wellbeing Network - Network Huddle: Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This Huddle session will enable you to learn more about FASD, how it impacts those affected by it, and how best to support children, young people and families living with the condition. You will hear from expert speakers followed by an extended Q&A and discussion segment.
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Formed Families Forward - FASD webinar 2025 Understanding Therapy Options for FASD
Presented live on January 28, 2025, as part of the Formed Families Forward Winter FASD Webinar series, this webinar was presented by Jessica Wilson, LCSW.
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Las Vegas Morning Blend - Empowering Voices Emily Hargrove Advocates for FASD Awareness
Join Emily Hargrove, a PhD candidate, author, and advocate, as she shares her personal journey with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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FASD United - Legal Training: Determining the Severity Levels of FASD From Foster Care to Inmates on Death Row
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MotherToBaby - Living with FASD - The MotherToBaby Podcast
In this episode, Jenn Wisdahl, Chief Operating Officer at the non-profit FASD United, and Laura Bousquet, a mother to a young adult son diagnosed with FASD in his teens, join host Chris Stallman, CGC to discuss challenges many families with lived FASD experience face.
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Perfectly Imperfect - The basic on FASD - The 5 types of FASD
Today we talk about the five types of FASD why Canada recognizes FASD as a fully diagnostic term and why other countries do not and just see it as an umbrella term.
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B.C.'s Representative for Children and Youth - Too Many Left Behind - Children and Youth with Disabilities Need Support Now
Disability advocates speak up about the lack of supports received by children and youth with disabilities and the impact it has on them and their families.
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The Health Brief - What Is The Treatment And Support For Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
In this video, we will discuss the various treatment and support options available for individuals affected by FAS.
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Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders - Regional hippocampal thinning and gyrification abnormalities and associated cognition in children with prenatal alcohol exposure
We used a novel MRI method to evaluate hippocampal structure in children with PAE and an unexposed comparison group. The data suggest that PAE disrupts hippocampal development, impacting both the early-stage folding of the structure and its ultimate thickness.
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The Journal of Neuroscience - Choice Behaviors and Prefrontal-Hippocampal Coupling are Disrupted in a Rat Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
We show that alcohol exposure disrupts choice behaviors and prefrontal-hippocampal functional connectivity during a working memory task, identifying the prefrontal-hippocampal network as a potential therapeutic target in FASD treatment.
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Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment - Multidimensional Scaling of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children in a Clinical Sample Assessed for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
The findings demonstrate an alternative interpretation approach for intelligence tests in children with prenatal alcohol exposure, which may complement existing FASD diagnostic frameworks.
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Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science - Preconception Paternal Alcohol Consumption Elicits Postnatal Changes in Neural Retinas of the Offspring
This study provides pioneering evidence that PPAC contributes to FASD-related ocular defects including negative impacts on retinal light responses and retinal thinning in young adult offspring.
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Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the Courts: How England and Wales Could Benefit From Following an Australian Model
In some countries, for example, England and Wales, it seems likely that many cases are missed at this point and, thus, courts are at risk of making unsafe judgements.
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Nutrients - Cobalamin Status Among Patients with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)—A Preliminary Study
Our study did not find any deficits of vitamin B12 and its metabolites in patients with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Further studies to investigate the role of vitamin B12 in the pathogenesis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder should be established given the fact that both high and low levels of vitamin B12 may have negative health impacts.
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Interdisciplinary Journal of Sociality Studies - Foetal alcohol syndrome disorder in South Africa: Understanding the enablers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Effective mitigation strategies require culturally sensitive public health campaigns, enhanced early diagnosis in rural areas, and trauma-informed, non-judgmental healthcare practices.
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Quality in Sport - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Impact on Neurodevelopment, Diagnosis, Early Intervention and Motor Disorders in Children under 3 Years
This review highlights the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on motor skill development, particularly the persistence of primitive reflexes in infants with FAS, which is indicative of CNS immaturity and necessitates early therapeutic interventions.
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Frontiers in Human Neuroscience - The Association between Neighborhood Environment, Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Tobacco, and Structural Brain Development
The current study aimed to examine whether neighborhood environment is associated with brain volume at age 9 to 11, and whether prenatal exposure to alcohol or tobacco modifies this relationship.
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Neurobiology of Language - The Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Structural Brain Connectivity and Early Language Skills in A South African Birth Cohort
Our findings show weak moderation effects of PAE on structural language network properties and language skills.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - One-month outcomes of a culturally tailored alcohol-exposed pregnancy prevention mobile app among urban Native young women: A randomized controlled trial of Native WYSE CHOICES
The NWC app produced trending changes in key areas of knowledge and behavior that may result in reduced AEP risk among urban Native young women.
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Friday, January 31, 2025

Alcohol News - 5/2025

IAS Blog - It’s just a matter of time: drone-delivered alcohol in your neighbourhood
Primary drivers of alcohol use are availability, affordability, and convenience. Drone delivery of alcohol ticks all three of these boxes. Drones can bypass traffic congestion, reduce costs by eradicating the need for a driver, and provide fast access to alcohol at the click of a button.
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Euro Weekly News (Belgium) - 1.5 million Belgians to say “goodbye dry January, and hello sober February!”
With dry January nearly behind us, and many countries such as Germany trying their utmost to keep up with the alcohol-free campaign for the month, Belgium is set to launch a campaign encouraging citizens to ditch the booze for another month, in their Tournee Minerale challenge.
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The Conversation - Is no amount of alcohol safe? Understanding risks and public health guidelines
The United States surgeon general recently called for a warning of cancer risk on alcohol labels. And I agree. But the discourse that has come out in the media, by health professionals and health influencers, has been alarmist and a disservice to informing the public on the real cancer risks associated with alcohol.
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University of Sheffield (UK) - Alcohol app saves lives, reduces harm and could save the NHS millions, new study shows
The ‘Drink Less’ app can be a powerful tool in reducing alcohol consumption and improving public health, a new study has shown.
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PsyPost - Alcohol’s impact on pain and aggression: New research uncovers a critical link
A recent study sheds light on the connection between alcohol consumption, pain tolerance, and aggression, suggesting that alcohol’s ability to numb physical pain may play a significant role in why intoxicated individuals are more prone to aggressive behavior.
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VRT (Belgium) - Over 10 deaths a day are linked to alcohol
More than 3 per cent of all deaths in Belgium are linked to alcohol a study from health institute Sciensano confirms. The most recent figures show that in 2021, 4,000 deaths were linked to alcohol, more than 10 per day.
Read more (Greece) - Mitsotakis Leads Cabinet on Tougher Alcohol, Tobacco Rules for Minors
According to the bill under discussion the provision of alcohol to minors is re-criminalized as a misdemeanor rather than merely an administrative offense.
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Alcohol Change (UK) - More than half of UK drinkers have tried to manage their drinking – the top methods revealed
As the 2025 Dry January® challenge reaches the halfway mark, research from Alcohol Change UK, the charity behind the 31-day break from booze, has found that more than half* (54%) of UK drinkers have tried at least one method to manage their drinking in the past.
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Movendi International - Countries Fail To Utilize Alcohol Policy In United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks
Together with Scott Chiossi and Nick Banatvala of the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs we’re telling a story that will change how you view the role and potential of alcohol policy for promoting development.
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FAO (Canada) - The Financial Impact of Expanding the Beverage Alcohol Marketplace in Ontario
The FAO estimates that the Province’s decision to expand the beverage alcohol marketplace in Ontario, including the decision to accelerate that expansion to begin in 2024, will result in a net cost to the Province of $1.4 billion to December 31, 2030.
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NordAN (Norway) - 1 in 5 men in Norway have driven under the influence
"These numbers are alarmingly high. Just think about how many impaired drivers you've encountered on the roads! Every day, 30 people are reported for this offense – and that’s just among those who get caught." This is what Roger Ytre-Hauge, motor expert at Frende Insurance, says about the findings of a survey conducted by Norstat for the insurance company.
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NordAN (Finland) - Young people find low-threshold support for substance abuse – the future of the helpline is under threat
An increasing number of callers to the substance abuse helpline of Ehkäisevä päihdetyö EHYT ry are young adults. In 2024, nearly one-fifth (19%) of those seeking help through the service were aged 18–29, compared to just 12% in 2021.
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