
Monday, December 12, 2011

Alcohol News - 50/2011

Mindshare (Lithuania) - Alcohol advertising ban denied
Lithuanian Parliament has abjured complete ban of alcohol advertising. Alcohol advertising details are in constant questioning, as the latter plan oversaw a complete ban of outdoor, internet and print advertising.
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ERR News (Estonia) - Temperance Activists Seek Warning Labels for Pregnant Women on Booze Bottles
The Temperance Union is participating in a Pan-European initiative which aims to introduce labels on liquor bottles, warning women of the hazards of consuming alcohol during pregnancy.
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Copenhagen Post (Denmark) - Drunken Danes
At a friend’s recent birthday party, I had the pleasure of being told by an intoxicated teenager that young Danes hold the record for drinking to excess in Europe. His face lit up as he bragged that his generation drank even more than the Brits and that this was an achievement to celebrate.
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The Independent (UK) - Alcohol diseases double in 7 years
The Health Minister Andrew Lansley was forced to defend his controversial "hands off" approach to public health yesterday as new figures revealed hospital admissions for alcohol-related diseases have doubled in the past seven years.
Read more - Alcohol leads to unsafe sex – it is now official
Some things in life are a matter of common sense. The idea that the consumption of alcohol would lead to a higher incidence of unsafe sex is such a commonsense concept.
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Wall Street Journal (USA) - New Distracted Driving Measure Shows Alcohol Is Still The Bigger Threat
The safety threat posed by drivers who text and talk behind the wheel generates a lot of heat, but drinking and driving remains the bigger problem, according to the latest highway fatality statistics from the U.S. government.
Read more (Liberia) - Consumers Council Warns Children Against Alcohol
The National Consumers Council of Liberia (NCCL) has warned Liberian children to stay far from alcohol during the Christmas and the New Year seasons. The NCCL said its attention has been drawn to the continuous intake of alcoholic beverages by children despite the Ministry of Commerce and Industry's regulation, prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages to children.
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The Press Association (Scotland) - Sales of alcohol down since ban
Alcohol sales have fallen since the ban on multi-buy deals was introduced in October, new figures suggest. Retail analysts Neilsen said sales of wine fell by 5%, spirits 3% and beer 8% during the first eight weeks of the ban, compared with the same period of 2010.
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BBC News (Scotland) - Scottish alcohol sales fall after multibuy ban
The amount of alcohol sold in Scottish shops and supermarkets has fallen since a ban on multi-buy deals was brought in this October, figures show.
Read more (UK) - Unhealthy lifestyle responsible for 'half of cancers'
Almost half of cancers are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle that could be avoided by quitting smoking, losing weight, exercising and drinking less alcohol, the most comprehensive study of its kind has found.
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Daily Mail (UK) - Drinks company slammed for handing out free alcohol to student blood donors
A drinks company has been slammed for handing out free alcohol to teenage blood donors.
Photographs posted via Facebook showed students being given cases of Turbo shandy as they queued at a temporary blood bank outside a church in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
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NPR (France) - French Lessons: Why Letting Kids Drink At Home Isn't Tres Bien
Many European parents, and some American ones, too, have long figured if they let their kids drink alcohol at home, they'd be less likely to go hog wild with their friends. But recent studies of teen drinking behavior don't bear that out.
Read more - Middle-aged drive to avoid peer pressure of drinking
Middle-aged people regularly volunteer to drive to dinner parties just to resist "mature" peer pressure to drink, according to new research.
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The Daily Telegraph (Australia) - Alcohol labels to warn mums-to-be
THE country's leading health experts will today call on the federal government to impose mandatory warning labels for pregnant women on all alcoholic drinks.
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7thSpace Interactiv (EU) - Drinking behaviours and blood alcohol concentration in four European drinking environments: a cross-sectional study
Reducing harm in drinking environments is a growing priority for European alcohol policy yet few studies have explored nightlife drinking behaviours. This study examines alcohol consumption and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in drinking environments in four European cities.
Read more (New Zealand) - Booze and networking meet online
An iPhone cover that counts how many beers you have opened, an app that stops you sending drunken abusive texts, and a program that matches your drinks to your musical tastes are all encouraging a strong link between social media and drinking, researchers say.
Read more - The perils of drunken walking
Drinking and driving is a much-publicized, dangerous combination, but is walking after drinking any safer?
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HGV UK (EU) - Motorists get pan-European drink drive warning
Motorists across Europe, including truck drivers can expect to be tested for alcohol as police officers conduct a week-long enforcement operation starting tomorrow, Monday 12 December.
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Croatian Times (Croatia) - Croatian parents accustomed to giving children alcohol
Some Croatian parents continue to believe in nutritional values of alcohol and give their first graders wine or beer often, recent research shows.
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Malta Independent Online (Malta) - Zero tolerance approach to drink-driving – Health Minister
Health Minister Joe Cassar yesterday urged the public to adopt a zero tolerance mentality to drink-driving and called on society to evaluate whether too much alcohol is being consumed for enjoyment, not just at Christmas but all year round.
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this news. I hope you update more news about alcohol the coming days or weeks.
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alcoholweekly said...

Next newsletter is coming on Monday. Keep coming back.