
Sunday, February 19, 2023

FASD News 7/2023

EAMHID 2023 - 14th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability – “Best Practices – Better Life” (Helsinki, Finland | 21 – 23 September 2023)
We are pleased to invite you to the 14th EAMHID Congress in Helsinki, Finland. The congress will be organized by KTO and FAIDD, both organisations working for better life for the persons with learning difficulties. Our congress’ theme is “Best Practices – Better Life”, and as before the congress will provide numerous possibilities both scientists, practitioners, and persons with disabilities with their families to encounter and discuss.
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Squamish Chief (Canada) - FASD respite funding will help B.C. families in need of relief
Families with children experiencing the effects of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can now apply for grant funding to help with respite or relief needs.

Midlothian View (UK) - Adoption UK calls for faster FASD diagnoosis
Adoption UK says the current NHS crisis could lead to even longer delays for hundreds of families awaiting an FASD diagnosis across the UK.
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The Conversation (Australia) - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is tragic but not new. How should fresh funding tackle it in the NT?
In recent weeks, the Australian and Northern Territory governments announced new funding to address the longstanding, much-publicised challenges facing Central Australia.
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News Medical - Prenatal alcohol exposure associated with the facial shape of children
Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technology to find a link between alterations in the shape of children's faces and the amount of alcohol their mothers drank, both before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy.
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Edinburgh Live (Scotland) - West Lothian mum on adopted son's struggles after birth mother drank while pregnant
Karen and her husband John noticed their son was struggling with his emotions and behaviour as he started to grow older. After a six-year wait, they were finally told he has FASD after his birth mother drank heavily.
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Science Alert - Even a Small Amount of Alcohol During Pregnancy Linked to Changes in a Child's Face
Just one glass of wine a week during pregnancy has been linked to permanent changes in a child's facial features – and possibly their cognitive abilities too.
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STAT - Pregnant people with substance use disorders need treatment, not criminalization
Though it may be hard for many to fathom, even pregnant people and new parents can have active substance use disorders. They need support, not criminalization.
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Indiana Alliance - Love is in the Air! Dating Somone with FASD: What you Need to Know
The dating scene nowadays is like the wild west. If for no other reason neither the dating scene nor the wild west is as glamorous as it is perceived to be in the movies. Real life is messy, and in relationships we all bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table.
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Indiana Alliance - Adulting with FASD: Personal Space… It’s not Just Physical
I don’t know many people that enjoy others encroaching on their personal space. It feels weird, and it is just creepy. Even if it is a family member or a close friend. I noticed that I struggle with other people’s personal space, their EMOTIONAL, Personal Space.
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UW - Department of Family Medicine and Community Health - "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevention" - Cresta Jones & Julene Zizza
Presented via Webex on June 1st, 2022 as part of the UW DFMCH Addiction Medicine Grand Rounds
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APSAD - Peeling Back the Layers: Psychiatric Perspectives on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
FASD from a behavioural and psychiatric context- Presentation & overlap with trauma- Medical mimics: differential diagnostic considerations- Approaches to co-morbidities and management
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FASDHub Scotland - Wednesday Webinar: David Junior Gilbert "FASD and Suggestibility during Police Interviews"
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HSJCC - FASD & the Law - David Boulding - Webinar - 2023-02-15
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is one of the most common causes of developmental disability in Canada. It is an incurable and lifelong disability that is poorly understood.
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OSF - Teachers’ needs for an FASD-informed resource: a qualitative interview needs assessment based on the ADAPT-ITT framework
Teachers need an evidence-based FASD-informed intervention that is easy to use, concise, and responsive to varying needs and levels of experience. Results will inform the adaptation process of the FMF Program.
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Nudge Education - Nudge Education Presents: A spotlight on - #2 (TRAILER)
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Fasd Success Show - #132 The End of a Chapter: Navigating Life After Loss
In this episode, I delve into the complicated and emotional process of moving forward after the loss of my sister.  As we navigate the loss of my sister's passing, I reflect on the ups and downs of grieving and how it has changed me. Join me as I share my experiences and the eulogy I never got to say.
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NIAAA - Short Takes With NIAAA: What Are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Learn about the range of physical and neurodevelopmental effects that can result from alcohol exposure before birth.
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CanFASD - New Issue Paper: Diagnostic Assessment of Preschoolers
Diagnostic assessment of preschoolers (aged 0-5) with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can be an early opportunity to identify behaviour and learning challenges and provide appropriate early intervention.
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Cells - Choline Supplementation Alters Hippocampal Cytokine Levels in Adolescence and Adulthood in an Animal Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Alcohol (ethanol) exposure during pregnancy can adversely affect development, with long-lasting consequences that include neuroimmune, cognitive, and behavioral dysfunction.
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The Journal of Physiology - The role of maternal choline, folate and one-carbon metabolism in mediating the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on placental and fetal development
Prenatal alcohol consumption (PAE) may be associated with a broad spectrum of impacts, ranging from no overt effects, to miscarriage, fetal growth restriction and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
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Alcohol - Combined exposure to alcohol and cannabis during development: mechanisms and outcomes
The present review focuses on interactions between alcohol and cannabis exposure and the potential consequences of these interactions.
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The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse - Global intellectual ability and adaptive functioning in children with FASD with and without sentinel facial features
The present study founds poorer cognitive outcomes in children who have FASD with sentinel facial features. In children without SFF, stronger executive functioning is also related to significantly stronger reported conceptual, social, and practical adaptive behaviors.
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Maternal and Child Health Journal - Systematic Review: Polysubstance Prevalence Estimates Reported during Pregnancy, US, 2009–2020
Polysubstance use during pregnancy is common, especially with alcohol, marijuana, and/or tobacco/nicotine.
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Women's Health - Supporting pregnant and parenting women who use alcohol during pregnancy: A scoping review of trauma-informed approaches
Alcohol is legalized and used for a variety of reasons, including socially or as self-medication for trauma in the absence of accessible and safe supports.
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Stroke - Abstract TP215: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Impairs Long-term Behavioral Recovery Following Ischemic Stroke In Sprague Dawley Rats
The present findings support the hypothesis that PAE modifies long-term cognitive changes after stroke, and further show that different cognitive domains are affected by PAE in males and females.
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Frontiers in Psychology - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Risk-Need-Responsivity Model: A guide for criminal justice and forensic mental health professionals
As the prevalence of FASD becomes better understood and recognized, evidence-based approaches to addressing this specific sub-population are necessary to effect change and reduce recidivism and ongoing involvement in the criminal justice system.
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Johanniter (Germany) - Neu in Hannover: FASD-Beratungsstelle bietet Selbsthilfegruppe an
Das Angebot richtet sich an Pflege- und Adoptiveltern von Kindern mit Beeinträchtigungen, entstanden durch den Alkoholkonsum der Mütter während der Schwangerschaft
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Iltalehti (Finland) - ”Olen antanut äidille anteeksi”
Kim söi 20 vuotta mielialalääkkeitä ilman mitään hyötyä. Yhtenä päivänä hän tajusi seisovansa aivan liian liki junanraiteita. Sitten hän esitti äidille yhden raskaan kysymyksen.
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Saarnews (Germany) - Aktion „FASD – 100% vermeidbar“ an der Martin-Luther-King-Schule Saarlouis-Fraulautern
Die Fetale Alkohol-Spektrum-Disorder (FASD) stand kürzlich im Zentrum einer Infoveranstaltung an der Martin-Luther-King Schule in Saarlouis-Fraulautern.
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Rynek Zdrowia (Poland) - Alkohol pity przez przyszłe matki przed zajściem w ciążę może zmieniać twarze dzieci
Już niewielkie ilości alkoholu spożywane przez przyszłe matki ma wpływ na twarz dziecka - pokazało pionierskie badanie z zastosowaniem sztucznej inteligencji. Tymczasem kształt twarzy odzwierciedla stan zdrowia.
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ČT24 (Czech Republic) - Stačí sklenka vína týdně. Pití alkoholu v těhotenství se ve tvářích dětí propisuje i po letech
Vědci pomocí umělé inteligence a technologie hlubokého učení zjistili souvislost mezi změnami tvaru dětských tváří a množstvím alkoholu, které jejich matky vypily před otěhotněním i během něj.
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Jurnalul (Romania) - Mamele beau, copiii se schimbă la față
Efectele negative ale consumului de alcool în timpul sarcinii asupra dezvoltării mentale și fizice a bebelușilor sunt deja bine cunoscute medicilor, însă un nou studiu, dat publicității ieri, a relevat că și o cantitate mică de alcool băut de mamă, atât în timpul sarcinii, cât și înainte de a rămâne însărcinată, produce modificări faciale la copii.
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Revista Planeta (Brazil) - Consumo de álcool por mães antes e durante a gravidez pode mudar rosto das crianças
Pesquisadores usaram inteligência artificial (IA) e tecnologia de aprendizado profundo para encontrar uma ligação entre as alterações no formato do rosto das crianças e a quantidade de álcool que suas mães bebiam, tanto antes de engravidar quanto durante a gravidez.
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Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie (Netherlands) - Patiënte met foetale alcoholspectrumstoornis
De foetale alcoholspectrumstoornis (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder; FASD), is een aandoening die vermoedelijk vaak wordt gemist.
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Theseus (Finland) - Raskaana olevien päihdeäitien palvelupolut
Päihteet aiheuttavat sekä raskaana olevalle että kehittyvälle sikiölle terveydellisiä haittoja, osa ohimeneviä ja toiset pidempikestoisia.
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SE12 (Spain) - "A veces el efecto es tan minúsculo que no se percibe, pero ese daño cerebral no les permite organizar las decisiones de sus comportamientos"
Rosa Caballero, presidenta de ASAFE, explica en qué consiste el síndrome alcohólico fetal, un trastorno que no es notable a simple vista y que afecta, según sus datos, a 2 de cada mil personas en Euskadi, la mayoría personas adoptadas
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