
Monday, February 10, 2014

Alcohol News - 6/2014

The Guardian (UK) - Minimum alcohol pricing would save 860 lives a year, study finds
Introducing minimum pricing for alcohol would lead to 860 fewer deaths a year and 29,900 fewer hospital admissions among heavy-drinkers while having only a slight effect on moderate drinkers, according to research into the policy's impact.
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Alcoholic liver disease on the increase in young women
More young women are being treated for advanced liver disease caused by steady and dangerous drinking starting in teenage years, doctors warn.
Reuters (Americas) - Alcohol-linked deaths a problem for the Americas
Liver disease and brain disorders due to alcohol abuse are important causes of premature death in the Americas, a new study concludes.
Daily Mail - Weight loss surgery patients are 'more likely' to become dependent on alcohol
WEIGHT-loss surgery could be turning patients into alcoholics, researchers claim. They say gastric bands and other operations used to treat obesity can make people dependent on alcohol.
Press TV (UK) - Number of UK alcohol-poisoned babies risen: Report
The number of babies being born with alcohol poisoning in Britain has increased significantly over the past years becuase of mothers with drinking habits, a new report shows.
The Guardian (UK) - Sale of ultra-cheap alcohol to be banned in England and Wales
The government is to ban the sale of alcohol at very cheap prices in England and Wales, the Home Office has announced.
TVNZ (New Zealand) - Effort to curb alcohol-fuelled chaos in Auckland
Police and Auckland Council are pushing to curb drunken behaviour this weekend following scenes of alcohol-fuelled chaos at the Sevens in Wellington.
STV Glasgow (Scotland) - Children as young as nine admitted to hospital for alcohol abuse
The Evening Times published the results of a shocking investigation which revealed that children as young as nine years old are being hospitalised for alcohol-related incidents. - World Cancer Day: Alcohol is a carcinogen
The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) uses Feb. 4 as World Cancer Day to focus on debunking the myths about the world's leading killer. For 2014, the organization emphasizes the fifth point in their World Cancer Declaration: "Reduce stigma and dispel myths about cancer." One of many myths is that drinking alcohol is safe. - Tanzania: Drugs, Alcohol Linked to Violent Behaviour – Expert
THE increase in violent cases of murder and atrocities could be linked to the growing number of people using drugs.
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Alcohol: Barry O'Farrell announces Sydney lockouts from February 24
New laws requiring 1.30am lockouts and 3am last drinks in venues that serve alcohol will be imposed from February 24 across central Sydney.
ABC Online (Australia) - Wealthier communities drink more alcohol than poorer
People from wealthy areas drink more on average than their poorer counterparts. Research into factors that cause excessive consumption of alcohol has debunked the idea that it's more common in lower socio-economic areas.
IceNews (Iceland) - Iceland ranks lowest amongst adolescent alcohol drinkers in Europe
Iceland has been ranked amongst the lowest adolescent consumers of alcohol in Europe, according to studies.
The (UK/Sweden) - Young Brits party harder than Stockholmers: study
Young adults in Stockholm drink less when they are out partying compared to their counterparts in the UK, a new report has found.
Herald Scotland (Scotland) - Court told Scottish Government did not take EU law into account in minimum price alcohol plans
The Scottish Government did not take EU law into account in its plans for a minimum price for alcohol, a court has been told.

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