
Sunday, January 6, 2019

FASD News - 1/2019

Women Fitness - 5 Ways Drinking Alcohol Can Affect Your Motherhood
Alcohol is a destructive substance. It has the power of ruining your life by affecting your health, relationships and finances. But the worst part is, your drinking can also affect the people closest to you.
2-minute medicine - Greater prenatal alcohol exposure trajectories linked to impaired growth and neurodevelopment
Prenatal alcohol exposure is known to cause growth and neurodevelopmental disorders in infants, but less is known about the relationship between PAE trajectory and its harmful effects.

Inebria Conference - Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Presented by Svetlana (Lana) Popova
MentalHealthTrust - FASD: Strength to Overcome
Adopt4LifeON - Adopt4Life Presents: FASD Webinar
In partnership with the Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP), Adopt4Life is excited to present an intro to FASD, Supports and Parenting Strategies. Our speakers for this webinar are Kathryn Connors, Adopt4Life's Openness Specialist and Maude Champagne of Citizen Ottawa for FARP.
Challenged Hope - Children’s FASD Picture Book Series, and FASD Memoirs, by Barbara Studham

AAP News - Patterns of Prenatal Alcohol Use That Predict Infant Growth and Development
With these findings, we confirm that high, sustained PAE confers the highest risk for adverse infant outcomes but demonstrate that even low-to-moderate PAE continued across gestation is associated with certain deficits.
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - Health, Social, Education, and Justice Outcomes of Manitoba First Nations Children Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Population-Based Cohort Study of Linked Administrative Data
Young people with FASD are at risk for poor health, education, and social outcomes, but First Nations young people with FASD face comparably higher risks, particularly with child welfare and justice system involvement.
Journal of FASD Risk and Prevention - A Comparison of the Motor Skills of Young People in a Youth Detention Centre with Diagnosed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, and a Reference Population
Visual motor integration and handwriting skills were often impaired in this population. Lower VMI scores were more prevalent in participants diagnosed with FASD, and therefore should be routinely assessed as part of a diagnostic assessment.
Alcoholism - Genetic Influences on the Amount of Cell Death in the Neural Tube of BXD Mice Exposed to Acute Ethanol at Mid‐Gestation
These studies demonstrate that the levels of ethanol‐induced cell death occur in strain‐ and region‐dependent manners. Novel QTLs on mouse Chr4 and Chr14 were identified that modulate the differential sensitivity to ethanol‐induced apoptosis in the embryonic brainstem.
Journal on Developmental Disabilities - "He's on the Streets, and Stealing, and Perpetuating the Cycle... and I'm Helpless": Families' Perspectives on Criminality in Adults Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol.
Despite the high rate of criminality in adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), little is known about the risk and protective factors associated with criminal behaviour in this population. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight families of adult children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) to better understand the factors that increase or decrease criminality.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Perceptions of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) at a Mental Health Outpatient Treatment Provider in Minnesota
Resulting from prenatal exposure to alcohol, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is characterized by deficits in adaptive and cognitive functioning. This disorder is typically accompanied by co-occurring disorders and conditions (e.g., mood, anxiety, psychosis, and substance use disorders).
Journal of Education, Health and Sport - ALCOHOLIC FETAL SYNDROME - A PROBLEM OF THE 21ST CENTURY?
It is estimated that in Poland about 30% of women consume alcohol in this period (also in small amounts), while in the US every year is born about 40,000 children who are diagnosed with FAS or related disorders.
Addictive Behaviors - “..that warm feeling that [alcohol] gave me was what I interpreted love would feel like..” Lived experience of excessive alcohol use and care proceedings by mothers in the family justice system in the UK
Despite excessive alcohol misuse in mothers being closely enmeshed with other issues, awareness and understanding of factors such as complex trauma, and how to support mothers with these factors, is limited, and should be considered in terms of improving research and best practice.
Cornell University - Photonic localization probe of molecular specific intranuclear structural alterations in brain cells due to fetal alcoholism via confocal microscopy
Molecular specific photonic localization is a sensitive technique to probe the structural alterations or abnormalities in a cell such as abnormalities due to alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy by mother, or fetal alcoholism, is one of the major factors of mental retardation in children.
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology - Alcohol Use in Pregnancy
Alcohol exposure during pregnancy results in impaired growth, stillbirth, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Fetal alcohol deficits are lifelong issues with no current treatment or established diagnostic or therapeutic tools to prevent and/or ameliorate some of these adverse outcomes.
The First Peoples Child & Family Review - What It Takes To Support A Loved One With FASD
This photovoice project was undertaken by the Family Advisory Committee of the Canada Fetal AlcoholSpectrum Disorder (FASD) Research Network to describe the experiences and the challenges faced bythose supporting loved ones with FASD.

Kaleva (Finland) - Alkoholi uhkaa ainakin satojen sikiöiden terveyttä
Alkoholi on merkittävin sikiön terveyttä uhkaava tekijä. Siitä huolimatta alkoholin aiheuttama FASD tunnistetaan huonosti. Suomalaistutkimuksella kerätään seurantatietoa päihteitä käyttäneiden äitien lasten elämästä. (Italy) - Sindrome feto-alcolica: come riconoscerla e tutto quello che c'è da sapere
La FAS è una sindrome che può portare a conseguenze di salute importanti per i bambini la cui mamma ha consumato alcolici nella fase della gestazione
Nordwest-Zeitung (Germany) - Alkohol im Mutterleib kann Baby lebenslang schaden
Wenn eine werdende Mutter zur Flasche greift, droht dem Ungeborenen das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom (FASD). Das kommt häufiger vor als gedacht, nicht nur bei Suchtkranken. Sabine und Stefanie Odegaard wollen diesen Menschen helfen.
W ciąży nie wolno pod żadnym pozorem spożywać alkoholu. Zmiany, jakie zachodzą w fizjologii dziecka są nieodwracalne. Mimo apeli specjalistów i rosnącej świadomości społecznej, ciągle aż sześć procent kobiet w Polsce pije w ciąży.

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