
Sunday, January 19, 2020

FASD News - 2/2020 (Canada) - As demand explodes, Manitoba's new FASD court expands to meet need
Manitoba's court designed to help offenders with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is tripling the number of hearings for adults to deal with skyrocketing demand for the unique hearings they began offering less than a year ago.
MD Linx - Ophthalmological findings in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders – A cohort study from childhood to adulthood
In this prospective cohort study, researchers ascertained if ophthalmological findings in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) continue into young adulthood.
Statesman Journal (USA) - Effect of new law: Former Salem death row inmate gets life sentence for prison murder
The report said Agee has a psychotic disorder, suffers from partial fetal alcohol syndrome and has brain defects, a low IQ and the adaptive functioning equivalent to that of a 7-year-old child.
Science Daily - Real risks associated with cannabis exposure during pregnancy
A new study has definitively shown that regular exposure to THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, during pregnancy has significant impact on placental and fetal development.
KFYR-TV (USA) - Birth Defects Prevention Month
January is Birth Defects Prevention Month and the North Dakota Department of Health is Partnering with organizations like March of Dimes and the National Birth Defects Prevention Network to give mothers information about how to prevent birth defects.
MD Linx - Identification of alcohol risk drinking behaviour in pregnancy using a web-based questionnaire: Large-scale implementation in antenatal care
Researchers investigated the feasibility of a web-based questionnaire when gathering information on alcohol consumption in pregnancy to recognize women with risk drinking behavior.
Manistee News Advocate - MDHHS offers tips during National Birth Defects Prevention Month
Every 4.5 minutes a baby is born with a birth defect in the United States. That’s why the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is joining with leading prenatal health experts from the National Birth Defects Prevention Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, March of Dimes, Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention and MotherToBaby this month to increase awareness of five critical tips to reduce the chances of having a baby with a birth defect.
The Star (UK) - Over 100 Sheffield babies born to mothers with alcohol or drug addictions
There were 128 babies born to mothers currently in treatment for drug or alcohol misuse; with ongoing problematic or dependent drug or alcohol use during pregnancy or where there was suspicion of drug use such as street sex workers.
Washingtonian (USA) - My Nine-Month Quest for a Decent Zero-Proof Cocktail
It seemed I couldn’t have timed my pregnancy better last year—at least when it came to hitting bars. Booze-free drinks not only had suddenly become socially acceptable but were actually cool among the bar cognoscenti.
The Chronicle of Social Change - The 10 Commandments of Working with Youth Impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
According to the Center for Disease Control, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) impact between 2 to 5 percent of the general population in the United States. When working with children who have come from homes where parents abuse alcohol and other drugs, the prevalence rates are going to be significantly higher.
FASD: Learning with Hope - Shining a Light on Our Loved One’s Interests When Parenting a Person with FASD
When our son was little he would obsess over light switches. Once he was tall enough, he would ‘play’ with the light switches, turning lights on and off and on and off and on and off.
engnews24h - Alcohol in pregnancy • Consequences also in the first weeks
Alcohol harms the unborn child in the womb. Even small amounts can have negative consequences for the child. Pregnant women should therefore completely avoid beer, wine, sparkling wine or high-proof alcohol – in every phase of pregnancy. Alcohol is also hidden in some foods.

EUFASD - Research conference from 14th to 16th September 2020 (Arendal, Norway)

The call for Abstracts is now open
Digital Journal - Janet Wagner to Give a Webinar Presentation on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome to the CJJA (January 24, 2020)
Experienced banking attorney, Janet Wagner, takes her child health advocacy to the Council of Juvenile Justice Administrators as she gives a webinar presentation on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and how persons living with FAS can be helped.
Mercy Services - Working with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Train it Forward and/or Strategies & Sensory Training (10 March - 11 March, 2020; Fort Scratchley, Australia)
The Making FASD History in Newcastle Project is offering Working with FASD training over two days.
Quinte Children's Treatment Centre And Rebound Child & Youth Services - FASD Donna Debolt (10 February 2020; Quinte West, Canada)
We are excited to welcome Donna Debolt! Donna is a social worker in private practice who translated her 30 years with Child Protection into working as an outspoken advocate for children and adults who have lifelong risks for health, development, learning and functional difficulties associated with prenatal exposure to alcohol.
FASD Greater Manchester - NOFAS-UK FASD STRATEGIES WORKSHOP (January 21, 2020; Cheadle, United Kingdom)
FASD are hosting a free workshop run by Sandra Butcher, Chief Executive of NOFAS-UK and Jan Griffin, advisor to NOFAS-UK and member of the UK and EU Birth Mothers Network-FASD.
The FASD and the Brain-Based Approach workshop introduces a neurobehavioral approach to living with, caring for, and working with individuals and families impacted by FASD.
Diakonie Michaelshoven - Fortbildung „Umgang mit FASD“ in Köln (10.06.2020; Cologne, Germany)
The training gives a basic introduction to the topic of FASD. “Pedagogical guides” are introduced through everyday life and tested together. It is very important to maintain and change the care strategy.
The University of British Columbia - 9th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD (April 22-25, 2020; Vancouver, Canada)
Continuing on the work of eight previous conferences, there remains a clear need to examine relevant global research, programs and policies. What can we learn from practice based evidence? What does existing or emerging research tell us?

Mission Health - Why Diagnosing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Is Critical
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term used to describe the range of effects that can occur in an individual who was prenatally exposed to alcohol. FASD is not a clinical diagnosis, rather a term that includes a group of developmental disorders resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure.
Nehemiah Koroma - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Video Presentation
Al Coates - Podcast Special - Adoption UK Scotland's FASD Hub
In the podcast Aily Brown the FASD lead co hosts with Scott and they introduce the Hub and the work that is undertaken. Scott also takes time to speak to a few professional and parents(Jessica, Judith and Jen) that have roles in the hub as well as a parent (Gemma) that has received support through the services that the Hub provides.
Susan Campbell - 3rd Annual Eastern Ontario FASD Symposium: Keynote Myles Himmelreich
Susan Campbell - 3rd Annual Eastern Ontario FASD Symposium: THE COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FASD & JUSTICE
Susan Campbell - 3rd Annual FASD Symposium: TRANSITIONING INTO ADULTHOOD WITH
Susan Campbell - 3rd Annual FASD Symposium: NAVIGATING THE SCHOOL SYSTEM
The FASD Success Show - Maggie May Amazing Adult with FASD
Meet Maggie May. Maggie is a young adult with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. In her day-to-day life, Maggie wears many hats - she is a helper, a student, a speaker and moderator of a Private Facebook Group that supports people with FASD.

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health - Community‐based child development service fetal alcohol spectrum disorder assessment: A retrospective clinic audit
The current study detailed the profile of children assessed for FASD and was the first to report the diagnostic profile of children assessed using the Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD within a community child development service.
Addiction Biology - Lasting alterations induced in glial cell phenotypes by short exposure to alcohol during embryonic development in zebrafish
We report significant changes in wide‐spread glial cell phenotypes induced by embryonic alcohol exposure in the zebrafish brain and conclude that the zebrafish will advance our understanding of the mechanisms of this devastating disorder.
Brain Research - Neurodevelopment in Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): a Magnetic Resonance Region of Interest Analysis
These cross-sectional findings suggest that at least some brain regions may become smaller at an earlier than expected age in individuals with FASD, and that sex is an important factor to consider when examining neural structures in FASD.
American Journal of Ophthalmology - Ophthalmological findings in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders – a cohort study from childhood to adulthood
Ophthalmological findings such as refractive errors, strabismus and fundus abnormalities are frequent in children with FASD and persist into early adulthood.
Maedica-a Journal of Clinical Medicine - Alcohol and Psychoactive Drugs in Pregnancy
Although often difficult to diagnose, the use of psychoactive drugs during pregnancy has become a commonly encountered occurrence. The present article aims to clarify the effects of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, antidepressants, stimulants, halucinogenes and canabioids consumption on pregnancy and the newborn.
Neurotoxicity Research - Hydrogen Sulfide Attenuates the Neurotoxicity in the Animal Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Alcohol-induced neurocognitive defects offspring’s are included with activation of oxidative-inflammatory cascade followed with wide apoptotic neurodegeneration in many brain’s regions such as hippocampus.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Midwives’ engagement in smoking- and alcohol-prevention in prenatal care before and after the introduction of practice guidelines in Switzerland: comparison of survey findings from 2008 and 2018
Seven years after its introduction, the effectiveness of the Guideline in increasing midwives’ engagement in smoking and alcohol use prevention appears limited despite midwives’ increased awareness.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing - Comparison of Awareness about Alcohol Use during Pregnancy among Female College Students by Drinking Levels: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior
It is necessary to increase the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy for the female college students having problematic alcohol behavior. The following strategies are recommended for them; decreasing acceptable attitudes toward alcohol use during pregnancy and reinforcing the influence of social pressure toward to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.
Heliyon - Concurrent nicotine exposure to prenatal alcohol consumption alters the hippocampal and cortical neurotoxicity
Prenatal Smoking and/or drinking is a major health concern around the world. Thus, our current study may lead to better insights into the molecular mechanisms of fetal alcohol and nicotine exposure on the developing offspring.
Developmental Neuropsychology - Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Associated with Prefrontal Cortical Deoxygenation in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Relationships between neurodevelopmental functioning and hemodynamic changes in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) were contrasted between children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and children who differed relative to their history of PAE and the presence of other neurodevelopmental impairment.
Alcohol and Alcoholism - Identification of Alcohol Risk Drinking Behaviour in Pregnancy Using a Web-Based Questionnaire: Large-Scale Implementation in Antenatal Care
A web-based questionnaire was feasible when collecting information on alcohol consumption in pregnancy to identify risk drinking behaviour. Women with risk drinking behaviour had a low acceptance of referral to specialized care.
Acta Neuropsychiatr - Prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with early motor, but not language development in a South African cohort.
PAE has potentially important consequences for motor development in the first 2 years of life, a period during which the most rapid growth and maturation occurs. These findings highlight the importance of identifying high-risk families in order to provide preventive interventions, particularly in antenatal clinics and early intervention services.
Nature - Prevalence of Alcohol Use in Late Pregnancy
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can result in detrimental developmental complications. The objective of this study was to estimate the most recent PAE prevalence data for the state of West Virginia (WV) and associated factors.
Folia medica Cracoviensia - Prenatal alcohol exposure and autonomic nervous system dysfunction: A review article
Alcohol is a recognized teratogen that affects various aspects of fetal development. Tissue that is particularly susceptible to its teratogenicity is neuronal tissue. The effect of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on the central nervous system has been extensively studied, yet the knowledge on the influence of PAE on the autonomic nervous system is scarce.
Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine - Evaluations of pregnancy admitted to perinatology clinics that pregnants have fetal anomalies
An education program prepared for the pregnant women in our region about the goal of the diagnostic and screening tests and routine pregnancy controls will increase the chance of early diagnosis.
Journal of Adolescent Health - an Application to Substance Use and Unintended Pregnancy Risk
The Young Women’s Stress Study (YWSS), a longitudinal, community-based pilot study of young women in Georgia, takes a novel approach using biosocial theory and biodemographic methods to study interrelationships between behavioral, mental, physical and reproductive dimensions of adolescent health.

Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany) - Mächtige Alkohol-Lobby
Kinder, die schon im Mutterleib vom Alkoholkonsum der Mutter betroffen waren, zeigen später oft Verhaltensauffälligkeiten. Die werden jedoch nicht immer richtig diagnostiziert, schreibt eine Kinderärztin.
Verneri TV (Finland) - FASD Suomi haastattelee: Anna Asikainen, sosiaalityöntekijä, FASD-asiantuntija
FASD Suomi teki vuonna 2019 kolme asiantuntijahaastattelua FASDin kanssa työskentelevistä ihmisistä. Tässä videossa haastateltavana on Anna Asikainen. Hänellä on pitkä työura sosiaalihuollon perhetyössä ja FASD-asiantuntijana.
Verneri TV (Finland) - FASD Suomi: Janina Niittymäki: alkoholin aiheuttamien sikiövaurioiden puheeksiottaminen
Kätilö Janina Niittymäki kertoo, kuinka ottaa esille alkoholin aiheuttamat sikiövauriot äitien kanssa käytävissä keskusteluissa.

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