
Sunday, June 17, 2018

FASD News - 24/2018 (Canada) - Yukon cited as a leader in FASD programs and services
Delegates at a national meeting on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Whitehorse say ensuring supports for people with the disability remains a priority.
Katherine Times (Australia) – Forum on hidden foetal alcohol spectrum disorders
A landmark Top End Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder forum was held in Darwin late last month.
The Guardian - The secret shame of being a sober mother
After the birth of her second child, Amelia Hill gave up drinking. Little did she realise that her simple lifestyle choice would carry such a social stigma.
Austin American-Statesman (USA) - Texas Digest: Court refuses killer’s appeal over fetal alcohol syndrome
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused an appeal from a San Antonio man on Texas’ death row for the gang rape and fatal stabbing of a 15-year-old girl in 1996. (Australia) - More warnings needed on fetal alcohol effect
The Children's Commissioner wants to see more done to warn women of the risks of drinking during pregnancy.
Medscape - Umbilical Cord Tissue: A Better Way to Test for Prenatal Drug Exposure?
Clinicians are searching for quicker and easier collection methods and more accurate toxicology testing for infants affected by intrauterine substance exposure.
North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency - FASD: A Justice Perspective
Delegates, it is my privilege to be here today to talk about this most important issue. I am heartened by feedback over the last day as to the knowledge and hopes and dreams that have been shared here.
Whitehorse Daily Star (Canada) - Territory a leader in FASD, executive says
An Alberta-based executive is praising the territory for its work in addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Drink Tank (Australia) - Australia’s dangerously outdated health guidelines on alcohol and pregnancy
The Clinical Practice Guidelines: Pregnancy Care, published in February 2018, were developed to ”help ensure that women in Australia are provided with consistent, high-quality, evidence-based maternity care” and are intended for all health professionals who contribute to pregnancy care (including midwives, obstetricians, general practitioners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and allied health professionals).
The Borgen Project (South Africa) - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in South Africa: Mentor Mothers Fight Back
With a rate 14 times higher than the global average, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is more prevalent in children in South Africa than any other country in the world. In South African communities in the Western and Northern Cape, FAS is often a result of poverty, violence, substance abuse and teen pregnancies.

EUFASD - European Conference on FASD 2018 (September 24-26, Germany)
The EUFASD conferences bring together academics, educators, non-governmental organisations and charities, legislators and politicians, lawyers and individuals involved in the criminal justice system, birth and adoptive families alongside individuals who themselves have FASD; shared learning will help promote the understanding of this disorder in Germany, Europe and internationally.
NOFASD Australia - It’s a Brain Thing (June 21, 2018 Australia)
In this webinar, we'll talk about how FASDs impact a person's cognitive and everyday skills, why it can be so difficult to support, and common responses we have to behaviors that may not be effective.

Indiana NOFAS - 8 Magic Keys: Strategies for Students with FASD
You can support NOFAS by buying NOFAS materials. This 21-minute animated video introduces the topic of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and demonstrates key strategies that have been proven to help students who experience brain-based disorders become more successful in school and in life.

University of Salford - Neurodevelopmental outcomes in individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) with and without exposure to neglect : clinical cohort data from a national FASD diagnostic clinic
Postnatal neglect in this group did not make the developmental outcome any worse, suggesting that prenatal alcohol influences these outcomes independently.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Knowledge, attitudes, experiences and practices of the Western Australian youth custodial workforce
A lack of specific knowledge, inadequate training to recognise and manage young people with neurodevelopmental impairments, and inconsistent information-sharing processes reduce the ability of the custodial workforce to care for young people with FASD and other neurodevelopmental impairments.
Molecular Psychiatry - Review and gap analysis: molecular pathways leading to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
The main deficits in knowledge about FASD are the lack of pathophysiological understanding and dose–response relationships, together with the lack of reliable biomarkers for either FASD detection or estimation of susceptibility.
University of Texas - Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Criminal Justice System
This thesis evaluates the primary areas of vulnerability for individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders who encounter the criminal justice system.
Alcoholism - Alcohol‐related alterations in placental imprinted gene expression in humans mediate effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on postnatal growth
These findings identify alcohol‐related alterations in placental imprinted gene expression as potential biomarkers of adverse effect in FASD and suggest that these alterations may play a mechanistic role in fetal alcohol growth restriction.
American Academy of Pediatrics - Fetal Alcohol Exposure Remains an Urgent Public Health Issue
Investigators from multiple institutions conducted an active surveillance study to estimate the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), including fetal alcohol syndrome, partial fetal alcohol syndrome, and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder, in first graders from 4 geographically disparate sites in the United States.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - Maternal Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Offspring: A Retrospective Analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study
The objective of this retrospective analysis of the longitudinal Millennium Cohort Study was to examine whether maternal alcohol consumption in pregnancy (MACP) is associated with the development of childhood autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Alcoholism - Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol Induces Functional and Structural Plasticity in Dopamine D1 Receptor‐Expressing Neurons of the Dorsomedial Striatum
Our model of PAE does result in persistent hyperactivity in offspring. In adult PAE offspring, hyperactivity is accompanied by potentiated glutamatergic strength and afferent connectivity in DMS D1‐MSNs, an outcome that is also consistent with the observed increase in alcohol preference in PAE offspring.
Qualitative Health Research - Mothers and Mentors: Exploring Perinatal Addiction and Recovery Through Digital Storytelling
Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a growing problem for pregnant and parenting women. Woman-to-woman peer support may positively influence perinatal outcomes but little is known about the impact of such support on the women who are providing support.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is the group of conditions observed in children who happened to be exposed to the effects of alcohol in their prenatal development.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience - Prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with adverse cognitive effects and distinct whole-genome DNA methylation patterns in primary school children
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is known to elicit a broad range of systemic effects, including neurophysiological alterations that result in adverse behavioural and cognitive outcomes.

Rynek Zdrowia (Poland) - Łódź: Punkt Diagnozy i Terapii FASD będzie także rehabilitować
W działającym w Łodzi Regionalnym Punkcie Diagnozy i Terapii FASD - spektrum alkoholowych zaburzeń płodu - otwarto w poniedziałek (11 czerwca) salę terapii integracji sensorycznej. Będą z niej korzystali mali pacjenci z całego województwa. (Germany) - Tochter soll Alkohol-Krankheit FASD haben Adoptiv-Mutter: „Ich konnte nicht mehr“
Selten gab es so zahlreiche Zuhörer in einem Schadensersatzprozess. Darunter mehrere Eltern, die genau das gleiche Schicksal haben wie Klägerin Sonja L. (48): Sie bekamen ein Adoptiv-Kind vermittelt – ohne zu wissen, dass es unter der Alkoholkrankheit FASD leidet.
RTL NEXT (Germany) - Fetales Alkoholsyndrom beim Kind: Diese Folgen hat Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft
"Ach, das Schlückchen wird schon nicht schaden": Immer noch hört man diesen Satz von werdenden Müttern, die auch in der Schwangerschaft nicht konsequent auf Alkohol verzichten.

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