
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Alcohol News - 29/2021

CBS Miami (USA) - Growing Number Of Americans Cutting Back on Alcohol Consumption
While many Americans consumed more alcohol during the pandemic, a growing number are now cutting back or abstaining altogether.
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WSU Insider - Real-time stress detection devices could help fight alcohol relapses
Wearable devices can detect people’s stress, according to new Washington State University research, opening potential new interventions for people with addictions.
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Psychology Today - Alcohol: Tale of a Toxin. Is It Good for Us?
Alcohol consumption is part of many cultures and wildly so in American culture. Mortality from alcohol-related disease was up 40% from 1999-2017, and in 2020 alcohol intake increased by over 30% by some reports, creating a pandemic of its own.
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The Guardian (England) - Surge in alcohol-related deaths during England lockdown, report finds
Increased drinking during the Covid pandemic may have fuelled a sharp rise in deaths from diseases caused by alcohol, data for England suggests.
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NBC News (USA) - During pandemic, hospitals see rise in alcohol-related liver disease
Just months into the pandemic, Kelly White, a 52-year-old mother of three, found herself extremely nauseous and unable to handle alcohol.
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The Washington Post - My social life had always included alcohol. In the pandemic, I became a teetotaler
Alcohol has always been a regular part of my social life. As a freelancer and mother of three who works from my home in the Netherlands, where neither my husband nor I have family, I have valued getting together to have a drink, celebrate, commiserate and unwind with other people.
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The BMJ - Protecting women and girls from tobacco and alcohol promotion
Gender transformative measures could curb the industries’ expansion into low and middle income countries, contain the burden of chronic disease, and promote gender equity, argue Emma Feeny and colleagues.
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Majorca Daily Bulletin (Spain) - Hoteliers to stop guests hoarding alcohol in their rooms
Palma City Council thought banning mini-markets from selling alcohol after 22:00 would stop people drinking in the streets late at night, but of course that didn’t work because they just buy their supplies during the day instead. Now the Council is asking hoteliers in Platja de Palma to monitor and control how much alcohol guests have in their rooms.
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Endocrinology Adviser - Alcohol Increases Ischemic Stroke Risk in Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation
Among patients newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF), current alcohol consumption was associated with higher risk for ischemic stroke compared with patients who never drank alcohol or stopped drinking after their diagnosis, according to a population-based cohort study published in the European Heart Journal.
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Medical Xpress (Australia) - Alcohol remains in top position for Australian drugs of concern
Alcohol continues to be the most common principal drug of concern for clients seeking treatment from publicly funded specialized alcohol and other drug treatment services, a new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has found.
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The Independent (UK) - Alcohol-related deaths are soaring – British drinking is out of Control
Alcohol is the second leading cause of premature death, but our government still considers off-licences as important as pharmacies.
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The Local Switzerland (Switzerland) - Is Swiss supermarket Migros about to start selling alcohol and cigarettes?
Migros has never sold alcohol or tobacco since being founded almost 100 years ago. This however looks set to change in 2021.
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Newsweek - 'I Was Addicted to Alcohol and Meth. My Body Is a Warning'
I quit alcohol on January 13, 2021. My husband's birthday is on New Year's Day and when I woke up on January 2 this year, after drinking the night before, I drank straight shots of vodka and it came right back up out of my nose. My body just started rejecting alcohol.
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Wales Online (Wales) - Alcohol sales warning issued after reports of ‘groups of young people drinking in the street’
A council has issued a warning over under-age alcohol sales after increased reports of "young people drinking in the streets".
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UNIAD (Brazil) - Analysis of gaps in alcohol policies in Brazil using the Pan American Health Organization’s Alcohol Policy Scoring
Alcohol consumption is the seventh leading cause of preventable death worldwide, representing at least 3 million deaths per year and the major cause of death among people aged 15 to 49 years ( Global Burden of Disease [GBD], 2017 ; World Health Organization [WHO], 2018 ).
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Sunday, July 18, 2021

FASD News - 28/2021

Hawaii Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASD Action Group - New Legislation Will Help Children and Adults Living with FASD, the Nation’s Most Common and Preventable Developmental Disability
The U.S. Senate and House have introduced matching bills to authorize comprehensive Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) support services, public health prevention, and research programs across agencies within the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Education, and Justice.
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DTNext (India) - An expert take on low birth weight babies
Low birth weight and premature births are the leading cause of mortality among newborns in India. But thanks to ongoing projects the incidence of low birth weight has reduced drastically in the last one decade.
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Synapse - Cheryl Dedman
Cheryl Dedman knows more about brain injury than most, having experienced it both personally, and as the adoptive parent of a teenager diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Nudge Education (UK) - Brain; not blame. Understanding the neurology of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
An interest in FASD means more than a passing interest in neurology.  I never had myself down as an amateur neurologist, being an English-and-History type, but here I am anyway, doubly invested as a teacher and a parent of a child with FASD.
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Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet - FASD among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
This short video highlights key information and recommendations in responding to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
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Proof Alliance - Let's Talk About The FASD Respect Act
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Dewan Raja - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
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Proof Alliance - Proof Alliance Fact Check: Paternal Alcohol Use
New research claims paternal alcohol use may cause an increased risk of birth defects. Proof Alliance Special Projects Manager (and self-described research nerd) Sarah Brown reviews the facts and breaks it down so you can share the PROOF with confidence.
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Spotlight on FASD - Podcast Season 3, Episode 8 - Education: A Life Worth Living
This week we talk to Nudge Education about their brand new FASD specific education intervention. Diego and Brian tell us about Nudge’s mission to make sure no child is left behind when it comes to being able to engage in gaining an education.
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AdoptionUK - FASD Month
Our theme this year has been ‘FASD Think Differently’ and if you have been following our social media you will have noticed our #FASDthinkDifferently hashtag.
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FASD Success - #071 Miranda Eodanable: Educational Psychologist
My good friend Aliy Brown from FASD Hub Scotland reached out to let me know about some interesting research going on right now in Scotland with young people with FASD.
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Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association - Medical professionals diagnosing FASD
My retirement speech concerning GPs diagnosing FASD why they’re not and why they should.
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Me & My FASD - The Misunderstoods: Living FASD
One of our advisors with FASD suggested we create a brand new board game about living with FASD. Such a great idea! Thanks Andy!
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Empowering Homeschool Conversations - Homeschooling a Child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Our special guest on this pre-recorded broadcast of Empowering Homeschool Conversations was Natalie Vecchione, adoptive homeschool mom, FASD parent, and owner of FASD Hope. Natalie shared with us about "Homeschooling a Child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder".
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Orphans No More - Episode 280 - Becoming FASD Informed with Sandra Flach
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) affects 75% of the children in the child welfare system. For this reason, it is imperative for adoptive and foster parents to be FASD informed.
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Neurotoxicology and Teratology - Ethanol modulation of hippocampal neuroinflammation, myelination, and neurodevelopment in a postnatal mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are alarmingly common and result in significant personal and societal loss. Neuropathology of the hippocampus is common in FASD leading to aberrant cognitive function.
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Academia - Difficulties in Diagnosing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the Judicial System
As a relatively new concept to the justice system, specifically for legal professionals, there are a number of unanswered questions in regard to the prevalence, diagnosis and long-term effects of FASD.
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Developmental Neurobiology - Dynamics of microglia and dendritic spines in early adolescent cortex after developmental alcohol exposure
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) patients suffer from many cognitive disabilities. These include impaired auditory, visual, and tactile sensory information processing, making it more difficult for these patients to learn to navigate social scenarios.
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BMC biology - Exposure to ethanol leads to midfacial hypoplasia in a zebrafish model of FASD via indirect interactions with the Shh pathway
Our results show that the midfacial defects in ethanol-exposed vangl2 mutants are likely due to an indirect interaction between ethanol and the Shh pathway. Vangl2 functions as part of a signaling pathway that regulates coordinated cell movements during midfacial development.
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International Journal of Obesity - The effect of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure on adolescent body mass index and waist-to-height ratio at 12–13 years
Heavy PAE had a sex-specific effect on measures of adiposity in early adolescence, with girls more likely to have increased BMI and overweight/obesity status.
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JMIR Formative Research - Executive Function After Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in Children in a South African Population: Cross-sectional Study
We expected that alcohol exposure would have a measurable impact on executive function development. The lack of differences highlights the prevalence of developmental delays in low–socioeconomic status communities in South Africa and suggests that children are exposed to various threats to cognitive development.
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University of Glasgow - Patterns and prevalence of alcohol consumption in pregnancy using infant biomarkers
This study indicates that routine use of meconium biomarkers for detection of alcohol consumption in pregnancy is not currently justified. Similarly, retrospective testing of stored dried blood spot samples taken on day five of life cannot be recommended as a measure of assessing PAE.
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Behavior Genetics - Developmental Cascades from Polygenic and Prenatal Substance Use to Adolescent Substance Use: Leveraging Severity and Directionality of Externalizing and Internalizing Problems to Understand Pubertal and Harsh Discipline-Related Risk
The current study leveraged the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort (n = 4504 White boys, n = 4287 White girls assessed from the prenatal period through 18.5 years of age) to test a developmental cascade from genetic and prenatal substance use through pubertal timing and parenting to the severity of (regardless of type) and directionality (i.e., differentiation) of externalizing and internalizing problems to adolescent substance use.
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Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Propensity score analysis for a semi-continuous exposure variable: a study of gestational alcohol exposure and childhood cognition
Propensity score methodology has become increasingly popular in recent years as a tool for estimating causal effects in observational studies.
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Early Human Development - Maternal verbal scaffolding: association with higher language skills for 20-month-old children with prenatal polysubstance exposure
Maternal scaffolding during play was associated with language development in children with and without prenatal polysubstance exposure.
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Toxicology - Prenatal ethanol exposure increases maternal bile acids through placental transport pathway
Our study provides a novel perspective in terms of placenta, explaining the increased maternal blood bile acids under the toxicity of PEE.
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Journal of Public Affairs - Alcohol consumption and use of contraceptives: Evidence from 2018 Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey in Nigeria
Per capita alcohol consumption in Nigeria is high when compared with other countries in Africa. Alcohol induces social behaviors which include home violence, sexual harassment, unwanted pregnancy, and infidelity among couples.
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National Institute for Health Research - Brief alcohol intervention to reduce risky drinking in pregnancy: a pilot randomised controlled trial.
In the 2005 Infant Feeding Survey, 8% of mothers said they drank alcohol when pregnant at levels that can affect fetal development. These effects have considerable impact on children’s health and on service use.
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Termedia (Poland) - RPO: Polskie państwo jest bezradne wobec problemu FASD
Rozproszone działania interwencyjne, profilaktyczne i edukacyjne nie dają efektu zachowania pełnej abstynencji przez ciężarne.
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La frecuencia de la drogadicción en la población general ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos 20 a 25 años, existen mujeres embarazadas que consumen drogas, alcohol, algunas de manera casual o por recreación, pero en muchas se presenta la adicción.
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HELDA (Finland) - Raskaudenaikaisen alkoholialtistuksen vaikutus vastasyntyneen sisäposken epiteelisolujen epigenomiin
Ympäristön tiedetään vaikuttavan sikiönkehitykseen ja yksilön myöhempään terveyteen. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan raskauden alku on erityisen herkkä ympäristön vaikutuksille. Sikiönkehityksen alkuun ajoittuu epigeneettinen uudelleenohjelmoituminen, jolloin solut jakautuvat vilkkaasti ja kullekin solutyypille ominaiset geenien toimintaan vaikuttavat epigeneettiset profiilit muodostuvat.
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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Alcohol News - 28/2021

The Lancet Oncology - Global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption
Our findings highlight the need for effective policy and interventions to increase awareness of cancer risks associated with alcohol use and decrease overall alcohol consumption to prevent the burden of alcohol-attributable cancers.
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WHO Europe - New data reveal alcohol drinking patterns that most likely led to cancer in 2020
In 2020, more than 740 000 of new cases of cancer were associated with alcohol consumption. This is one of the highlights of the new global study carried out by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and published by The Lancet Oncology.
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Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials - The Risks of Mixing Alcohol And Summer Heat
It’s a warm summer day and you’re hanging out with friends and family for the first time in over a year, celebrating being vaccinated and just being together. And to help beat the heat, you reach in the cooler for an ice-cold beer.
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ERR News (Estonia) - Food couriers do not check ID when delivering alcohol
Wolt and Bolt Food couriers do not ask people for a document when delivering alcoholic drinks, giving underage people an opportunity to get their hands on drinks they should not be consuming.
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The New York Times (USA) - Alcohol Abuse Is on the Rise, but Doctors Too Often Fail to Treat It
People with alcohol use disorder are often seen in clinics and hospitals, but medical professionals too often ignore the condition.
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The Independent (UK) - Alcoholic liver deaths up by 21% since start of pandemic
Deaths caused by alcoholic liver disease have risen by 21 per cent during the coronavirus pandemic, according to Public Health England (PHE).
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Covid link to drop in people seeking alcohol treatment
Health experts believe Covid-19 restrictions played a part in a sharp drop in numbers accessing alcohol treatment in 2020.
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CTV News (Canada) - Overdoses, alcohol-related deaths increased in Canadians under 65 during pandemic: StatCan
Overdose deaths and alcohol-related fatalities increased among Canadians under 65 during the COVID-19 pandemic due to extended lockdowns and isolation, according to new data from Statistics Canada.
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Times of San Diego (USA) - Opinion: Ready-to-Go Drinks Are Alcohol Industry’s Latest Attempt to Entice Teens
The alcohol industry is growing market share with ready-to-go alcohol drinks, but it comes at the cost of making products more appealing to youth.
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American Journal of Managed Care (USA) - Review Discusses Growing Problem of Alcoholic Liver Disease
A review published in JAMA Tuesday gave an update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of alcoholic liver disease (ALD), which is among the most common liver diseases in the United States.
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The Washington Post - The problem with BYOB on flights
When airlines cut back on alcohol service on flights during the pandemic, some passengers figured they would still find a way to partake, do-it-yourself style.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Alcohol harm: Māori 'up against it' fighting liquor store licensing in local communities
Murupara community leader Mem Jenner was leading a war she says was stacked against her. In the Bay of Plenty town nestled amongst the pine trees of Kaingaroa, where 90 per cent of the 2000 residents are Māori, Jenner was spearheading a campaign against a proposed third liquor store.
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Gov.UK (UK) - Monitoring alcohol consumption and harm during the COVID-19 pandemic: summary
This report collates data on alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm in England throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and compares it to data from previous years.
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University of Victoria (Canada) - New report on alcohol consumption on municipal properties
As we enter our second summer under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic and communities look for ways to allow safe social interactions, many Canadian municipalities are considering—or, like Penticton and Edmonton have already allowed—alcohol consumption in public spaces like parks, beaches and city plazas.
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Yahoo News - Domestic violence set to surge after Euros 2020 final due to alcohol consumption, whether England win or lose
England soccer fans are hoping for the national team's first major soccer triumph in more than 50 years at the England and Italy Euro 2020 final in London this evening. Meanwhile, victims of domestic violence fear the worst.
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IAS (UK) - Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland and Wales: what is the impact so far?
Around 80 people each day in the UK are dying from an alcohol-related cause. It’s a huge public health challenge.
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Philly Voice - Even moderate alcohol use can significantly increase cancer risk, latest study suggests
Are you a social drinker? Do you like to unwind at the end of the day with a glass or two of wine? While the evidence that heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk for certain cancers is well documented, research about light and moderate drinking can be conflicting.
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Smarttravel - Flight Attendants Facing High Temperatures and Tensions During Summer Travel
Of the flight attendants I spoke with, 90 percent of them say they wish alcohol would be removed indefinitely because of past and current events. A Denver based flight attendant said “I can’t even begin to express how bad it has gotten. I even developed a fear of going to work worried about if something small will lead to a fight.”
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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Alcohol News - 27/2021

BMJ Opinion - Alcohol health labelling is needed urgently—the Government must act
If you take a look inside your kitchen cupboard, you will find that your tins of beans and bags of rice all display food labels telling you everything you need to know about what lurks beneath the wrapper: from ingredients to sugar content.
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New York Post (USA) - US alcohol consumption rose dramatically during COVID-19 lockdowns: report
Millions of Americans took to the bottle during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study. Neilsen reported a 54 percent increase in alcohol sales for the week ending March 21, 2020, over the previous year.
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BBC - LGB people 'more likely to have mental health issues'
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are more than twice as likely as heterosexuals to have a long-term mental health condition, an analysis of NHS data suggests.
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SAPeople (South Africa) - Alcohol Bans Reduced Deaths, Study Finds
Government’s controversial alcohol bans are strongly associated with a large drop in unnatural deaths. This is a finding by University of Cape Town (UCT) and Medical Research Council (MRC) researchers, in a study published on Friday in the South African Medical Journal.
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Strong new liquor laws were introduced this month to help protect against alcohol-related harm surrounding online alcohol sales to minors and people who are intoxicated.
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Alcohol Action Ireland, the national independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm, today (Thursday, 1 July) notes the publication of the 2019-20 Irish National Drug and Alcohol Survey by the Health Research Board.
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Market Business News - Here is Why Consuming Less Alcohol Can Boost Your Mental Health
Have you been drinking and partying a lot lately? Or, do you occasionally drink on the weekends to unwind the stress and have a good time? Whatever it is, you must know about the long-term effects of drinking alcohol and how alcohol addiction can harm your mental health.
Read more (Australia) - Research finds that drinking even small amounts of alcohol while pregnant can cause harm
New research has found that even very small amounts of exposure can lead to a baby growing up to experiment with alcohol at a very young age.
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The Des (USA) - Record high jail deaths with a spike in drug deaths and deaths among women
Drug- and alcohol-related deaths in jails rose a staggering 381% since 2000, according to a new analysis from The Prison Policy Institute.
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NordAN - REMARK: Does the Drinking Location Matter?
A little bit more than a year ago, we worked on a project on political youth organisations and alcohol policy. One of the most unexpected things among the Finnish youth organisations was the near-consensus on “Shifting the focus of alcohol taxation from home use to restaurants.”
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Sunday, July 4, 2021

FASD News - 26/2021

Newswire (Canada) - Government of Canada invests in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Prevention in Atlantic Provinces
Today, Member of Parliament, Scott Simms, on behalf of the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, announced funding for Toward Prevention, which will increase awareness of FASD, prevent alcohol use in pregnancy, and improve the health and social outcomes for those affected by FASD.
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The Ripon Advance (USA) - Murkowski sponsors bipartisan Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders bill
Federal support would be provided to help individuals and families affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) under a bipartisan, bicameral bill introduced by U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).
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Florida News Times (USA) - Fetal alcohol exposure data highlights the need for public health intervention
Alcohol intake during pregnancy can harm developing embryos and foets, but a new study led by the School of Public Health found that a significant number of pregnancies leading to childbirth are still associated with alcohol exposure. I did.
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DATAC (Canada) - Rise in young adult drinking concerns New Brunswick’s fetal alcohol centre
According to new research from the University of New Brunswick (UNB), one-third of young adults in New Brunswick have been drinking more alcohol over the course of the pandemic.
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Yale News - Fetal alcohol exposure data underscore need for public health interventions
While alcohol consumption during pregnancy may result in harm to developing embryos and fetuses, a new study led by the Yale School of Public health finds that a significant number of pregnancies that result in live birth still involve alcohol exposure.
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Oldham Chronicle (UK) - New educational film shows the impacts of drinking alcohol during pregnancy
A new film that will raise awareness in young people of the potential damage caused by drinking alcohol when pregnant will premiere online on Thursday (June 24) at 2pm.
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Susan D Rich - #FASDReSPectAct: A New Bill to Fund Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Research, Services & Prevention
Today I had the opportunity to speak with a dear friend and close colleague who has been a #NationalLeader and Champion in the #FASDcommunity - Tom Donaldson of the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS).
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FASD Hope - 64 - Changes for Generations - Part 2 - A Conversation with Dr. Susan Rich
June is Book Month on FASD Hope, to shine a light on a variety of authors in the FASD Community. Episodes 63 and 64 highlight Dr. Susan Rich. Dr. Susan Rich is a Child / Adolescent Psychiatrist and a champion in the field of FASD Clinical work and research.
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Run FASD is Strength, Tenacity, Empowerment, Hope, and Vision. A virtual 5k event that can happen at your own pace wherever you are. From September 9th-15th, 2021, Run FASD to bring awareness to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
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OhioMHAS - How to Navigate School when you have a child with FASD: Advocacy, Special Education Issues
Webinar recording from May 14, 2021
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OhioMHAS - Understanding, reducing stigma for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Culturally Competent Practices
Understanding and reducing stigma for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASD : Culturally Competent Practices in Caring for Individuals with FASD. Webinar recording from June 4, 2021
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DiG FASD - DiG FASD Study Videos
Videos for Kids • Videos for Adults • NOFAS Webinar
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Health Nexus Santé - FASD Virtual Caregiver Retreat Session 2: Mindfulness with Marvin the Marmot
This recording is part of a 4-session retreat for caregivers of individuals with complex mental health issues including FASD. Children can come and learn valuable mindfulness skills with Marvin the Mindful Marmot who along with his mindful mates, teach kids how to regulate their emotions and calm down.
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Health Nexus Santé - FASD Virtual Caregiver Retreat Session 1: Nutrition and Mental Health
This recording is part of a 4-session retreat for caregivers of individuals with complex mental health issues including FASD.
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Health Nexus Santé - FASD Virtual Caregiver Retreat Session 3: Mindfulness, Acceptance and Gentle Yoga
This recording is part of a 4-session retreat for caregivers of individuals with complex mental health issues including FASD.
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Health Nexus Santé - FASD Virtual Caregiver Retreat Session 4: Family Wellness – Keeping Everyone Safe
This recording is part of a 4-session retreat for caregivers of individuals with complex mental health issues including FASD.
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National Juvenile Defender Center - FASD & Youth: What Defenders Need to Know
On March 24, 2021, NJDC and the Mid-Atlantic Juvenile Defender Center hosted a webinar titled FASD & Youth: What Defenders Need to Know.
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AlcoholFreePregnancy - NOFAS Policy & Training Center: June 2021 Virtual Forum
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Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association - Chapter 9 alcohol and Pregnancy: My Responsible Disturbance
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StayWell - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Mother's Story
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FASD Hub - Meet David Tucker: Making FASD History in the Pilbara
David Tucker is a researcher and PhD candidate who has been working on the Make FASD History in the Pilbara project. We asked David to share some of the project's findings around the role of men in supporting their partners to not drink alcohol during pregnancy.
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Action Together - Rochdale Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Network Launches Peer Support E-book
Rochdale Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Network has launched the FASD Parent and Carer Experiences E-book to support people caring for children with FASD, raise awareness and shared lived experiences to drive positive change.
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Rutgers - Implementation of a screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) program for alcohol use during pregnancy
Implementation of SBIRT resulted in an increased number of women identified as at-risk for an alcohol-exposed pregnancy. Among 35 women who were screened for alcohol use, nine (26%) screened at-risk.
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Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet - Summary of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a condition caused by alcohol exposure before birth. During pregnancy, alcohol freely crosses the placenta [1]. The baby cannot process the alcohol and this may result in damage to the baby’s brain and body.
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Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science - Visual dysfunction in a zebrafish FASD model is associated with retinal proteostasis impairment
Together, these results show that binge-like EtOH exposure in immature zebrafish larvae produces visual dysfunction, including effects on cone PR neurons. Part of the damaging effects of EtOH on retinal neurons may involve disruption of proteostasis.
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Applied Neuropsychology: Child - Behavior regulation skills are associated with adaptive functioning in children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure
These results highlight the possibility that targeting particular EF domains among individuals with PAE may benefit behavior regulation, which may also extend to adaptive skills.
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International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders - Oral and written communication skills of adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) compared with those with no/low PAE: A systematic review
Our results emphasize that for adolescents with PAE, communication skills in both oral and written modalities should be comprehensively understood in assessment and when planning interventions.
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Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem - Individual and contextual variables associated with smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy
individual characteristics and the living environment are associated with smoking, secondhand smoke and alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
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American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Prenatal alcohol consumption and placental outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies
PAE increases the likelihood of placental abruption, and is associated with decreased placental weight, altered placental vasculature, DNA methylation and molecular pathways.
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Qualitative Health Research - Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy in Brazil: Elements of an Interpretive Approach
With this research, we aimed to raise elements to enhance the understanding of alcohol consumption among pregnant women in Brazil. Fourteen women identified as alcohol consumers during pregnancy were interviewed.
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Medical Decision Making - Reducing the Prevalence of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies in the United States: A Simulation Modeling Study
Promoting alcohol abstinence among women who are aware of their pregnancy or seeking pregnancy offers limited potential to reduce the prevalence of AEPs. Programs to avert unintended pregnancies are essential to achieve more substantial reductions in AEPs in the United States.
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Carolina Digital Repository - Maternal Weight and Diet as Protective Factors Against the Adverse Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
This research attempted to better understand maternal weight and dietary intake as factors which may mitigate some of the adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure in the early infancy period.
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Springer - The Placenta as a Target for Alcohol During Pregnancy: The Close Relation with IGFs Signaling Pathway
This review tries to examine the current knowledge and gaps in our existing understanding of the ethanol effects in insulin/IGFs signaling pathway, which can explain the mechanism to elucidate the adverse actions of ethanol in the maternal–fetal interface of mammals.
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American Journal of Physiology - Prenatal ethanol exposure impairs the conduction delay at the atrioventricular junction in the looping heart
Our findings reveal regional differences in the AVJ myocardium even at this early stage in heart development. These findings reveal the early steps leading to the heterogeneity and complexity of conduction at the mature AVJ, a site where arrhythmias can be initiated.
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Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Cortical gyrification in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and prenatal alcohol exposure
Children with ADHD + PAE uniquely demonstrate lower mid-dorsolateral LGI, with widespread lower LGI related to more severe facial dysmorphia and neurobehavioral impairments.
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Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis in Public Health - Women, Alcohol and the Public Health Response: Moving Forward from Avoidance, Inattention and Inaction to Gender-Based Design
This chapter discusses the need for sex-, gender- and diversity-based analysis to be brought to bear on the topic of women and alcohol, the uptake to date by public health and much-needed directions forward.
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Syracuse University - Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorders Deserve Plans of Safe Care
Substance use among women who are pregnant is a growing U.S public health issue. Approximately 340,000 infants are affected by prenatal exposure to illicit drugs annually, leading to an increase in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), and Child Protective Services involvement.
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Utah State University - Pregnancy and Substance Use
The use of alcohol and other harmful substances, such as cocaine, opioids, and marijuana during pregnancy has increased over the last decades (Sebastiani et al., 2018).
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Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Central white matter integrity alterations in 2-3-year-old children following prenatal alcohol exposure
Widespread altered white matter microstructural integrity at 2–3 years of age is consistent with findings in neonates in the same and other cohorts, indicating persistence of effects of PAE through early life.
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Child Neuropsychology - Halstead Category Test sensitivity to neurocognitive deficits in prenatal alcohol exposed and cognitively impaired children
The findings support the use of the HCT as a sensitive measure of executive functions in both PAE and non-PAE cognitively impaired children with no evidence of gender and ethnic bias.
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University of Melbourne - Women’s Perspectives on the Impact of Trauma on Pregnancy, Substance Use and Parenting
Findings suggest that PTSD diagnostic criteria will not adequately capture the impact that adverse events have had on a pregnant substance using population.
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Preventive Medicine Reports - Maternal smoking trajectory during pregnancy predicts offspring’s smoking and substance use – The Northern Finland birth cohort 1966 study
The aim was to characterize the association of maternal smoking trajectory during pregnancy with offspring’s smoking, alcohol and substance use behavior.
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Addictive Behaviors - Maternal personality and alcohol use during pregnancy in Japan: The Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Birth and Three-Generation Cohort Study
Different personality scales are associated with alcohol use at different points during pregnancy.
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Nordbayern (Germany) - Junge Erwachsene mit FASD wollen sich untereinander austauschen
Mütterlicher Alkoholkonsum während der Schwangerschaft verursacht häufig vorgeburtliche Schädigungen bei Kindern. Zusammengefasst werden diese unter dem Begriff "Fetale Alkohol Spektrum Störung" (FASD).
Read more (Czech Republic) - Alkohol v těhotenství: Ublíží sklenička vína miminku, nebo ne?
Pití alkoholu v těhotenství není prospěšné, na tom se samozřejmě shodnou všichni lékaři. Následky mohou být fatální, varují. Je to tak ale i v případě, že si dáte k obědu malé pivo nebo občas večer s partnerem dvojku vína? Co alkohol v těle těhotné ženy způsobuje a jak ohrožuje miminko?
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PebMed (Brazil) - A presença paterna na prevenção do uso de bebidas alcoólicas e depressão na gestação
Hoje, mesmo com acesso facilitado à informação, a incidência de mulheres que ingerem bebidas alcoólicas durante a gestação é de 10% (POPOVA et al, 2017). Esse fator está correlacionado com nossa cultura de glamourização da ingestão de bebida alcoólica.
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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Alcohol News - 26/2021

WHO Europe - An adapted alcohol screening test will help to fight health harms in the Russian Federation and beyond
WHO/Europe has presented a new package of Russian- and English-language materials to help primary health-care workers in many countries of the eastern part of the WHO European Region to identify patients with risky drinking behaviours.
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8KPAX (USA) - Health officials warn dangers of excessive alcohol consumption during extreme heatwave
Health officials are warning the public of the dangers of consuming too much alcohol while out recreating in lakes and rivers during this extreme heatwave.
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Healio - More alcohol policies lead to lower alcohol-related liver disease in Latin American countries
Researchers found Latin American countries with more alcohol policies had lower alcohol consumption per capita, deaths due to traffic injuries and alcohol-associated cirrhosis, according to a presenter at the International Liver Congress.
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Greatist - Psoriasis and Alcohol: Can Beer Before Liquor Make Your Skin Sicker?
For people with psoriasis, the most solid advice seems to be to go easy on the alcohol to avoid the potential risks. Drinking alcohol — even in small amounts — may cause flare-ups, reduce the effectiveness of treatments, and make symptoms worse.
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Yale News - Fetal alcohol exposure data underscore need for public health interventions
While alcohol consumption during pregnancy may result in harm to developing embryos and fetuses, a new study led by the Yale School of Public health finds that a significant number of pregnancies that result in live birth still involve alcohol exposure.
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Dutch News (Nethelrands) - Cheers! ‘Stunt’ alcohol promotions banned from July 1
There will be no more ‘two for the price of one’ crates of beer on sale in the Netherlands from next week, whatever the results of the football.
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Hit Network (Australia) - Is Dry July Becoming The Normal? More Aussies Opting For Alcohol-Free Alternatives
Since 2008, the Dry July Foundation has raised more than $60 million for people affected by cancer. In the name of fundraising, approximately 200,000 Australians have opted to go sober in July throughout the campaigns history. But the charity couldn't have foreseen the recent shift to Australia's drinking culture, with more Aussies choosing to drink alcohol-free alternatives.
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The South African (South Africa) - Lockdown level 4 latest: Curfew and alcohol ban to be strictly enforced
The movement and sale of alcohol, the policing of the curfew and mask wearing will form part the Kwazulu-Natal government’s heightened Alert Level-4 Lockdown enforcement plan across the province.
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The Herald (Scotland) - Cigarette-style health warnings on alcohol 'change drinking behaviour'
A new world-wide study has found that large alcohol labelling using negative health warnings similar to that used on cigarette packets could help people change their drinking habits.
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The Canberra Times (Australia) - Australians urged to do Dry July for cancer research as alcohol rises during Covid
Australians are being urged to go dry this July to help create better lives for people affected by cancer as new data shows alcohol consumption rose during Covid-hit 2020.
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Public Health Scotland (Scotland) - Initial report published on the impact of MUP on people who are dependent on alcohol and accessing treatment
Public Health Scotland today published early findings from a study of the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) on people who are dependent on alcohol and are accessing treatment services.
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Norwich Evening News (UK) - Council to explore if it could stop city gambling and junk food adverts
Council leaders are to explore what powers they could wield to ban advertisements for fast food, gambling and other "harmful" products around Norwich.
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