
Sunday, May 29, 2016

FASD News - 21/2016

Minneapolis Star Tribune (USA) - Minnesota is the first state to require foster parents learn about fetal alcohol disorders
For years, Mary Ann Holman-Turner was puzzled by the erratic behavior of her foster child Emmanuel, whom she nicknames "Man-man."
Tech Times - Father's Drinking Behavior May Up Risk For Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
While Father's Day gives every dad in the world a reason to celebrate, here's one proof men — who are planning to become fathers — should hold off on that celebratory drink. (South Africa) - South Africa's Foetal Alcohol Syndrome problem
Why are rates of the condition, resulting from exposure to alcohol in the womb, so high in South Africa? (Canada) - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder clinic now taking younger kids
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Clinic at NEO Kids is expanding, thanks to new Canadian diagnostic guidelines. - The effects of alcohol use on an unborn child
“40,000 babies are born every year that fall under an umbrella known as fetal alcohol syndrome disorder (FAS). Should mothers be charged with a crime when they have a baby with this disorder?
Washington Post - Amazing dogs that change the lives of children with disabilities
Dog-as-hero tops all other stories about the animal kingdom, and the sampling above, culled by Melissa Fay Greene for her new book, probably resembles a lot of what’s clogging your social media feeds.
Th Prevention Conversation - How To Convince Others That Your Normal-Looking Child Isn’t Normal
If we had a dollar for every time someone said, “Well, he doesn’t look like he has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder,” we’d be millionaires. The truth is, our child’s disorder makes it hard to see the forest for the trees.
NIH (USA) - NIAAA advances fetal alcohol exposure research
Fifty years ago, alcohol wasn't widely considered a danger to the developing fetus - some doctors even infused pregnant women with high doses of it to prevent premature labor.

I was a nobody - Skip’s story
Even though fetal alcohol syndrome predicted a life of failure, Skip overcomes his disadvantage through love and pursuing his dreams.
AlcoholFreePregnancy - The Relationship Between FASD and ADHD - NOFAS Webinar
Gwendolyn Messer, M.D. Medical Director - Pediatrician Dr. Messer received her medical degree and completed her pediatric residency in at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Messer joined Children's Research Triangle in 2005 and became the Medical Director in 2010.

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research – Erratum
In the article by Coles and colleagues, “A Comparison Among 5 Methods for the Clinical Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders,” 2016, 40:1000–1009, an exception to the FASD 4-Digit Code in this study was not fully explained.
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Reproductive Toxicology - Breastfeeding and maternal alcohol use: Prevalence and effects on child outcomes and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Ninety percent (90%) of mothers breastfed for an average of 19.9 months. Of mothers who drank postpartum and breastfed (MDPB), 47% breastfed for 12 months or more. In case control analyses, children of MDPB were significantly lighter, had lower verbal IQ scores, and more anomalies in comparisons controlling for prenatal alcohol exposure and final FASD diagnosis.
Stellenbosch University - Moral Responsibility for Prenatal Harm to Children: The Case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
This dissertation deals with the problem of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and the moral responsibility of pregnant women who carry fetuses to term, as well as the rest of society, to try and prevent children from suffering from this condition.
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY - An Analysis Of Virtual Place Learning/navigation In Children And Young Adults Prenatally Exposed To Alcohol
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder refers to the spectrum of disorders resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure and is the leading cause of preventable mental retardation. Rodent studies have found that prenatal alcohol exposure impairs performance on the Morris water maze.
Comparative Clinical Pathology - Ethanol effects on histobiochemical parameters of suckling pups borned from alcoholic rat mothers
Fetus and neonate growth retardation is one of the main characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) disorders. Ethanol can be transferred to the fetus through the placenta and to newborns through suckling.
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Using Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Justice Professionals to Support their Educational Needs
There was widespread agreement of the need for more information and training about FASD to optimise outcomes for people with, or suspected of having a FASD, engaging with the justice system.
Child & Family Behavior Therapy - Improving FASD Children’s Self-Regulation: Piloting Phase 1 of the GoFAR Intervention
The initial parent training component of GoFAR, an intervention designed to improve the self-regulation and adaptive living skills of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), was piloted in a small, randomized clinical trial of 28 participants assigned to either a time-lapsed control group or one of two parent training groups who differed on whether the child’s computerized instruction was congruent or incongruent with the parent instruction.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment - Becoming FASD Informed: Strengthening Practice and Programs Working with Women with FASD
There is growing appreciation among health and social care providers, especially those working in community-based programs with women or young people with substance use problems and/or who have experienced violence, maltreatment, or trauma, that a high number of their program participants may have been prenatally exposed to alcohol or have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry - Overview of the Genetic Basis and Epigenetic Mechanisms that Contribute to FASD Pathobiology
Prenatal alcohol (ethanol) exposure (PAE) is the underlying cause for a variety of birth defects and neurodevelopmental deficits referred to as "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)".
Pediatric Dermatology - Fetal Alcohol Exposure and PHACE Syndrome: A Case and Autopsy Report
This report describes the clinical, radiologic, and autopsy findings of a newborn with PHACE syndrome (posterior fossa malformations, hemangioma, arterial anomalies, cardiac defects, and eye anomalies) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. To our knowledge, the concurrence of these conditions has not been reported in the literature.

NOZ - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (Germany) - 6750 Euro-Spende für Selbsthilfegruppe in Lingen
Die DAK-Gesundheit in Lingen unterstützt die Arbeit der FASD-Selbsthilfegruppe (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) mit 6750 Euro. Den Scheck übergaben Heinz-Gerhard Evers und Ferdinand Rausch an die Bundesvorsitzende der FASD-Selbsthilfegruppe, Gisela Michalowski aus Lingen. (Germany) - Schwangerschaft: Auch der Lebensstil des Vaters beeinflusst Baby
Elterliche Lebensgewohnheiten oder das Alter können die Entwicklung des Babys im Mutterleib beeinflussen. Stand bis vor kurzem vor allem die Mutter im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit, deuten immer mehr Studien darauf hin, dass auch der Einfluss des Vaters eine wichtige Rolle spielen könnte.
Serambi Indonesia (Indonesia) - Tidak Hanya Ibu, Gaya Hidup Ayah Juga Pengaruhi Kesehatan Anak
Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa gaya hidup ibu memengaruhi kesehatan anak-anaknya kelak. Tetapi, studi terbaru menyimpulkan, ayah juga berkontribusi terhadap status kesehatan anak-anaknya. (Poland) - Ojcom też tyka zegar
Nie tylko wiek i zdrowie matki, ale też wiek, stan zdrowia i tryb życia ojca mają wpływ na zdrowie przyszłego potomstwa - potwierdzają to kolejne wyniki badań naukowych.

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