
Sunday, January 5, 2020

FASD News - 1/2020

APN News - Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can leave the child exposed to the incurable Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
To put simply, alcohol fetal syndrome is the mental and physical damage in a child due to exposure to alcohol while in the womb. This the condition can cause damage ranging from growth problems to brain damage.
The Indian Express - Drinking during pregnancy can expose the child to foetal alcohol syndrome
No amount of alcohol has been established as safe to be consumed during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, she places the baby at the risk of foetal alcohol syndrome.
Metro (UK) - Foster boy, 5, with ‘sad eyes’ died covered in his own brains after judge returned him to jailbird parents
Antonio was beaten to death just a year after a judge with the Crow Tribal Court ordered foster parents Jeff and Christy Foster to return the youngster to Byington and Renova. He had been fostered by the Fosters shortly after being born suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome.
Kansas City Star (USA) - Man sentenced to prison for 2016 kidnapping and murder of Overland Park woman
At his sentencing Thursday, Rinke apologized for his crimes. He spoke about his experience in Alcoholics Anonymous and diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome. He was diagnosed with the disorder by a forensic psychologist after his arrest.
Health Navigator (New Zealand) - Alcohol and pregnancy – what you need to know
HPA undertakes a range of research and evaluation activities to inform its alcohol and pregnancy work. Below is a list of evidence summaries, research reports about alcohol and pregnancy, and evaluations of services working to prevent and reduce harms caused by antenatal alcohol use.
FARE (Australia) - Vital funds for protecting women and children from alcohol harm
The Australian Government is making a significant investment in the health of future generations of Australians, according to the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE).

FASD Norge/EUFASD - Welcome to the european conferance on FASD 2020 (14.09.2020-16.09.2020, Norway)
The first Competence Center for children with prenatal alcohol/drug exposure in Scandinavia is proud to host the EUFASD 2020 in Arendal, Norway.
Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Live Stream - Strategies for Supporting (Jul 15 - Jul 16, 2020)
This workshop will review five pillars for success when supporting individuals with FASD. These include a focus on Strengths, Healthy Relationships, Promoting FASD Self Awareness, Adaptations Strategies, and Team-Based Support. Participants will transfer newfound knowledge about FASD into practical and meaningful ways to try differently, not harder in their support of individuals, families, and communities affected by FASD.
Kim Carson - FASD with Donna Debolt (Feb 11, 2020, Ontario Canada)
Let's collaborate as a community! We, as a community need to work together to improve outcomes for individuals with FASD by shifting our way of thinking and the way we deliver services.
YWCA Metro Vancouver - HONOURING THE DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE COMMUNITY (February 27, 2020, Vancouver Canada)
A gathering to address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the circle of our lives.
The University of British Columbia - INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS WITH FASD (Apr 22, 2020 - Apr 25, 2020, Vancouver, Canada)
Although there have been thousands of published articles in FASD in general, there has been limited research specifically on adolescents and adults with FASD or on individuals across the lifespan.
The Fostering Network - The Impact of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (4 February, 2020, Glasgow, Scotland)
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a range of characteristics displayed by children who have been exposed to alcohol in-utero. Children may display a range of physical, cognitive, social or emotional disabilities which last a lifetime.
Rooted in Advocacy - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Moving from Awareness to Action (March 12, 2020, Winston-Salem, NC)
The Rooted in Advocacy pre-conference event will put a spotlight on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). FASD refers to a range of effects that can occur when a developing fetus is prenatally exposed to alcohol.
Yukon FASD Inter Agency Advisory - K.E.M. Committee - Jeff Noble FASD 10H!1 (Feb 5th OR 6th 2020, Whitehorse, Canada)
Jeff has been creating buzz and raising awareness in FASD circles across Canada. He has been teaching front line staff, educators and caregivers, alike about the in’s and out’s of living and supporting someone with FASD.
Formed Families Forward - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Webinars Winter 2020 (JANUARY 16, February 11)
FFF is pleased to host another set of winter webinars on FASD in January and February 2020.
FASD Network - FASD Sessions Conference (February 26-27, 2020, Saskatoon Canada)
This two-day conference will be held in Saskatoon on February 26th and 27th, 2020 at the Travelodge (106 Circle Dr West). This year’s theme will focus on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the justice system.
FASD2020 - 3rd Australasian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference ( November 11th – 12th 2020, Sidney Australia)
We are delighted to invite you to the 3rd Australasian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference (FASD2020) from November 11th – 12th 2020. The conference will take place at the Hilton Sydney, Australia and will bring together people from academia, clinical practice, service provision and the community to share their knowledge, build networks and learn new skills. - Tietoa ja työkaluja FASD-asian puheeksi ottamiseen Tietoa ja työkaluja FASD-asian puheeksi ottamiseen (14.5.2020, Finland)
Sikiöaikainen alkoholialtistus voi johtaa niin oirekuvaltaan kuin vaikeusasteeltaan hyvin monimuotoiseen oireyhtymään, jonka kansainvälisenä lyhenteenä käytetään termiä FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorders)

AlcoholFreePregnancy - Alcohol and Pregnancy, Dr. Alexis Gimovsky, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist
Video by National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)
For more information, visit
The Recovery Village - Drug Use During Pregnancy
The gestational period and the first few months of life are the most critical times for a child’s development. During these times of major growth and formation, an infant’s development is greatly impacted by environmental factors and the health of their mother.
Central Australian Aboriginal Congress - Inquiry into effective approaches to prevention and diagnosis of FASD and strategies for optimising life outcomes for people with FASD
The high prevalence of alcohol related harm (including FASD) in Aboriginal communities is strongly linked to the processes of colonisation which have undermined the capacity of some families to care for their children.
Jeff Noble – The FASD Success Story
Listen to The FASD Success Show on Spotify.

International Journal of Peptide - Nesfatin-1 Ameliorate Learning and Memory Deficit via Inhibiting Apoptosis and Neuroinflammation Following Ethanol-Induced Neurotoxicity in Early Postnatal Rats
Fetal exposure to alcohol can cause a wide range of long-lasting physiological and behavioral effects, collectively referred to as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Child Abuse & Neglect - Maternal adverse childhood experiences are associated with binge drinking during pregnancy in a dose-dependent pattern: Findings from the All Our Families cohort
Maternal ACEs were common in this middle to upper-middle income, well-educated sample and impacted the next generation through BD in pregnancy.
BMC Public Health - The cost-effectiveness of screening tools used in the diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a modelled analysis
Findings suggest that screening is associated with less use of healthcare recourses but also fewer years of life with an FASD diagnosis over a no screening strategy. Since diagnosis can be key to children receiving timely and appropriate health and educational services, cost-savings must be weighed against the fewer years of life with a diagnosis associated with screening.
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - A Review of Sleep Disturbances among Infants and Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Sleep problems are common among children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). We review sleep disturbance in three major NDDs: autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Research in Developmental Disabilities - The best possible start: A qualitative study on the experiences of parents of young children with or at risk for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Parents appreciated and endorsed the importance of EI with its provision of individualized, family-centered supports and resources. Examination of the gaps and unmet needs that are common and distinct underscore the importance of an FASD-informed approach to EI.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prenatal Ethanol Exposure and Postnatal Environmental Intervention Alter Dopaminergic Neuron and Microglia Morphology in the Ventral Tegmental Area During Adulthood
Our findings show an association between PE‐induced morphological activation of microglia and impaired DA neuron morphology in the VTA. Importantly, postnatal environmental intervention rescues possible PE‐induced microglial activation.
International Journal of Environmental Reserarch and Public Health - Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): 3D-Analysis of Palatal Depth and 3D-Metric Facial Length
Metric vertical measurements of the face can be used as additional objective criteria for FAS diagnoses. However, no significant differences were reported for palatal depth evaluation in the specific age range tested in the present study.
Italian Journal of Pediatrics - Two case reports of fetal alcohol syndrome: broadening into the spectrum of cardiac disease to personalize and to improve clinical assessment
We would like to make an alert for clinician, given the possibility of finding anomalies of heart conduction and rhythm in children affected by FASD even without structural congenital heart disease.
European Journal of Neuroscience - Alterations in the Whole Brain Network Organization after Prenatal Ethanol Exposure
The results revealed that prenatal ethanol exposure disrupts the balance between network segregation and integration in young adult female rats. The whole brain network is less integrated after ethanol exposure in the females, suggesting wide‐spread reduction of long‐range regional communication.
Med Sci - Fetal alcohol exposure: when placenta would help to the early diagnosis of child brain impairments
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy constitutes a major cause of neurodevelopmental and behavioral disabilities. Whereas it is possible for clinicians to establish a perinatal diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome, the more severe expression of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), most FASD children are late or mis-diagnosed due to a lack of clear morphological and neurodevelopmental abnormalities.
BMC Pediatrics - Association of adverse childhood experiences and neurodevelopmental disorders in people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and non-FASD controls
Both FASD and subsequent exposure to ACEs are associated with increased risk for development of comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders. Prevention of ACEs during childhood may decrease risk for development of comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders.
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Cohort profile: ADEF Helsinki – a longitudinal register-based study on exposure to alcohol and drugs during foetal life
The data comprise a wide range of information on infant health, youth’s mental and somatic health and development, out-of-home care history, and mother’s life situation at the delivery and later health. Risk and protective factors for different long-term developmental outcomes in adolescence or in young adulthood will be studied.
Maternal and Child Health Journal - Determinants of Alcohol Consumption in Women Before and After Awareness of Conception
A half of women consumed alcohol before pregnancy awareness. Guidelines recommend abstinence from alcohol consumption in pregnant women for precaution, although influence of low to moderate levels of prenatal alcohol exposure on the fetus is inconclusive.

Metro (Italy) - Fasd, quando la gravidanza può cambiare una vita intera
SALUTE La storia di Claudio inizia dieci anni fa, quando una diagnosi di FASD abbatte all'improvviso lo steccato della disabilità entro il quale fino ad allora erano stati confinati tutti i suoi problemi. (Germany) - Schwangere sollten auch an Silvester auf Alkohol verzichten
Bayerns Gesundheitsministerin Melanie Huml hat mit Blick auf die anstehenden Silvesterfeiern davor gewarnt, die Risiken durch Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft zu unterschätzen.
Tobi Jall (Germany) - Erwachsene mit FASD Im Sonnenhof
Short documentary on adults with FASD.
Ruhr Nachrichten (Germany) - Warnung vor Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Schon ein Schluck kann eine Behinderung auslösen Fetale Alkohol-Spektrum-Störung
Ein einziges Glas Wein in der Schwangerschaft kann ein Kind für immer schädigen, warnt der Elternverein FASD. Doch: 60 Prozent aller Frauen trinken Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft.
Satakunnan Kansa (Finland) - Alkoholi uhkaa ainakin satojen sikiöiden terveyttä – Määrä voi todellisuudessa olla huomattavasti suurempi, koska luotettava tutkimustieto puuttuu
Alkoholi on merkittävin sikiön terveyttä uhkaava tekijä. Siitä huolimatta alkoholin aiheuttama FASD tunnistetaan huonosti. Suomalaistutkimuksella kerätään seurantatietoa päihteitä käyttäneiden äitien lasten elämästä.

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