
Sunday, July 7, 2013

FASD News - 26/2013

NEWS and ARTICLES - FASD and abuse
More than half of the reported child abuse cases in this city are connected to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, says a local FASD educator. (Canada) - Northern Ontario university bar 1st in Canada to offer pregnancy tests
A campus pub at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ont., will be the first bar in Canada to install a pregnancy test dispenser in its bathroom. Healthy Brains for Children, an organization dedicated to preventing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, hopes other bars across the country will follow the Outpost's lead and do the same.
News1130 (Canada) - Port Alberni college hopes to continue program for students with FASD
A college on Vancouver Island hopes to come up with enough funding so it can continue a unique program serving students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
ABC Local (Australia) - I want to make FASD history: young Fitzroy Crossing health worker
Jadnah Davies is travelling to communities in the Fitzroy Valley to deliver education and awareness about Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Regina Leader-Post (Canada) - FASD 'still such a brand-new disability'
If you were to come into contact with someone who suffers from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or FASD, and if they were to tell you they'd been to the moon in the recent past, they wouldn't necessarily be lying.
MOFAS - Misinformation persists about drinking alcohol during pregnancy
The Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (MOFAS) is concerned that the most recent study from Britain which says the children of mothers who drank ‘moderately’(defined as 3-7 drinks per week) in pregnancy actually grew up to have better balance than those who abstained, gives women a mixed message. - See more at:

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - Clinical Practice Guidelines
Health Professionals Working With First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Consensus Guideline
Canfasd - What's Your Cap? Prevention through Research - Christina Meeds McGowan and Justine Shenher
"Shining a Light on Canada's Multi-Layered Approach to FASD Prevention," an evening session on promoting women's health and preventing FASD, was held on February 28th, 2013 as a part of the 5th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Vancouver, BC.
Walk A Mile trailer Elvis Tribute Artist born with fetal alcohol syndrome
Danny Frasier aka Little Elvis was born with fetal alcohol syndrome, lost both legs, taught himself to walk on his hands and is now an Elvis Tribute Artist. This is his story.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Dr Valerie McGinn
Dr Valerie McGinn, a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, talks about the damaging effects of alcohol on the unborn child.
Vermont Family Network - What You Need to Know About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.

Pediatria - Alcohol intake in lactating women assisted in a University Hospital
To determine the prevalence of alcohol intake and the degree of alcohol-related risk among nursing mothers attended at the Child Care Service of Hospital das Clínicas of Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil.
Nutrition Journal - Consumption habits of pregnant women and implications for developmental biology: a survey of predominantly Hispanic women in California
Healthy post-pregnancy outcomes are contingent upon an informed regimen of prenatal care encouraging healthy maternal consumption habits. In this article, we describe aspects of maternal intake of food, drink, and medication in a population of predominantly Hispanic women in Southern California.
Alcohol - Effect of prenatal alcohol exposure on bony craniofacial development: A mouse MicroCT study
Craniofacial bone dysmorphology is an important but under-explored potential diagnostic feature of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Alcoholism - Participation of Catalase in Voluntary Ethanol Consumption in Perinatally Low-Level Lead-Exposed Rats
Environmental lead (Pb) exposure and alcohol abuse pose significant public health problems for our society. One of the proposed mechanisms of action of the developmental neurotoxicant Pb is related to its ability to affect antioxidant enzymes, including catalase (CAT).
Alcoholism - Suppression and Epigenetic Regulation of MiR-9 Contributes to Ethanol Teratology: Evidence from Zebrafish and Murine Fetal Neural Stem Cell Models
Fetal alcohol exposure produces multiorgan defects, making it difficult to identify underlying etiological mechanisms. However, recent evidence for ethanol (EtOH) sensitivity of the miRNA miR-9 suggests one mechanism, whereby EtOH broadly influences development.
Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience - Acetaldehyde reinforcement and motor reactivity in newborns with or without a prenatal history of alcohol exposure
Animal models have shown that early ontogeny seems to be a period of enhanced affinity to ethanol. Interestingly, the catalase system that transforms ethanol (EtOH) into acetaldehyde (ACD) in the brain, is more active in the perinatal rat compared to adults.
BJOG - Alcohol-use disorders during and within one year of pregnancy: a population-based cohort study 1985–2006
Mothers with an International Classification of Diseases 9/10 alcohol-related diagnosis, indicating heavy alcohol consumption, recorded on population-based health datasets (non-Aboriginal n = 5839; Aboriginal n = 2583) were identified through the Western Australian data-linkage system.
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics - Maternal Factors Predicting Cognitive and Behavioral Characteristics of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
To provide an analysis of multiple predictors of cognitive and behavioral traits for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs).

Eurocare/EUFASD - Policy Debate: Protecting the unborn baby from alcohol - Tuesday, 17 September 2013. 10h00 a.m - 13h00 p.m.
Unfortunately, many women are not aware that throughout pregnancy, even at low levels of exposure, alcohol interferes with the normal development and can seriously damage the unborn child.
First International Conference on Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Dr. Egon Jonsson welcomes you to attend our First International Conference on Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). A conference about preventing harm from alcohol use during pregnancy.
2013 National FACE Roundtable and FASD Conference – September 5-7 2013

Weser Kurier (Germany) - Weil Mama zur Flasche greift
Probleme in der Schule, im Alltag und auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: Der 23-jährige Marco Peters (Name von der Redaktion geändert) leidet an dem sogenannten fetalen Alkoholsyndrom (FASD). Diese Störung kann entstehen, wenn Mütter während der Schwangerschaft trinken und wird oft nie oder erst sehr spät diagnostiziert.

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